|Boys’ Names: Name |Meaning |

|A | |

|Aahil |Prince |

|Aaqil |Wise, Judicious, Intelligent, Prudent |

|Aaryan |Of Utmost Strength |

|Aazad |Free, Independent |

|Aazim |Determined |

|Abbas |The name of the Prophet’s [Pbuh] uncle |

|Abdul Aalee |Servant of the Most High |

|Abdul Samee |Servant of the Hearing |

|Abrar |Piety |

|Adil |Just, Honest, Righteous |

|Ahad |The one |

|Aimaan |Fearless |

|Ali |Excellent, Noble |

|Ameer |Ruler, Prince |

|Amjad |More glorious |

|Ammar |The Builder, Constructor, One who prays and fasts a great deal |

|Arsh |Dominion, Crown |

|Aatif |Kind, Affectionate |

|Aymaan |Lucky, On the Right |

| | |

|B | |

|Baahir |Dazzling, Bright |

|Baakir |Early |

|Baariq |Shining, Lighting, Illuminating |

|Baasim |Smiling |

|Bahij |Delightful, Cheering |

|Bakhit |Luck, Fortunate |

|Barkat |Growth |

|Bari |Innocent, Guiltless, Sound |

|Bashaar |Bringer ofgladtidings |

|Basheer |Forerunner, Precursor |

|Basil |Brave |

|Behzad |Honest and caring |

|Bilal |TheProphet’s [Pbuh] muezzin |

|Bishr |Joy |

|Burhaan |Proof |

| | |

|C | |

|Chirag |Light |

| | |

|D | |

|Daa |Motive, Impulse |

|Daanish |Wisdom; Learning; Science |

|Dabir |Judge |

|Daniel |Intelligent |

|Dara |Possessor; Sovereign |

|Dawoud |A prophet’s name |

|Dayyan |A mighty ruler |

|Deen |Religion |

|Deenar |Gold coin |

|Dhul Fiqaar |The name of the sword of the Prophet [Pbuh] |

|Dilawar |Brave; valiant |

|Dilshad |Happy |

|Dima |Morning dew |

|Din |Religion; faith; belief |

|Diwan |Royal Court; Tribunal of Justice |

|Diyaa Udeen |Brightness of the Faith |

|Dizhwar |Mean; Strong |

|Duha |Forenoon |

| | |

|E | |

|Ebrahim |Kind father |

|Ehan |Fullmoon |

|Ehsaan |Powerful |

|Ehtesham |Wise one |

|Ejaz |Blessings |

|El-Amin |Trustworthy |

|Emran |Progress; Achievement |

|Eshan |In Gods Grace; Worthy |

| | |

|F | |

|Faakhir |Proud; Excellent |

|Faaris |Horseman; Knight |

|Faaz |Victorious; Successful |

|Fadil |Generous |

|Fahad |Lynx; Wild cat |

|Faheem |Intelligent |

|Faiq |Outstanding; Awake |

|Faisal |Strong; Handsome |

|Faiz |Grace; Favour |

|Faizan |Ruler |

|Faizi |Generous; Liberal |

|Faqih |Wise |

|Faraj | |

|Faraz |Ascent; Height |

|Farhan |Glad; Happy; Joyful |

|Fateen |Clever; Smart |

|Fawaz |Successful |

|Fida |Sacrifice |

|Fuad |Heart |

| | |

|G | |

|Gadi |Fortune |

|Galal |Gallery |

|Gamal |Camel |

|Ghaazi |Conqueror |

|Ghalib |Victor |

|Ghasaan |Old Arabic name |

|Ghayth |To rain; sprinkle |

|Ghazanfar |Lion |

|Ghufran |Forgiving; To conceal |

|Ghulam |Slave; Servant |

|Gulfam |Rose-faced |

|Gilad |Hump of camel |

|Gul |Flower |

|Gulzar |Flower |

| | |

|H | |

|Haady |Guiding to what is right |

|Haani |Happy; Delighted; Content |

|Haaroon |A prophet’s name |

|Hashim |Generous; Also the name of the great-grandfather of the Prophet|

| |[Pbuh] |

|Haaziq |Intelligent; Skillful |

|Hafiz |Guardian |

|Haider |Lion |

|Haikal |Tale |

|Hakim |Brother |

|Halim |Mild; Gentle |

|Hamd |Praise; Lauding |

|Hamid |PraisingAllah; Commendable |

|Hammad |Praising [Allah] |

|Hamza |Lion |

|Hariz |Strong; Secure; Guarded |

|Hasan |Beautiful; Good |

|Hasaam Udeen |The sword of faith |

|Hisham |Popular Arab name |

|Hussain |Handsome; Beautiful |

|Hassan |Beautiful |

|Husaam |Sword |

| | |

|I | |

|Idrees |A prophet’s name |

|Ihsaan |Beneficence |

|Ilyas |A prophet’s name |

|Imaad |Pillar of strength; confident |

|Imaan |Faith |

|Imran |Powerful |

|Iqbal |Richness |

|Irfaan |Thankfulness |

|Irshad |Order |

|Isaam |Safeguard |

|Is-haaq |A prophet’s name |

|Ishtiyaq |Longing; Craving |

|Ismaeel |A prophet’s name |

|Israr |Insisting; Never giving up |

|Izaan |Obedience |

| | |

|J | |

|Jaabir |Consoler; Comforter |

|Jaafar |Rivulet |

|Jahangir |King of the universe |

|Jahanzeb |Beautiful |

|Jahiz |Ogle-eyed |

|Jakeem |Exalted |

|Jalaal |Glory of the faith |

|Jamaal |Beauty |

|Jameel |Beautiful |

|Jarood |Name of the companion of the Prophet [Pbuh] |

|Jasim |Powerful; Strong |

|Jawad |Open-handed; Generous |

|Jawaid |Liberal; Generous; Destiny |

|Jazib |Beautiful; Handsome |

|Jeff |Lovable |

|Jibran |Reward |

|Jihad |Strive |

|Junaid |Fighter; Warrior |

| | |

|K | |

|Kaamil |Perfect |

|Kabir |Great |

|Kaiser |Emporer; King |

|Kaleem |Great |

|Kamal |Perfection |

|Kamille |Perfec |

|Kamran |Successful |

|Kareem |Generous; Noble |

|Kashif |Uncoverer |

|Kasim |At odds |

|Keyaan |Crown; King |

|Khadim |Servant; Attendant |

|Khair Udeen |The good of the faith |

|Khairy |Charitable; Beneficent |

|Khaleel |Friend |

|Khalid |Eternal |

|Khidr |Green |

| | |

|L | |

|Labeeb |Sensible; Intelligent |

|Laeeque |Intelligent |

|Laith |Lion |

|Latif |Variety |

|Luqmaan |A prophet’s name |

|Lutfi |Kind and friendly |

| | |

|M | |

|Ma’n |Benefit |

|Maheem |Full Moon |

|Maahir |Skilled |

|Mahdy |Guided to the right path |

|Mahmud |Praiseworthy |

|Mansur |Victorious |

|Mehtab |The moon |

|Malik |Master |

|Muhsin |Beneficent; Charitable |

|Mukeen |Strong; Firm |

|Mashhud |Clear; Manifest; Witnessed |

|Mateen |Solid; Constant; Toug; Substantive |

|Moazzam |Respectable |

|Mourad |Desire |

|Mubashir |Spreader of good news |

|Mukhtar |Chosen |

|Muneer |Brilliant; Shining |

|Munsif |Just; Fair |

|Murad |Aim |

|Muntasir |Winner |

|Musa |A prophet’s name |

|Mutasim |Adhering to the faith of God |

|Mutazz |Powerful |

| | |

|N | |

|Naasih |Advisor |

|Nabeeh |Noble; Understanding |

|Nabeel |Noble |

|Nadeem |Companion; Friend |

|Nadir |Dear; Rare |

|Naeem |Comfort; Ease; Tranquil |

|Nafis |Precious |

|Nail |Achiever |

|Najeeb |Of noble birth |

|Najir |Called to prayer |

|Najm |Star; Planet |

|Naseer |One who helps |

|Naseem |Breeze |

|Nasir |One who helps; victorious supporter |

|Nawaz |Prince; Kind; Loving and Generous |

|Nooh |A prophet’s name |

|Noor Udeen |Brightness of the Faith |

|Nu’maan |Blood |

|Numair |Young panther |

|Nusayb |Name of a black slave who fought in the early wars of Islam |

| | |

|O | |

|Obaid |Small slave |

|Obeid |Kind person |

|Omar |Life; Long living |

|Omair |Intelligent |

|Omran |Solid structure |

|Omri |Living long |

|Osman |The Third Caliph |

|Owais |A companion of the Prophet [Pbuh] |

|Owbada | |

| | |

|P | |

|Pasha |Lord; Honourific title |

|Parvez |Success |

|Parveiz |Breeze |

| | |

|Q | |

|Qaasim |Divider |

|Qabeel |Son of Hazrat Adam [A.S.] |

|Qadir |Capable |

|Qa’id |Leader |

|Qasif |Discoverer |

| | |

|Qais |Lover |

|Qaiser |King |

|Qareeb |Near; Close |

|Qasim |Divider; Distributor |

|Qatadah |A hardware tree |

|Qays |Firm |

|Quasim |Judge |

|Quds |Holiness; Sanctity |

|Qurban |Offering sacrifice |

|Qusay |Distant |

|Qutub |Leader |

|Qutaybah |Irritable; Impatient |

| | |

|R | |

|Ra’ed |Leader |

|Raahil |Path guider |

|Raakin |Respectful |

|Raamiz |Symbol |

|Raatib |Arranger |

|Raees |Rich; Wealthy; Chief |

|Rafan |Beautiful; Graceful |

|Rafee |Kindfriend |

|Rafi |Exalted |

|Rafiq |Kind; Friend |

|Raghib |Willing; Desirous |

|Raheel |One who shows theway; Fearless; Brave |

|Rahman |Forgiving |

|Rashad |Integrity of conduct |

|Rauf |Merciful; Kind |

|Rayhan |Basil; Sweet basil; Fragrance |

|Redouane |Satisfaction |

|Riaz |Garden; Devotion |

|Ridhwan |Acceptance; Goodwill; Name of the Keeper of the Gates of Heaven|

|Riyadh |Gardens |

| | |

|S | |

|Saabir |Patient |

|Saad |Good luck |

|Saahir |Wakeful |

|Sadiq |Truthful |

|Safwan |Rock |

|Saghir |Short in stature |

|Sahil |Guide |

|Salman |Safe |

|Sameer |Entertaining; Companion |

|Samien |Hearer |

|Samir |See Sameer |

|Sajjad |One who prostrates |

|Saqib |Twinkling star |

|Saud |Felicitous; Good fortune |

|Sayid |Chief; Leader |

|Shahbaz |Falcon |

|Shakil |Beautiful |

|Shamel |Comprehensive; Complete |

|Sharaf |Honour |

|Sheraz |Loving; Caring; Daring |

|Shoaib |A prophet’s name |

|Siraaj |The light of alamp |

|Subhan |Holy |

|Suhail |Name of a star |

| | |

|T | |

|Taamir |One who knows dates |

|Tahseen |Acclaim; Appreciation |

|Taimur |Iron |

|Taj |Crown |

|Talha |Kind of tree |

|Tamir |Tall |

|Tanveer |Rays of light |

|Tariq |Name of a star |

|Tawfeeq |Success; Reconciliation |

|Tawil |Tall |

|Tawqir |Good luck; Success [granted by Allah] |

|Tayseer |Facilitator |

|Tayyab |Good |

|Tazim |Honour |

|Thaqib |Shooting star |

|Thufail |Small child |

|Tufail |Sadqa |

|Turhan |Of mercy |

| | |

|U | |

|Ubayd |Worshipper |

|Umair |Intelligent |

|Umar |Flourishing; Thriving |

|Urooj |Ascension; Mounting; Rising |

|Usaamah |Description of a lion |

|Usaid |Small lion |

|Usmaan |Slave |

|Uthman |Bird like a crane |

| | |

|W | |

|Waa’il |Coming back to shelter |

|Waahid |Single; Exclusive; Unequalled |

|Wadee |Successful |

|Wahab |Kind-hearted |

|Waheed |Unique; One of a kind |

|Wais |King |

|Wajeeh |Noble |

|Wajid |One who finds |

|Wakin |Guided one |

|Waleed |New-born child |

|Waqar |Respect; Dignity |

|Waqas |Warrior |

|Waseem |Graceful; Good-looking |

|Wasi |Broad-minded |

|Wasif |Man of qualities |

|Wasidah |Engrossed |

|Wasim |Handsome |

| | |

|X | |

|Xavier |Bright; Splendid |

| | |

|Y | |

|Yafi |A narrator of hadith |

|Yahyaa |A prophet’s name |

|Yaman |Proper name |

|Yameen |Oath, Right Hand, Right Wing [of thearmy] |

|Yaqub |Seizing by the heel |

|Yasaar |Ease, Wealth |

|Yaseen |One of the names of Prophet [Pbuh]; Wealthy |

|Yazeed |To increase; Grow; Enhance |

|Yoonus |A prophet’s name |

|Yoosuf |A prophet’s name |

|Yusua |Help of Jehovah |

|Yusr |Ease, Convenience |

| | |

|Z | |

|Zaafir |Victorious |

|Zaahir |Bright, shining |

|Zafar |Victorious |

|Zafrul |Honest, Reliable and very ambitious |

|Zadeer |Novel |

|Zaeem |The leader |

|Zahr |Flower |

|Zaigham |Lion |

|Zain |Friend, Beloved |

|Zakariya |A prophet’s name |

|Zakir |Someone who believes in Allah; faith |

|Zakiy |Pure |

|Zayd |In abundance, plentiful |

|Zeeshan |Great |

|Zia |Enlightened |

|Zia-ul-Haq |The light of the truth |

|Ziyad |Superabundance |

|Zubair |A prophet’s name |

|Zuhair |Diminitive form of flower. |

|Zuhayr |Bright |

| |The Zulfiqar: Hazrat Ali’s [R.ASword |

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