Using the Unreceived Specimen List

Callback in Misys Laboratory v6.2

for System Managers | |

Supporting Document for the Web Conference

Section 1 Summary: Managing Callback 1

Flagged Calls 1

Opening a History 1

Removing Call Records 4

Management Reports 4

Turnaround Report 5

Ad Hoc Reports 8

Section 2 Summary: Required Callback Maintenance 10

Call Priorities 10

Site Parameters 11

Misys Laboratory Maintenance 13

English Text Codes 13

Type CB Codes 13

Type CD Codes 13

Type TIQ Codes 14

Rules 15

Callback Defaults 16

Locations 16

Physicians 16

Lab Locations 16

Client Maintenance 17

Callback Maintenance 18

System Preferences 18

User Preferences 18

Views 19

Filters 19

Section 1 Summary: Managing Callback

Flagged Calls

The Callback application allows end users to flag calls for supervisor review.

One way for you to manage calls flagged for supervisor review is to create a filter to view only flagged calls. This allows you to quickly select calls that require additional action. See page 19 of this document for more information about filters.

Opening a History

Follow these steps to view the history of calls through a call record:

1. Click the History button (book icon) on the Callback toolbar to display the Callback History Search Criteria window.

2. Enter the appropriate primary and secondary search criteria.

3. Click Search.


The Call History window (above) displays a summary list of all calls made for the call record that meets your search criteria.

This list includes both successful and unsuccessful calls. The summary list includes results that were called, Test Call Comments, and Read Back Comments.


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To modify a Test Call Comment or Read Back Comment, open the history through the individual call record.

NOTE: If a call is in Completed status, the Modify Comment button is disabled. To modify comments for a call in Completed status, remove the check from the Completed status check box, modify the comments as appropriate, then replace the check mark in the Completed status check box.

Removing Call Records

Calls and accompanying documentation remain in the Callback database indefinitely.

After a call has been flagged and reviewed, you may wish to remove it from the database. As an alternative, you may find it appropriate to remove calls after a specified length of time.

Keep the following in mind:

• A call cannot be removed from the database unless you flag it for removal.

- If you have the appropriate security, select the call on the Main View window, then click the Remove icon. (The Remove icon looks like a trash can.)

• If a record has no call history (no calls were made), it is immediately removed from the database when it is flagged.

• If a record has a call history, the calls are removed when the Misys Laboratory database is archived and/or purged.

- Removal is accomplished through your usual archive/purge process.

Management Reports

You are able to print two types of management reports: Turnaround and Ad Hoc.

To print either type of report, open the Callback application and select the orders for which you wish to create a report. The orders that currently display in the Main View window provide the data for the report. The report names in the header of the report are associated with the view from which the report is printed.

You can save report parameters for later use.


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Turnaround Report

A Turnaround report helps you measure the efficiency of collection, order entry, result entry, and callback workflow. This report provides information such as the amount of time calls are waiting in the call queue and the amount of time from result entry to contact with the doctor’s office.

In the example above, the Start Time column displays the time that the test was ordered and the End Time column displays the time that the call was marked complete.


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Follow these steps to print a Turnaround report:

1. Click the Reports button (printer icon) on the Callback toolbar to display the Report Select window.

2. Click the Turnaround radio button.

3. Click the report with which you want to work.

- To use saved report parameters, click Load Report.

- To create new reprot parameters, click Add Report.

- To edit saved report parameters, click Edit Report.

o To enable the Edit Report button, you must select a report from the Report List.

4. Click Print.


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If you click Edit Report or Add Report, the Turnaround Report window (below) displays.

Follow these steps to create new report parameters or edit existing report parameters:

1. Click the appropriate radio buttons to choose parameters.

2. Enter start date/time frame and end date/time frame.

3. Type a unique name for the report.

4. Click OK.


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Ad Hoc Reports

The Ad Hoc report is designed to provide detailed call information. This report is not associated with the Misys Ad Hoc Report Writer application.

The report is called an “ad hoc” report because you choose exactly which fields display on the report. For example, you can print a report on calls about orders for HIV tests that includes location names, the location contact, and comments. In other words, you make an “ad hoc” decision regarding what information is included on the report.

Follow these steps to print an Ad Hoc report:

1. Click the Reports button (printer icon) on the Callback toolbar to display the Report Select window.

2. Click the Ad Hoc radio button.

3. Click the report with which you want to work.

- To use saved report parameters, click Load Report.

- To create new reprot parameters, click Add Report.

- To edit saved report parameters, click Edit Report.

o To enable the Edit Report button, you must select a report from the Report List.

4. Click Print.

If you click Edit Report or Add Report, the Report Format window (below) displays.

Whether you are creating a new Ad Hoc report or editing an existing Ad Hoc report, there are many fields you can use to customize the way the statistics display in the report. Misys Laboratory version 6.2 includes several new fields, including Test Code and Results, Resulting Tech, Calling Tech, Read Back Comments, and Test Call Comments.

Follow these steps to create new report parameters or edit existing report parameters:

1. Click the field(s) you wish to include on the report.

2. Set the field width.

3. Click Add.

4. Repeat steps 1 – 3 for each field you wish to include.

5. Fields display on the report in the order displayed Print Fields area.

- Click a field to select it, then click the appropriate arrow button to move the field up or down on the list.

6. Type a unique report name.

7. Click OK.


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Section 2 Summary: Required Callback Maintenance

Call Priorities

It is important that you understand the concept of Call Priorities before you attempt to build maintenance or site parameter settings.

When a call record is created, it is assigned a priority. The priorities are assigned different color codes in the Callback application for easy recognition. Calls can be sorted according to call priority.

The priority is a number from 1 to 5 that indicates the urgency with which the call must be placed. A low number indicates a high priority. For example, a panic value may be assigned a call priority of 1, while a call to report a lower priority item such as a problem specimen may be assigned a priority of 4.

Priorities can be assigned to a call in two ways.

1. You can use a Callback code (type CB or CD) to generate the record. The priority assigned to the code becomes the priority of the call.

2. You can assign a default priority for results that fail specific quality assurance checks.

NOTE: If a call record is given multiple priorities, the highest priority (lowest number) is assigned.


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Site Parameters

There are a number of site parameters that must be set for Callback. These site parameters can be found in the Patient Reports section of site parameter maintenance, in option 7, Callback.

Let’s take a look at each parameter.


Parameter 1 defines the call priority names that display in color in the Callback application. If you do not define call priority names, the application uses the default names. If you use call priority names, you must define all five priorities. The default is “priority 1,” “priority 2,” etc.

As an example, you may configure the Callback application to read priority 1 as STAT, priority 2 as ASAP, and priorities 3 through 5 as facility-appropriate names.

Use parameter 2 to indicate a two-character (maximum) alphanumeric combination to display in result entry and Inquiry functions to alert a user that a callback record exists for that test or specimen.

Use parameter 3 to indicate the priority to be given to your quality assurance failures. You must define a priority for normal, user, verify, technical, and delta values. For example, you might define that a priority of 1 be applied to all of your fail verify results.

Parameter 4 allows you to define whether Callback Accession comments are printed on your Cums.

Parameter 5 allows you to define whether Callback Accession comments print on Requisition-based reports.


Set each part of parameter 6 to define whether the Formatted Document Callback comments print on these specific reports and in GUI Inquiry, and whether they can cross the interface to the HIS.

Remember that only calls documented from the resulting application include Formatted Document comments on the patient reports.

Set each part of parameter 7 to indicate whether unsuccessful call information is included. If you set parameter 6 to Y and this one to N, only Formatted Document Callback comments on successful calls are included.

Set each part of parameter 8 to indicate whether Test Call comments print on these specific reports and in GUI Inquiry, and whether they can cross the interface to the HIS.

If you set this parameter to Y and parameter 6 to Y, then the Test Call comments attach to the end of the formatted comments.

You should carefully test the printing of each different type of callback comment on each type of report to determine the optimal settings for your facility.


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Misys Laboratory Maintenance

To manually create call records, you must build and use some Callback-specific English text codes. If you want to automatically create call records, you must build rules. You can set default callback contact information and comments in other maintenance options.

English Text Codes

There are three types of English text codes that are used specifically for Callback: CB, CD, and TIQ. You can build these codes in MA 4.

Type CB Codes

Because there are five available priorities (1-5), you may only need to build five type CB codes. Note that you can build as many CB codes as is appropriate for your site.

You determine the text code that is appended to orders or results. Appending a type CB code allows the system to prompt you to place a call request into the Callback database.

You must define the translation of the code, the type of code, and a callback priority of 1 through 5, with 1 as the highest priority and 5 as the lowest.

Type CD Codes

Use a type CB code to allow the system to prompt you to place a call request into the Callback database. The person assigned to monitor Callback then places the call.

If the resulting Technologist places the call and wants to document it, he or she can use a type CD (Callback Document) code to place the call documentation into the Callback database.

Because there are five available priorities (1-5), you may only need to build five generic CD codes. Note that you can build as many CD codes as is appropriate for your site.

You determine the text code that is appended to results.

To do this, define the translation of the code, the type of code, and a callback priority of 1 through 5, with 1 as the highest priority and 5 as the lowest.

NOTE: The CB and CD codes and translations do not print on any reports or in Inquiry.


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Type TIQ Codes

If you use rules, you can use TIQ or “Test in Question” codes to initiate a callback record.

If you want the system to prompt you to create a call request whenever an order is resulted with a type TIQ code, you must build the TIQ code first, then build the rule.

As with the other codes we’ve discussed, you must define the translation of the code, the type of code, and a callback priority of 1 through 5, with 1 as the highest priority and 5 as the lowest.

Example: A specimen received from a satellite drawing station is broken in transit.

You need to call the physician to explain the situation and request that the patient return, if necessary. You can use the TIQ code to result the initial order. Based on the rule you create for TIQ codes, the system will prompt you to enter a call request.


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Callback rules are built like other rules in MA, option 28.

Callback in Misys Laboratory version 6.2 includes new variables and actions for rule building. For a review of building Callback rules, consult chapter six of the Misys Laboratory Rules Manual.

Depending on the rule action you select, you can enter only the Callback request into the Callback database or you can prompt the user to document a call. If you only enter requests and want to use the Callback application to document them, you can have the system enter the calls “behind the scenes” using default information from other maintenance options, or you can have the system prompt the user to enter the callback contact information.


The rule illustrated above is defined so that if the result is above or below normal, above or below verify, and the HID is AMH, the system enters a callback request to call the patient location. The system uses default information from the location maintenance to enter the request. The resulting Technologist does not have to respond to any additional prompts.

As an alternative, you can use the CALLBACK action (rather than CALL_LOC) to build the rule.

In this case, the resulting Technologist would have to choose whether to place the call to the physician, the patient’s location, the ordering location, the client, or some other area.

If you want to immediately document calls without opening the Callback application, you can use the rule action DOCUMENT_CALLBACK. This opens the document call dialog box, just as if you had manually appended a type CD code.

Callback Defaults

You can enter callback contact information and callback comments in other maintenance definitions. This default information displays when the user enters a callback request or documents a call. He or she can choose to accept the defaults or make changes as appropriate. Entering default callback information can speed your workflow through the Callback application windows.

This maintenance aids consistency because it allows you to enter contacts and specify the protocol for calling results or orders.


Define Location and Room Maintenance in MA 12.

Indicate the phone number to call based on patient location. This phone number is available when you make your Callback record.

Location Maintenance also allows you to add callback comments. These comments might be used to prompt the Technologist to adhere to certain protocols for a specific facility location, such as the nursing floor.

Example: On 2-West, the protocol may be to always ask for an R.N. when calling results for a patient.


Define Physician Maintenance in MA 13.

Indicate the telephone numbers that you can use to reach the Physician. He or she may have several numbers, including primary phone, secondary phone, alternate phone, fax number, and beeper number. You can select the appropriate number when a callback record is created.

Note that you are able to enter callback comments here as well. This is useful when the Physician prefers that his or her callbacks be handled in a certain way.

Example: Only contact Dr. Hayes between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m., unless it is STAT.

Lab Locations

In MA6, Lab Location Maintenance, enter a telephone number and callback comments for your laboratory locations.

Example: You enter a comment that a lab location for a remote phlebotomy station or clinic is only open during the day.


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Client Maintenance

Misys Outreach is not required for Callback, but the applications do work together.

If your facility uses Outreach, the client database is part of the product maintenance. This database provides an online client reference and facilitates communication with the client.

The Outreach application allows you to record client names, addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers. You may also identify clients as New, Sensitive, or both.

For Outreach and Callback to work together, you must enter the telephone numbers and other contact information in Client Database Maintenance.

This maintenance is reflected in the Callback application when you make a callback record.

• Use the Client Maintenance Phone tab (above left) to enter the telephone numbers.

• Use the Client Maintenance Comments tab (above right) to enter callback comments.


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Callback Maintenance

There are some maintenance options, typically referred to as “preferences,” that you can set in the Callback application.

These preferences are divided into two types: System Preferences and User Preferences.

System Preferences

System Preferences are typically defined by a System Manager or supervisor. These preferences affect all users.

System Preferences allow you to change the color of each priority. Priority colors are categorized as a system preference because it would not be appropriate for each individual user to use different colors for each priority.

Example: In the Callback window, you might indicate that priority 1 displays in red and priority 5 displays in yellow. If another user decided that priority 1 is yellow and priority 5 is red, it could cause serious issues and delays in the workflow.

System Preferences also allow you to set the following system-wide requirements:

• Require that an Accession comment, Test Call comment, or Read Back result be entered when a call is documented. You may simply make the fields available or you can make them mandatory.

• Specify that the system warn you when a call is not marked as complete or is unsuccessful.

• Mandate that a contact person with or without a title be entered for a call. Please note that regardless of this setting, these fields are not mandatory for unsuccessful calls.

NOTE: These settings also apply to the Callback Documentation window that displays in the Misys Laboratory applications.

User Preferences

User Preferences are defined on each individual PC and affect only users on that PC.

Users can define mandatory entries and responses, such as:

• Make a comment mandatory. Please note that if the System Preferences define a specific comment field as available or mandatory, you cannot change that status. The user preferences only allow you to make additional types of comments available or mandatory.

• Force a beep on new data.

• Display flashing text or a flashing icon to indicate new data is available.

• Present all of a patient’s tests for the accession number, not just the tests marked for calls.

• Show result details automatically for each record on display.

NOTE: User preferences take effect immediately but only affect the PC on which they are entered.


A view is a combination of the filter and sort features, along with any reports saved.

If you have a particular filter and sort definition that you want to always use, you can save it as a view. Saving views allows you to quickly use the preferences in the future.


Depending on your workflow, it may be appropriate to create a variety of filters. A filter allows you to create a list of calls that is limited to user-specified criteria. If you do not create a filter, all incomplete calls in the Callback database display on the Main View window when you log in.

Several filter criteria are available from which to choose. Some examples are: physician name, call or result status, and priority.

The Current Filter window (below) displays a list of the available filters.

Click a filter to select it, click Edit Filter to modify an existing filter, or click New Filter to create a new one. Click Save to save the filter. Saving a filter allows you to quickly reuse those preferences.


In the example below, the existing filter is defined to display all priority 1 calls.

A filter is a short formula that applies rules to the output. To filter information, click the drop-down arrow next to the relevant field. Select the appropriate criteria from the available field types and operators that display.

Follow these steps to define the equation for a new filter:

1. Select the appropriate field type from the Field Type drop-down list.

2. Select the appropriate operator from the Operator drop-down list.


3. Type the value for the equation in the Field Value field.

4. Click Add Line.

5. Type a unique name in the Filter Name field

6. Click OK.

NOTE: The example illustrated here (and on the preceding pages) is simple. More complex filters are possible. Please refer to the Callback Manual for a detailed, advanced explanation of the filter variables and operators.


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6. Include Formatted Document Comments on

Interim/Cum/RBR/GUI IQ/HIS

5. Print Callback Accession Comments on

Requisition Based Reports

2. Print Characters for Callback Flag







Click this button to display the Current Filter window and select a filter, edit a filter, or create a new filter.

Rule Code :QAFAIL Rule Number: 266

Rule Description: RULE to test req 3, for results failing nom/verify

Date of last status change : 11/12/1996



(Above Normal Range=Yes)OR(Above Verify Range=Yes)or(Below

Normal Range=Yes)OR(Below Verify Range=Yes)


Hospital ID Code = “AMH”

THEN perform action(s):






1. Callback priority text















Place a check mark in the check box adjacent to the comment, then click the Modify Comment button.

Click the History button that displays for that record to display the Call History window.




Click this button to flag calls for review.

8. Include Callback Test Comments on

Interim/Cum/RBR/GUI IQ/HIS ()

7. Include Unsuccessful Formatted Document

Callback Comments on Patient Reports/GUI IQ/

HIS ()

4. Print Callback Accession Comments on

Horizontal, Vertical, and User Defined

Microbiology Cums

3. Callback Priorities for QA Failures



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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