Author: GEORGE, Luvenia Year: 1987 Source: The black ...

Author: GEORGE, Luvenia Year: 1987 Source: The black perspective in

music, USA Vol. XV/1 (spring 1987) 25-49. Illustration, music examples,


49 Black music U.S.A.: Des melopees africaines aux Negro Spirituals, a

la devil's music et au jazz/ From the African recitative chants to the

Afro-American music - The sound and the fury.

Author: SACRE, Robert Year: 1987 Source: In: Voice of the Delta -

Charley Patton. (Liege: U. Liege, 1987) 45-90. In French and English


50 [Liege, 1984] The voice of the Delta - Charley Patton (c.

1887-1934): A tribute and a musical legacy - The Mississippi blues


Year: 1987 Source: Report of the 1984 symposium at Liege; edited by

Robert SACRE (Liege: U. Liege, 1987) 333 p. Illustration, portrait,

facsimile. In English, French.

Author: Glover, Gisele

Title: The life and career of Edward Boatner and inventory

of the Boatner papers at the Schomburg Center

Source: American Music Research Center journal, vol. 8-9

1998. p. 89-106. ISSN: 1058-3572

Author: Seigrist, Mark Andrew

Title: Diction and dialect performance practice in the

American negro spiritual and slave songs

Source: DMA doc., U. of Texas, Austin, 1996. 109 p. UMI No.


Author: Spencer, Jon Michael

Title: Black sacred music: A journal of theomusicology. V/2

(fall 1991): The R. Nathaniel Dett reader--Essays on black sacred music

Source: Black sacred music: A journal of theomusicology,

vol. 5, no.2 fall 1991. p. 138. ISSN: 1043-9455

Durham: Duke U. 1991 p. 138

Author: Peters, Penelope M.

Title: Deep rivers: Selected songs of Florence Price and

Margaret Bonds

Source: Canadian university music review/Revue de musique

des universites canadiennes, vol. 16, no.1 1995. p. 74-95. ISSN:


Author: Hatch, James

Title: An origin of the Negro spiritual

Source: In: The theater of black Americans: A collection of

critical essays New York: Applause 1987 p. 89-98

Author: EPSTEIN, Dena

Title: Myths about black folk music.

Source: In: Folk music and modern sound. 151-60. Bibliography.

Author: LOCKE, Alain

Title: The Negro and his music.

Source: Series: Negro culture and history (Port Washington,

N.Y.: Kennikat, 1968) 142 p. Bibliography, discography. Also published

with the author's Negro art: Past and present in the series American

Negro: His history and literature (New York: Arno, 1969) 282 p. Facsim.

Author: THURMAN, Howard

Title: Deep river: reflections on the religious insight of

certain of the Negro spirituals.

Source: (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat, 1969) 93 p.

Author: KATZ, Bernard, editor

Title: The social implications of early Negro music in the

United States.

Source: Series: The American Negro: his history and

literature (New York: Arno, 1969) 250 p. $7.50. Facsimile, music

examples, bibliography.

Author: LUMPKIN, Ben Gray ; FRYETT, Jere

Title: A Negro spiritual from Holly Springs.

Source: Series: Mississippi folklore register Vol. IV/2

(summer 1970) 39-40.

Author: RYDER, Georgia Atkins

Title: Melodic and rhythmic elements of American Negro folk

songs as employed in cantatas by selected American composers between

1932 and 1967.

Source: (PhD diss., Music: New York U., 1970) 283 p.

(typescript, xerox). Music examples, bibliography.

Author: SOUTHERN, Eileen

Title: An origin for the Negro spiritual.

Source: Black scholar, USA Vol. III/10 (summer 1972) 8-13.

Author: EVANS, Arthur Lee

Title: The development of the Negro spiritual as choral art

music by Afro-American composers with an annotated guide to the

performance of selected spirituals.

Source: (PhD diss., Music education: U. of Miami, 1972) 264 p.

Author: HIRSHOWITZ, Betty

Author Source: Haifa M. Museum a AMLI Lib., Israel

Title: The Old Testament in Negro spirituals (bibliography).

Source: Tatzlil, Israel Vol. VI/12 (1972) 49-52.

Author: HARRIS, Carl Jr

Author Source: Virginia State Col., Petersburg, USA

Title: The Negro spiritual.

Source: Choral journal, USA Vol. XIII/9 (May 1973) 15-16.

Author: CARTER, Marva Griffin

Author Source: Simmons Col., Boston, USA

Title: Hall Johnson (1888-1970): preserver of the old Negro


Source: (Master of Arts dissertation, Musicology: Boston U.,


Author: JACKSON, George Pullen

Title: White and Negro spirituals, their life span and


Source: (New York: Da Capo, 1975) xii, 349 p. Illustration.

Abstract: Reprint of the 1944 edition (Locust Valley, N.Y.:


Author: CLARK, Roy Lester

Title: A fantasy theme analysis of Negro spirituals.

Source: (PhD diss.: Southern Illinois U., Carbondale, 1979)

Author: MAULTSBY, Portia K

Author Source: Indiana U., Bloomington, USA

Title: Africanisms retained in the spiritual tradition.

Source: In: IMS Report, Berkeley 1977. (Kassel: Barenreiter,

1981) 75-82.

Author: SACRE, Robert

Title: Black music U.S.A.: Des melopees africaines aux Negro

Spirituals, a la devil's music et au jazz/ From the African recitative

chants to the Afro-American music - The sound and the fury.

Source: In: Voice of the Delta - Charley Patton. (Liege: U.

Liege, 1987) 45-90. In French and English (bilingual).

Title: [Liege, 1984] The voice of the Delta - Charley Patton

(c. 1887-1934): A tribute and a musical legacy - The Mississippi blues


Source: Report of the 1984 symposium at Liege; edited by

Robert SACRE (Liege: U. Liege, 1987) 333 p. Illustration, portrait,

facsimile. In English, French.

Author: Steinhaus-Jordan, Barbara

Title: An analysis of Marian Anderson's interpretations of

black spiritual art songs in selected recordings

Source: DMA doc., U. of Georgia, 1997. x, 277 p.

Author: Hawkins, Kimberly

Title: "I heard an angel singing": African-American

spirituals in the Harlem Renaissance

Source: DMA doc., U. of California, Santa Barbara, 1997. 79 p.

Author: Spencer, Jon Michael

Title: The new Negroes and their music: The success of the

Harlem Renaissance

Source: Knoxville: U. of Tennessee 1997 p. xxii, 171 p..

ISBN: 0-87049-967-X

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 1692

Title: Todd Duncan

Short Entry: Duncan obituary

Source: Opera news, vol. 62, no.17 June 1998. p. 59. ISSN:


1 The missing title page: Dvorak and the American national song

Author: Tibbetts, John C. Year: 1998 Source: 1998. In: Music and

culture in America, 1861-1918 New York: Garland p. 343-365

2 The prevailing spirit of African-American solo vocal music

Author: Thompson, Marilyn Year: 1996 Source: 1996. In: Saints and

sinners: Religion, blues and (d)evil in African-American music and

literature Liege, Belgium: Societe Liegeoise de Musicologie p. 85-96

3 Dvorak and his black students

Author: Riis, Thomas Lawrence Year: 1996 Source: In: Rethinking

Dvorak: Views from five countries New York: Oxford U. 1996 p. 265-273

Oxford: Clarendon 1996 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

4 The coming of Deep river

Author: Shirley, Wayne D. Year: 1997 Source: American music: A

quarterly journal devoted to all aspects of American music and music in

America, vol. 15, no.4 winter 1997. p. 493-534. ISSN: 0734-4392

Libraries: 639 In your library (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

5 African-American influences in selected compositions by American


Author: Harton-Brown, Connie Y. Year: 1993 Source: MA thesis, Eastern

Michigan U., 1993. vi, 105 p. UMI No. MA1351973.


6 Composition from the perspective of the African-American tradition

Author: Wilson, Olly Year: 1996 Source: Black music research

journal, vol. 16, no.1 spring 1996. p. 43-51. ISSN: 0276-3605

In: Black music research journal. XVI/1 (spring 1996) Chicago: Columbia

College Center for Black Music Research 1995 Libraries: 272


7 Afro-American vocal music: A select guide to fifteen composers

Author: Perry, Frank, Jr. Year: 1991 Source: Berrien Springs, MI:

Vande Vere 1991 p. 133. ISBN: 0-9628916-2-2 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

8 Hall Johnson: A biography and an analytical study of selected songs

for solo voice and piano

Author: Roberson, Leroy Alfred Year: 1992 Source: DMA doc., Music: U.

of Southern Mississippi, 1992. 108 p. UMI No. DA9227808.


9 A study of characteristic stylistic trends found in the choral works

of a selected group of Afro-American composers and arrangers.

Author: HARRIS, Carl Gordon, Jr Year: 1972 Source: (DMA diss.,

Conducting: Conservatory of Music, U. of Missouri, 1972) 175 p.

(typescript, microfilm). Music examples, bibliography, list of works.


10 Three schools of Black choral composers and arrangers 1900-1970.

Author: HARRIS, Carl G., Jr Year: 1974 Source: Choral journal, USA

Vol. XIV/8 (April 1974) 11-18. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

11 Hall Johnson (1888-1970): preserver of the old Negro spiritual.

Author: CARTER, Marva Griffin Year: 1975 Source: (Master of Arts

dissertation, Musicology: Boston U., 1975) (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

12 The prevailing spirit of African-American solo vocal music

Author: Thompson, Marilyn Year: 1996 Source: 1996. In: Saints and

sinners: Religion, blues and (d)evil in African-American music and

literature Liege, Belgium: Societe Liegeoise de Musicologie p. 85-96


13 Follow me: The life and music of R. Nathaniel Dett (review)

Author: Sears, Ann Year: 1995 Source: American music: A quarterly

journal devoted to all aspects of American music and music in America,

vol. 13, no.2 summer 1995. p. 238-240. ISSN: 0734-4392 Libraries: 639

In your library (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

14 Black sacred music: A journal of theomusicology. V/2 (fall 1991):

The R. Nathaniel Dett reader--Essays on black sacred music

Author: Spencer, Jon Michael Year: 1991 Source: Black sacred music:

A journal of theomusicology, vol. 5, no.2 fall 1991. p. 138. ISSN:


Durham: Duke U. 1991 p. 138 Libraries: 160 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

15 Dvorak's long American reach

Author: Block, Adrienne Fried Year: 1993 Source: Portland, OR:

Amadeus 1993 p. 157-181 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

16 Follow me: The life and music of R. Nathaniel Dett

Author: Simpson, Anne Key Year: 1993 Source: Series: Composers of

North America. no: 10 Metuchen: Scarecrow 1993 p. xxi, 617. ISBN:

0-8108-2627-5 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

17 The development of Negro religious music

Author: Dett, Robert Nathaniel Year: 1988 Source: The journal of

black sacred music: A journal of theomusicology devoted to all aspects

of black sacred music, vol. 2, no.1 spring 1988. p. 65-71. ISSN:

0891-9321 Libraries: 160 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

18 Harlem Renaissance ideals in the music of Robert Nathaniel Dett

Author: Ryder, Georgia A. Year: 1990 Source: In: Black music in the

Harlem Renaissance: A collection of essays Westport: Greenwood 1990 p.

55-70 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

19 The life and works of Robert Nathaniel Dett.

Author: MCBRIER, Vivian Flagg Year: 1967 Source: (PhD diss., Music:

Catholic U. of America, 1967) 136 p. (microfilm). Music examples,

bibliography, list of works. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

20 Dett and Engel: a question of cultural pride.

Author: LERMA, Dominique-Rene de Year: 1970 Source: Series: Your

musical cue Vol. VII/2 (November 1970) 3-5. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

21 R.N. Dett, of Hampton Institute: helping to lay a foundation for

Negro musicof the future.

Author: MAY, Stanley Year: 1973 Source: The black perspective in

music, USA Vol. I/1 (spring 1973) 64-69. Portrait


22 The black perspective in music, I.

Year: 1973 Source: Edited by Eileen SOUTHERN. (New York: Foundation

for research in the Afro-American arts, 1973) (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

23 R. Nathaniel Dett's views on the preservation of black music.

Author: SPENCER, Jon Michael Year: 1982 Source: The black perspective

in music, USA Vol. X/2 (fall 1982) 133-48. Portrait, facsimile,

bibliography. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

24 The writings of Robert Nathaniel Dett and William Grant Still on

black music.

Author: SPENCER, Jon Michael Year: 1982 Source: (PhD diss.:

Washington U., 1982) 496 p. DA 8223819. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

25 Listen to the lambs: A source book of the R. Nathaniel Dett

materials in the Niagara Falls Public Library, Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Author: GRAY, Arlene Year: 1984 Source: (Ridgeway, Ont.:

Smith-Davidson, 1984) vii, 293 p. Illustration, portrait.


26 A history of the National Association of Negro Musicians (NANM): The

first quarter century, 1919-1943

Author: Patterson, Willis Charles Year: 1993 Source: PhD diss., Wayne

State U., 1993. 308 p. UMI No. DA9418223. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

27 The art of Roland Hayes

Author: Hayes, Roland; Boardman, Reginald Year: 1990 Source: Series:

Smithsonian collection of recordings no: R 041. Washington, D.C.:

Smithsonian Institution, 1990. CD. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

28 Vocal concert music in the Harlem Renaissance

Author: Spearman, Rawn W. Year: 1990 Source: Westport: Greenwood

1990 p. 41-54 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

29 Portrait of an unsung hero: Roland Hayes and his music

Author: Jones, Eddie Wade Year: 1989 Source: DMA doc., Memphis State

U., 1989. 57 p. UMI No. DA9004349. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

30 Angel Mo' and her son, Roland Hayes.

Author: HELM, MacKinley Year: 1970 Source: (Westport, Conn.:

Greenwood, 1970) 289 p. $11.50. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

31 Conversation with Roland Hayes.

Author: WOOLSEY, F.W.; MARR, Warren Year: 1974 Source: The black

perspective in music, USA Vol. II/2 (fall 1974) 179-90. Portrait.


32 In retrospect: Roland Hayes - expressor of the soul in song


Author: CARTER, Marva Griffin Year: 1977 Source: The black

perspective in music, USA Vol. V/2 (fall 1977) 188-20. Portrait,

facsimile, list of works. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

33 High society and black entertainers in the 1920s and 1930s.

Author: GREEN, Jeffrey P. Year: 1987 Source: New community Vol.

XIII/3 (spring 1987) 431-34. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

34 Reflections on Afro-American music.

Author: LERMA, Dominique-Rene de Year: 1973 Source: (Kent, Ohio: Kent

State U., 1973) 271 p. #10. Illustration, music examples, bibliography,

index. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

35 Florence Beatrice Price: Chicago Renaissance woman

Author: Johnson, Calvert Year: 2000 Source: The American organist,

vol. 34, no.1 Jan 2000. p. 68-75. ISSN: 0164-3150 Libraries: 649


36 The contributions of four African-American women composers to

American art song

Author: Moham, Carren Denise Year: 1997 Source: DMA doc., Ohio State

U., 1997. 84 p. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

37 Music, gender, and "uplift" in the Chicago defender, 1927-1937

Author: Schenbeck, Lawrence Year: 1997 Source: The musical

quarterly, vol. 81, no.3 fall 1997. p. 344-370. ISSN: 0027-4631

Libraries: 1590 In your library (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

38 Two outstanding Afro-American women composers: Florence Price and

Margaret Bonds

Author: Simpson, Anne Key Year: 1990 Source: New journal for music,

vol. 1, no.2 fall 1990. p. 57-75 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

39 Preserving our heritage for the future

Author: Epstein, Dena J. Year: 1991 Source: Harvard Library bulletin

old series, vol. 2, no.1 spring 1991. p. 18-24. ISSN: 0017-8136

In: Music librarianship in America Cambridge, MA, United States of

America: Harvard U. Library 1991 Libraries: 493 In your library


40 William Grant Still, Florence Price, and William Dawson: Echoes of

the Harlem Renaissance

Author: Brown, Rae Linda Year: 1990 Source: In: Black music in the

Harlem Renaissance: A collection of essays Westport: Greenwood 1990 p.

71-86 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

41 Black music in the Harlem Renaissance: A collection of essays

Author: Floyd, Samuel A., Jr. Year: 1990 Source: Series:

Contributions in Afro-American and African studies. no: 128 Westport:

Greenwood 1990 p. 228. ISBN: 0-313-26546-1. ISSN: 0069-9624


42 Unpublished songs of Florence B. Price

Author: Sawyer, Lisa Lee Year: 1990 Source: DMA doc., U. of Missouri,

Kansas City, 1990. 366 p. UMI No. DA9119038. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

43 The art songs of black American composers

Author: McCorvey, Everett David Year: 1989 Source: DMA doc., U. of

Alabama, 1989. 87 p. UMI No. DA9000102. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

\44 Florence Price, composer.

Author: JACKSON, Barbara Garvey Year: 1977 Source: The black

perspective in music, USA Vol. V/1 (spring 1977) 30-43. Illustration,

portrait, list of works. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

45 Black women composers: a genesis.

Author: GREEN, Mildred Denby Year: 1983 Source: (Boston: Twayne,

1983) 171 p. Portrait, music examples, bibliography, list of works,

discography, index. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

1 The formal structure of Undine Smith Moore's Before I'd be a slave

Author: Erdmann, Thomas R. Year: 1997 Source: Women of note

quarterly: The magazine of historical and contemporary women composers,

vol. 5, no.3 Aug 1997. p. 13-14. ISSN: 1068-2724 Libraries: 117


2 The contributions of four African-American women composers to

American art song

Author: Moham, Carren Denise Year: 1997 Source: DMA doc., Ohio State

U., 1997. 84 p. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

3 Afro-American vocal music: A select guide to fifteen composers

Author: Perry, Frank, Jr. Year: 1991 Source: Berrien Springs, MI:

Vande Vere 1991 p. 133. ISBN: 0-9628916-2-2 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

4 A study of characteristic stylistic trends found in the choral works

of a selected group of Afro-American composers and arrangers.

Author: HARRIS, Carl Gordon, Jr Year: 1972 Source: (DMA diss.,

Conducting: Conservatory of Music, U. of Missouri, 1972) 175 p.

(typescript, microfilm). Music examples, bibliography, list of works.


5 Three schools of Black choral composers and arrangers 1900-1970.

Author: HARRIS, Carl G., Jr Year: 1974 Source: Choral journal, USA

Vol. XIV/8 (April 1974) 11-18. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

6 Undine Smith Moore song book.

Author: LERMA, Dominique-Rene de Year: 1975 Source: The black

perspective in music, USA Vol. III/3 (fall 1975) 342.


7 Conversation with Undine Smith Moore: Composer and master teacher.

Author: HARRIS, Carl, Jr Year: 1985 Source: The black perspective in

music, USA Vol. XIII/1 (spring 1985) 79-90. Portrait.


8 Reminiscences of black musicians.

Author: STANDIFER, James Year: 1986 Source: American music, USA Vol.

IV/2 (summer 1986) 194-205. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

9 The life and career of Edward Boatner and inventory of the Boatner

papers at the Schomburg Center

Author: Glover, Gisele Year: 1998 Source: American Music Research

Center journal, vol. 8-9 1998. p. 89-106. ISSN: 1058-3572 Libraries:

127 (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

10 The orchestral arrangements of spirituals by Margaret Bonds: An

historical and analytical study

Author: Dillon, Alice Elizabeth Year: 1998 Source: DMA doc., U. of

Missouri, Kansas City, 1998. 158 p. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

11 The prevailing spirit of African-American solo vocal music

Author: Thompson, Marilyn Year: 1996 Source: 1996. In: Saints and

sinners: Religion, blues and (d)evil in African-American music and

literature Liege, Belgium: Societe Liegeoise de Musicologie p. 85-96


12 The black composer speaks: an implied aesthetic.

Author: COKER, Wilson W Year: 1981 Source: Black music research

journal, USA Vol. II (1981-82) 94-105. Bibliography.


13 Black women composers: a genesis.

Author: GREEN, Mildred Denby Year: 1983 Source: (Boston: Twayne,

1983) 171 p. Portrait, music examples, bibliography, list of works,

discography, index. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

14 A performer's guide to selected twentieth-century sacred solo art

songs composed by women from the United States of America

Author: Lawhon, Sharon Leding Year: 1993 Source: DMA doc., Southern

Baptist Theological Seminary, 1993. 118 p. UMI No. DA9420730.


15 Conversation with Hale Smith: a man of many parts.

Author: CALDWELL, Hansonia Year: 1975 Source: The black perspective

in music, USA Vol. III/1 (spring 1975) 58-76. Portrait


16 In retrospect: a pictorial survey.

Author: SOUTHERN, Eileen, compiler Year: 1975 Source: The black

perspective in music, USA Vol. III/2 (May 1975) 207-34. Portrait,

facsimile, music examples (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

17 Hale Smith: a biographical and analytical study of the man and his music.

Author: BREDA, Malcolm Joseph Year: 1975 Source: (PhD diss., Music

education: U. of Southern Mississippi, 1975) 240 p.


18 Selected song cycles of three contemporary black American composers:

William Grant Still, John Duncan, and Hale Smith.

Author: SPENCE, Martha Ellen Blanding Year: 1977 Source: (DMA diss.:

U. of Southern Mississippi, 1977) 143 p. (RILM_Music_Abstracts)

The social implications of early Negro music in the United States;

with over 150 of the songs, many of them with their music.

Bernard Katz

1969 English Book/Text xlii, 146 p. illus. 24 cm. New

York, Arno Press,

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution

owns the item. Libraries that Own Item: 823

Title: The social implications of early Negro

music in the United States; with over 150 of the songs, many of them with their music.

Author(s): Katz, Bernard, d. 1970. comp.

Publication: New York, Arno Press,

Year: 1969

Series: The American Negro, his history and


Title: Forty Negro spirituals /

Author(s): White, Clarence Cameron, 1880-1960,


Publication: Philadelphia :; T. Presser Co.,

Year: 1927

Description: 129 p. ; 32 cm.

Responsibility: compiled and arr. for solo voice with

pianoforte accompaniment by Clarence Cameron White.

Title: The book of American Negro spirituals,

Author(s): Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938. ;

Johnson, J. Rosamond; 1873-1954. ; (John Rosamond),; Brown,


Publication: New York,; Viking Press

Year: 1925

Description: 187 p. music. 26 cm.

Title: The sociological and psychological

implications of the texts of the antebellum Negro


Author(s): Taylor, John Earl, 1938-

Publication: Greeley, Colo., University of Northern Colorado,

Year: 1971

Description: viii, 207 leaves. p.

Note(s): Vita./ Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Michigan,

University Microfilms, 1971. 1 reel. 35 mm./ Bibliography:

leaves 196-206./ Dissertation: Thesis (Ed.

D.)--University of Northern Colorado.

Title: White and Negro spirituals,

their life span and kinship, tracing 200 years of

untrammeled song making and singing among our country folk,

with 116 songs as sung by both races,

Author(s): Jackson, George Pullen, 1874-1953.

Publication: New York, J. J. Augustin

Year: 1944

Description: xiii, [1], 349, [2] p. p., incl.

front., illus. (incl. ports., music), 24 cm.

Title: All God's chillun;

meditations on Negro spirituals

Author(s): Owens, James Garfield.

Publication: Nashville, Abingdon Press

Year: 1971

Description: 144 p. p., 20 cm.

Title: Seventy Negro spirituals,

Author(s): Fisher, William Arms, 1861-1948, ed.

Publication: Boston,; Oliver Ditson company;; New

York,; C. H. Ditson & co.;

Year: 1926

Description: xxxiv, [2], 211 p. ports. 32 x 25 cm.

Series: Musicians library (Boston);

Note(s): Edition for high voice./ Bibliography:

p. [xxxiii]-xxxiv.

Title: Negro spirituals :

from Bible to folk song /

Author(s): Dixon, Christa.

Publication: Philadelphia : Fortress Press,

Year: 1976

Description: x, 117 p. ; p., 22 cm.

Note(s): Includes indexes.

Title: Hidden meanings in Negro spirituals from slave times :

exploring the overlap of education, worship, and entertainment in the transmission of cultural heritage /

Author(s): Reid, Celestine Traynham.

Year: 2001

Description: vi, 118 l. ; p., 29 cm.

Note(s): Vita./ Typescript./ Bibliography: l.

[112]-118./ Dissertation: Thesis (D. Min.)--Andover

Newton Theological School, 2001.

Title: Using African American (Negro) spirituals in coping with stress by creative African

Americans who perform piano and vocal European classical music: a participatory study /

Author(s): Foster-Randle, Ellen Eugenia.

Year: 1997

Description: vi, 324, 3 p. p.

Note(s): International and Multicultural

Educational Dept./ Includes bibliographical references (p.

310-324)./ Dissertation: Thesis (Ed. D.)--University

of San Francisco, 1997./ Reproduction: Photocopy./

Ann Arbor, Mich. :/ U.M.I.,/ 2001./ 22 cm.

Title: The importance of negro spirituals and

gospel songs in the Afro-American's life from 1871 until

today /

Author(s): Mbasegue-Oyono, Luc-R.

Publication: Lille :

Year: 1985

Description: Getr. Pag. p.

Language: French

Note(s): Diss., Univ. de Nancy II.

Title: The religion of the American Negro slave his attitude toward life and death.

Author(s): Wilson, G. R. (Gold Refined)

Publication: [Chapel Hill, N.C.] :; Academic

Affairs Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel


Edition: Electronic ed.

Year: 2000



specified: Access screen for full text

Title: Deep river ; and, The negro spiritual

speaks of life and death /

Author(s): Thurman, Howard, 1900-1981. ; Thurman,

Howard,; 1900-1981. ; Negro spiritual speaks of life and


Publication: Richmond, Ind. : Friends United Press,

Year: 1999

Description: 94, 56 p. : p., ill. ;, 22 cm.

Title: Deep river :

music and memory in Harlem Renaissance thought /

Author(s): Anderson, Paul Allen.

Publication: Durham, NC : Duke University Press,

Year: 2001

Description: x, 335 p. : p., ill. ;, 24 cm.

Series: New Americanists;

Title: Religious beliefs and ethical motifs

of the Negro spirituals /

Author(s): McGee, Daniel Bennett.

Year: 1960

Description: 117 leaves ; 29 cm. p.

Language: English

Note(s): Typescript./ Includes bibliographical

references (leaves [95]-117)./ Dissertation: Thesis

(Th. M)--Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1960.

Title: The Negro spiritual :

the message and the music /

Publication: Wichita, Kan. : The League,

Year: 1989

Description: 1 v. (unpaged) : p., ill. ;, 28 cm.

Note(s): Includes bibliography of published


Responsibility: presented by Urban League of Wichita,

Inc., and Kansas Committee for the Humanities.

Title: Negro spirituals : from Bible to folk song /

Author(s): Dixon, Christa K

Publication: Ann Arbor : UMI,

Edition: Reprint of the original ed. of 1976.

Year: 1998 1976

Description: 117 p. ; p., 22 cm.

Note(s): Index. Facsimile ("Books on demand")

de l'édition originale publiée par Fortress press,

Philadelphie, en 1976.

Title: Stories and spirituals of the negro slave /

Author(s): Emerson, William Canfield, 1893-

Publication: Boston : R.G. Badger,

Year: 1930

Description: 79 p. : p., ports. ;, 20 cm.

Note(s): Includes music./ Reproduction: Photocopy./ Austin, Tex. :/ BookLab,/ 1997./ 21 cm.

Title: Religious folk songs of the negro as

sung on the plantations. New ed.,

Author(s): Fenner, Thomas Putnam.

Publication: Hampton, Va., The Institute Press,

Year: 1909

Description: vi, 175, [2] p. p., 22 cm.

Note(s): With music.

Title: The Fisk Jubilee singers:

performing ambassadors for the survival of an American

treasure, 1871-1878.

Author(s): Anderson, Toni Passmore.

Publication: Atlanta, GA: Georgia State University

Year: 1997

Description: 395p. p.

Note(s): Dissertation: Thesis (Ph.

D.)--Georgia State University, 1997.

General Info: Bibliography: pp. 352-377.

Title: Famous Negro music makers /

Author(s): Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967.

Publication: New York : Dodd, Mead,

Year: 1963 1955

Description: 179 p. : p., ports. ;, 22 cm.

Language: English

Series: Famous biographies for young people;

Title: Negro spiritual card index, Washington, D.C.

Complete card catalog of the Library of Congress collection of Negro spirituals.

Corp Author: Library of Congress. Music Division.

Publication: Washington, D.C., Library of Congress,

Year: 1970

Description: 2 microfilm reels. p.

Language: English

Title: The R. Nathaniel Dett reader : essays on black sacred music /

Author(s): Dett, R. Nathaniel,; 1882-1943. ; Spencer, Jon Michael.

Publication: Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press,

Year: 1991

Description: xiv, 138 p. : p., ill., music, ports.

;, 23 cm.

Language: English

Series: Black sacred music,; v. 5, no. 2;

Title: The Negro spiritual :

from the Southern plantations to the concert stages of America /

Author(s): Burns, Pamela Teresa.

Year: 1993

Description: vi, 98 leaves : p., music ;, 28 cm.

Note(s): Includes bibliographical references

(leaves 94-98)./ Dissertation: Thesis

(D.M.A.)--University of Alabama, 1993.

More Corp Auth: University of Alabama.; School of


Title: Handy Brothers' catalog of Negro

spirituals and other octavo music for mixed voices, male

quartets and solos.

Corp Author: Handy Brothers' Music Company, inc.

Publication: New York, Handy Brothers Music Co.

Year: 1925

Description: 40 p. p.

Title: The evolution of slave songs of the

United States...

Author(s): Fisher, Miles Mark, 1899-

Publication: Chicago, n.p.

Year: 1948

Description: 1 p.., iv, 350 numb. . 31 cm. p.

Note(s): Type-written (carbon copy)./ Author's

autograph presentation copy to Dr. Mason Crum./

Bibliography: numb. . 305-350./ Dissertation: Thesis

(Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, 1949.

Title: The candid attitudes of the twentieth

century Negro toward the performance of Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Johnson, Clarence Samuel.

Year: 1970

Description: 57 leaves ; p., 29 cm.

Note(s): Typescript./ Includes bibliographical

references (leaves 54-57)./ Dissertation: Thesis

(M.M.)--University of Mississippi, 1970.

Title: The origin of and the contribution

that Negro spirituals have made in the area of folk music /

Author(s): Thompson, Elizabeth Azalia Jette

Year: 1947

Description: 55 . : p., 28 cm.

Language: English

Note(s): Photocopy of typescript/ Dissertation:

Thesis (M. Ed.)--Alabama State University, 1947

Title: The origin and characteristics of Negro spirituals.

Author(s): Beaver, Mary Corinne,

Year: 1963

Description: iv, 94 leaves, bound : p., music ;, 28 cm.

Note(s): Typescript (carbon copy)./ Includes

bibliographical references (leaves 92-94)./ Dissertation:

Thesis (M.A.)--Claremont Graduate School, 1963.

Title: A historical analysis of the Negro

spiritual /

Author(s): Johnson, Janet Deneen, 1964-

Year: 1989

Description: 70 leaves : p., music ;, 28 cm.

Note(s): Vita./ Bibliography: leaves 67-69./

Dissertation: Thesis (M.M.)--University of Texas at

El Paso, 1989.

Title: The negro spiritual as art-song in settings for solo voice and piano /

Author(s): Davis, Ollie Watts.

Year: 1987

Description: [v], 97 leaves : p., ill., music ;, 28 cm.

Note(s): Printout./ Bibliography: leaves

77-83./ Dissertation: Thesis (i.e. Extended paper,

A. Mus. D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,


Title: The Negro spiritual: its background, characteristics, and function in Black America /

Author(s): Tilton, Crystal Lee.

Year: 1969

Description: 142 p. : p., music ;, 28 cm.

Language: English

Note(s): D. C. Kingman, Chairperson./

Dissertation: Thesis (M.A., Music)--California State

University, Sacramento, 1969.

Title: Negro spirituals in American collections: a handbook for students studying Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Merritt, Nancy Gertrude.

Year: 1940

Description: 59, [44] leaves p.

Note(s): Bibliography: leaves [39-44]/

Dissertation: Thesis (M.A.)--Howard University,

1940./ Reproduction: Microfilm./ Washington, D. C.

:/ Howard University, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center,/

1985./ 1 microfilm reel : positive ; 35 mm.

Title: A Brief list of material on the Negro spiritual /

Publication: Washington, DC : The Archive,

Year: 1972

Description: 3 p. ; p., 28 cm.

Note(s): Caption title./ "7/19/72"--P. 3.

Responsibility: Library of Congress, Archive of Folk Song.

Title: Principal collections of field recordings in the Archive of Folk Song which contain negro

spirituals /

Publication: [Washington, D.C.?] : The Archive,

Year: 1970

Description: 3 p. ; p., 28 cm.

Note(s): Caption title./ "12/21/70"--P. 3.

Responsibility: Library of Congress, Music Division, Archive of Folk Song.

Title: The message of the Negro spiritual /

Author(s): Guy, William E.

Publication: St. Paul, Minn. : The Williamson Press,

Year: 1946

Description: [8], 58 p. : p., ill., music ;, 22 cm.

Title: The religious experience underlying the Negro spiritual.

Author(s): Davis, Henderson Sheridan, 1913-

Year: 1950

Description: xiv, 230, [xv]-ix . p.

Responsibility: Boston University Graduate School

dissertation, submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Title: The Negro's contribution to music in America,

Author(s): Nelson, Rose K. ; Cole, Dorothy L.;

1898- ; (Dorothy Jane Lowenhaupt),; joint author.

Publication: New York, N.Y., Service Bureau for

Intercultural Education,

Year: 1941

Description: 2 p. 1., 23 numb. 1. p., 28x22 cm.

Series: Service Bureau for Intercultural

Education. [Publications]; No. N-4;

Title: Hall Johnson, preserver of the Negro spiritual /

Author(s): Simpson, Ingres Hall.

Publication: [Cincinnati],

Year: 1978

Description: v, 96 leaves : p., music ;, 29 cm.

Note(s): Bibliography: leaves 94-96./

Dissertation: Thesis (Master of Music) - Univ. of

Cincinnati, 1978.

Title: Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Kennedy, R. Emmet 1877-1944. (Robert


Publication: Philadelphia : H. Royer Smith,

Year: 1931

Description: p.382-388 ; p., 25 cm.

Note(s): In a whole issue of Disques, November 1931./ Discography: p. 387-388.

Title: Negro music in early America (from 1619 to the Civil War) /

Author(s): Glazer, Irving W.

Year: 1968 1945

Description: v, 99 leaves : p., music.

Note(s): Microfilm of typescript. [New York?] :

Remington Records Retrieval, [1968?]. -- 1 reel ; 35 mm./

Bibliography: leaf 3./ Dissertation: Thesis

(M.A.)--New York University.

Title: Rolling along in song : a chronological survey of American Negro music, with

eighty-seven arrangements of Negro songs, including ring shouts, spirituals, work songs, plantation ballads, chain-gang, jail-house, and minstrel songs, street cries, and blues /

Author(s): Johnson, J. Rosamond 1873-1954. (John Rosamond),

Publication: Ann Arbor, Mich. : University

Microfilms International,

Year: 1978 1937

Description: 224 p. (on double leaves) : p., music

;, 26 cm.

Note(s): Reprint of 1937 ed. published by Viking Press, New York.

Title: Stories and spirituals of the negro slave,

Author(s): Emerson, William Canfield, 1893- ed.

Publication: Boston, R.G. Badger

Year: 1930

Description: 79 p. p., front., ports., 20 cm.

Note(s): Includes music.

Title: From spirituals to swing : a note on American Negro music /

Author(s): Dugan, James, Writer on music.

Publication: New York : The Music Room,

Year: 1936

Description: 10 p. ; p., 22 cm.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution

owns the item. Libraries that Own Item: 1592

Title: Negro folk music U.S.A.

Author(s): Courlander, Harold, 1908-

Publication: New York, Columbia University Press,

Year: 1963

Description: x, 324 p. p., illus., music., 24 cm.

Note(s): "The music" (melodies with words): p.

[221]-287./ Bibliography: p. [299]-301; Discography: p.


Title: Folk-songs of the American Negro; a collection of unprinted texts preceded by a general

survey of the traits of Negro song.

Author(s): McAdams, Nettie Fitzgerald.

Publication: [n.p.,

Year: 1923

Description: vi, 159 l. p., 28 cm.

Note(s): Bibliography: l. 139-149./

Dissertation: Thesis (M.A.)--University of


Author(s): Smith, Yolanda Y.

Title: He Still Wid Us--Jesus.

The musical theology of spirituals

Source: Christian history. no. 62, (1999): 18

Additional Info: Christian History Magazine,

Alt Journal: Uniform Title: Christian history (Worcester, Pa. :

Township) Key Title: Christian history (Worcester, Pa.)

Author(s): Trice, Patricia J.

Title: Choral Arrangements of Spirituals: Birth and Perpetuation of a Genre.

Source: The Choral journal. 37, no. 1, (August 01, 1996): 9

Additional Info: American Choral Directors Association.

Alt Journal: Key Title: The Choral journal Preceding Title:

Texas choirmaster

Author(s): Sacre, Robert

Title: Introduction: Negro Spirituals and Gospel Songs:

Indexes to Selected Periodicals.

Source: Black music research journal. 15, no. 2, (Fall 1995):


Additional Info: Institute for Research in Black American Music, Fisk


Author(s): Sanger, Kerran L.

Title: Slave Resistance and Rhetorical Self-Definition:

Spirituals as a Strategy.

Source: Western journal of communication. 59, no. 3, (Summer

1995): 177

Additional Info: Western States Communication Association,

Author(s): Curtis, Marvin V

Title: ARTICLES - African-American Spirituals and Gospel

Music: Historical Similarities and Differences

Source: The Choral journal. 41, no. 8, (2001): 9 (14 pages)

Additional Info: American Choral Directors Association.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 405

Author(s): Connor, Kimberly Rae

Title: "Everybody Talking about Heaven Ain't Going There":

The Biblical Call for Justice and the Postcolonial Response of the Spirituals

Source: Semeia. no. 75, (1996): 107 (22 pages)

Additional Info: Scholars Press]

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 1012

Author(s): Radano, Ronald

Title: Denoting Difference: The Writing of the Slave Spirituals

Source: Critical inquiry. 22, no. 3, (1996): 506 (39 pages)

Additional Info: University of Chicago Press]

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 429

Author(s): Floyd, William S.

Title: Wade in the Water: The Wisdom of the Spirituals by Arthur C. Jones.

Source: The journal of black psychology. 21, no. 1, (February

1995): 89

Additional Info: National Association of Black Psychologists.

Author(s): Brown, Charles M.

Title: Musical Responses to Oppression and Alienation: Blues,

Spirituals, Secular Thrash, and Christian Thrash Metal Music.

Source: International journal of politics, culture, and

society. 8, no. 3, (Spring 1995): 439

Additional Info: Human Sciences Press,

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 370

Author(s): Burroughs, Bruce

Title: Marian Anderson: Arias, Songs, and Spirituals.

Source: The Opera quarterly. 11, no. 2, (1995): 167

Additional Info: University of North Carolina Press,

Article Type: Review

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 231

Author(s): Spencer, Jon Michael

Title: The Emancipation of the Negro and the Negro Spirituals

From the Racialist Legacy of Arthur de Gobineau.

Source: Canadian review of American studies. 24, no. 1,

(1994): 1

Additional Info: Canadian Association for American Studies.

Author(s): Trice, Patricia J.

Title: Unacompanied Choral Arrangements of Africa-American Spirituals: The "Signifying" Tradition Continues.

Source: The Choral journal. 34, no. 7, (February 1994): 15

Additional Info: American Choral Directors Association.

Author(s): Hawn, C. Michael

Title: A Survey of Trends in Recent Protestant Hymnals:

African-American Spirituals, Hymns, and Gospel Songs.

Source: The Hymn. 43, no. 1, (January 1992): 21-23

Additional Info: Hymn Society of America]

Title: The legacy of the sorrow songs.

Author(s): Sullivan, Jack, 1946-

Publication: United States

Description: p. 1-46.

In: Sullivan, Jack, 1946-. New World symphonies Yale

Univ. Press, 1999 ISBN: 0300072317 Monograph Record:


Title: Performing community: culture, community, and African

American subjectivity before Emancipation.

Author(s): Bassard, Katherine Clay, 1959-

Publication: United States

Description: p. 127-39.

In: Bassard, Katherine Clay, 1959-. Spiritual

interrogations Princeton Univ. Press, 1999 ISBN: 0691016399

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 1011

Author(s): Flandreau S

Address: REPRINT: Flandreau, S; Columbia Coll Chicago,

Chicago, IL 60605 USA; Columbia Coll Chicago, Chicago, IL 60605 USA

Title: An index to African-American spirituals for the solo voice

Source: NOTES 56, no. 4 (JUN 2000): 966-967

Article Type: Book Review

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 638

Author(s): Shirley WD



Title: The coming of 'Deep River' (African American


Source: AMERICAN MUSIC 15, no. 4 (WIN 1997): 493-534



Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 316

Author(s): GILKES CT

Address: REPRINT




Source: SOCIAL COMPASS 43, no. 4 (DEC 1996): 563-581

Author(s): SACRE R

Address: REPRINT



Source: BLACK MUSIC RESEARCH JOURNAL 15, no. 2 (FAL 1995): 143

Standard No: ISSN: 0276-3605


Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 1012

Author(s): RADANO R

Address: REPRINT


Source: CRITICAL INQUIRY 22, no. 3 (SPR 1996): 506-544

Author(s): SANGER KL

Address: REPRINT


Source: WESTERN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 59, no. 3 (SUM 1995): 177-192

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to

this publication. Libraries that Own Item: 231

Author(s): SPENCER JM

Address: REPRINT




1994): 1-18

Author(s): KLIMKEIT HJ

Address: REPRINT




no. 1 (1993): 58-70

Language: GERMAN

References: Number: 0005

Author(s): EPSTEIN DJ



Source: BLACK MUSIC RESEARCH JOURNAL 10, no. 1 (1990): 58-64

Author(s): ROBERTS HH


Source: ETHNOMUSICOLOGY 33, no. 3 (1989): 409-474

1 The American art-song:

an inquiry into its development from the colonial period to the present

Author: Gray, Leon Wilbur, 1913- Publication: [New York] : Gray,

1970 1966 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 3 (WorldCat)

2 The Negro and his music. Negro art: past and present

Author: Locke, Alain LeRoy, 1886-1954. Publication: New York, Arno

Press, 1969 1936 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 693 In

your library (WorldCat)

3 A performer's guide for selected sacred solo art songs by American composers

Author: Mims, Lloyd Lee. Publication: 1985 Document: English :

Book/Text : Microform Libraries: 1 (WorldCat)

4 The African American experience in worship and the arts /

Author: Jackson, Irene V. Publication: New Haven, CT : Yale

University Institute of Sacred Music, Worship, and the Arts, 1992

Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 8 (WorldCat)

5 The use of spiritual melody in selected art songs of twentieth

century Black American composers /

Author: Willis, Sharon J., 1949- Publication: 1988 Document:

English : Book/Text Libraries: 6 (WorldCat)

6 Viewpoints from Black America.

Author: Curry, Gladys J., comp. Publication: Englewood Cliffs,

N.J., Prentice-Hall 1970 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries:

467 (WorldCat)

7 Negro art, music and rhyme,

for young folks,

Author: Whiting, Helen Adele Johnson. Publication: Washington,

D.C., The Associated Publishers 1967 Document: English : Book/Text

Libraries: 80 (WorldCat)

8 Contemporary Negro arts.

Author: Adams, Agatha Boyd. Publication: Chapel Hill, Univ. of

North Carolina Press, 1948 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries:

60 (WorldCat)

9 The art songs of black American composers

Author: McCorvey, Everett David. Publication: 1989 Document:

English : Book/Text : Microform Libraries: 2 (WorldCat)

10 Art-song in the United States :

an annotated bibliography : first supplement /

Author: Carman, Judith E. Publication: [s.l.] : National

Association of Teachers of Singing, 1978 Document: English :

Book/Text Libraries: 15 (WorldCat)

11 The contributions of four African-American women composers to

American art song /

Author: Moham, Carren D., 1956- Publication: 1997 Document:

English : Book/Text Libraries: 5 (WorldCat)

12 A guide to Negro music : an annotated bibliography of Negro folk music, and art music by Negro

composers or based on Negro thematic material /

Author: George, Zelma, 1903- Publication: [New York] : New York

University, 1973 1953 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 16


13 The development of the black art song /

Author: Adkins, Aldrich Wendell, 1922- Publication: Austin, Tex. :

Adkins, 1972 1971 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 6


14 The American art-song : an inquiry into its development from the colonial period to the present

Author: Gray, Leon Wilbur, 1913- Publication: 1966 1970 Document:

English : Book/Text Libraries: 6 (WorldCat)

1 The African American experience in worship and the arts /

Author: Jackson, Irene V. Publication: New Haven, CT : Yale

University Institute of Sacred Music, Worship, and the Arts, 1992

Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 8 (WorldCat)

2 Art in Negro folksong /

Author: Ames, Russell Abbott. Publication: [Philadelphia, 1943

Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 2 (WorldCat)

3 The Negro and his music ; Negro art : past and present /

Author: Locke, Alain LeRoy, 1886-1954. Publication: Salem, N.H. :

Ayer, 1988 1936 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 35


4 Women making music : the Western art tradition, 1150-1950 /

Author: Bowers, Jane M.; Tick, Judith. Publication: Urbana :

University of Illinois Press, 1986 Document: English : Book/Text

Libraries: 1053 In your library (WorldCat)

5 A guide to Negro music :

an annotated bibliography of Negro folk music, and art music by Negro

composers or based on Negro thematic material /

Author: George, Zelma, 1903- Publication: 1981 1953 Document:

English : Book/Text Libraries: 8 (WorldCat)

6 British and American art songs published since 1967 /

Author: Gilbert, Dale.; Bower, Richard. Publication: Elmhurst,

Ill. : Chicago Singing Teachers Guild, 1974 Document: English :

Book/Text Libraries: 8 (WorldCat)

7 The development of the Black art song /

Author: Adkins, Aldrich Wendell, 1922- Publication: 1971

Document: English : Book/Text : Microform Libraries: 7

8 A guide to Negro music : an annotated bibliography of Negro folk music, and art music by Negro

composers or based on Negro thematic material /

Author: George, Zelma, 1903- Publication: [New York] : New York

University, 1973 1953 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 16

9 Contemporary Negro arts.

Author: Adams, Agatha Boyd. Publication: Chapel Hill, Univ. of

North Carolina Press, 1948 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries:

10 The art song.

Author: Hall, James Husst. Publication: Norman, University of

Oklahoma Press 1953 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 770

In your library (WorldCat)

11 Art-song in America : a study in the development of American music /

Author: Upton, William Treat, 1870-1961. Publication: Boston :

Chicago : London : Oliver Ditson Company ; Lyon & Healy ; Winthrop

Rogers, 1930 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 365 In your

library (WorldCat)

12 Viewpoints from Black America.

Author: Curry, Gladys J., comp. Publication: Englewood Cliffs,

N.J., Prentice-Hall 1970 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries:

467 (WorldCat)

13 The Negro and his music.Negro art: past and present

Author: Locke, Alain LeRoy, 1886-1954. Publication: New York, Arno

Press, 1969 1936 Document: English : Book/Text Libraries: 693 In

your library (WorldCat)

Title: The African American experience in worship and the arts /

Author(s): Jackson, Irene V.

Publication: New Haven, CT : Yale University Institute of

Sacred Music, Worship, and the Arts,

Year: 1992

Description: 55 p. : p., ill. ;, 28 cm.

Series: Variation: PRISM (New Haven, Conn.).

Note(s): Title from cover./ Issue 15 (1992) of: PRISM.

Title: Art in Negro folksong /

Author(s): Ames, Russell Abbott.

Publication: [Philadelphia,

Year: 1943

Description: p. 241-254 ; p., 27 cm.

Note(s): Pages printed on one side of leaf only./ Reprinted

from Journal of American folklore, vol. 56, no. 222, October-December,


Title: The Negro and his music ;

Negro art : past and present /

Author(s): Locke, Alain LeRoy, 1886-1954.

Publication: Salem, N.H. : Ayer,

Edition: Reprint ed.

Year: 1988 1936

Description: 142, 122 p. ; p., 23 cm.

Series: Afro-American culture series;

Note(s): Reprints of editions first published in 1936./

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the

item. Libraries that Own Item: 1053

Title: Women making music : the Western art tradition, 1150-1950 /

Author(s): Bowers, Jane M. ; Tick, Judith.

Publication: Urbana : University of Illinois Press,

Year: 1986

Description: 409 p. : p., ill., music, ports. ;, 24 cm.

Title: A guide to Negro music : an annotated bibliography of Negro folk music, and art music by Negro composers or based on Negro thematic material /

Author(s): George, Zelma, 1903-

Year: 1981 1953

Description: 5, xvii, 277 leaves p.

Note(s): Bibliography: leaves [253]-277./ Dissertation:

Thesis (Ph. D.)--New York University, 1953./ Reproduction:

Photocopy./ Ann Arbor, Mich. :/ University Microfilms International,/

1981./ 21 cm.

Title: British and American art songs published since 1967 /

Author(s): Gilbert, Dale. ; Bower, Richard.

Publication: Elmhurst, Ill. : Chicago Singing Teachers Guild,

Year: 1974

Description: iii, 36 p. ; p., 28 cm.

Language: English

Title: The development of the Black art song /

Author(s): Adkins, Aldrich Wendell, 1922-

Year: 1971

Description: xiii, 146 leaves : p., ill., music ;, 28 cm.

Note(s): "Treatise presented to ... the University of Texas

at Austin ... for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts."/ Vita./

Microfilm of typescript. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms,

1977. -- 1 reel ; 35 mm./ Bibliography : leaves 140-146.

Title: A guide to Negro music : an annotated bibliography of Negro folk music, and art music by Negro composers or based on Negro thematic material /

Author(s): George, Zelma, 1903-

Publication: [New York] : New York University,

Year: 1973 1953

Description: 5, xvii, 277 leaves p.

Note(s): Photoreproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : University

Microfilms, 1973.-- 22 cm./ Bibliography: leaves [253]-277./

Dissertation: Thesis--New York University.

Title: Contemporary Negro arts.

Author(s): Adams, Agatha Boyd.

Publication: Chapel Hill, Univ. of North Carolina Press,

Year: 1948

Description: 44 p. p., 23 cm.

Language: English

Series: The University of North Carolina Library extension

publication,; v. 13, no. 5; Variation: Library extension

publication ;; v. 13, no. 5.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the

item. Libraries that Own Item: 770

Title: The art song.

Author(s): Hall, James Husst.

Publication: Norman, University of Oklahoma Press

Edition: [1st ed.]

Year: 1953

Description: ix, 310 p. p., music., 23 cm.

Language: English

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the

item. Libraries that Own Item: 365

Title: Art-song in America : a study in the development of American music /

Author(s): Upton, William Treat, 1870-1961.

Publication: Boston : Oliver Ditson Company ; Chicago : Lyon &

Healy ; London : Winthrop Rogers,

Year: 1930

Description: xi, 279 p. p., ill., facsims., music ;, 23 cm.

Title: Viewpoints from Black America.

Author(s): Curry, Gladys J., comp.

Publication: Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall

Year: 1970

Description: xv, 236 p. p., 22 cm.

Language: English

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the

item. Libraries that Own Item: 693

Title: The Negro and his music. Negro art: past and present

Author(s): Locke, Alain LeRoy, 1886-1954.

Publication: New York, Arno Press,

Year: 1969 1936

Description: 142, 122 p. p., 23 cm.

Language: English

Series: The American Negro, his history and literature;

Afro-American culture series.;

Note(s): Reprints of editions first published in 1936./

"Reading references" at end of each chapter in both items. "Record

illustrations" at end of most of the chapters of The Negro and his


Title: Album of Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Johnson, J. Rosamond; 1873-1954. ; (John Rosamond),

Publication: [New York] :; Edward B. Marks Music Co. ;;

Milwaukee, WI :; Hal Leonard Corp.,

Year: 2000

Description: 1 score (56 p.) ; 31 cm.

Title: Album of Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Burleigh, H. T.; 1866-1949. ; (Harry Thacker),

Publication: Miami, Fla. :; Franco Colombo Publications, c/o

CPP/Belwin Inc. :; [Distributed by?] Warner Bros. Publications,

Year: 2000

Description: 1 vocal score (48 p.) ; 31 cm.

Standard No: Publisher: FC 01433; Franco Colombo

Publications; ISBN: 0769250211

Note(s): For low voice and piano.

Title: Slave songs of the United States

Author(s): Allen, William Francis,; 1830-1889. ; Ware,

Charles Pickard,; 1840-1921. ; Garrison, Lucy McKim,; 1842-1877.

Publication: [Chapel Hill, N.C.] :; Academic Affairs Library,

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,

Edition: Electronic ed.

Year: 2000


Text in both HTML and SGML formats.

Note(s): Title from electronic title page./ Unacc.

Title: The books of American Negro spirituals :

including The book of American Negro spirituals and The second book of Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Johnson, James Weldon,; 1871-1938. ; Johnson, J.

Rosamond; 1873-1954. ; (John Rosamond),; Brown, Lawrence.

Publication: New York :; Viking Press,

Year: 1961 1926

Description: 2 v. in 1. ; 26 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano./ A re-issue of the volumes

first published separately in 1925 and 1926. Each volume has special

Title: A collection of 25 selected celebrated American Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Frey, Hugo,; 1873-1952.

Publication: New York :; Robbins Music,

Year: 1944 1926

Description: 1 score (47 p.) ; 31 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano.

Title: Befo' de war spirituals; words and melodies,

Author(s): McIlhenny, Edward Avery, 1872-1949, comp.;

Wehrmann, Henry,; 1870-1956.

Publication: Boston,; The Christopher publishing house

Year: 1933

Description: 255 p. plates, ports. 22 cm.

Note(s): "The numbers...represent the real singing of real

Louisiana spirituals by real Louisiana Negroes."--Introd. to music,

signed: Henri Wehrmann.

Title: Thirty-six South Carolina spirituals; collected and harmonized by Carl Diton for church, concert and general use.

Author(s): Diton, Carl, comp.

Publication: New York :; G. Schirmer,

Year: 1928

Description: 54 p. : music ; 27 cm.

Title: 5 Negro spirituals; für Singstimme und Instrumentalsolisten

Author(s): Blacher, Boris,; 1903-1975.

Publication: Berlin,; Bote & Bock

Year: 1963

Description: score (19 p.) 31 cm.

Descriptor: Sacred songs (Medium voice) with instrumental

ensemble -- Scores.

Title: The story of the spirituals ; 30 spirituals and their origins.

Author(s): Boatner, Edward, comp.

Publication: [New York]; McAfee Music Corp.; exclusively

distributed by Lorenz Industries, Dayton, Ohio

Year: 1973

Description: score (143 p.) 31 cm.

Language: English

Note(s): Includes chord symbols and guitar chord diagrams.

Responsibility: Voice and piano/guitar. [Arr. by] Edward Boatner.

Title: The book of American Negro spirituals,

Author(s): Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938. ; Johnson, J.

Rosamond; 1873-1954. ; (John Rosamond),; Brown, Lawrence.

Publication: New York,; Viking Press

Year: 1925

Description: 187 p. music. 26 cm.

Title: Walk together children; Black American spirituals.

Author(s): Bryan, Ashley, comp.

Publication: New York,; Atheneum,

Edition: [1st ed.]

Year: 1974

Description: 53 p. illus. 21 x 26 cm.

Title: Forty Negro spirituals /

Author(s): White, Clarence Cameron, 1880-1960, comp.

Publication: Philadelphia :; T. Presser Co.,

Year: 1927

Description: 129 p. ; 32 cm.

Responsibility: compiled and arr. for solo voice with pianoforte

accompaniment by Clarence Cameron White.

Title: The Dett collection of Negro spirituals; originals, settings, anthems, and motets

Author(s): Dett, R. Nathaniel, 1882-1943, ed.

Publication: Minneapolis,; Schmitt, Hall & McCreary

Year: 1936

Description: 4 v. 23 cm.

Language: English

Series: The H. & M. Auditorium Series,; no. 13-16;

Note(s): Each vol. contains a preface, in vols. 2-4

entitled essays, concerning various aspects of Negro spirituals.

Title: Seventy Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Fisher, William Arms,; 1861-1948. ; edt

Publication: Boston :; Oliver Ditson Co.,

Edition: For low voice.

Year: 1926

Description: 1 score (xxxiv, 212 p.) : ports ; 32 cm.

Series: Musicians library (Boston, Mass.);

Title: Down-east spirituals and others : three hundred songs supplementary to the author's Spiritual folk-songs of early America /

Author(s): Jackson, George Pullen,; 1874-1953. ; com

Publication: New York :; Da Capo Press,

Year: 1975 1943

Description: 296 p. of music ; 24 cm.

Series: Da Capo Press music reprint series;

Note(s): Unaccompanied melodies./ Reprint of the 1st ed.,

1943, published by J.J. Augustin, New York./ Includes bibliographical

references: p. [284]-287./ Includes historical information about each

piece, in English./ Includes indexes.

Title: Negro spirituals :for low voice with piano accompaniment /

Author(s): Payne, John, 1872-

Publication: New York :; G. Schirmer,

Year: 1942

Description: 18 p. ; 30 cm.

Standard No: Publisher: 40342; G. Schirmer

Title: The treasury of Negro spirituals.

Author(s): Chambers, H. A. 1880- (Herbert Arthur),

Publication: London,; Blandford Press

Year: 1953

Description: 125 p.

Title: A hundred and twenty negro spirituals /

Author(s): Sandilands, Alexander, comp.

Publication: Basutoland :; Morija Sesuto Book Depot,

Edition: 2nd rev. ed.

Year: 1964

Description: 158 p. ; 21 cm.

Title: Album of Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Burleigh, H. T. 1866-1949. (Harry Thacker),

Publication: New York :; F. Colombo,

Year: 1917

Description: 2 v. ; 30 cm.

Contents: v. [1] High.--v. [2] Low.

Title: Spirituals triumphant old and new : printed in both round and shaped notes /

Author(s): Boatner, Edward.

Publication: Nashville, Tenn. :; Sunday School Pub. Board,

Edition: Rev. and enl.

Year: 1927

Description: [98] p. ; 23 cm.

Title: The Green pastures spirituals /

Author(s): Johnson, Hall, 1888-1970.

Publication: New York :; Farrar & Rinehart,

Year: 1930

Description: 1 score (vi, 40 p.) ; 31 cm.

Language: English

Note(s): "The arrangements in this volume are reductions

for solo voice and piano of the unaccompanied choral arrangements used

in the performance of 'The green pastures'"--P. v.

Title: My spirituals,

Author(s): Jessye, Eva, 1895- ; Whyte, Gordon. ; Frey, Hugo,;


Publication: New York,; Robbins-Engel

Year: 1927

Description: 81 p. illus. 31 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano.

Title: More mellows,

Author(s): Kennedy, R. Emmet 1877-1941. (Robert Emmet),

Publication: New York,; Dodd, Mead & Co.,

Year: 1931

Description: 178 p. 26 cm.

Note(s): Music on lining-papers./ A collection of Negro

spirituals, with introductory notes./ Includes music.

Title: Thirty Negro spirituals, arr. for voice and piano.

Author(s): Johnson, Hall, 1888-1970, arr.

Publication: New York,; G. Schirmer

Year: 1949

Description: 82 p. 31 cm.

Title: Southland spirituals.

Publication: Chicago :; Rodeheaver,

Year: 1936

Description: [64] p. ; 21cm.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the

item. Libraries that Own Item: 595

Title: American Negro songs and spirituals;

a comprehensive collection of 230 folk songs, religious and secular,

Author(s): Work, John W. 1901-1967. (John Wesley),

Publication: New York,; Bonanza Books

Year: 1940

Description: vii, 259 p. 26 cm.

Note(s): With music./ Includes index./ Bibliography: p.


Title: Road to heaven; twenty-eight Negro spirituals.

Author(s): Logan, William A. b. 1871. (William Augustus),

Publication: University, Ala.,; University of Alabama Press,

Year: 1955

Description: 37 p. 28 cm.

Note(s): Unacc. melodies.

Title: Sixteen new Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Johnson, J. Rosamond 1873-1954. (John Rosamond),

Publication: New York :; Handy Bros. Music Co.,

Year: 1939

Description: 1 score (23 p.) ; 31 cm.

Title: Walk together children : Black American spirituals /

Author(s): Bryan, Ashley.

Publication: [New York] :; Atheneum,

Edition: 1st Aladdin ed.

Year: 1974

Description: 53 p. of music : ill. ; 16 x 20 cm.

Title: The Books of American Negro spirituals : including The book of American Negro spirituals and The second book of Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Johnson, James Weldon,; 1871-1938. ; Johnson, J.

Rosamond; 1873-1954. ; (John Rosamond),; Brown, Lawrence.

Publication: New York, N.Y. :; Da Capo Press,

Year: 1981 1969

Description: 1 score (187, 189 p.) ; 26 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano./ Musical arrangements by J.

Rosamond Johnson, additional numbers by Lawrence Brown./ "A Da Capo

paperback."/ Publisher's no.: 0074.

Title: Shadrack = Shadrach /

Author(s): MacGimsey, Robert.

Publication: New York :; C. Fischer,

Year: 1938

Description: score (11 p.) ; 31 cm.

Note(s): For high voice and piano./ First line: Thah was

three chillun./ "The first four measures are a paraphrase of a

traditional Negro spiritual."/ Pub. no.: V1396./ Pl. no.: 28325-9.

Title: The James A. Bland album of outstanding songs,

a collection for voice and piano ...

Author(s): Bland, James A. 1854-1911. (James Allen),;

Haywood, Charles,; 1904-

Publication: New York, N.Y.,; Edward B. Marks Music Corp.,

Year: 1946

Description: 72 p. illus. (incl. ports., facsims.) 31 cm.

Descriptor: Songs with piano.

Title: My songs;

Aframerican religious folk songs

Author(s): Hayes, Roland, 1887-1977.

Publication: Boston,; Little, Brown,

Edition: [1st ed.]

Year: 1948

Description: x, 128 p. 29 cm.

Note(s): "An Atlantic Monthly Press book."

Title: A collection of revival hymns and plantation melodies.

Musical composition

Author(s): Taylor, Marshall William, 1846-1887.

Publication: Cincinnati,; M.W. Taylor and W.C. Echols,

Year: 1883 1882

Description: 276 p. front. (port.) music. 17 cm.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the

item. Libraries that Own Item: 1148

Title: American ballads and folk songs,

Author(s): Lomax, John Avery, 1867-1948, comp.; Lomax,

Alan,; 1915- ; joint comp.; Thompson, Harold William,; 1891-1964.

Publication: New York,; Macmillan,

Year: 1934

Description: xxxix, 625 p., 1 . 27 cm.

Note(s): "Of this edition ... five hundred copies have been

prepared, each signed by the authors." This copy not numbered. Signed:

John A. Lomax, Alan Lomax./ Includes music./ "Bibliography compiled by

Harold W. Thompson": p. 613-621.

Title: The Negro sings a new heaven,

Author(s): Grissom, Mary Allen.

Publication: Chapel Hill,; The University of North Carolina


Year: 1930

Description: 4 p.l., 101 p. 27 cm.

Series: The University of North Carolina. Social study

series; Variation: Social study series.

Title: Slave songs of the United States.

Author(s): Allen, William Francis, 1830-1889. ; Ware, Charles

Pickard,; 1840-1921. ; Garrison, Lucy McKim,; 1842-1877.

Publication: New York,; A. Simpson & Co.,

Year: 1867

Description: xliv, 115 p. 23 cm.

Note(s): Unacc. melodies./ Preface signed: William Francis

Allen, Charles Pickard Ware, Lucy McKim Garrison.

Title: Songs of American folks /

Author(s): Coleman, Satis N. 1878-1961. (Satis Narrona),;

Bregman, Adolph,; 1890-1951.

Publication: New York :; John Day Co.,

Year: 1942

Description: 1 score (128 p.) : ill. ; 26 cm.

Note(s): "Original arrangements [for voice with piano

accompaniment] by Satis N. Coleman."/ Includes indexes.

Title: Religious folk songs of the Negro.

Author(s): Fenner, Thomas P.

Corp Author: Hampton Institute.

Publication: Hampton, Va. :; The Institute Press,

Edition: [New ed.]

Year: 1924 1909

Description: iv, 178 p. all music ; 22 cm.

Note(s): Reprint of the 1909 ed./ "Arranged in 1909 by the

musical directors of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute from

the original edition by Thomas P. Fenner."

Title: Standin in de need o'prayer : Negro spirtual [i.e. spiritual] /

Author(s): Reddick, William J.,; 1890-1965.

Publication: New York :; Huntzinger & Dilworth,

Year: 1918

Description: 1 score (5 [1] p.) ; 31 cm.

Descriptor: Songs with piano.

Note(s): For voice and piano./ Caption title./ At head of

Title: Negro spirituals : arranged for solo voice /

Author(s): Burleigh, H. T.; 1866-1949. ; (Harry Thacker),

Publication: New York :; G. Ricordi,

Year: 1922

Description: 1 score (various pagings)

Note(s): Cover title./ For voice and piano.

Title: God is a god! : six Negro spirituals for voice and piano /

Author(s): Carter, Roland M. ; King, Betty Jackson. ; Whalum,

Wendell,; 1931-

Publication: Hampton, VA :; Mar-Vel,

Year: 1983

Description: 1 score (29 p.) ; 30 cm.

Note(s): For medium voice and piano./ Cover title./ 1st-2nd

songs arr. by Whalum ; 3rd-4th arr. by King ; 5th-6th arr. by Carter.

Title: Seventy Negro spirituals,

Author(s): Fisher, William Arms, 1861-1948.

Publication: Boston,; O. Ditson ;

Year: 1926

Description: xxxiv, [2], 212 p. ports. 32 cm.

Series: The Musicians library;

Note(s): Edition for low voice./ Bibliography: p.


Title: Twelve Negro spirituals [arranged]

Author(s): Still, William Grant, 1895- ; Goodwin, Ruby

Berkley. ; Adams, Wellington Alexander,; 1879-

Publication: [New York]; Handy Brothers Music Co., Inc.

Year: 1937 9999

Description: v. illus. (incl. ports.) 31 cm.

Title: Nine negro spirituals;

Author(s): Gaul, Harvey B. 1881-1945, (Harvey Bartlett), arr.

Publication: New York,; Gray;; London,; Novello

Year: 1918

Description: score (25 p.) 27 cm.

Title: Spirituals /

Author(s): Silverman, Jerry,; 1931-

Publication: New York :; Chelsea House,

Year: 1995

Description: 1 score.

Series: Traditional Black music;

Note(s): For voice and piano; includes chord symbols./

Title: Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Burleigh, H. T. 1866-1949. (Harry Thacker),

Publication: London :; G. Ricordi,

Year: 1917 1919

Description: 2 v. ; 28 cm.

Songs (Low voice) with piano.

Title: I'm going to sing : Black American spirituals, volume two /

Author(s): Bryan, Ashley.

Publication: New York :; Atheneum,

Edition: 1st ed.

Year: 1982

Description: x, 53 p. : ill. ; 21 x 26 cm.

Note(s): Companion volume to the compilers : Walk together


Title: Forty-two popular spirituals : mixed voices /

Author(s): Goodell, Walter,; 1884-1953.

Publication: Minneapolis :; Schmitt, Hall & McCreary,

Year: 1939

Description: 1 close score ([32] p.) ; 22 cm.

Series: The H. & M. auditorium series ;; no. 45;

Title: A collection of 25 selected celebrated American Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Frey, Hugo,; 1873-1952.

Publication: New York :; Robbins Music,

Year: 1944 1926

Description: 1 score (47 p.) ; 31 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano.

Title: 32 galliard spirituals /

Author(s): Tillman, June.

Publication: London :; Stainer & Bell,

Year: 1982

Description: 64 p. of music ; 26 cm.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the

item. Libraries that Own Item: 481

Title: The treasury of Negro spirituals.

Author(s): Chambers, H. A. 1880- (Herbert Arthur),

Publication: New York,; Emerson Books

Year: 1963 1959

Description: 125 p. illus. 26 cm.

Note(s): Contains 30 well-known spirituals, arr. for voice

and piano, and 6 modern compositions, 2 of which are arr. for male


Responsibility: [Foreword by Marian Anderson]

Title: Spirituals /

Author(s): Dett, R. Nathaniel, 1882-1943.

Publication: New York :; Mills Music,

Year: 1943

Description: 19 p. ; 31 cm.

Songs (Medium voice) with piano.

Note(s): For solo voice with piano acc./ Includes

biographical sketch of the composer.

Title: Your favorite spirituals : arranged for voice, piano, guitar, harmonica.

Publication: Delaware Water Gap, Pa. :; Shawnee Press,

Year: 1966

Description: 1 score (64 p.) ; 31 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano, with guitar and harmonica symbols.

Title: Leanin' on de Lawd :

Negro spiritual /

Author(s): Reddick, William J.,; 1890-1965.

Publication: New York :; Huntzinger & Dilworth,

Year: 1918

Description: 1 score (5 p.) ; 31 cm.

Title: Negro spirituals : für Gesang und Klavier /

Author(s): Riesenfeld, Hugo,; 1879-1939. ; arr; Möller, Heinrich,;

1876-1958. ; trl

Publication: Berlin :; A. Fürstner,

Year: 1930

Description: 1 score (v. ) ; 31 cm.

Title: Standin' in de need o' prayer: negro spirtual [i.e. spiritual] /

Author(s): Reddick, William J.,; 1890-1965.

Publication: New York :; R.L. Huntzinger,

Year: 1918

Description: 1 score (5 p.) ; 31 cm.

Title: The treasury of Negro spirituals,

Author(s): Chambers, H. A. 1880- (Herbert Arthur),

Publication: London,; Blandford Press

Year: 1959 1953

Description: 125 p. illus. 26 cm.

Note(s): First published in 1953.

Title: 16 solo spirituals /

Author(s): Boatner, Edward. ; Polgar, Antoine J.

Publication: [New York? : American Festival of Negro Arts,

Year: 1964

Description: 5, 66 p. ; 30 cm.

Songs (High voice) with piano.

Title: Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Fisher, William Arms,; 1861-1948.

Publication: Boston :; O. Ditson Co.,

Year: 1925

Description: 1 score (9 v.)

Songs (Medium voice) with piano.

Title: Three spirituals /

Author(s): Hattey, Philip.

Publication: London :; Oxford University Press, Music Dept.,

Year: 1962

Description: score (11 p.) ; 31 cm.

Series: Oxford solo songs;

Note(s): Cover title./ For voice and piano.

Title: The Spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh : high voice.

Author(s): Burleigh, H. T.; 1866-1949. ; (Harry Thacker),

Publication: Miami, Fla. :; Belwin Mills, c/o CPP/Belwin,

Year: 1984

Description: 1 score ([4], 203 p.) : port. ; 31 cm.

Title: 20 American songs and negro spirituals /

Author(s): Hengeveld, Gerard.

Publication: Amsterdam :; Uitgave Broekmans En Van Poppel,

Year: ? 1900 1990

Description: 1 score (48 p.) ; 32 cm.

Title: 34 Spirituals /

Author(s): Milkey, E. T.

Publication: New York :; Mayfair Music,

Year: 1961

Description: score (47 p.) ; 31 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano, with chord symbols.

Title: Jack Snyder's collection of favorite American negro spirituals /

Author(s): Snyder, Jack.

Publication: New York :; Jack Snyder Pub. Co., Inc.,

Year: 1926

Description: 1 score (57 p.) ; 30 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano.

Title: [Two collections of spirituals /

Author(s): Frey, Hugo, 1873-1952. ; Frey, Hugo. ; Famous negro spirituals.

Publication: New York :; Robbin Music Corp ;

Year: 1924 1926

Description: 2 scores : ill. (some col.) ; 31 cm or smaller.

Note(s): With piano acc./ Title and first line finding aids


Title: Poor wayfarin' stranger /

Author(s): Brown, Lawrence,; 1905- ; arr.; Anderson, Marion,;

1902- ; prf; Robeson, Paul,; 1898-1976. ; prf

Publication: New York :; Associated Music Publishers,

Year: 1943

Description: 1 score ([3], 4-5, [3] p.) : ill. ; 31 cm.

Series: Six Negro folk songs arranged by Lawrence Brown ;; no.

6; Variation: Negro folk songs arranged by Lawrence Brown ;; no. 6.

Title: He aint comin' here to die no more : traditional Negro spiritual /

Author(s): Singer, Werner.

Publication: New York :; Boosey & Hawkes,

Year: 1956

Description: 4 p. of music ; 31 cm.

Songs (Medium voice) with piano.

Note(s): Caption title./ For medium voice and piano.

Title: Great gittin' up mornin' : Negro shout song /

Author(s): Brown, Lawrence,; 1905- ; arr.; Anderson, Marion,;

1902- ; prf; Robeson, Paul,; 1898-1976. ; prf

Publication: New York :; Associated Music Publishers,

Year: 1943

Description: 1 score ([2], 3-5, [3] p.) ill. ; 31 cm.

Language: English

Series: Six Negro folk songs arranged by Lawrence Brown ;; no.

1; Variation: Negro folk songs arranged by Lawrence Brown ;; no. 1.

Title: There is a balm in Gilead /

Author(s): Dawson, William Levi, 1899-

Publication: [Tuskegee], Ala. :; Music Press, Tuskegee Institute ;;

San Diego, Calif. :; Kjos, sole distributor,

Edition: Low key.

Year: 1939

Description: 1 score (6 p.) ; 31 cm.

Language: English

Title: Wanderin' /

Author(s): Furman, James, 1937-

Year: 1053

Description: 1 ms. score ([4] p.) ; 31 cm.

Note(s): Caption title./ Reproduced from composer's ms.

Title: Spiritual cycle : for soprano [and] orchestra (1978) /

Author(s): Tillis, Frederick, 1930- ; Hayden, Robert Earl. ; Angle of ascent

Publication: New York :; American Composers Alliance,

Year: ? 1978 1987

Description: 1 score (75 p.) ; 43 cm.

Series: Composers facsimile edition;

Note(s): Reproduced from manuscript./ Duration: ca. 15:00.

Title: Folk songs of the American Negro /

Author(s): Work, Frederick Jerome,; 1871-1925.

Publication: Nashville, Tenn. :; Work Brothers,

Year: 1907 9999

Description: v. ; 23 cm.

Language: English

Note(s): Volume 1 is revised edition.

Title: Here's one : Negro spiritual /

Author(s): Still, William Grant, 1895-

Publication: [S.l.] :; J. Church Co. ;; Philadelphia :; T. Presser,


Year: 1941

Description: 1 score (5 p.) ; 34 cm.

Note(s): For medium voice and piano./ Range: d-f'./ Photocopy

supplied by William Grant Still Music, Mission Viejo, Calif.

Title: De gospel's mah religion : negro-spiritual for alto (bass) and piano /

Author(s): Ryterband, Roman.

Year: ? 1950 1959

Description: 1 score (6 p.) ; 34 cm.

Descriptor: Songs (Low voice) with piano.

Title: Jesus walked this lonesome valley : op. 14, no.2 /

Author(s): Myers, Gordon, arr.

Year: 1967

Description: 1 ms. score (3 leaves, photocopy) ; 28 cm.

Note(s): Spiritual./ For medium voice and piano./ "Verses 3 and

4 by Gordon Myers."

Title: American folksongs & spirituals : [70 songs of the American heritage].

Publication: Milwaukee, WI :; Hal Leonard,

Year: 1999

Description: 144 p. of music ; 31 cm.

Series: E-Z play today ;; 56;

Piano music -- Simplified editions.

Note(s): "For organs, pianos, and electronic keyboards."/

Includes melody in large notation, words, chords, and registration.

Title: Four spirituals for Denyce Graves /

Author(s): Graves, Denyce.

Publication: Washington DC :; DC Press,

Year: 1998

Description: 1 score (28 p.) : port. ; 31 cm.

Responsibility: arranged by Marvin Mills.

Title: Collection of most popular Negro spirituals : for piano and voice /

Author(s): Baron, Maurice,; 1899-1964, ; ed.; Colicchio, Ralph.

Publication: New York, N.Y. :; Irving Berlin Standard Music Corp.,

Year: 1927

Description: 1 vocal score (31 p.) ; 31 cm.

Note(s): Includes score for tenor banjo solo transcribed by

Ralph Colicchio.

Title: Walk together children : Black American spirituals /

Author(s): Bryan, Ashley.

Publication: [United States] :; Atheneum,

Edition: 1st Aladdin ed.

Year: 1974

Description: 53 p. of music : ill. ; 16 x 20 cm.

Title: Road to heaven : twenty-eight Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Logan, William A. b. 1871, (William Augustus), comp.

Publication: University, Ala. :; University of Alabama Press,

Year: 1970 1955

Description: 37 p. ; 28 cm.

Note(s): Unacc. melodies./ Reproduction: Photocopy./ Ann

Arbor, Mich. :/ University Microfilms,/ 1970./ 28 cm.

Title: The easiest tune book of Negro spirituals, and American plantation songs.

Author(s): Franklin Pike, Eleanor.

Publication: [London]; E. Ashdown

Year: 1966

Description: 1 score (32 p.)

Note(s): Cover title./ For piano, with words.

Title: Fifty favorite spirituals.

Publication: New York :; Mayfair Music Copr.,

Year: 1932

Description: 1 score (50 p.) ; 23 cm.

Title: Americanegro suite : four spirituals, a dream and a lullaby /

Author(s): Arlen, Harold, 1905-1986. ; Koehler, Ted,; 1894-1973. ;

lyr; Botkin, Henry A. ; ill

Publication: New York :; Chappell,

Year: 1941

Description: 1 score (71 p.) : ill. ; 31 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano./ Music by Arlen, words by

Koehler./ Foreword by R.A. Wachsman.

Title: 5 Negro spirituals : für Singstimme und Instrumentalsolisten (1962) /

Author(s): Blacher, Boris, 1903-1975.

Publication: Berlin :; Bote & Bock,

Year: 1963

Description: 1 score (19 p.) + 6 parts ; 31 cm.

Note(s): For medium voice and various combinations of 3

clarinets, trombone, double bass, vibraphon, and percussion./ English

words./ Pl. no.: B&B 21866 (884)--score; B&B 21866a (884a)--parts.

Title: Spirituals /

Author(s): Brown, Lawrence. ; Robeson, Paul,; 1898-1976. ; prf;

Anderson, Marian,; 1897-1993. ; prf

Year: 1922 1943

Description: 16 scores : ill. (some col.) ; 32 cm or smaller.

Title: Songs of the South : words and music of 17 favorite Negro spirituals.

Author(s): Rodeheaver, Homer A.; 1880-1955, ; (Homer Alvan),; comp.

Publication: Atlanta :; published for Commission on Interracial Cooperation,

Year: 1936

Description: [16] p. ; 21 cm.

Language: English

Title: A collection of 25 selected celebrated American Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Frey, Hugo,; 1873-1952. ; arr

Publication: New York :; Robbins-Engel,

Year: 1926

Description: 1 score (47 p.) ; 31 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano.

Title: Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Fisher, William Arms,; 1861-1948.

Publication: Boston :; O. Ditson Co.,

Year: 1925

Description: 1 score (9 v.)

Note(s): Nine spirituals for medium and low voice with piano./

Pl. no.: 75155 (no. 3); 75157 (no. 8, in G); 75032 (no. 8, in Eb);

75035 (no. 9)

Title: There is a balm in Gilead /

Author(s): Dawson, William Levi, 1899-

Publication: [Tuskegee], Ala. :; Music Press, Tuskegee Institute ;;

San Diego, Calif. :; Kjos, sole distributor,

Edition: Low key.

Year: 1939

Description: 1 score (6 p.) ; 31 cm.

Title: 10 negro spirituals /

Author(s): Stickley, Eileen, ; comp.

Publication: London :; Oxford University Press,

Year: 1970

Description: score (12 p.) ; 19 x 23 cm.

Responsibility: arranged for voices and guitar by Eileen Stickley.

Title: Ev'ry mail day : chain gang song /

Author(s): Work, John W.; 1901-1967. ; (John Wesley),

Publication: [New York] :; Galaxy Music Corp.,

Year: 1944

Description: 7 p. ; 30 cm.

Series: Negro spirituals for voice with piano accompaniment;

Title: Religious folk songs of the Negro.

Author(s): Fenner, Thomas P.

Corp Author: Hampton Institute.

Publication: [New York,; AMS Press,

Edition: New ed. Arr. by the musical directors of the Hampton

Normal and Agricultural Institute from the original ed. by Thomas P.

Fenner. Hampton, Va., The Institute Press, 1920.

Year: 1973 1920

Description: vi, 180 p. 23 cm.

Title: Negro spirituals of the South /

Author(s): Jacobs-Bond, Carrie,; 1862-1946. ; Gillen, Mary. ; arr;

Chalifoux, Oliver. ; arr

Publication: Hollywood, Calif. :; Carrie Jacobs-Bond & Son, Inc. ;;

Boston, Mass. :; Boston Music Co., sole selling agents for the U.S.,

Year: 1918

Description: 1 score (39 p.) ; 30 cm.

Note(s): For voice and piano.

Title: American Negro songs : 230 folk songs and spirituals, religious and secular /

Author(s): Work, John W.; 1901-1967. ; (John Wesley),

Publication: Mineola, NY :; Dover Publications,

Year: 1998 1940

Description: 1 close score (259 p.) ; 26 cm.

Title: Ten spirituals : for solo voice and piano /

Author(s): Work, John W.; 1901-1967. ; (John Wesley),

Publication: New York :; Ethel Smith Music Corp.,

Year: 1952

Description: 1 score (17 p.) ; 31 cm.

Title: Four Negro spirituals

arranged for two-part singing (soprano and mezzo soprano).

Author(s): Tate, Phyllis, 1911-

Publication: [London]; Oxford University Press

Year: 1957

Description: score (22 p.) 25 cm.

Title: [Songs and spirituals /

Author(s): Bledsoe, Jules, 1898-1943.

Publication: New York :; Edward B. Marks Music Corporation,

Year: 1941

Description: 5 scores : ill. (col.) ; 31 cm.

Note(s): With piano acc./ Cover illustrations depict an African

American man with outstretched arms./ Title and first line finding aids


Title: The Dett collection of Negro spirituals : second group : originals, settings, anthems and motets, with an essay "Understanding the Negro spiritual" /

Author(s): Dett, R. Nathaniel,; 1882-1943.

Publication: Minneapolis:; Schmitt, Hall & McCreary Co.,

Year: 1936

Description: 1 score (32 p.) ; 23 cm.

Series: H. & M. auditorium series ;; no. 14;

Title: I got a robe /

Author(s): Thomas, Edna.

Publication: London :; Keith Prowse,

Year: 1924

Description: 1 vocal score.

Language: English

Standard No: Publisher: K. P. & Co. 2796; Keith Prowse

Title: Ten Negro spirituals : for medium or low voice.

Publication: Boston :; Winthrop Rogers :; O. Ditson,

Year: 1916

Description: 1 vocal score.

Title: De rocks a' renderin' [and] Moanin' dove. Two Negro spirituals,

Author(s): Farwell, Arthur,; 1872-1952.

Publication: Newton Center, Mass.,; Wa-Wan Press

Year: 1905

Description: 3 p. 36 cm.

Series: Wa-Wan publication of American compositions;

Songs with piano.

Title: [Darkey songs and spirituals]

Author(s): Guion, David Wendell, 1892-

Publication: [New York,; Witmark & Co.,

Year: 1918

Description: 1 v. 30 cm.

Title: [Spirituals /

Author(s): Robinson, Avery, 1878-1965. ; Hayes, Roland,;

1887-1977. ; prf

Year: 1922 1925

Description: 4 scores : 31 cm. or smaller.

Note(s): With piano acc/ Various publishers, chiefly Boston:

Oliver Ditson Company./ As sung by Roland Hayes./ Title and first line

finding aids available.

Title: [Spirituals

Author(s): Reddick, William J., 1890-1965.

Year: 1918 1926

Description: 5 scores : 30 cm. or smaller.

Language: English

Title: Album of Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Johnson, J. Rosamond; 1873-1954. ; (John Rosamond),

Publication: [S.l.] :; E.B. Marks ;; Melville, N.Y. :; Exclusive

distributor of all printed products, Belwin Mills,

Year: ? 1980 1986

Description: 1 score (56 p.) ; 31 cm.

Title: [Songs and spirituals /

Author(s): Manney, Charles Fonteyn, 1872-1951. cmp arr; Lippmann,

Julie Mathilde,; 1864- ; 1yr; Stratton, Charles, ; prf

Publication: Boston :; Oliver Ditson Company,

Year: 1922 1926

Description: 18 scores ; 35 cm. or smaller.

Note(s): With piano acc./ Words by Julie M. Lippmann./

Spirituals as sung by Charles Stratton./ Title and first line finding

aids available.

Title: The treasury of Negro spirituals /

Author(s): Chambers, H. A. 1880- (Herbert Arthur),

Publication: Verplanck, N.Y. :; Emerson Books,

Year: 1963 1959

Description: 1 score (125 p.) : ill. ; 26 cm.

Language: English

Note(s): Contains 30 well-known spirituals, arr. for voice and

piano, and 6 modern compositions, 2 of which are arr. for male quartet.

Title: Religious folk songs of the Negro as sung at Hampton Institute /

Author(s): Dett, R. Nathaniel.

Publication: Hampton, Va. :; Institute Press,

Year: 1921

Description: xxviii, 236, xii p. : music ; 22 cm.

Author(s): Patterson, Willis.

Title: The African-American art song: a musical means for

special teaching and learning.

Source: Black Music Research Journal v. 16 (Fall '96) p.

303-10 Journal Code: Black Music Res J

Additional Info: United States

Title: Library resources for singers, coaches, and accompanists : an annotated bibliography, 1970-1997 /

Author(s): McTyre, Ruthann Boles, 1954-

Publication: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press,

Year: 1998

Description: xxiv, 151 p. ; p., 24 cm.

Series: Music reference collection,; no. 71;

Note(s): Includes indexes./ Discographies and videographies:


Title: Art-song in the United States, 1801-1987 : an annotated bibliography /

Author(s): Carman, Judith E. ; Gaeddert, William K. ; Resch, Rita

M. ; Carman, Judith E. ; Art-song in the United States, 1801-1976.;

Myers, Gordon. ; Art-song in the United States, 1759-1810.

Publication: Jacksonville, Fla. (2800 University Blvd. North,

Jacksonville 32211) : National Association of Teachers of Singing,

Edition: 2nd ed., rev. and enl. / edited by William K. Gaeddert.

Year: 1987

Description: xxi, 371 p. ; p., 28 cm.

Note(s): Rev. ed. of: Art-song in the United States, 1801-1976.

1976./ Includes indexes./ Bibliography: p. 337-338.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the item.

Libraries that Own Item: 509

Title: Literature for voice : an index of songs in collections and source book for teachers of

singing /

Author(s): Goleeke, Tom.

Publication: Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press,

Year: 1984

Description: 223 p. : p., music ;, 29 cm.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the item.

Title: Song index; an index to more than 12,000 songs in 177 song collections comprising

262 volumes,

Author(s): Sears, Minnie Earl, 1873-1933, ed.; Crawford,

Phyllis,; 1899-

Publication: New York, The H.W. Wilson Company,

Year: 1926

Description: xxxii, 650 p. p., 26 cm.

Series: Standard catalog series;

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the item.

Libraries that Own Item: 509

Title: Index to song books; a title index to over 11,000 copies of almost 6,800 songs in 111 song

books published between 1933 and 1962.

Author(s): Leigh, Robert, writer on music, comp.

Publication: Stockton, Calif.,

Year: 1964

Description: 237 p. p., 23 cm.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the item.

Title: Songs in collections; an index

Author(s): De Charms, Desiree. ; Breed, Paul Francis,; 1916-

Publication: [Detroit] Information Service

Year: 1966

Description: xxxix, 588 p. p., 26 cm.

Title: Afro-American music a demonstration recording /

Author(s): James, Willis, 1900-1966.

Publication: Washington, DC :; Smithsonian Folkways Recordings,

Year: 199u 1970

Description: 2 sound discs :; digital ;; 4 3/4 in.

Series: Custom compact disc series

Standard No: Publisher: FA 2692; Smithsonian Folkways

Recordings (discs); F-2692; Smithsonian Folkways Recordings (containers)

Title: African roots/American cultures : Africa in the creation of the Americas /

Author(s): Walker, Sheila S.

Publication: Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,

Year: 2001

Description: xx, 375 p. : p., ill. ;, 23 cm.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the item.

Libraries that Own Item: 751

Title: The Cornel West reader /

Author(s): West, Cornel.

Publication: New York, NY : Basic Civitas Books ,

Edition: 1st ed.

Year: 1999

Description: 604 p. ; p., 25 cm.

Title: Reflections on Afro-American music /

Author(s): De Lerma, Dominique-René.

Publication: Kent, Ohio : Kent State University Press,

Year: 1973

Description: 271 p. : p., ill. ;, 23 cm.

Reproduction: Photocopy./ Ann Arbor, Mich. :/ UMI Books on Demand,/

1997./ 271 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Title: Afro-American folksongs /

Author(s): Krehbiel, Henry Edward, 1854-1923.

Publication: [S.l.] : Clearfield Co.,

Year: 1993 1914

Description: 10, xii, 176 p. : p., music ;, 21 cm.

Language: English

Note(s): Reprint. Originally published: New York : G. Schirmer,

1914./ Includes bibliographical references and index.

Title: Afro-American religious music : 1619-1861 /

Author(s): Maultsby, Portia K.

Year: 1985 1974

Description: x, 448 leaves : p., music ;, 22 cm.

Language: English

Note(s): Bibliography: leaves 338-355./ Dissertation: Thesis

(Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin, 1974.

Ownership: FirstSearch indicates your institution owns the item.

Libraries that Own Item: 518

Title: Source book of African and Afro-American materials for music educators

Author(s): Standifer, James A. ; Reeder, Barbara, ; joint author.

Publication: [Washington] Contemporary Music Project

Year: 1972

Description: xvii, 147 p. p., illus., 21 cm.

Series: CMP,; 7;

Title: Folk-songs of the American Negro a collection of unprinted texts preceded by a general survey of the traits of Negro song,

Author(s): McAdams, Nettie Fitzgerald.

Publication: [n.p.,

Year: 1923

Description: vi, 159 leaves. p., 28 cm.

Note(s): Bibliography: leaves 139-149./ Dissertation: Thesis

(M.A. in English)--University of California, Berkeley, Dec. 1923./

Reproduction: Microfilm./ Berkeley, Calif. :/ University of

California, Library Photographic Service,/ [1969?]./ 1 microfilm reel :

negative ; 23 ft., 35 mm.

Title: Symbolism in Afro-American slave songs in the pre-Civil War South /

Author(s): Sebastian, Jeannie Chaney (Linda Jean Chaney)

Year: 1981 1976

Description: iv, 117 leaves ; p., 21 cm.

Note(s): Issued also on microfilm./ Bibliography: leaves

115-117./ Dissertation: Thesis (M.S.)--North Texas State University,

1976./ Reproduction: Photocopy./ Ann Arbor, Mich. :/ University

Microfilms,/ 1981./ 21 cm.

Title: A critical survey of printed vocal arrangements of Afro-American religious folk songs.

Author(s): Kerr, Thomas Henderson.

Year: 1939

Description: vi [i.e.: vii], 130 l. p., illus. (music), 28 cm.

Note(s): Typewritten./ Bibliography: l. 127-130./ Dissertation:

Thesis (M.M.)--University of Rochester, 1939./ Reproduction:

Microfiche (negative)/ Rochester,/ Sibley Music Library Microform

Service,/ 1982./ 3 fiche. 10.2 x 15.2 cm.

Title: The development of the black art song /

Author(s): Adkins, Aldrich Wendell, 1922-

Publication: Austin, Tex. : Adkins,

Year: 1972 1971

Description: xiii, 146 leaves : p., ill., music ;, 28 cm.

Note(s): Vita./ Photocopy of typescript. Ann Arbor, Mich. :

University Microfilms, 1972. -- 21 cm./ Bibliography : leaves 140-146./

Dissertation: Thesis--University of Texas at Austin.

Title: On the trail of Negro folk-songs /

Author(s): Scarborough, Dorothy, 1878-1935. ; Gulledge, Ola Lee.

Publication: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press,

Year: 1925

Description: 289 p. : p., music ;, 25 cm.


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