
Assumption High School Information HuntPROFILELocation/Address:_____________________________________________________________ Phone number: ______________________________________________________________Web Address: ________________________________________________________________Facebook Page—“like” it: ______________________________________________________Number of Teachers:__________________________________________________________Number of Students in the whole school:________________________________________List Freshman Academy teachers (12): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Number of Freshmen: _________________________________________________________Number of Administrators: ____________________________________________________Freshman Academy Principal’s name:__________________________________________Freshmen Guidance Counselor’s name:_________________________________________Location of the school nurses:__________________________________________________Number of Secretaries:________________________________________________________Freshman Academy Secretary’s Name:__________________________________________SCHOOL SPIRITMission Statement:1703070971550______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________28003502052955______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PBIS Expectations (example: NMS—SOAR)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-308610-228600EXTRACURRICULARList at least 8 school clubs/organizations:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List the AHS fall sports___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List the AHS spring sports___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CURRICULAR:What is Early Release? Who is eligible? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What’s an Industry Based Certification? Give an example._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the different graduation paths available to students?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the requirements to graduate? List as many as you can find. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write the course description of the class you most want to take in high school.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What career path interests you the most and why?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mission StatementAssumption High School is anAcademic institution promotingHigh expectations resulting inSuccessful students.PBIS CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONSPREPARED--have required materialsRESPECTFUL--show consideration for your peersINVOLVED--participate in class activitiesDETERMINED--rise to the challengeENCOURAGING--random acts of kindnessAHS Band & Band CouncilSponsor: Jay Zarazua-Dover, Band Director The marching band attends all home and away football games, as well as district and state volleyball and basketball games. The band also marches in Mardi Gras and Christmas parades, and it performs two concerts during the year. Anyone who has had prior band experience in a parish middle school band program may join with the recommendation of his or her middle school band director. In addition, anyone may join beginner or intermediate band classes at AHS with the approval of the band director. The band officers or council meets whenever necessary to discuss activities of the band.CheerleadersSponsor: Lynn Daigle and Monique Meyer The cheerleaders serve as a service organization to AHS. They are here to support all sports at AHS. Cheerleaders are chosen through a “try-out” format. Cheerleaders must maintain a 2.0 GPA throughout the school year. Although there are no dues, there are many expenses throughout the year.Class OfficersSponsors: Senior Class-Junior Class- Sophomore Class- Freshman Class- The purpose of class officers is to promote class unity and school spirit. They also organize and carry out various school activities designated by the principal. More specifically, Freshman Committee decorates the L-Building for homecoming, designs and sells Freshmen t-shirts, participates in Relay for Life and various other activities. Computer ClubSponsors: Cari Leonard The purpose of the Computer Club is to spark students’ interest in computers. Several special activities of the Computer Club include the computer fun match, a candy sale, and an annual luncheon for eligible members. Any student who has taken a computer class or is currently enrolled in a computer class is eligible for membership. The dues for the club are $5.00.Cooperative Office Education (COE)Sponsor: Cari Leonard COE is a cooperative work and training program for seniors who are preparing for employment in office occupations. Membership includes only seniors in the COE program. Dues are $4.00.Dance Team/MajorettesSponsor: AmyVogt The dance team/majorettes strive to promote school spirit. Girls attend summer camp at LSU where All-Star dancers are chosen. Students entering AHS for the first time (9th graders) and 10th – 12th graders are eligible. You must have a 2.0 GPA to try out, and that GPA must be maintained throughout the year.English SocietySponsors:Under the umbrella of the English Society there are many units. The most important unit is the Drama Club. There will also be poetry, debate, and an honor society. Activities include dances, community service, and other school events. Dues are $10 per semester. 4-H ClubSponsor: David Carlino and Sadie Phelps The purpose of 4-H is to develop individuals into useful citizens. 4-H joins the home, the school, and the community in this purpose. The 4-H program provides ideals and training in skills, leadership, and citizenship. 4-H meetings are held in conjunction with Junior Leader meetings in the evenings. Special activities include various types of contests, camps, conferences, and 4-H University that is held in June at LSU. Anyone who is willing to participate in at least one contest may join. Dues for 4-H are $5.00, and dues for Junior Leadership are $10.00 (includes a T-shirt).FFASponsors: David Carlino and Sadie Phelps FFA members take part in many activities throughout the year. Some of these include career development events, leadership camp, Made for Excellence Conference, the annual Parent Member Banquet, and the State and National FFA Conventions. Members must be enrolled in Agriscience Class. Any student enrolled in agriscience is eligible to join this organization. Dues are $15.00.\HOSASponsor: Alaina PaineHOSA? (Health Occupation Students of America) is a national student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education Division of ACTE. HOSA's two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA's goal is to encourage all health occupations instructors and students to join and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership.Jobs for Louisiana’s GraduatesSponsor: Kay Adams Jobs for America’s Graduates, Inc. (JAG) is a national non-profit corporation established for the purpose of assisting states in creating a dropout prevention and school-to-career transition system. The JAG model is a statewide dropout prevention and workforce preparation program for students delivered in the classroom through the support of school and business partnership. The ultimate objective of the Jag Model is to help these youths secure a quality job that will lead to a good career, either directly after high school or after further education at the post-secondary level. Members are selected by a faculty advisory committee.Library ClubSponsors: Lisa Borne The primary purpose of the Library Club is to provide service to the AHS Library. The club sponsors special events during National Library Week and Teen Read Week. Activities throughout the year promote reading and information services provided by the library. A merit-demerit system is used, and members receive monthly reports detailing their status in the club. Members who qualify may attend the state convention. Requirements include (1) working the circulation desk, (2) attending meetings on club day, and (3) selling candy during the club’s annual fundraiser. Dues are $8.00. This fee includes membership in the state organization, the Louisiana Teenage Librarians Association.National Honor Society (NHS)Sponsors: Courtney Ramsey Lynn Daigle, and Donna HebertFaculty Committee: Sidney Acosta & Courtney Ramsey. The National Honor Society recognizes students who maintain a high academic average and have the qualities of good leadership, service, and character. These students are also deeply involved in school clubs and activities. NHS sponsors the Academic Social held at the beginning of the school year to honor students who have maintained a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.5 at the end of the last school year at AHS. The club also has a bulletin board in the student lobby and celebrates American Education Week, Teacher’s Appreciation Week, and other occasions which focus on academics and extra-curricular activities. Members are selected by a faculty committee. Tenth, eleventh, and twelfth graders who have maintained a 3.4 cumulative average are academically eligible. They will receive a folder early in the second semester that they must complete and return to the committee. In order to be selected, students must show that they possess the qualities of leadership, service, and character. Selected students are inducted at a night ceremony in March or April.Prep Quiz BowlSponsors: Chris Gremillion and Donna Hebert The purpose of this organization is to provide academic competition for our members. All the matches for this competition are shown on television. Any student at AHS is eligible to “try-out” for the team. Interested students need to take an elimination test to qualify. No dues are required.NJROTCSponsors: LCDR Bren Dorsey & Master Chief Tim Hodgkins The purpose of this organization is to provide general instruction in Naval Science and to further develop the traits of citizenship and leadership in students, introduce cadets to the technical areas of naval science and develop a deeper awareness of the vital importance of the world oceans. NOTE: Students must be enrolled in a Naval Science class to be a member of this club.ScienceSponsor: Tara Campo The primary objective of the Science Club is to further an interest and knowledge in science. Membership can include any student enrolled in physical science, Biology I or II, chemistry, environmental science, or physics. Activities include an annual field trip and school service project. Attend monthly meetingsParticipate in fundraiser. Dues are $5.00. Student CouncilSponsors: Artie Orgeron and Michelle Russo The purpose of the Student Council is to promote leadership, good citizenship, and school spirit. It also strives to create a greater understanding and working relationship between the students and administration. The student council is divided into three branches:Officers – elected by the entire student body by a majority voteSenators – ten students from each class elected at large by their respective classHouse of Representatives – one club representative from all campus organizations Assignment: Directions: For homework, interview a school employee to answer the following questions. What is your position?What duties are included in your position?What skills does your position require?Describe your workplace environment.What hours are you expected to work? Are they flexible?What are some benefits associated with this career?What education and training do you need to enter this career?What other qualifications are beneficial?Which college and university programs are related to this career?Does this career require any special licensing or certification?What organizations or activities would benefit a person interested in this career?What are some related careers?What is the most difficult part of entering this career?What is your favorite part of this career?What is your least favorite part of this career?What does it take to succeed in this career?Alternative Assessment: Create your Own School (Test Grade)In groups of three, you will design a new school and compile it like a book. Each Roman numeral should be on a different page. The book must be bound in some way. Determine the type of school you will design (elementary, middle, high), or, get creative (medical training school, clown school, scuba diving school.)Be sure to include:Name, type, and location of your school (15 points)Describe the purpose of your school (10 points—at least 5 sentences)Size of school (number of students who attend) including the number of classrooms for each grade level (10 points)List of career specialties who will work at your school and how many are employed in each specialty.(20 points)Any special classes (at least 5), features (at least 3), or rules your school will have (at least 5) (20 points)A School Crest (20 points)Either a Fight Song OR an Alma Mater (20 points)A Mission Statement (20 points)PBIS Classroom Expectations (20 points) Your school needs to reflect one cohesive theme and all materials must reflect that theme. All numbers (numbers of employees, numbers of classrooms, etc.) need to be reflective and accurate in relation to the number of students who attend your school. (10 points)It must be colorful, creative, and neat. (10 points)Grading Period 1: Freshman Orientation UnitFILL IN THE BLANK: Select the answer from the choices given for each numbered blank that would correctly complete each song. (1.5 points each)Alma MaterOur Alma Mater, Alma Mater, We will always give thee (1) _____.We’ll (2) _____ with (3) _____ of you alone, For you’re the (4) _____ we call our own.We will (5) _____ thee in mem’ry, For all those happy (6) _____ to see.Our Alma Mater, Alma Mater, (7) _____ Assumption High of thee.1. a. cheersb. shoutsc. praised. applause2. a. singb. cheerc. thinkd. shout3. a. praiseb. pridec. joyd. glee4. a. schoolb. homec. campusd. team5. a. thinkb. rememberc. holdd. cherish6. a. centuriesb. thoughtsc. yearsd. decades7. a. Trueb. Happyc. Ourd. ProudFight SongWe’ll (8) _____, Mustangs, (9)_____ on tonight, For dear Assumption High.We’ll (10) _____, Mustangs, this game tonight, For (11) _____ is our cry.And when we hear the (12) _____ of Mustangs going by, With a/an (13) _____ soaring through the sky,We’re going to (14) _____, Mustangs, (15) _____, For Assumption High – Fight!8. a. winb. fightc. soard. cheer9. a. fightb. goc. cheerd. win10. a. beatb. cheerc. shoutd. win11. a. victoryb. Mustangsc. championd. winning12. a. roarb. stampedec. stompd. shout13. a. cloudb. echoc. flashd. lightening14. a. shoutb. winc. cheerd. fight15. a. for youb. our schoolc. our teamd. to victoryMULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the best answer from the choices given. (2 points each)16. _____Science Club…A. furthers an interest and knowledge in science. C. both A and BB. members must be enrolled in a science course. D. none of the above17. _____What does the abbreviation COE mean?A. Cooperative Office EducationC. Corporate Office EmploymentB. Computer Occupations EmploymentD. Cooperative Outdoor Environment18. _____ Which of the following organizations promotes a love and appreciation of a particular language and culture?A. Foreign Language ClubC. FCAB. FFAD. French Club19. _____CheerleadersA. promote school spirit.C. must be chosen through a try-out format.B. must maintain a 2.0 GPA.D. all of the above20. _____Which of the following statements about Mu Alpha Theta is false? A. It is also called the Math Club. B. Members must pass a test to be admitted. C. Members offer tutoring during lunch. D. It promotes an interest in the math field.21. _____Which of the following statements is true about the 4-H club?A.4-H provides ideals training in skills, leadership, and citizenship.B. 4-H develops students into useless citizens.C. Members compete in Farmer’s Association Contest. D. 4-H makes you enter many contests. 22. _____Which of the following is not correct concerning the Computer Club?A. The purpose of the club is to spark interest in computers.B. Students who are enrolled in a computer course may join. C. Activities include computer match-ups of students. D. All of the above are true. 23. _____ If a student threatens any school personnel or other students, A. the student will be suspended. C. Both A & B B. the student will be expelled if the threat is extreme. D. Neither A or B24. _____Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the AHS band?A. The band marches in Mardi Gras and Christmas paradesB. Two concerts per year are performed by the band. C. A student must have a 3.4 GPA to join the band.D. The band provides entertainment at all football games.25. _____Which of the following is true about FFA?A. FFA stands for Fellowship of Farmers of Assumption. B. FFA members must be enrolled in an agriscience course.C. FFA members must live on a farm. D. Members are chosen by a faculty committee. 26. _____ Freshman Committee A. decorates the L-building for Homecoming. C. designs and sells the Freshmen T-Shirt. B. Participates in Relay for Life. D. all of the above 27. _____JAG is an abbreviation forA. Jobs for America’s Graduates.C. Junior Athletic Graduates.B. Junior America Goals.D. Jobs for Athletic Goals.28. _____Which is NOT true of dance team members?A. They must try out. C. They must be classified as juniors or seniorsB. They must maintain a 2.0 GPA. D. They attend summer camp. 29. _____ What will happen to a student who is found with a firearm or knife in their vehicle with no intention to use it?A. The student will be assigned to detention. B. The student will be suspended. C. The student will be expelled. D. The student will be receive consequences at the discretion of school officials. 30. _____What is the primary purpose of the Library Club?A. It sparks interest in reading. C. It develops interest in research. B. It teaches library skills to others.D. It provides service to the AHS Library. 31. _____Which of the following clubs does not require a try-out format?A. Library ClubC. Prep Quiz BowlB. CheerleadersD. Dance Team32. _____NHS membersA. are inducted at night at a ceremony in March or April. B. are reviewed and selected by faculty committee.C. must display qualities of leadership, service, and character.D. all of the above33. _____ Which of the following is not true of a student who is caught with illegal drugs at school?A. The student will be forced to submit a list of all other drug users in the school. B. If the student is over sixteen, he/she will be expelled for four semesters or two years. C. If the student is under sixteen, he/she will be expelled for two semester or one year.34. _____What are the three branches of Student Council?A. Executive, Legislative, Judiciary C. Leadership, Managerial, General MembershipB. Officers, Senators, and House of Rep. D. Active, Inactive, Honorary35. _____ Which of the following clubs provides academic competition for its members?A. NHSC. Prep Quiz BowlB. Library ClubD. Student Council36. _____ Which of the following is FALSE of students fighting at school?A. Students in a multiple student fight will be suspended for 5-9 days. B. All students involved in the fight will be arrested. C. Students in a one-on-one fight will be suspended for 3-5 days. D. Students in a fight will be forced to “work it out” in peer mediation. 37. _____Which of the following clubs or organizations does not require a certain GPA for membership?A. CheerleadersC. Dance TeamB. National Honor SocietyD. Prep Quiz Bowl38. _____Which of the following clubs does not promote interest in a specific academic area?A. Student CouncilC. Mu Alpha ThetaB. Science ClubD. Computer Club39. _____Which of the following clubs contains many units, the most important being Drama?A. Drama ClubC. Young Actors B. English SocietyD. Youth Alive40. _____Which of the following clubs’ purpose is to assist states in creating a dropout prevention and school-to-career transition program?A. JAGC. NJROTCB. NHSD. COE42. _____If a student is caught in the parking lot during school hours,A. the student will be suspended. B. detention will be assigned. C. a warning will be issued. D. he or she will be sent back to class. 43. _____If a student is caught smoking at school, A. he/she will be sent to rehab. B. he/she will be suspended. C. he/she will be sent to detention. D. the cigarettes will be confiscated. 44. _____If a student is disrespectful to a teacher or any staff member, A. he/she will be expelled. B. he/she will be suspended. C. he/she will be assigned to detention. D. he/she will be forced to apologize. 45. _____ Secondary student shall be in attendance a minimum of __ days for half unit courses and ___ days for whole unit courses.41, 81C. 36, 7581, 41D. 75, 36 46. _____ Which of the following statements is false?A. The two curriculums that are available for high school students are the Louisiana Core 4 and the Louisiana Basic Core.B. Students need 24 Carnegie units to graduate.C. The LA Core 4 curriculum is not required for entrance into a four year university in LousianaD. Industry-Based Certifications are available to students attending and graduating from AHS. 47._____ The first line of the school’s mission statement is Assumption High School is an A. Academic institution promoting B. Academic institution preventing C. Academic institution propagating D. Academic institution purposed for 48. _____ The second line of the school’s mission statement is A. High expectations resulting in B. High school studies resulting in C. High expectation relishing in D. High expectations exhibited by 49. _____ The third line of the school’s mission statement is A. Successful classes B. Succeeding students C. Successful students D. Suffering students 50. ____ With regard to school uniforms, socks must be A. Wool B. White C. long D. MatchingName__________________________________________ Date___________________ Block______________DIAGRAM: Draw in the missing pieces in the school crest. Then label each part in the box provided. 69723026035( 25 points)Bonus: Complete the following on the lines provided. What does the abbreviation i.e. stand for and what does it mean? (4 points)Explain the difference between an alma mater, a fight song, and a mission statement. (6 points) ................

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