Narrative Explained

In Media Studies, it is important to tell the difference between narrative and story

Story = a sequence of events, known correctly as the plot

Narrative = the way those events are put together to be presented to an audience.

Analysing a narrative will involve the following:

Technical Codes are anything to do with camera angles and movement, lighting, sound, props. shot framing and composition, design and layout and editing. What do each of the choices made tell you about what is going on - for instance, is a character shot from a high or low angle and how does that make you, the audience, feel about them? How are sound effects used to help you make sense of what is going on?

Verbal Codes concerns use of language - written and spoken - and signs contained in graphics -the best narratives show rather than tell, leaving the audience to draw their own conclusions.

Symbolic Codes are the signs contained in the narrative that we decode as being significant and having meaning - for example a ragged coat worn by a character may mean that they are poor and possibly hungry. Think of them as clues that have to be followed, and different viewers/readers will follow clues in different ways.


Narratives usually follow a three part structure. They begin with equilibrium, where everything is balanced, progress as something comes along to disrupt that equilibrium, and finally reach a resolution, when equilibrium is restored.


This simple formula can be applied to virtually all narratives - it is a more formal way of thinking about the beginning, middle and end.

• TODOROV’S THEORY – Todorov proposed a basic structure for all narratives. He stated that films and programmes begin with equilibrium or a calm period. Then agents of disruption cause disequilibrium (disruption), a period of unsettlement and disquiet. This is then followed by a renewed state of peace and harmony for the protagonists and a new equilibrium brings the chaos to an end. The simplest form of narrative (sometimes referred to as ‘Classic’ or ‘Hollywood’ narrative).

Now think of a story you know well, like the Three Little Pigs.

What is the equilibrium at the start?

What is the disruption?

What is the new equilibrium at the end?

Now think of a film you know well, like Shrek.

What is the equilibrium at the start?

What is the disruption?

What is the new equilibrium at the end?


There are only a certain number of characters, who crop up in most narratives. It is easy to spot the hero and villain in most cases, but here are some others:

|Character Type |Role within narrative |

|Protagonist (or Hero) |Leads the narrative, is usually looking for something (a quest) |

| |or trying to solve something (a mystery). Does not have to be |

| |male :) |

|Antagonist (or Villain) |Gets in the protagonist's way |

|Heroine |Is usually some sort of prize or reward for the hero. NB if your|

| |hero is female, your heroine can be male :) |

|Father |An authority figure who offers a reward to the hero for |

| |completing their quest. That reward might be a prince or a |

| |princess or a cool new job |

|Helper |Helps the hero - often acts as a sidekick |

|Donor |Gives the hero something - a clue, a talisman, a special power -|

| |which helps them complete their quest |

|Mentor |Teaches and guides the hero |

These characters and the typical things that they do can be seen across a wide range of narratives. We expect them to be there, and to behave in a certain way. Try identifying them in Star Wars and then think about how they are used in Shrek.

Narrative Conflict

As well as Aristotle deciding that 'all drama is conflict' in the 4th century BC, 20th century theorist Claude Levi-Strauss suggested that all narratives had to be driven forward by conflict that was cause by a series of opposing forces. he called this the theory of Binary Opposition, and it is used to describe how each main force in a narrative has its equal and opposite. Analysing a narrative means identifying these opposing forces

and understanding how the conflict between them will drive the narrative on until, finally, some sort of balance or resolution is achieved.

|light/dark |good/evil |noise/silence |youth/age |

|right/wrong |poverty/wealth |strength/weakness |inside/outside |

That's a lot to remember...

Yes, but don't forget you have been deconstructing narratives since before you could read. Think of all those bedtime stories - fairy tales are an excellent demonstration of the patterns and rules of narratives, and the main theorists developed their ideas from the study of fairy and folk tales across different cultures. All the theorists do is provide a formal framework for describing how you already understand the meaning and significance of a narrative.


Narrative - Every Picture Tells A Story

Find a dramatic photograph which contains a narrative that you can deconstruct.

ie - the photograph has to contain or suggest

• characters

• equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium

• binary opposition

and you must be able to list some of the technical codes and symbolic codes.

You can try looking in

• magazines

• books

• newspapers

and the following websites:

• Yahoo Top Stories - Photos

• Time - Photos

• Masters-of-

• American Museum of Photography

Try to get as good quality an image as you can - you will be analysing the details so you need a high quality, high resolution image of a reasonable size. Tearing one out of a magazine is the easiest way to do this.


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