Career Assessments for Career Development

Cluster Assessment-GaCollege411

Go to the home page of

If a first time user, you must create an account. Ask your teacher if they or the county has already created an account for you. If so, use that log in information. Once you log in with the teacher or county created information, you will be able to change your password. Make sure you make it something that is professional and something that you will remember year after year.

If you are not a first time user of , then you are to sign into your account with your account name and password.

Now go to “Career Planning” at the top of the screen, then to “Learn About Yourself”

Click on “Career Cluster Inventory”

If you have completed this assessment in the past it will state “You previously completed the career cluster survey on: date”

You are to click on the get started button and after you have completed your assessment compare your answers to your previous session.


You are now to click on the activities that you like now or that you think you might like in the future. You will have four pages of items and may select as many as you want on each of the pages.

Personal Qualities/traits/characteristics

You will now have two pages of personal qualities or personality traits/characteristics and you are to select all that apply to you.

Select all the traits/characteristics that you think you have or are at this time. Use the list below to help you understand the meanings of the traits.

Independent – not influenced or controlled by others

Inquisitive – questioning,

Able to use creativity and imagination – artistic and innovative

Well ordered and efficient – doing the most without loss of time, energy or money

Sociable – love to be with other people

Trustworthy – keep commitments, show integrity, people can count on you

Able to communicate clearly – good oral and written communication

Kind hearted – loving, thinking of others

Tactful – say what you mean in a nice way

Good communicator/listener - get your messages across in a positive way

Rational thinker – logical, systematic order to your decisions

Daring – facing danger,

Practical - useful

Keen – sharp, intense

Good at details – able to see the little things

Sensible – being aware, having good sense

Someone who enjoys nature – loves being outside

Able to follow directions – remembers and follows directions

Can use a large vocabulary with confidence – understand when adults speak

Realistic and rational – see things as they really are

Certain – sure, free from doubt

Neat and organized – everything has a place and is in that place

Competitive – like competing and winning

Good at following directions – do what you are told

Inspired - influenced

Compassionate – feeling sympathy for another’s misfortune

Able to see the details in the big picture – see small things or parts in things

Reliable - dependable

Observant – quick to perceive, alert,

Aggressive – daring, forceful, even hostile

Curious – wanting to know, eager to know

Mechanical – routine, lacking spontaneity,

Energetic – full of energy

Detailed orientated – do all the little things to make something happen

Interested in new technology – keep up to date with technological changes

Tolerant – put up with, enduring,

Ready to lend a hand – helping others

Confident – sure of self

Interested in community service – helping in community, volunteering

Thoughtful and precise – consider of others and very exact

Cooperative – willing to work with others

Not interested in material things – money and stuff doesn’t matter to you

Determined – decided, settled, unwavering,

Civic minded – concerned with citizenship and actions of others

Active physically – on the go, moving, muscles,

Imaginative - creative

Impartial – treat everyone equal, fair,

Coordinated – keeping together

Good at planning – organized, use checklist, able to follow through

Able to see the possibilities – see options available

Empathize with others’ feelings – Understanding what someone else is feeling

Diplomatic – tactful, suave, say things in a nice way.

Inquisitive - questioning

Rational – able to reason, using logic

Precise – being exact

Patient – putting up with, tolerating delays, tolerating annoyances

Friendly and outgoing – love to be around people and get along with them

Perceptive and analytical – understanding, having insight, intuitive

Focused – able to concentrate, stay on task

Decisive – able to make your own decisions

Methodical – planning and following those plans

Motivated – doing your best, wanting to do your best

Orderly – tidy, arranged in order, following rules

Perceptive – understanding without being told

Able to solve problems imaginatively – come up with creative but good solutions

Calm and determined – without rough emotion and not giving up

Don’t give up easily – complete all tasks

Dependable – people can count on your to do the things you say you will do

Someone who likes to listen to others – good listener

Consistent and organized – composed, firm, and in order

Good at solving problems – good decision maker for positive outcomes

Good listener – actually listen to others without judging

Don’t get mad easily – control your temper

Open minded – broad minded, don’t judge other people

Careful and precise – exact, without causing hurt

Look at the bright side – optimistic – look for good in things/people

Efficient - doing the most you can with the least amount of waste of time, energy or money

Influential – have the power to persuade others

Good at mechanics – good at working with your hands on things

Organized – everything has a place and it is in its place

School subjects: Select all the school subjects that you might be interested knowing more about in the future. Use the list below to help you understand the topic better.

Accounting – learning to organize and maintain financial records

Agriculture – learning about crops, livestock animals and farming

Art/Graphic Design – learn computer created art and designs,

Audiovisual Technologies- learn how to use sound and sight in technical creations

Banking/Financial Services – learn money management

Biology- study of living things

Business – learn the skills needed in the business world for profit seeking enterprises

Business Law – learn the laws to guide and influence businesses

Chemistry – learn the science that studies the composition, properties and reactions of substances and elements.

Communications – learn ways to send or transmit information

Computer Applications- learn computer skills

Construction Trades – learn basic skills required in putting things together

Drafting – learn to make mechanical drawings

Earth Science – learn the science of the earth, geology

Electrical Trades/Heating/Refrigeration – learn the basics to work in the electrical trades

Electronics/Computer Networking – learn the basics to network computers together

English – correct grammar, learn literature and composition

Family and Consumer Science – learn the basics of shopping, cooking, sewing, self esteem building

Finance - learn about money management

First Aid/First Responder – learn basic first aid procedures

Food Services – learn to mass produce food dishes

Foreign Languages – learn to speak different languages

Government/History – Learn about the American Government system and how it was formed

Journalism/Literature – learn to write articles and stories

Language Arts – grammar and sentence structure

Law Enforcement – basic law enforcement and fire fighting techniques

Life Science – learn about living things

Marketing – learn to advertise to market and sale things proficiently

Math – learn about numbers

Music – band, chorus,

Occupational Heath- learn about how to deal with health issues

Physical Sciences – learn about energy, chemistry and physics – non living things

Physics – learn about matter, energy, motion and force

Psychology/Sociology – learn about the mind, mental states and how people live

Science – learn about observing and experimenting in the physical world

Social Studies – learn about humans, their lives and communities

Speech and Drama – learn about speeches and the performing arts

Technical/Technology Education – learn about mechanical and electrical engineering

Trade and Industry – learn about skilled, manual work

Now click on “See your top clusters”

This will take you to a screen that shows a bar graph of your top clusters.

Write your top three cluster areas into your career notebook.

You may write your reflections about the results of your career cluster assessment in the box provided and then save. Be sure to save your results to your portfolio.

Click on your highest cluster area and it will take you to screen that gives you the pathways in that cluster area. Now click on the pathways to see which one or ones you might like the best for your future. Save these to your portfolio, there is a button on the left hand side of the screen that states “save to portfolio” click that button. The button should now state “in portfolio”. You may refer back to this cluster and its pathways anytime in the future by logging into your portfolio. Write at least two pathways from your cluster areas in your career notebook on the same page as you listed your three clusters.

Explore the some of the careers for your selected cluster. In your career notebook list five careers that you might like to explore more in the future.

On a sheet in your notebook, at this time you should have listed the top three clusters, two pathways and five careers. This will be turned in for a grade and returned to you to stay in your career notebook.

Enrichment: Extra Credit

If you have completed the above assignment before the rest of the class, research to find out if your local high school offers all three of your career clusters areas. Does your local high school offer the two pathways that you selected? List the three classes that you must take in order to be a pathway completer in each of those pathways.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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