Kazakhstan think tanks - WikiLeaks

Kazakhstan think tanks

1) PPRC-Kazakhstan -

Problem: really weird display of their website… I can’t read.

independent public policy think-tank, was established at the end of 2001. The Center carries out independent research, proposes alternative solutions to current problems, enhances communication between government and the public, and provides resources and support for policymakers and researchers in Kazakhstan and the region. PPRC-Kazakhstan has experience with the organisation of public events, conducting policy studies, creating expert groups, bringing issues to the attention of state authorities, providing training for public administration and NGO representatives.

Activities: Main areas are decentralisation and development of local self-government, analysis of land reform, analysis of economic policy, transparency of budget process and revenues from extractive industries.

65 Kazybek bi, office 421

050000 Almaty


Contact Person: Director Meruert Makhmutova

Tel: +73 272 670 432, 670 340

Fax: +73 272 670 346

Media Contact: Meruert Makhmutova

Tel: +73 272 670 340

Fax: +73 272 670 346

2) Center for Foreign Policy and Analysis

Problem: seems that they’re currently functioning as a blog – and it’s only in Russian

Founded in 2001

Phone number: 


Street address: 

65 Ayteke bi St. Almaty 480091 Kazakhstan

Contact person’s e-mail: 


Director’s name: 

Alzhan K. Abulkhairov

3) International Institute for Modern Politics

Problem: website only in Russian but they seem to be pretty active

International Institute of Modern Policy

is a non-governmental organization dedicated to conducting human research and support projects aimed at building civil society, development of models of effective governance in the politics and economics, the search for strategies to build inter-state associations.

The Institute was founded in October 2003.

Our Mission

International Institute of Modern Policy sees its mission to develop specific programs of development of CIS countries in the direction of the civil society. We strive to be leaders in the proposal of new original humanitarian projects.

Наша цель Our goal

International Institute of modern politics tends to the main goal - ensuring the implementation of research initiatives in the humanities.

Phone number: 


Fax number: 


Street address: 

Respublica square 13 Almaty Kazakhstan

Contact person’s e-mail: 


Director’s name: 

Mukhamedzhanov Gafurovich

4) Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies

Very updated website – and I think they are well connected with Nazarbayev

Phone number: 


Fax number: 


Street address: 

87-b Dostyk Avenue Almaty 050010, Kazakhstan

Contact name: 

Gusseva Larissa Yur'evna

Contact person’s e-mail: 


Director’s name: 

Sultanov Bulat Klichbaevich (Director)

Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Sultanov Bulat Klychbayevich

Speciality: New and the Newest History of Countries of Western Europe and America.

Speaks German.

Academic degree: Doctor of History,

Academic rank: Associate Professor of World History (1989).

Dr. Marian Abisheva – Deputy Director for Scientific Work

More than 60 scientific articles on problems of security, globalization and intercultural cooperation, internal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, published in domestic and foreign scientific editions and collective monographs.

Deputy Director - Nyssanbek Ules Madiyaruly

Deputy Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Research Fellow, Geo-globalistics and Economic Security Department, Head of Editorial and Publishing Sector, Head of the Information and Publishing Activities Department.

Research fellows:

050010, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

The Dostyk avenue, 87 "b"

Telephones: +7(727) 264 34 04, 264 49 02

Fax: +7(727) 264 49 95

E-mail: office@kisi.kz

5) KIMEP – their website is totally down, but managed to get some data on one of the two fellows:


Name: William Gissy

Title: Instructor

Degree: Ph.D.

Department: Economics, Finance & Quantitative Analysis


Phone: 770-423-6091

Email: wgissy@kennesaw.edu

Web site:


Ph.D.-Georgia State University

B.A.-Loyola University, New Orleans


Dr. Gissy is a native of Marietta, GA.  He holds a B.A. in Theology from Loyola University in New Orleans (1975) and a Ph.D. in Economics from Georgia State University in Atlanta(1987). He has published articles in The Atlantic Economic Journal, The Journal of Economics and Finance, Business and Economic Review, Studies in Economic Analysis, InternationalAdvances in Economic Research and TheScandinavian Journal of Development.


He was also an invited contributor to The Encyclopedia of Violence, Conflict and Peace Published by Academic Press in 1999.

He has served on the editorial board Studies in Economic Analysis and International Advances in Economic Research and served as a reviewer for Business and Economic Review, Journal of Economics and Finance and The Journal of Economic Education.


His books include The Economics of Conflict and Peace (Avebury Press, 1997) which he co-edited with Jurgen Brauer and The Economics of Money and Banking (Cumming and Hathaway, 1998). He also served as editor-in-chief for the Proceedings of the AEF in 2000-2002 and served as a grant proposal reviewer for the National Science Foundation.

Hans Rau –



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