Spreadsheet: All You Need to Know

Spreadsheet: All You Need to Know

1. Now you will begin creating the actual spreadsheet. Go to cell c1: in there you will put the title of your spreadsheet.  Call it "_______'s Stocks," with your first name in the blank.  After you have entered the information into that cell, press Enter or an arrow key; the cell will show your entry.

2. In cell a5 put the word "Stock" with a capital S. 

3. In cell a6 type in the word "Symbol," with a capital S. 

4. Go to b5, enter "Stock."

5. B6: "Name." (the word, not your name)

6. C5: "Number." 

7. C6: "Shares." 

8. D5: "Base." 

9. D6: "Price." 

10. E5: "Base." 

11. E6: "Value." 

12. F5: "Current." 

13. F6: "Price." 

14. G5: "Current." 

15. G6: "Value." 

16. H5: "Gain." 

17. H6: "Loss." 

18. i5: "%." .

19. i6: "Change." 

20. Go to a18, enter "Total."

21. Look along the left-hand side.  You'll see a series of numbers.  Click directly on the number 5.  That highlights the entire row 5, going across.  All cells will have a heavy black line around them (except the first, but don't worry about that).  Now press on the "B" (next to the I and the U) up in the toolbar.  That makes all the characters in the #5 row Bold.

22. Leave that row highlighted.  Now make sure that the font is Arial, size #10.

23. Now click directly on the number 6 over on that left-hand side.  The same thing will happen to row #6: it will be highlighted all the way across.  Leaving that row highlighted, press the B and the U, to make everything in the row Bold and Underlined.  Make sure that the font is set at Arial, size #10.

24. Now move to cell c7. In c7, type in the following formula: =e7/d7. Be sure to include the " =" (equals sign); all formulas start with "=".

25. Stop here and let's look at that formula.  It says: "Take the number that is in cell e7 and divide it by the number that is in d7."  It will put the result of that calculation into cell c7, because that is the cell that you have highlighted.  Do you get it?  Do you understand how a formula works?  If you don't, let me know right now, and we will go over it.

26. Go to cell c8, and type in the formula =e8/d8. Do this for eight more cells down the C column, adjusting the formula each time to show the new row you’re in. Therefore, in cell c9 your formula will read =e9/d9; in cell c10, type in =e10/d10.  And so on, down through cell c16. Don't worry about the symbols or gibberish-text that are starting to appear on your spreadsheet. These will turn into intelligible information soon.

27. Go to e7. Enter 10000. Highlight that cell, and the cells in the column below, down to e16. Leaving them highlighted, go Edit, Fill, Down. (Another way to Fill is to grab the little square in the right-bottom part of the active cell, and drag that little square down.  Then release it, and the cells over which you have dragged will be Filled with the information from the top cell.  Try it.)

28. Press directly on the letter E at the very top of the column (this will cause the entire column to be highlighted), then on the dollar sign ($) up on the toolbar. Observe what happens. Nice, huh? Do the same for columns d, f, g, and h; that is, press on the large letter at the top of the column, then on that nice $ symbol. (Do not put 10000 in those cells.)

29. Do the same to center the characters in all columns: press the letter, then use the "center" button on the tool bar. Do this for all columns.

30. Go to g7. Enter the formula: =f7*c7. Highlight g7 through g16, leave them highlighted then go to Edit, Fill, and Down.

31. Go to h7. Enter the formula: =g7-e7. Fill down as above.

32. Go to i7. Enter the formula: =h7/e7. Fill down as above.

33. Go to e18. Press on the button just below the Help menu. It looks like a capital E. After the marching ants surround the correct columns, press Enter.

34. Do the same in cells g18 and h18.

35. Go to cell i18. Enter the formula: =average(i7:i16) .

36. Choose ten stocks. List them starting in b7, ending in b16.

37. Minimize the screen. Click on internet explorer and go to .  Click on “Markets” near the word Essentials.

38. Type in the company you want to look up by Get a Quote. Below is an example.

39. Type in Apple and a list of different companies with Apple in their name show up.

40. Apple Inc. is the company name and its stock symbol is AAPL. They make the ipods.

41. If you click on AAPL it will show you the current price of the company’s stock.

42. Using the button on the taskbar of your computer (without closing or minimizing or resizing the internet) go back to your spreadsheet. Enter the stock symbol for your stock in the cell in a7. Repeat this operation for the rest of your stocks, and enter the stock symbols in cells a8 through a16. Write the stock name or company name in b7 and repeat this operation through b16.

43. Go back to the internet.  Look up the prices of each one of your stocks.  The price will usually be called "Last," "Current" or just “Price.” Look at step 52 to get all of the prices.

44. Update your portfolio in Excel. Enter the Current Price into both the Base Price and Current Price columns. After today, you will be changing only the Current Price (F) column.


1. Highlight cells b5 through b16.

2. Holding down the Control button on your keyboard, highlight cells d5 through d16.

3. Holding down Control still, highlight f5 through f16.

4. On your button bar just below the menus, find the button for Chart Wizard, and click it.

5. Do what the nice wizard tells you to do:

1. Select a chart type from the many choices. Don’t go crazy here. KISS.

2. Click on Next.

3. View a quick preview of your chart; again, click on Next.

4. On the screen the follows, add a title if you’d like. As above in A, don’t go crazy.

5. At the screen that follows (Step 4 of 4), click on Finish.

6. That’s it. You have your chart. You can format it a dozen different ways: right-click on any part of it, and you’ll see that you can customize it easily by following the context-sensitive menus that pop up. Add colors, patterns, depth, labels. Change the style, too.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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