Vocabulary Superhero or Villain

Vocabulary Superhero or Villain


To review our vocabulary words, you will be assigned one word for which you will need to create a superhero or a villain that best reflects the word’s meaning.


Create a Superhero or Villain for your word. Include the following:

• A picture of your superhero or villain

• A description of your superhero or villain’s special abilities or qualities, using complete sentences and detail.

• A description of your superhero’s or villain’s goals (ie: world domination; zapping everyone’s energy for his own use, etc..) using complete sentences and STRONG VERBS!

• A description of your superhero or villain’s arch-nemesis and why this opposing villain or superhero is the enemy.

• RBE:

o All writing should be typed and fit to one page, double spaced

o The picture can be sketched or printed from the internet.

o Submits this rubric

Evaluation Criteria:

_____/5 Includes a neat, thoughtful picture or sketch of the superhero or villain

_____/10 Incorporates a thorough, detailed description of the superhero’s or villain’s powers in

such a way that meaningfully demonstrates the word and implements strong verbs

_____/5 Incorporates a detailed description of the enemy that demonstrates the opposite

powers of the superhero or villain

_____/ 20 A B C D F



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