Adjectives in Spanish - Burlington City High School

Adjectives in Spanish

Adjectives describe nouns (people, places, things, or ideas). Adjectives usually come after the noun they describe. Sometimes they come before the noun (see Position of Adjectives), but they must agree in gender and quantity.

Adjective Endings ? Most adjectives have four forms: Masculine Singular, Masculine Plural, Feminine Singular, and Feminine Plural. ? Usually, adjectives that end in "e" or in a "consonant" have the same masculine forms and adjectives that end in "a" have feminine forms. ? Many adjectives that end in -o are used for describing nationality. These adjectives function the same as any regular -o adjectives.

Example: el mexicano, la Mexicana, los mexicanos, las mexicanas

Use of Adjectives with the verb "Ser" Use the verb ser (to be) with adjectives to tell someone's/something's origin, ethnicity, nationality, profession, physical characteristics or qualities, or gender.

Examples: El carro es azul. - The car is blue. Los ni?os son norteamericanos. - The children are North American. El drama es c?mico. - The play is funny (comical).

Use of Adjectives with the verb "Estar" Use the verb estar (to be) with adjectives to tell someone's/something's feelings, emotions, temporary condition, or location.

Examples: El carro est? limpio. - The car is clean. Los ni?os est?n en la Am?rica del Norte. - The children are in North America. Pepito est? aburrido. - Pepito is bored.

Position of Adjectives Some adjectives usually come before the noun. Some may come before or after the noun. The adjective primero almost always comes before the noun. The adjectives bueno and malo may come before or after the noun.

Drop the final -o of primero, bueno, and malo before a masculine singular noun. Examples: un buen d?a - a good day el primer d?a - the first day


Apply the regular endings for masculine plural and feminine singular and plural. The adjective grande may come before or after the noun, but the meaning will be different depending on its position. When it comes before the noun it means "great". When it comes after the noun it means "big".


Un gran hombre


Un hombre grande -

a great man a big man

Adjectives of color - Los Colores

The words used to express colors in Spanish can be divided into two groups: the ones that refer to the colors themselves such as blanco, gris, verde, rojo, amarillo, azul; the ones that refer to something else such as flower, fruit, or mineral (naranja, caf?, rosa)

Los colores:

amarillo - amarilla


anaranjado - anaranjada orange

blanco - blanca


morado - morada


negro - negra


plateado - plateada


rojo - roja


rosado - rosada






caf? - chocolate










azul claro

light blue

azul oscuro

dark blue


abierto abundante aburrido activo afligido agradable agradecido alegre altivo alto alumbrado amable amorfo anal?gico anciano ang?lico angosto anterior antiguo antip?tico antis?ptico aparte apenas apestoso aplicable apreciativo apropiado apto ?rido astuto -

List of Adjectives

open abundant boring active afflicted agreeable grateful joyous haughty tall, high lit(up) friendly amorphous analog elderly angelic narrow previous antique mean, not nice antiseptic apart barely stinky applicable appreciative apppropriate apt arid artful

asombroso aterrador atl?tico atrevido ausente azulado bajo barato b?rbaro bell?simo bello bendito bienvenido biling?e bonito borroso boyante brumoso bruto bueno caliente calloso carnal cansado caprichoso carb?lico card?aco cardinal car?simo caro -

astonishing apalling athletic bold absent bluish short (height) cheap barbarous very beautiful beautiful blessed welcome bilingual pretty blurry buoyant foggy brutal good hot callous carnal tired quirky carbolic cardiac cardinal very expensive expensive


centenario central cer?mico ceremonial ceremonioso cerrado c?clico c?vico civilizado claro cl?sico combustible c?mico c?modo confundido conocido contento cort?s corto correcto cuidadoso chapado chango charlador chico chiflado chiquito chismoso chistoso chocante chulo -

centennial central ceramic ceremonial ceremonious closed cyclical civic civilized clear classic combustible comical comfortable confused known content courteous short (length) correct careful plated playful talkative small loco tiny gossipy funny offensive cute

crespo d?bil decente delgado delicioso desconocido descort?s descubierto despreciable destituido destructible desvanecido diestro dif?cil digestible digestivo digital digno divertido divino d?cil dogm?tico dominante dulce d?ctil duro ecl?ctico econ?mico editorial educado eficaz -

curly weak decent thin delicious unkown discourteous uncovered despicable destitute destructible dissipated clever difficult digestible digestive digital dignified entertaining divine docile dogmatic dominant sweet ductile hard eclectic economic editorial educated effective


ef?mero efusivo egotista ejecutivo ejemplar elegante elemental elevado el?ptico elocuente elusivo embarazada embarazoso emocionante emotivo encallecido encantado encerado encerrado end?mico en?rgico enfermo enorme envidiable envidioso errado escamoso escaso esc?ptico escrito espantado -

ephemeral effusive egotistical executive exemplary elegant elementary elevated elliptic eloquent elusive pregnant troublesome exciting emotive calloused enchanted waxed caged, jailed endemic energetic sick enormous enviable envious wrong scaly scarce skeptic written scared

espantoso especial espeso estupendo eventual evidente excelente experto exponencial exquisito ext?tcio extensivo extra extranjero extremo fabuloso falso famoso familiar fan?tico fant?stico fastidioso fasto fatal favorito fecho federal femenino fenomenal feliz feo -

scary special spicy stupendous eventual evident excellent expert exponential exquisite ecstatic extensive extra foreign extreme fabulous false famous familiar fanatic fantastic fastidious auspicious fatal favorite executed(law) federal feminine phenomenal happy ugly


f?rtil ferveroso f?rreo feudal fiel figurado f?lmico financiero flagrante flexible flojo folkl?rico f?nico formidable franco fr?o frito fr?volo fuerte fundido gallardo gastado gelatinoso gen?rico generoso gen?tico genio gentil genuino geol?gico geri?trico -

fertile fervent iron fuedal loyal figurative film financial flagrant flexible loose folkloric phonic formidable frank cold fried frivolous strong melted gallant worn-out gelatinous generic generous genetic genius gentile genuine geological geriatric

glorioso glot?n gordo gradado gran grande grandote granoso grasoso grave grosero guapo h?bil hablado halag?e?o hambriento hediondo helado herm?tico hermoso hilarante hist?rico honesto horrible horr?fico huesudo humano h?medo ignorante ilegal ilegible -

glorious gluttonous fat stepped grand big very big grainy greasy serious rude handsome skilled spoken flattering hungry stinky frozen airtight beautiful hilarious historical honest horrible horrific bony human humid ignorant illegal illegible


il?gico iluminado ilustrado imaginario impaciente impar impenetrable imperdonable imparcial importante improviso imprudente inal?mbrico inatento incalculable incoherente incomestible inc?modo incomparable incompatible incompetente incompleto inconveniente incorrecto incorregible incorruptible incr?dulo indebido indefinido indecente ind?gena -

illogical illuminated illustrated imaginary impatient uneven, odd impenetrable inexcusable impartial important unexpected imprudent wireless unattentive incalculable incoherent inedible uncomfortable incomparable incompatible incompetant incomplete inconvenient incorrect incorrigible incorruptible incredulous improper undefined indecent native

indigno indivisible in?dito infantil infeccioso infiel injusto insensato inteligente interesante inquieto invisible irritable jabonoso jactancioso joven jovial jubilado judicial juguet?n juicioso juntos jurado justificable justificante justo juvenil labrado lacio ladino lamentable -

unworthy indivisible unpublished childish infectious faithless unjust insane intelligent interesting active(hyper) invisible irritable soapy boastful young jovial retired judicial playful wise together sworn justifiable justifying just youthful wrought limp wise lamentable


largo largu?simo larval latoso lavable lejano lento libre libre de cuidado limpio liso listo liviano l?vido loco lodoso l?gico l?cido luminoso lun?tico llamativo llameante llano lleno llor?n lloroso lluvioso maduro magn?nimo magn?tico magn?fico -

long very long larval bothersome washable far away slow free carefree clean smooth smart, ready light livid crazy muddy logical lucid luminous lunatic showy flaming flat ground full crying tearful rainy ripe magnamonious magnetic magnificent

majestuoso maligno malo malsano malvado mand?n manejable manuscrito marchito mareado marino matoso mayor mejor menor m?mico m?nimo mismo mojado moreno mucho mudable muerto musical nebuloso necesario novato nublado nuevo ocupado optimista -

majestic evil bad unhealthy wicked bossy manageable hand written withered seasick marine bushy older better younger mimic minimal same wet dark-haired many changeable dead musical hazy necessary newbie cloudy new busy optimist(ic)



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