Sample Exam Questions BS Mod 1

Chapter 1

* List the titles of the first nine chapters of the Bhagavad-gita (Sanskrit or English).

* Define in English varna-sankara.

* What are the four steps Arjuna mentions that lead to varna-sankara?

* List Arjuna’s five reasons for not wanting to fight.

* Why was Dhrtarastra concerned that the battle was to be fought at


* Why did Duryodhana call Dhrstadyumna "drupada putrena"? (son of Drupada)

* Why was Duryodhana confident of the full support of Bhisma and Dronacarya?

* What word is used to describe the conch shells of Krsna and

Arjuna.(Sanskrit or English)

* Give Srila Prabhupada's comments on the significance of 3 of the following

4 names of Krsna: Hrsikesa; Acyuta; Govinda; Madhusudana.

* Explain the significance of Krsna driving Arjuna's chariot.

* Arjuna's compassion was based on ignorance; why then does Srila Prabhupada occasionally glorify it?

* List the six aggressors one can kill without sinful reaction. (according to Bhagavad Gita)

Chapter 2

* In 1.30 Arjuna expresses his reluctance to fight on the basis of his personal enjoyment, “I see only causes of misfortune, o Krsna, killer of the Kesi demon”. What does Krsna say in the 2nd Chapter to counter this argument?

* Prabhupada writes in purport to 2.20, “As soon as there is a little light in the sky early in the morning, we can understand that the sun is in the sky.” What does this analogy refer to?

* Who is the example of a mat-parah (completely surrendered and transcendentally engaged) devotee in purport to 2.61?

* List in English or Sanskrit, the 8 steps that lead to fall down. (2.62-3)

* Explain the analogy of the sun's three features.

* Define "krpana".

* Use the example of the sun covered by clouds to explain the presence of the soul in the body.

* List the six transformations of the material body.

* Explain the analogy of the judge

* Explain the example of the surgeon operating on a patient.

* Explain the analogy of two birds in a tree.

* Explain the analogy of accepting the mother's authority to know one's


* According to Krsna, what is worse for a ksatriya than death?

* Explain the two sva-dharmas. (specific duties)

* In a short paragraph, explain the concept of reincarnation using one analogy or example given by Lord Krsna to illustrate your point.

* In Chapter Two, Lord Krsna gives many reasons why Arjuna should fight. List two of these reasons.

* Briefly define sankhya.

* Buddhi-yoga is a combination of karma and jnana. Explain.

* How is "vyavasayatmika" intelligence defined in the purport?

* Explain the analogy watering the root of the tree and serving Krsna.

* How does Krsna of describe the main subject of the Vedas?

* Krsna gives an analogy which begins, "All purposes served by a small well

can at once be served by a large reservoir of water." Complete it.

* What does Srila Prabhupada say of both a Krsna conscious person and a fool?

* Explain the comparison of a yogi to a snake charmer.

* Briefly explain what we are to learn about sense control from the stories

of Visvamitra muni and Haridas Thakur.

* Describe how one falls down from spiritual life.

* Explain the analogy comparing a man's intelligence to a boat on water.

* Explain the analogy of the rivers entering into the ocean.

* List three basic philosophical points that Krsna makes in chapter two.

* What are two obstacles to fixed determination in devotional service?

* Describe the step-by-step process of fall down.

* Give an analogy to show how the transcendentalist controls the senses. Briefly explain the analogy.

Chapter 3

* In purport to 3.14 Prabhupada writes, food offered to Lord Visnu and then taken by us makes us sufficiently resistant to material affection . What analogy does Prabhupada give to illustrate this?

* Based on Arjuna's question in 3.1, what was his understanding of Buddhi-yoga?

* "The spirit soul has to be engaged in the good works of Krsna consciousness, otherwise it will be engaged in occupations dictated by the illusory energy." Explain.

* Who does Krsna call a pretender (mithyacarah)?

* What two benefits does Krsna say come to one who performs yajna?

* Complete: "Food grains are produced from ___________, which are produced by

__________, which is born of prescribed duties."

* A self realized person has no duty. Why does Krsna recommend that one

perform duties anyway?

* Who does Krsna give as an example of having attained perfection by performing prescribed duties?

* While speaking about regulated sense enjoyment Srila Prabhupada writes,

"There is always the chance of an accident even on the royal roads." What are

we being warned about?

* What example is used to describe the way love of Krsna is transformed into lust?

* List the three degrees of covering of the soul by lust.

* Where, according to Krsna does lust sit?

Chapter 4

* In 4.5 Krsna says, Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy! What philosophical truths does this statement indicate?

* Define in English atma-mayaya.

* What analogy does Prabhupada give in 4.6 to explain how the Lord appears in every millennium in His original transcendental form?

* In 4.13 Krsna classifies the 4 divisions of human society according to what? (Give English or Sanskrit)

* What was Arjuna's question in the beginning of Chapter four and why did he ask it?

* Both Krsna and the living entities have "taken birth" in this world many times. What does Krsna say is the difference between them?

* Explain the analogy of the rising and setting of the sun in relation to

Krsna's appearance in this world.

* What is the main reason for the descent of the "Krsna avatar."

* In 4.10 Krsna says that we must overcome attachment, fear, and anger. Give

a short explanation of each.

* Define karma, akarma, and vikarma.

* Explain the example comparing a "patient suffering from a disorder of the

bowels" to a conditioned soul.

* What do Krsna and Srila Prabhupada say is the basic principle of sacrifice for a brahmacari? For a householder.

* List three (other than the above two) types of sacrifices mentioned in

chapter four.

* What does Srila Prabhupada say is "the secret of advancement in spiritual life"?

* Complete Krsna's statement: "- As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes,!?!.

* Krsna says, "For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this life

nor in the next." If we have doubts what does Krsna recommend we do?

* According to Lord Krsna, what are the two criteria by which we can understand that a person belongs to a particular varna or asrama of society?

Chapter 5

* Please list three reasons why work in devotion is better than renunciation of work. (You may also include information from Chapter 3.)

* What was Arjuna's question at the beginning of chapter five?

* In 5.4 Krsna says, "Only the ignorant speak of devotional service [karma-yoga] as being different from the analytical study of the material world

[sankhya-yoga]." What is Krsna's explanation of this statement?

* Explain the analogy of the lotus leaf.

* When I lift my arm, I am not really lifting it. Explain.

* What does Krsna say are "the sources of misery?"

* Explain the analogy beginning with the quote, "By vision, by meditation, and by touch only do the fish, the tortoise and the birds maintain their offspring."

* What is the main activity of a person who has equal vision towards all living entities?

Chapter 6

* List the names of the first six chapters of the Gita.

* In the purport what two activities does Prabhupada specifically recommend we should do to control the mind?

* Krsna says that renunciation (sannyasa) is the same as yoga. What is His explanation of this?

* "He [the yogi] sees everything - whether it be pebbles, stones or gold - as the same." Who does Krsna say is more advanced than this?

* Explain the example of a lamp in a windless place.

* What is the moral of the story of the sparrow who lost her eggs?

* Explain the example in which a chariot is compared to the body.

* Arjuna says that to control the mind is more difficult than controlling the wind. What is Krsna's response?

* What is compared to trying to ignite a fire while pouring water on it?

* Explain the example of a riven cloud.

* What two examples does Srila Prabhupada give of devotees who took birth in "acarya" families?

* According to Krsna, if after a long practice of yoga one deviates, what will happen to him? After a short practice?

* How does Srila Prabhupada define `bhajate'?

* What are the four activities a yogi must regulate?

Chapter 7

* What does Krsna and Srila Prabhupada stress in 7.1 as the best process to understand the science of Krsna?

* List in English and Sanskrit the four kinds of duskrtinah

* Write in English & Sanskrit (two words will suffice) Krsna’s evaluation of demigod worshipers as mentioned in 7th Chapter texts 20-23.

* Name and describe the functions of the 3 Purusa incarnations.

* Krsna speaks four verses explaining how He is all pervasive by His material and spiritual energies. List six of the items mentioned.

* Krsna says that the whole world does not know Him. What reason does He give for this?

* The Jiva is Krsna's superior energy. Why then is it so difficult for the living entity to overcome the influence of the inferior material energy?

* Explain the analogy comparing demigod worship to the attempt to feed the body by supplying food to the ears, or eyes, etc.

* Krsna discuses worshipping demigods for material benefits. What two things in this process does Krsna say come from Him?

* Even when Krsna was present on the earth five thousand years ago, some people could not understand who He was. What is Krsna's explanation of this?

* Who does Krsna say is able to engage in His service with determination?

* Why does Krsna say that demigod worshippers are less intelligent? Give two reasons.

Chapter 8

* Give Krsna's definition (in 8.3) of the following: Brahman, Adhyatma, Karma.

* Give Krsna's definition (in 8.4) of the following: Adhibhuta, Adhidaiva, Adhiyajna.

* According to Srila Prabhupada’s purports in this chapter, what is the best preparation for remembering Krsna at the time of death?

* Why did Maharaja Kulasekhara pray that he die immediately?

* Krsna tells Arjuna to "always think of Me and at the same time _________________." Complete the statement.

* What is the significance of "yoga-balena" (by the strength of yoga practice) in relation to the main theme of chapter eight?

* In human years, how long is a day of Brahma?

* Why does a devotee not have to worry about the different yogic paths at the time of death?

* Give two Sanskrit words that describe the nature of this material world.

Chapter 9

* In 9.1 Srila Prabhupada discusses confidential knowledge, more confidential knowledge, and most confidential knowledge. Give his explanation of them.

* Why is this most confidential knowledge called pavitram (the purest)?

* Krsna says 'mat sthani sarva bhutani." all living beings are in Me. Then he says. "na ca mat sthani bhutani," all creation does not rest in Me”. Explain


* Explain the analogy of the wind and the sky.

* Explain the analogy comparing a man smelling the aroma of a flower to Krsna's connection to this world.

* Krsna speaks two verses describing a mahatma; give four of His descriptions therein.

* Explain how Krsna is equal to everyone but partial to His devotees.

* Krsna says that His devotee should not be criticized for an accidental falldown. What reason does He give for this?

* What happens to those who deride the form of Krsna?

* Describing the nature of this material world Krsna says, Therefore, having come to this ____, _____ world, engage in loving service unto Me. Please supply the two missing words in English and Sanskrit.


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