Embedding and Integrating MFL in primary school

Embedding languages

By embedding languages in the everyday routines of school life you can:

•make best use of time available

•provide coherent links between the different subjects of the curriculum

•create learners who can achieve greater progress

•increase enjoyment of language learning


During numeracy lessons or as a ten-minute activity at the start of the day. Several mental maths exercises can be done in the foreign language by combining the target numbers with very little additional vocabulary.

• plus et

• minus moins

• x times y x fois y

• divided by divisé par

• equals font

• Using number fans, mini whiteboards, bears, dice, clocks, performing simple maths tasks such as times tables, lotto, fizz-buzz

• Warm-ups, mental maths, and any games, such as fruit salad, where numbers can be used

• Recording information, frequency, surveys, graphs (families/birthdays/hobbies/pets)

• Shapes – this can be extended to incorporate numbers and colours


• Storytelling

• Making up own versions of familiar stories, cutting and pasting text into sequence, making concertina books

• Comparison of traditional storytelling conventions.

• Using context and previous knowledge to determine meaning.

• ‘Gisting’.

• Links with English grammar structures, spotting similarities and differences

• Dictionary work/alphabetic knowledge


• Role playing, performance in assembly, showcasing, dramatised readings in foreign language.

• Nativity/other festival-specific dramas etc in other languages.

• Celebrating proficiency with parent/other spectators.


• Using traditional songs in the foreign language for different occasions (Christmas/harvest/summer/Easter and other festivals)

• Composing own versions of well-known songs using the foreign language

• Creating raps using simple vocabulary

Songs can also be used to support other topic areas. (‘Sur le pont d’Avignon’ – geog, various counting songs – numeracy…….)

Citizenship/RE/ PSHE

• Crossover from and into other curriculum areas

• Healthy eating and habits.

• Stereotypes

• How other people live, traditions and customs


• Le monde francophone/espagnol – displaying a map of the countries where the target language is spoken can give rise to true/false games

• Twister using a large map of Europe. Two sets of cards required, one with body parts and one with country names

• Features- rivers mountains, tourism etc

• Weather and climate

• Travel and tourism

Art and D&T

• Almost any topic can be extended into Art and D&T using simple instructions and commands in the foreign language.

• Studying art/design from different countries/cultures

• Greetings cards, Collage work, designing flags, Display work, menus and posters, designing ideal sandwich, a fruit salad the list is endless.


• food chain (eg.qui mange qui? Babelzone)

• habitats

• parts of the body and illness

• healthy eating and exercise


• Recording results of surveys etc

• Emailing

• Research

• Poster design,

• Web page design

• Video conferencing

• E-twinning/e-pals/other British Council initiatives

• Pod casting for other classes/schools


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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