Pacific Storm 2020 Options List: - Grognard

Pacific Storm 2020 Integrated Options Lists:

Pro-US Options List:

1) Adding Adm. Boorda’s Arsenal (or BSG) Ship to the US Order of Battle

2) Appeasing the USN Aviators: Adding an ad-hoc USN carrier option—the US CVL

3) US 5th Fleet Reinforcements Option

4) USA Maintains its SSN Weapon System Technological Edge Option

5) Japanese Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) Build-up Option—Can’t be used with the Pro-PRC option Japan as an Armed Neutral

6) Nationalist Japan Option—Can’t be used with the Pro-PRC option Japan as an Armed Neutral

7) Vietnam Pre-Conflict Military Build-up Option—Can’t be used with the Pro-PRC option of East Asian Alliance and Vietnam must start the game as a US ally.

8) Expanded Indian Expeditionary Force (IEF) in Response to Vietnam Option—May only be used if PRC has the option for East Asian Alliance with Vietnam

9): “Sarzo’s War”: French Intervention in “Pacific Storm 2020” Option

10) High Tech Air Edge: USA Killer Drones Fully Integrated with “NLOS”

11) Expanded Op #5 abilities: Bombing the Mainland-- Can’t be used with the Pro-PRC option of East Asian Alliance—Vietnam must be a US ally at game start.

12) Japan as a Nuclear Armed Neutral Option—May only be used with the Pro-PRC option: Japan as an Armed Neutral

13) Japanese Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD)

14) An “Almost” Reunited Korea -- Can’t be used with the Pro-PRC option Japan as an Armed Neutral. Prevents use of the Pro-PRC NK Missile Strikes on Japan Option.

15) US Army Concept: “Digital Division 2020” (DD2020)

Game Mechanic/Map Options List:

1) Multiple Ops per Action Phase Option

2) Adding a Pint-Size US Ally: The Sultanate of Brunei Option

Pro-PRC Options List:

1) Initial PRC Surprise Attack Option—a) Can’t be used with the Multiple Ops per Action Phase Option b) Also can’t be used if Japan is an Armed Neutral.

2) PRC New Super-Advanced Fighter Concept-Option

3) PRC US-style Marine Corps Option

4) PRC Subversion in the Philippines Option

5) North Korean Surface to Surface Missile Strikes on Japan—Can’t be used with the “Almost” Reunited Korea Option.

6) East Asian Alliance Option—Vietnam joins with the PRC---Can’t be used with the US options of: a) Pre-war Vietnam Military Build-up or b) Bombing the Mainland

7) Booty Call Option: More PRC ex-Taiwan Captured Ships & Subs

8) The “Burma Shave” Pro-PRC Event Option:

9) “Putin’s Wet Dream” Option: Russian Re-Armament and Revival as a Great Power

10) PRC New Sub Class: Super SSK Attack Squadron: The SSKX

11) The Straits of Malacca PRC Victory Option

12) Pro-PRC Option: Neutralist Japan: Japan is an Armed Neutral—May not be used with the US options of: a) “Japanese Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) Build-up Option”

b) “Nationalist Japan” or c) An “Almost” reunited Korea

13) More Depth to the PRC Missile Force Option:

14) Hard-line Former North Korean “Kimists” in Exile Option—May only be used in conjunction with the US option: An “Almost” Reunited Korea.

16) PRC “Killer Drones” Force Option—May only be used in conjunction with the USA Killer Drones option

17) Vietnam starts the game Neutral Option---Can’t be used with the US options of: a) Pre-war Vietnam Military Build-up or b) Bombing the Mainland or the PRC option: “East Asian Alliance”.


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