The Ten Commandments within the Covenant




Student name: _________________________


The Ten Commandments are also known as the Decalogue or ‘Ten Words’.

Set within the context of the historical Exodus experience, the Ten Commandments serve as the cornerstone of the covenant (Ex 19-23). Unlike any other laws on the Old Testament the Ten Commandments are presented as spoken directly by God to Israel and written in God’s own hand. They are an expression of God’s loving concern for God’s people and deal with the needs of the community and with individual morality.

The Book of Exodus

Read the cited Scripture passages from the Book of Exodus to help you complete the following.

1. The narration of the story of the Exodus describes the plagues, those events that ultimately led to the release of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. These ten plagues are:










10._____________________(11:1-8 and 12:29-30)

2. In the timing and the intensity of these natural phenomena, the Israelites see the hand of _________________.

3. God accomplishes his plans through the ordinary workings of the world. If the results are good, then the hand of God can be seen. In this case, the effect of these plagues was the eventual release of the _______________________.

4. According to Ex 9:16, the reason why God had so much patience with Pharaoh, instead of destroying him with just one plague, is to show him God’s ______________.

5. The plagues also demonstrate that people are subject to the designs of ___________.

6. The pattern each plague takes is as follows: God commands; Moses obeys; Pharaoh ______________.

7. During the tenth plague, the Israelites are ordered by God to eat a special meal to commemorate the night that God secured their freedom from Egypt. The blood of the lamb that is eaten is to be placed on the ______________(12:22) so that _________________________________ (12:23).

8. The unleavened bread, which they do wait for to rise for baking, reminds the Israelites that before Pharaoh changes his mind again, they will have to leave in a _____________________.

9. The bitter herbs remind the Israelites of their 400 years in slavery and its __________________.

10. This special meal gets its name from the events of the last plague. It is the ___________________________ (12:11) because when the Lord sees the blood on the doorposts of the Israelites, he ______________________________________________________________________________________ (12:13).

11. It is this last plague which convinces Pharaoh that he is helpless against the power of God. He finally relents, and gives permission for the Israelites to depart, telling them _______________________________________ (12:32).













Locate and read the two different passages that contain The Beatitudes:

Mt 5:1-12 and Lk 6:20-26

[pic] What do the Beatitudes mean?

[pic] What is the Kingdom of God?

[pic] How would Jesus’ words have given encouragement and dignity to outcasts at that time?

[pic] What are Christians called to do in the Beatitudes?


The Beatitudes encompass Christian morality – they advocate attitudes and actions that are to be embraced. They offer inspiration and encouragement to those who follow the example of Jesus’ lifestyle. Located in the Gospel of Matthew within the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes (Mt 5:3-11) are central to Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom of God.

The word Beatitude means blessing. Jesus’ purpose in stating the Beatitudes was to convey to his audience the blessings that are bestowed on those who genuinely live out the Kingdom ideals. The Beatitudes are addressed to those who realise their dependence on God; those who are gentle, compassionate and hunger and thirst for justice; those who are peacemakers and suffer persecution for others.


|Scripture passage |Who is/are the Beatitude people in|List the actions that show that |Which beatitude is demonstrated by|

| |the story? |they are Beatitude people |their actions? |

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|Mt 5:44-45 | | | |

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|Mt 20:29-34 | | | |

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|Mk 12:41-44 | | | |

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|Lk 5:12-14 | | | |

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|Lk 5:17-20 | | | |

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|Lk 6:36-38 | | | |

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|Lk 10:29-37 | | | |

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|Lk 12:33-34 | | | |

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|Lk17:4 | | | |

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|Lk 17:11-19 | | | |

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|Lk 21:1-4 | | | |

This is a GROUP presentation with

4-5 students per group.

Two students in the group are to research the

person they have been allocated to find out why this

person’s life reflects the Beatitude Values.

The class will have one research lesson to assist you in

gathering the appropriate information.

Two students in the group are to design and complete

a poster based on the person and the Beatitude that

the group decides is best exemplified by

the person the group is researching.

Each group member is to complete the

personal response which is to be handed

in on the day the group makes its

presentation to the class

Personal Response: Identify someone you know

who lives out one or more of the Beatitude Values.

Write a short biography of about 1 page

about this person

One lesson will be given for all group’s presentations

to the rest of the class. (NOT the personal response).

At first glance, the Ten Commandments appear to be list of _________ or ____________________. Once we understand that they were part of the ________________ we realise that each _____________________ is motivated by _________________________________________________. The challenge of the Commandments for the __________________ was to be people who loved ___________ and who acted with ___________ towards each other. This same _______________ is extended to us today.

Complete the following table based on the exercise you have completed above.

|Value/s of the Commandment |Name three actions you could perform in your everyday |Draw a symbol for each Commandment highlighting the |

| |life to live out these values |actions and values they promote |

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As you watch the episode of Home and Away, select a character and rate the character on the values grid below.

|Value |1 2 3 4 |

|Friendship | |

|Leisure | |

|Success | |

|Work | |

|Love | |

|Faith | |

|Appearances | |

|Fair Go | |

|Money | |

1 = Very Important 4 = Not important


Focus Question:

What importance does our society in general place on these values?

As you watch listen to/watch the song/clip, select a character and rate the character on the values grid below.

|Value |1 2 3 4 |

|Friendship | |

|Leisure | |

|Success | |

|Work | |

|Love | |

|Faith | |

|Appearances | |

|Fair Go | |

|Money | |

1 = Very Important 4 = Not important


Focus Question:

What importance does our society in general place on these values?


Commandment 10:

Commandment 9:

Commandment 8:

Commandment 7:

Commandment 6:

Commandment 5:

Commandment 4:

Commandment 3:

Commandment 2:

Commandment 1:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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