Come, Enter the Mikvah – Set-Apart unto Yahuwah

THE FINAL WARNINGS OF THE FINAL WATCHMEN Please, do yourself a real spiritual favor: Listen to Randy Conway’s poem: “The Last Warning and the Final Watchman.” This is recent – posted by Steve Quaye on October 18th. The poem is accompanied by important pictures, also. It is a YouTube presentation. Go to your search engine and put in “Randy Conway Poem `The Last Warning and the Final Watchman’ and listen to the very powerful words. What struck me the most about it was the absolute reality of what is coming that will silence the watchmen’s voices. At some point very soon, His mouthpieces on this earth with become His “hidden ones” or His martyred ones. The lives of the truth-tellers so publicly known by YouTube and other media are already risking their lives by continuing to promote the truth. All watchmen will soon be silenced in some way. The strong admonitions to prepare are almost over. Pray for those who have been faithfully warning for so long. As a whole, His watchmen are discouraged, frustrated, and like Jeremiah the Prophet, wondering if it has been worth all the sacrifice to warn stubborn, rebellious, apathetic, do-nothing lazy people. Yet, like Jeremiah, no matter how discouraged and frustrated, the watchmen can only continue to do what they have in their spirit to do – warn. Ezekiel 33 was part of my calling as a prophetic watchman from 1985. Steve Quayle looked into the camera and said recently, “I have no blood of anyone on my hands.” I can say “me too!” Those responding to the warnings went from a few who listened and acted, to very few who listened and acted on what they knew to do, to now almost no one is doing anything to prepare. Few listen - fewer still take action. There is little preparation to survive dehydration, starvation, violence, heinous crimes beyond belief – not just from gangs and terrorists, Satanists and the insane in general, but by foreign militaries, national government, national militaries, the 851 F.E.M.A. death camps, the tens of thousands of guillotines, killer robots, and non-human hybrid entities, and etc. Two entirely opposite extremes present in these last days are found throughout the Word: 1) the bridal remnant, also of Daniel 11:32, which includes the two witnesses and their 144,000, plus millions of born-again martyrs (both in Revelation 7), and 2) those who have been made non-human by taking the “mark of the beast” i.e. Revelation 14:9-11. Many will die because they did nothing to act on the warnings that watchmen cried out for so long. They will die as fools of their own laziness, apathy (a form of rebellion), and love of this world, faith in its goodness, and desire to cling to it. Never forget Ya’cob/James 4:4 and I John 2:15-17! I’ve known for some time that now it won’t be long before the watchmen will all be totally silenced. Steve Quayle, in a recent interview with Dave Hodges, emphasized that the truth would not be allowed to go forth in any form before long, and all who tell the truth will be in danger of death. (Isaiah 59:14-15; Amos 5:10, 15) The Biblical Prophets were all killed by the religious leaders for telling the truth. Messiah was sent to the stake for telling the Truth, and for being the Truth. The warning of Messiah refers to us in our day: John 16:1-3, Matthew 10, Mark 13:9-13. Please listen to this poem by Randy Conway. Its words are powerful and speak to what is not and shortly to come. It is all true. Before long, panic will hit and people will kill each other to get even the smallest bit of food and water in stores. Water is always the first to go when there is an emergency, whether panic over a severe storm or other weather disaster of any large magnitude reported by public media, the weather channel, etc. America faces attack as in Jeremiah 50-51, but also in real-time news now, from China, Russia, N. Korea, Iran, etc. along with the awakening of “sleeper cells” of the most violent of earth’s terrorists throughout America, tucked away from the public eye. O need to fear, just act with peaceful sanity. Freeze dried food with a 25-year shelf life is the best, but a few are finally waking up, so many of those companies selling freeze-dried foods and dinners have long waiting lists. Freeze-dried food is usually packed in air-tight buckets that can be transported if one needs to flee. Right now, people are fleeing out of New York and its many downtown areas and malls, etc. are ghost towns. Many are fleeing out of Florida because of the shifting of the New Madrid and the very real potential of Florida being underwater. Steven and Jana ben Nun moved out of Florida the week I moved where I am now. I have precious friends in Florida who are moving. Many are heading for the hills and mountains. Montana is being flooded with those from California, and other places. Steve Quayle in Bozeman, commented how housing is being snatched up the day it is posted, and the prices have gone sky-high. In New York City, people are lined up for blocks to get food. What will happen when people finally realize they’ve waited too long to prepare – the panic will be horrendous. I listened to an interview last night on SkywatchTV, of Derek Gilbert with Jonathan Cahn about Cahn’s book The Harbinger II. I have been speaking and writing about the first-target strike of New York City since 1992 - covered well in Revelation 18. It will be destroyed in one hour. While not a “fan” of Jonathan Cahn, I say nothing against him, I did want to hear what his new book was about. In the interview, he talked more about New York City than anything else. I was very surprised at some of his very right-on statements. He bottom-line confirmed what I’ve known would happen there. In Revelation 18, you have a list of 26 “commodities” that are only traded, bought and sold, daily in one place on earth as a whole – Wall Street. Did you know that Wall Street was home for George Washington, our headquarters in the early days of America? The 26th “commodity” is more exclusive to America than any other nation on earth ever! We are the #1 historic traffickers of “the souls of men,” #1 historic traffickers of addictive drugs, mind-controlling drugs, of babies and little children for pedophilia, of aborted baby parts, of children and adults for prostitution, of violent movies and violent music, pornography of all types, and sins of all types. We have destroyed one country after another by requiring that they take our evil and promote it in their countries in exchange for our financial help. Indeed, America is the #1 trafficker in the “souls of mankind.” We use slave labor in poor countries to work in our factories, and field-workers as young as 5, paying 10-30 cents an hour. New York is a hub of incredible evil, so is Washington D.C., and Hollywood, California. As Abba spoke to me in 1992, I just know that Jeremiah 50-50 speaks clearly of the final Babylon – the culmination of what Nimrod started with Babel – the goal is world rule. Please read “End-Time Babylon” and “Thirty Clues and More…” for Scripture reality to do with this final Babylon system for which America was created. Also go through Isaiah 10, 13, 47, and Revelation 18. Please, for understanding, read or re-read “America’s Secret Destiny” to find out the truth about why we were created as a nation. Yes, Yahuwah has had so great mercy on America for the sake of His children. America is the largest holding tank for Jews outside Israel, and the largest holding tank for the House of Ephraim/Joseph/Israel, the 10 northern tribes, of any nation on earth. The Pilgrims believed they were from the tribe of Manasseh, from the prophecy of Ya’cob in Genesis 48 to the sons of Joseph. If you are one of the apathetic, or fearful, who believe you don’t need to prepare for anything “BAAAAAAAD” – THINK AGAIN! Famine is planned, lockdowns are planned, martial law containment is planned, annihilation is planned. It’s in the Word in detail - no doubt about it. Pray for President Trump and Melania. His life is in danger. From what I’ve heard from inside intel, he was taken out of the White House to Walter Reed Hospital for Covid-19 to protect him from at least 4 assassination attempts his secret service had learned about. What happened to him while there is questionable. The next few days and weeks will change this nation to a great degree and set it on course for its total destruction – no matter who wins the elections or if there are no elections! Don’t just pray - intercede, travail, do correct spiritual warfare. Make sure your emotions and mind-set are stabilized in the Word and you don’t have fear. Fear draws the enemy, as well as other carnality of fleshly reactions. Yelling at the devil with no authority-backing of the Spirit makes the evil ones laugh. Firmly speaking with the anointing of the Spirit runs them off. The evil ones know who is filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah and has His authority-backing and who is just religious hot air. The enemy is at the gate – and the watchmen are coming down off the wall. The shofar blasts of truth will soon be gone. Their assignments from the Master are nearly over. The time of Amos 5:13; 8:11-12 is near. Thank you for your prayers for me as I am moving into my new place that Abba opened up for me so miraculously, in order for me to meet His timing to be out and moved by October 15th. I was out and moved on the 12th. Praise Abba for His goodness and strength, and the love I have here from natural and spiritual family! In His love, shalom, YedidahOctober 21, 2020 ................

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