The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes

Thursday Q&A


Tom Costello

This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer Teleconference. This is Tom Costello. On behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family, I welcome you to tonight’s call. Tonight in the U.S. it is November 30, 2006. Everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available as a free download from our website:

This Question and Answer call has several purposes. The main one is to support Healing Codes clients in the use of the Codes so that you all can get the results you want. We ask those of you who are uncertain about any part of The Healing Codes process to ask questions tonight. We found that uncertainty about doing it right will slow down your progress. Another point of view is that your questions often serve the needs of other people on this call and other people who will download and listen to this call at a later date. Please feel free to “step up to the microphone.”

Another purpose of the call is to validate people who want to tell us of successes using The Healing Codes. We like success stories. They make nice testimonials. The final purpose is to encourage you as you do this work. A lot of people say when they hear peers describe their efforts, challenges and successes it is easier for a newer person or even a person who has been using it for a while to form pictures, a vision of their ultimate success. As I like to say, “When you get ‘equal’ to your success it will be yours.”

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or the symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention.

Do we have an operator with us tonight?

Kari: I’ll be the operator on the call. (Kari gives technical instructions.)

Participant: (Fred) It may sound like kind of a naïve question, but what exactly is the function of the hand positions? What’s taking place when you do that? Is there some kind of a field between your fingertips and the area you are point at? I’m not sure I understand what’s going on.

Tom Costello: It is a good question and not at all naïve. It is, in fact, sometimes these more fundamental questions that are the most meaningful. Let me start with the way Dr. Ben Johnson would describe this in an official capacity.

We are not certain exactly what is happening. We have varying viewpoints. I have clear opinions on it. I happen to know certain rules that I have proven to myself work time after time. Let me just start with one of these. One of the rules that I know works in life and in healing and so on is, “Energy will flow where you put your attention.” That can be said in a variety of ways: Where attention goes, energy flows. Energy goes where attention goes. Either way, if I said those two separate ways, that was my intention. If you put attention on any single thing, energy will flow to that. It can be an idea, an aspiration. It can be a physical thing like a healing touch for instance. I’ve seen it. I’ve used it on a variety of people.

We think that when you focus your attention on the Truth Focus Statement, obviously you would have already focused it with the prayer/intention. As you point your fingers, it seems as though there is energy being emitted from fingertips going back into these unique healing centers discovered by Dr. Alex Loyd. Those distinct healing centers affect different parts of the body. They go into one place and will affect the hypothalamus, another will deal with other parts of the body, certain aspects of the endocrine system. Obviously while you are pointing at the healing centers, they are all in the upper body, from the neck on up. People say there is a lot of my body way below that, south of those points. But, those parts south of those points are all affected by those upper-most points.

Next chapter: To me, stress can be defined as the perception of insufficient energy. I describe this as the superman scenario. You and I, two guys on one side of the door wearing Superman outfits. A threat on the other side, a saber toothed tiger, would not put us into stress. Under stress, for a human being and perhaps the same is true for other animal forms, for human beings it requires the body automatically to redistribute energy to facilitate fight-or-flight. That is to put energy, diverted from other systems: immune system, digestion, cell multiplication, higher cognitive thought, all those resources are diverted away from those functions into the big muscles in the arms and legs. That’s so that a person could fight off a threat, a saber toothed tiger, or run away from that threat.

It is a spontaneous reaction based upon the perception of threat. It is incredibly fast. Perhaps it has facilitated our survival as a species, because thinking is much slower than this kind of reaction. That may be one of the reasons why higher cognitive thought is less important. It is too slow. By the time you said, “Is that cat hungr….” We’d be on the menu.

It is this perception of insufficient energy on a cellular level… If the cells of the body are “perceiving” and most scientists now understand that every cell in our body has intelligence. It can think. It can remember. It does have memory. It functions much like an individual. It takes in nutrition. It respires, it breathes. It takes in food and water and also excretes waste. When it doesn’t excrete waste because it’s fearful of loosing its contents, “Uh-oh, I’m like the medieval castle with the drawbridge raised, holding on for dear life so things don’t get any worse.” Unfortunately over long period of time, those waste products that should have been excreted, those waste products created by cell metabolism should have been excreted, turn toxic and cause a cell to die.

As we put the fingertips toward the healing centers, I think what’s happening is that energy flow is now going to the healing centers affecting the hypothalamus, the amygdala, and other parts of the control system in the central nervous system. That energy is now communicated in one form or another, vibrationally or otherwise to the various cells in the body. They go, “Peace has been declared. We’re not under threat. We have enough water. We have enough oxygen.” That’s why I stress breathing and drinking plenty of water. Now all of a sudden, “the cavalry has arrived.” Additional reinforcements of energy. I think that is what’s happening, not on a global level, but on a cellular level this is what’s happening.

How that additional energy is being used? It makes sense to me that the inherent wisdom designed into the body, if it can make blood cells, if can do digestion, if it can grow fingernails and hair and it can heal a scratch and so on, it has an intelligence that is monumentally fantastic. If it can do that, it’s not something we’re going to control on a conscious level. It’s okay, do what you need to do. You know better than me what has to happen next with all these processes going on. It’s common knowledge scientifically that the unconscious part of our functioning is literally more complex, more capable than the conscious part. Just walking across the room or dancing, if you try do that consciously, “I’m going to move this muscle, move that….” Pretty soon you’ll be falling on the floor in confusion. So much of that stuff is naturally controlled by the subconscious below our level of awareness.

We think it is that additional energy being recycled into the body as a combination of intention, attention and the relaxation that will naturally occur as those resources go back in. If I don’t perceive an absence or lack of energy on a cellular level why would I be in stress? I wouldn’t. That explains a lot of the relaxation that people experience. It also explains that now, the body says, “If I’m at peace, let’s get back to what we normally do: immune system, digestion, let’s move the blood around back to the surface of the body. Let’s get higher cognitive thought going. Let’s start functioning more fully. Let’s grow our cells, have cell multiplication.” The body starts functioning more normally.

That was a long description, Fred. You can tell me if any of that made sense. If it clarified exactly what you had in mind?

Participant: Yeah, that was spectacular. Thank you. I did have another question but I believe you answered it. That was, “How important is the hand sequence or where you place the hands during these Codes?” Yes it is because that affects certain areas that you are focusing on.

Tom Costello: The way Dr. Alex Loyd refers to it almost as on the outside of my garage I have a keypad that if I put in the correct code, my garage door will open. If I put in that same code, my garage door will close. If I put in any other code, it’s not going to happen. There are four digits to that. You can come up with an amazing number of combinations. And it seems to be from our experience that it is almost like that. If you are dealing with love, there is a certain code you would put in that would increase your chances of having a particular experience, kind of like my garage door going up or going down. If you are dealing with something else, a different code is more like to produce that result.

Participant: Wonderful answer. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Thanks for the question.

Participant: (Richard) I have chronic pain syndrome or maybe nerve entrapment that is persistent. Is it possible that initially while starting off with The Healing Codes (I’m into week 4 now) that pain symptoms will initially be aggravated?

Tom Costello: First of all, the FDA, CIA, NSA all the rest of those organizations, United States require me to re-iterate that we don’t really treat or diagnose physical things. Those things are left to doctors. What we recognize is that as you increase energy flow to a particular area you may notice that symptom. I describe it like this. If you’ve ever sat in a position where your leg goes to sleep, while you’re sitting you don’t notice that, but when you start to stand up, that leg suddenly has an intense tingling that is very uncomfortable, almost as if your leg wouldn’t support your weight.

To me that is re-establishment of the energy flow to that extremity, that leg or that arm. At that moment, “Wow, this is painful.” However, it is the beginning of “that healing”. That is a normal, balanced flow of energy in and out of that part of the body.

Now, I don’t really know about nerve entrapment. It sounds like that is something having to do with either bones/ligaments or … So, as you increase energy flow which would be analogous to blood flow, you may notice a difference. I wouldn’t think pain would be a way I would describe it.

Let me deal with just something tangential and we’ll come back to that subject.

We talk about a healing response. In lots of different energy modalities or perhaps even traditional medicine that is a concept. That idea was originally determined in traditional medicine kind of in an extremely weird way. Dr. Herxheimer was giving patients with venereal disease mercury. He noticed that they suffered ill effects. (Laughter) Probably similar to if he had hit them with a hammer, but … They thought that was a healing response. But, you know that mercury is one of the most toxic of all the substances on the planet.

Participant: I had all my dental fixtures removed.

Tom Costello: I’ve also had that done. Mercury amalgams are not good things to be toting around. Of course that is a purely an opinion, but important enough for me to have that procedure done some years back.

What we notice is what I was describing for Fred, a cell in the body under stress is in what Dr. Bruce Lipton describes as self-protect. You can imagine that medieval castle with the drawbridge up trying to hold on to whatever in a form of “protection”, bracing itself. When the drawbridge goes down… now if you can imagine this… the drawbridge goes down and there are 50 – 100 trillion medieval castles and if they all take out their garbage at the same time, things could get stinky.

That’s when people start to experience kind of like flu-like, cold-like symptoms, headachey. That’s why drinking plenty of water and eating good food, flushing that out of the system is a good idea. It didn’t sound like that’s what you were describing, but I wanted to deal with that for anybody on this call that may be looking for that information or anybody who listens to this recording.

Let’s go back to your chronic pain. Can you describe that a little bit more?

Participant: Medical term is (deleted) which is entrapment of the nerve that goes in front of the groin near the hip. It can get entrapped under a ligament. The irritation is often at that spot although it could be others. It can be unilateral or bi-lateral equal symptoms. Some people it is numbness, mine is pure burn. The more I move, stand, sit, any vibration and the burn is intensified very quickly. It is very debilitating.

Tom Costello: This is how we traditionally (This is for everybody’s benefit.). This is how we typically would deal with something like this. We are looking to get to the energetic issue which underlies all. We would say, if you can pinpoint what those physical sensations, burning, pain, discomfort, what it means to you… Let me say that a couple of different ways.

When we have experiences, if I were riding a tricycle and I tipped over and fell, the facts of the matter are that I was riding a tricycle and I tipped over and fell. Period. End of Story. Everything that occurs after that from a non-physical standpoint is made up. If I were to interpret that as: I’m funny, I’m clever, I’m a daredevil, I’m clumsy, I’m awkward, I’m too young to be dealing with this kind of equipment…. On and on and on. I not only would tend to make decisions about myself: this event says the following about me. I would often then go: this event says the following about wheeled vehicles; it says the following about floors; it say the following about my parents who would have given me the trike; it would say something about the people I happen to be playing with at the time I tipped over. All these things are made up. They are just decided by in this scenario a young boy riding a tricycle and tipping over. It is those things that become operating rules, almost like programming statements.

Kept in place, repeated a number of times, sometimes not that many, they become beliefs. When they become beliefs we start to act them out as if they are guiding principles. It is those things, that picture of tipping over on the tricycle. It is the lie that I would have told myself that I’m clumsy or this or that, that dis-empoweres me. It’s that sort of energetic pattern, that memory which ultimately can become a cellular memory that I would like to do away with so I would have a freedom to ride wheeled vehicles, not worried about the floor or this or that.

Now if you were to look at what these physical sensations say about you; what you can’t do, what you must do, how you are limited, what things you cannot have because of this, what beliefs you have about your personal beingness. I talk in terms of having, which is possessions you own, you can get your fingers on. You can imagine yourself controlling. Doing or behaviors, the freedom to do things to think things to speak things to create things to go places. Being is your very existence. Some people could interpret these experiences as though their existence was threatened. You can just hear even me saying that, “wow, that’s threatening.” Tipping over on a cycle, “I thought I was going to die.” You would look at what those sensory inputs say about you and all these other things that I just went over.

Participant: Is this the burning is somehow wrongly perceived as a protection mechanism to some threat?

Tom Costello: Yes. You would perhaps be amazed at the number of things we do to “protect” ourselves. Self-protection, that our survival is key. It is key. It connects to our identity which allows certain people to jump on hand-grenades or go to war whereas other people would pass on that opportunity. Survival and identity can work together. When we feel threatened, some people would say that self-protective mechanism gets triggered. Let’s say a sales person who has call-reluctance, that’s what gets triggered, survival. That calling on a stranger – strange things – the unknown. As a cave man we would have developed, “I am not going to walk into the dark for fear that something in there will turn me into an entrée.” That’s good news. Don’t step over a dark cliff. That’s good news. It’s those kinds of things that have helped us survive. We do all kinds of things to protect ourselves. Some of them get really convoluted.

Participant: This would be a stretch for me because I don’t see any benefits, any self-serving side-effect of this. I was a master athlete, over the hill, 50-year old, but I was top-notch cross-country ski racer in my age category. My whole self image, self-destructed by these burning symptoms and from perceiving myself as a real tough athlete, I became an invalid. There’s got to be some deeper, less obvious protection mechanism kicking in here. On the surface I see nothing that seems consistent with a self-survival response.

Tom Costello: That’s good. I would encourage you to look for it. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s there. However, I had a gentleman about three weeks ago say to me… I asked him about his limping and his unusual gait. He said, “That’s because of a brain tumor that I had.” Okay. Tell me about the brain tumor. He said, “I asked for it.” Tell me about that. “I was very full of myself. I asked God to help me to become humble.” I’m not suggesting that this is related to your case, but as I speak, I speak to more than just the person asking the question. He said, “I used to look down my nose. I was an excellent athlete. I was tall, good looking, this and that… I saw that, when I realized how I was, people were very unimportant to me. I thought, you know what, I’m going in the wrong direction. That road is not going to make me happy if I continue down that path. I literally asked God to make me humble. I’m humble now. I have speech problems, trouble walking. I’ve really connected to people. I see how important this stuff is. It’s been an incredible blessing to my life.”

So, I’ve heard a variety of stories similar in nature.

Participant: You read a lot in nature about pain symptoms could be a wake-up call and could be some silver lining to it to reassess your life and what’s important.

Tom Costello: Let me deal with that because that’s a really good point. I had a mentor years ago in San Diego. I asked him how he became so compassionate. I watched how he coached and counseled people, myself included. He said, you know that I was addicted to prescription drugs and alcohol. One night I was arrested in a bar-room fight and thrown into jail. I was raped by a fellow prisoner. He said, “That was the turning point.” I said, “I don’t really get it.” He said, “When you resist a given experience you cause it to persist. What you want to do and what I realized is I looked at that event as a gift.” “I looked at the giver.” There was a gift and there was a giver. The giver was the perpetrator, the other prisoner. The third step after looking at the gift and the giver was the value. If you can find the value in any experience, any trauma, any tragedy, any challenge, any problem, you shift it. You no longer devote your energy to resisting it, you allow it to flow. You allow that energy to move. Not only do you feel better, but you are not holding the door against that saber toothed tiger that I was describing earlier, “I can go about my life.” Tell me about the value. “When I got that if my feet had walked in the same footsteps as that guy I would have been capable of the same savagery he was capable of. When I got that, the whole event shifted for me. He was a function of the footsteps, the experiences, the inputs, the problems, the challenges, his awareness, just like I am. If I had all those that he had, I would have been capable of doing what he was doing. When I got that it shifted me. I had tremendous compassion for him. Maybe even more importantly for myself and from that point on for every one of my clients.”

I got the value. That point that you just brought up, seeking the silver lining, seeing the pearl in that oyster is the way to automatically shift that. I work with clients who say, “I don’t see the value. I don’t see the value.” Look closer.

Participant: If you have some sort of over-use injury or some addiction whether it is work or substance abuse, you are short-changing many other facets of your life and narrowing your definition of who you are.

Tom Costello: Yes.

Participant: I’ve come to that realization a bit late.

Tom Costello: How old are you? (55) I’m a believer that we should be living to 120 and healthy. You’re not even to the half-way point.

Participant: Could I ask another question? Is it possible that this could be triggered by The Healing Codes another experience I had last week? A bad dream that was not any physical sense of threat, but depressing state of everything is hopeless. I’m lonely. I’m insignificant. I woke up and it was very vivid and very unnerving. I haven’t experienced that in a long time. I can’t remember any such dream as that intense in depressiveness.

Tom Costello: I would think as this energy moves the possibility of that occurring seems to me to be normal. I would think you could make that happen by using The Healing Codes. Let me put it in a context, though.

You’ll look at those things and you can go to Wrong Beliefs in the problem reference chart in the back of the manual and find most of what you just said. Now you could say, “I had that thought.” Let’s consider there are two possibilities. It’s arriving or it’s leaving. Sleep, presumably is designed to help us reconcile these energy patterns, all these inputs and so on. I suggest that when you have that even during waking state, it is not arriving. It is leaving. It is a cause for “Wow, if I’ve been walking around carrying that stuff, if I’ve had that energy pattern in me, this insignificance, not being valuable. I don’t’ need to carry that around. That energy pattern was somewhere. If it was in my field, I’m glad it’s moving. It may be a little uncomfortable” kind a like nobody wants to have diarrhea, but on the other end of diarrhea you feel better. It’s like throwing up. My body doesn’t need this stuff, move it out. Those are two physical sensations, but this is an energy pattern a memory or belief or vibrational. Move it out. Move it out. I would see that as a good sign rather than not a good sign. You may want to get back into balance by doing a Healing Code right there. Again, I would suggest what I suggest to everybody, plenty of hydration, lot of water and breathing. Those are the two main forms of stress.

You’ll know. People who have panic attacks or anxiety attacks or maybe even something like this are panting for breath. Let me breathe. Good diaphragmatic breaths, 3, 4, 5, in a row. Okay. Now I’m a little more balanced.

**Participant: Thanks for that. That’s a little more reassuring. This is more of a statement than a question. I have a realization in my third week or so I’m speaking more fluently. There is less searching for words which was a bit embarrassing and pause. Now words come out of my mouth easier.

Tom Costello: Do you know what that is?

Participant: The hesitation was almost self induced looking for the perfect word. Not to be considered stupid or maybe more intelligent in my word selection, vocabulary. I just put too much thought into the process, now it just seems to flow more naturally.

Tom Costello: That’s fabulous. We would say that as that stress comes down, let’s just say saber toothed tiger is “forming the perfect sentence.” There basically no such thing. If there are 20-30 people on this call or more, any given sentence is going to resonate differently from each one. Somebody would go, “That was the perfect sentence.” Somebody else would go, “That was a terrible sentence.” There is no such thing as a perfect sentence. As the stress comes off. “If I express myself, which is my goal, what else do I want? If I’m talking to 5 people there is no way for me to form one sentence that is going to apply perfectly to each of them. Let me just be me.” Whew, the stress comes down. Then add in the increased blood flow to the frontal cortex, thinking is better. If you take the idea of test anxiety, this is a kid that knows everything about the subject, walks up to the exam room door and panics. Sit down with pencil in hand and they have trouble remembering their name. They know it, they just can’t access it. Fight-or-flight says, shut down the flow of blood to the frontal cortex. Thinking is dangerous, we want to react. Let’s fight or run. I can’t beat up the teacher and I can’t run. Now I’m stuck there. That’s why in a test anxiety situation, do a breathing and quickly do a Healing Code.

Good for you with that opening. It sounds like blossoming.

Participant: It’s a nice experience. To finally be able to speak without all that hesitation.

Tom Costello: Thanks for speaking to us tonight. I thought your questions were right there and valuable across the board. Thank you, Richard.

Participant: (Denise) I want to thank that last gentleman for his call and questions and his courage to put all that out there. It was very helpful to me personally as well. I have a question about, I’ve been working for several months on a particular issue. I just finished today the 36-day phase 3. In the interim as of about 8 days ago I developed the most painful tendonitis in the left arm. It’s excruciating. I can’t sleep at night. It is what it is. My question is, I really wanted to focus on the initial condition and go through the Phase 3 for that. By the way it is a lot better. Now I have something that is more of a priority. It is more pressing. What would you suggest? Do I focus on that or continue the second set of the 3-day set on the initial situation.

Tom Costello: My attention is also on why you are coughing. Do you need a glass of water?

Participant: Something just stuck in my throat.

Tom Costello: Denise, your question is you have two issues, tendonitis and another one. If I were to look at tendon issues, there is oftentimes a conflict between what a person thinks they should be doing and where they should be going and what their inner voice could be saying. Excessive self control or fear of letting go. If you have developed this with tennis, is that how it occurred or some less fun way?

Participant: I was doing pushups. I don’t usually do man pushups. I saw my husband doing them and decided I’d do them. I did 10 and two days later I did 10 more. Then it started to stiffen up and hurt, not terrible. Then I did something and boom I have no range of motion. My shoulder is frozen. That’s where it originated, from the pushups.

Tom Costello: That condition, that rigidity, that control, that inflexibility and what does the other issue look like? Anything like that?

Participant: Tinnitus. Which is a lot better by the way. I hate to think it’s shifting around in my body.

Tom Costello: You’re causing new ones.

Participant: That’s what I’m saying, causing new ones.

Tom Costello: That’s okay. If you are going to use your body. There is a way that is practice and do things in a gradient fashion instead of “I haven’t walked at all, but I’m going to run the Marathon tomorrow.” You know there is some pain right around the corner from that kind of approach instead of building up to it little by little.

I would focus on the tendonitis and its limitation. Probably the way you’re beating yourself up for having done that, trying to use somebody else’s standard to goad you into a certain behavior. You look at your husband doing pushups and decide to use that as a standard. Why? Men have different upper body strength than women. Women have a higher pain threshold than men. That’s a common thing.

Consider this, Denise, the tricycle experience I was describing earlier? What does this say about me? What does this say about pushups? What does this say about my arms? What does it say about my strength? What does it say about my body? What does it say about my husband? What does it say about my responding to that modeling, monkey see, monkey do? What does that say about me? If you were competing with somebody, i.e. a member of your family, “I see what this is about.” All bets are off. I can undo that. I can shift that point of view.

Participant: It was such a casual thing when I did it. I didn’t feel like I had to measure up to him or compete with him. He wasn’t even in the room. I know that’s kind of irrelevant. I don’t know if that resonates that much. I’ll think about it. It’s more like.

Tom Costello: I wasn’t talking about competing with your husband.

Participant: Something back like childhood competing. I understand.

Participant: The puzzling thing is why have I created this in my body. I do believe I created it in my body. It’s very puzzling to me. I’ve never had anything like it. My life is beautiful right now. You were talking about finding the gift in something. I just discovered, I suspected it all along. I just had demonstrated the most incredible gift out of this ear situation that I developed a year ago. Incredible beyond anything I could imagine. I was suicidal if I have to live like this. Just recently, there’s got to be a correlation there. There are no accidents in the universe. Something business wise came out of that. Through a series of people that I went to seeking help I was told a story. I used it in relation to the work that I do and it’s had an unbelievable outcome. If I had never developed this situation in my ears, none of it would have happened.

Tom Costello: Isn’t that funny? Let’s just go back to the tendonitis. If you learn a new level of respect for your vehicle, you would have done yourself an incredibly great service. “I haven’t done pushups in a hundred years. I’m going to get on the floor and do pushups.” Your body goes, HELLO! Aren’t I the one you’re working for here? You’re going to have a relationship with me. Obviously I’m not aware of your body size and your strength and that sort of thing, but I think a muscle unused, all of a sudden worked out hard, that muscle is not able to process that input. That metabolism, that energy that is coming in, the work that you’re causing it to do it can’t move the lactic acid and other by-products of that exercise out. Now your muscles hurt. You can’t drink a cup of coffee the next day. You can’t bend your arm. That’s why you build up gradually and practice a gradient form of getting from where you are to where you want to be and it makes you much more respectful of your body. That makes sense. I’m really good to my car; change the oil, wash it, vacuum it, check the tire pressure.

Participant: Would you take it at face value like that or “it’s never at face value”? I did something my body wasn’t ready to handle.

Tom Costello: Certainly on a physiological level you tried to get your body to do something it wasn’t prepared to do. That’s the square peg, round hole – woops, it wasn’t ready for that. To be able to convert that into a value and move that energy, if there is a different meaning you are self-protecting from something that was in your near future? People shoot themselves in the foot all the time in order “I can’t to this. I can’t do that because I hurt myself.” There may be sabotaging in there. It doesn’t sound like that’s what’s occurred, but that is a pretty common experience as well.

Participant: In terms of Codes, you suggest?

Tom Costello: I would go muscular/skeletal.

Participant: Every day until it’s better.

Tom Costello: Yep. I would also be looking for that aha! Some sort of “I get it.” Frankly I find that exciting to do that. Other people just want the pain to be gone. They don’t need any realizations.

Participant: I love those realizations. I just spent a year trying to get the realizations for my ears. It was this excruciating journey like I get it and now it can go away. Now I have to do it again on my arm? It’s bigger, my entire psyche, like what’s going on here? Maybe it’s a bigger aha.

Tom Costello: You can also want to make sure that you are not over dramatizing. This could be life threatening. On the other hand, probably not. The question now, is it a mountain or is it a mole hill? If those are my only choices, it’s a mole hill. If it’s a mole hill, I really can’t devote all my attention to it because it’s a mile hill. I’ve got to devote my attention to the creative projects I’m working on and so on. Let me just get on it.

Participant: I don’t have to come up with a big aha, just focus on the healing and move on?

Tom Costello: Exactly.

Participant: That’s good. I just want to add one thing. I got this from my friend who does The Healing Codes. When I have time some days what I am doing is Peace, Love and Joy, the three of those Codes together. Not that day, but the next day I am floating. I feel like the happiest person on the planet.

Tom Costello: Tell me how you do that.

Participant: It doesn’t matter what order. It’s Peace, Love and Joy, those three Codes consecutively. If I ever doubt in my logical mind the effectiveness of the Codes, all I have to do is those three Codes consecutively. It takes some discipline and it takes a little block of time. Just do those three. The next day notice “God, I’ll feel great.” I tried it several times. Always with the same results.

Tom Costello: For the rest of you out there. That’s day 4, 5, and 6. That sequence is Love, Joy, Peace. Let me think, if I had more love in my life, if I had more joy in my life, if I had more peace in my life? Yes. Put me in for a good portion of each of those. That’s cool.

Participant: Thanks, Tom.

Participant: (Pattys’ husband) We just ordered today and we’re just listening.

Tom Costello: Let me ask and answer the question you are not going to ask. As you do The Healing Codes, if you are doing them, you are doing them right. There is no perfect way other than doing them. If I were a teacher I would give you an A or 100%, whichever you want or both.

Participant: I’ll take both. One for each of us.

Tom Costello: Lot’s of people want to make it harder and more narrow. It’s a wide road. You can relax. The goal of The Healing Codes is to reduce stress in the body on a cellular level, on every level. Worrying about doing it perfectly is stress inducing. If you feel yourself going in that direction, back up. Welcome, husband of Patty.

Participant: (Tess) I just received my package. Yesterday was my first day. Basically I have been just using the Pocket Guide. How important is it to do the resting positions? I know that there is Temple, Jaw and Bridge and each of those has a resting position. There is none for Adams’ Apple. The second question is. When I do the resting position I count seven seconds. I don’t want it to take so long. I follow the instructions step by step. The next question is, if I’m in a hurry is it okay to keep doing one after the other and not have to rest at all? The next question is, yesterday being the first day, the Temple keeps repeating on that. Is that because Unforgiveness is more on the mind as opposed to any other part of those positions? The next question is I’m really intending to do one out of the 12. I would like to do one each day so that by the 12th day I’ve done all of it. Then go on to the binder and then read more and learn more.

Tom Costello: Are you ready for the answers? Those are good questions. There are two sets of positions: regular positions and resting positions. Resting positions are designed for people who have trouble with their arms, they are hospitalized, they have limited mobility, they are chronically ill, that sort of thing. A normal, healthy person ought to be using just the regular positions.

The reason there is not Adam’s Apple as a resting position is because we normally recommend that you get extremely comfortable when you do the positions, that is lying down, sitting on a couch or chair or recliner. I recommend that you prop your elbows up with pillows whether you are sitting or lying down so you are not using any muscles so you are not stressing your muscles. You are very relaxed.

If you look at that position, if you have your hands on your chest pointed at your Adam’s apple, that basically is like a resting position. That’s why there is no separate position.

Let’s assume you are working on a given day. Let’s assume tomorrow is day 2. There will be two Codes in the manual or pocket guide; code number 1 and code number 2 consisting of one or more steps per code. You can do that for 30 seconds per step, 30 seconds, 30 seconds, 30 seconds. Do them in loops to get to the desired amount of time.

You could do Code 1, 30 seconds, 30 seconds, 30 seconds, 30 seconds if there were 4 steps. Do that again. Take a breath and go right to Code 2 and do it back-to-back. Some people because of their schedules will do Code 1 in the morning, Code 2 later in the morning, Code 1 in the afternoon, Code 2 early evening. If you are going to do more than that, you can do it back-to-back or split them up like that. It doesn’t make any difference.

More is better. If you are chronically ill then that idea about breathing and hydration is going to be important. In chronically ill situations you can imagine your cells have had the draw bridge up for a long time. When it comes down, you want to be able to flush that out of your system very quickly.

That’s how you would do that.

Next question, No. Unforgiveness is not – Wrong Beliefs, Harmful Actions and Unforgiveness and a lot of what plagues us is mind oriented, but that’s not what the temples refer to. Because you have hands pointed at the temples maybe two times in that Code, that does not equal that. It just is the way it seems to affect the endocrine system, the hypothalamus, etc. That’s what Dr. Alex Loyd came up with as the ideal Code for that. You wouldn’t want to draw a conclusion that this is more mind oriented and this is more throat oriented, this is more jaw – you wouldn’t need to go there.

Participant: Thank you.

Tom Costello: The idea of doing them one per day is really the design. As a new person starting what you want to do is get in a comfortable position, say the prayer/request in a way that is comfortable for you. Point your fingers at the healing centers and do it step by step. You would obviously want to be hydrated and physically comfortable and so on.

Have a focus. We call that a Truth Focus Statement. You would be able to put your attention on the ideal condition that you are looking for in your life related to any of this. If you came up with an idea about Unforgiveness, frankly I think Unforgiveness for many people is a huge area. It certainly was for me. Holding on to resentments and still being at war with people from years and years and years ago over things that they would never ever even suspect or remember, “Why am I at war and nobody else?” That’s not good for my body. When those things come into your mind you can just let them go and put your attention back on being at love and accepting and respectful of yourself as well as others. You would do Unforgiveness on Day 1, Harmful Actions on Day 2, Wrong or Unhealthy Beliefs on Day 3. Love on day 4, Joy on day 5 and so on as you go through that.

At the end of the 12 days if coaching is included in the package that you purchased, you’d want to make contact with your coach for custom coding. That’s when you will deal with specific issues that are unique to you. If you don’t have custom coding in the package that you purchased, you’d want to start to dig down and find those areas of Unforgiveness, areas of Harmful Actions, the things that seem to be Unhealthy or Harmful or Wrong Beliefs and so on.

Participant: Yesterday when I did Unforgiveness, I was basically following the instructions that I should focus on which one bothers me the most. I put them down, the first one. I didn’t realize how many Unforgiving things I’ve been keeping for so many years. I just kept on writing and writing and writing. When it came to the prayer part, I prayed first for the one that bothers me the most. After I prayed for that I repeated the prayer again. This time I basically read from everything else I wrote down. After I read it I finished the prayer. Is that the right way to do it?

Tom Costello: You can do it that way. I think it may be a little more streamlined if you weave, let’s say you have that list in front of you. You start to say your prayer, “I’d like healing on all these issues, and all these people.” I would drag my hand right over that whole list of Joe and Sally and Sam and Bill and on and on.

Participant: And not have to describe what it is with that person.

Tom Costello: You wouldn’t need to describe what it is. The internal workings are…. It is already known what those are. If you know it consciously, fine. The healing is going to occur even if you don’t have to specify. Some people say, “Every time I’m around that person I get the creeps. I get so upset. I don’t even know what that is.” They don’t have a clue what it is about. They do The Healing Codes. Now all of a sudden they just go, wow, my relationship with that person is totally different. Whatever static existed seems to be gone. Wow, that’s so nice.

You wouldn’t have to go into the real details of it. If you’re aware of it, that’s great. You’re going to be able to turn around…. Let’s say one of the people on the list is Sam. Sam knocked you off a tricycle when you were a little kid. (We’re having a good tricycle night!) You just say, how do I want to feel about Sam? How do I want to feel about all these people that I resent. I’m angry. I’m bitter. I’d just like to be able to look at them without any negative effects. Be able to accept that they are what they are. They did what they did. Here it is, November, 2006 and I’d like to get back into my life.

Let me just go into something tangential that may be of value to people. I personally have found this helpful. It occurred recently in a conversation with a client. We were talking about the idea of being upset about somebody. I asked a question, “Who is responsible for making your happy?” If there is any answer other than, “me” myself… We give so much power away. “My neighbor, if he would only do this then I’d be happy. This person up ahead of me in the left lane who doesn’t know me, never met me, never will meet me, if he would only drive my way a the speed I want, I’ll be happy.” Why would I give all my power away to those external circumstances? Give it to those people who don’t know me and are basically ought to be focusing on what makes them happy, not on what makes me happy. Now, all of a sudden I realize I’m giving my power away.

We do the same thing when we are unforgiving. We make prisoners of ourselves, not them, of ourselves. HELLO! Making a prisoner of me, that’s going to make me happy? It hasn’t worked yet. I’m going to set me free by forgiving them. You can do that in one larger group if you will, Tess, one lump sum. As the energy shifts and their behaviors are no longer threatening to you and the fulfillment of your needs to your happiness, “I don’t know what I was upset about.” Boom, it’s gone. Then you go on to the next thing.

Participant: Could I not be upset any more and still would like to avoid a person. If the person comes to the room I would just leave. I’m not upset any more, I just don’t like to see the person any more.

Tom Costello: Sure. Just because there is vanilla, chocolate and strawberry icecream on the table, doesn’t mean you have to eat the two flavors that are not your favorites. I prefer this one. I prefer to be in a different room. I prefer to be near a person who is different. However, you may want to consider this. That person is reflecting, I’m not saying this is true, but sometimes this is helpful. That person is reflecting a part of us that we have disowned, that we don’t like, that we deny.

You know what I would like? When I grow up I would like to be very outgoing and very sociable and chatty. But, when I’m around people like that I sometimes get resentful. You know what it is? I wish I could do what they’re doing. It bothers me that they can do it and I can’t do it. I’m more reserved and I’m shyer. If they are reflecting something back to us that is in us, it’s helpful for us to recognize that.

Did I answer all your questions?

Participant: Yes. Great. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Welcome to the family.

Participant: (Richard) What you said about being resentful of people that are more outgoing than you, that resonated with me. I’ve noticed that myself in the past. Is there something that we can directly do about that using The Healing Codes?

Tom Costello: Yes. You can, number one, put your attention on that as a problem as you do The Healing Codes. Just observe. Let’s say that last week you were in a situation. Bill and Bob and Sue were having this conversation. They were very outgoing and … Something got triggered for you. You can rate that scene how intense it was 0-10, 10 being most intense. Then as you do The Healing Codes, just observe it. You say your prayer. You do the Code. Something like “something outside of me has to change for me to be happy.” I guess that’s in Wrong Beliefs. Then as you do The Healing Codes you just observe that scene like it’s a very short movie. Just before it begins you are observing and watching that scene. Breathe deeply, do the Code. Watch the scene to the end. Then go back and replay the scene multiple times.

What I experience is that it shifts. It shifts in terms of the intensity. I can feel it in my body. People will say this. “The color changes. It either went from bright colors to kind of washed-out gray.” Or, “It went from stark colors, black and white, into beautiful colors, all bright and cheery.” Some people will say, it seems like the sound changed. If you ever saw the movie, “Jaws”. That music that sets the mood, you know something bad is going to happen. “That sound track changed to The Sound of Music.” Wow. Or, the heavy clouds over everything like an Edgar Allen Poe story, then all of a sudden the sun is out. It changed. It shifted. Sometimes it gets closer. Sometimes it gets further away. You just observe it. You don’t have to change anything. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to make them do anything differently.

Your relationship with that event will change because in my model, energy is going in. You are going to feel less threatened by it. Then, the ideal scene is you will move over to “I admire that.” I like it. I want it. If we don’t like it, you know what, (this goes back to our earlier conversation, Richard) if we don’t like that behavior, even if part of us goes “oh, I wish I could do that”, if we don’t like it, it will be a threat. The body will say, “I will keep you away from that behavior.” No, No. I really want to have it, I’m just complaining. “I’ll protect you from it. I’ll protect you from that behavior. I won’t let you get anywhere near that behavior.” No, no, no. I really want to express it. “NO I’LL PROTECT YOU FROM IT.” I’ve just set something in motion that is contrary to what I want.

Practicing appreciation is a great thing. To look first and say “I resent” should quickly be changed to “I appreciate that.” I’m grateful for that. It’s a whole different vibration. It’s amazingly powerful. To just say that, I appreciate that, I admire that is a great step. You can do that with the Codes.

Participant: Something worth trying.

On another topic on how the burning could be self-preserving. I just had some realization of how I approach my training and racing. All-out, take no prisoners including myself. In the race my strategy was to push hard and at the end of the race, mentally through will, find another gear and blow every gasket and go on vapor fuel. Cross the finish line and get carried in on a stretcher.

Tom Costello: Whoa!

Participant: That was how I won some longer more intense races. I knew I could punish myself harder than in the last 5 K than anybody else. I had to prove it every race that I was the toughest person out there. Maybe my body said, “You fool, you can’t do this forever.” It shut me down.

Tom Costello: As an ex-green baret I admire that approach. Crashing into walls and pushing the limits without regard for wisdom. I used to say, “I won’t let good judgment stand in the way of a decision.” Then I’d crash into things.

If you think of that you realize this drive so hard till the wheels fall off – which says to me that I had a belief that the way to win was to drive so hard, even if the wheels came off. Let me get a new belief. Let me get a belief that I can win with such a fine functioning machine, this beautiful body that is miraculous beyond belief. Let me see how elegantly, efficiently, excellently I can do this. As compared to I have to be a bull in a china shop in my approach to this. Crunch, force, will. No. No. I can use energy. I can use attitude. I can use an elegance. I can pre-pave this with my intention and my attention. Because I know those other racers have resistance. “It hurts. It hurts.” That is true for athletes. What we do is “I don’t need to make this resistance harder in order to climb it. I don’t’ have to self-create a mountain to climb over. What I’m looking to do is be frictionless in my efforts.” That’s a totally different way to do it.

Participant: Unfortunately, I combined that and a driving will at all cost. I had most efficient technique. I spent a great deal of time and effort with video camera frame by frame analysis. I strove to have the best technique, be well prepared. Just at the end I would throw away all inhibitions related to pain and suffering and flow. I would be almost out of body experience. It was great at the time. “You can crash through that barrier.” It went to the point where I’ve paid a heavy price physically and energy wise every single time out.

Tom Costello: I think you are addressing also one of the factors of any great performer; ballet, musician, artist, athlete or say a professional athlete. That is the idea that they can get themselves to do things that other people cannot get themselves to do. They can push themselves relative to discomfort way more than the average person. Doing that sets them into the position to be world-class. However, the tending of the machinery, if you will, the body that allows a person to do that on a regular basis certainly has to be there or you’re not going to be able to make it. You’ll wear your machinery down.

You made a choice that it was important enough for you to do and you did it. Now that idea that you are willing to invest that energy in a goal, in an objective, in a process says wonderful things about your discipline and your intensity. Now you’ve got to move those same strengths into a different area because your hips hurt.

Participant: Can you use those same strengths, not to punish yourself, just the opposite, use that same drive and will for healing?

Tom Costello: I think healing is not something you cause. Healing is something you allow. That is contrary to your racing. It seems to me that you have had an adversarial point of view. Let me be the drill sergeant. Let me be the football coach who is incredibly punitive who is demanding and demeaning and disrespectful. You go, wait a minute, that works in the very short term. It doesn’t work long term.

I’m in Florida and there are flowers outside. Let’s say I’ve got a rose bush outside. I want it to grow faster. I’m going to go outside right now and kick it. I’m going to kick the rose bush and scream at it. That doesn’t sound like a wise approach. Exactly. I think it is encouragement, nurturing and love ultimately that is going to lead to less friction. Now if you can apply your discipline to recognize “I want to facilitate cells cooperating, working together, growing faster. I’m not going to drive them to do that. I’m going to allow them to do that by causing the conditions to be ideal.” Then I think you’re in a good spot to do that.

Participant: Okay. Now, I’m getting coaching as we speak. I will continue on for a few more weeks. After that’s over, the Healing Code related to the neural system, because I have burning sensations, would that be a good target for me to concentrate on?

Tom Costello: Yes. If you wanted to alternate between that central nervous system and muscular/skeletal, that would be cool.

Participant: Alright. I’ll do that. I’ve got some information and advice about not concentrating too much on going through the steps, the memory finders and so on. I have some very vivid childhood memories dealing with my parents where I shut off from both of them for different reasons and different incidents, of course. There are so stark and riveting in my very soul, etched in my being, these images. Whenever I spoke with other counselors or therapists they always came up. They would bring tears to my eyes immediately. With images that powerful, is that something that would be worthy as your saying goes, of playing the movie scenes of those incidents and do that on a regular basis until they loose some of their power?

Tom Costello: Yes. You can look at the 12 Days. Let’s assume you can look at that scene and you can be really angry and resentful and bitter. You can be unforgiving toward your parents. Then the next day, you could have thoughts of harmful actions. You’d like to hit them with a frying pan. You’d like to run away from home. You’d like to whatever. Then Unhealthy Beliefs on the third day all related to that same issue. There are lot of different things.

To me, our relationship with our parents is indescribably important from this standpoint. If we hate our parents. I’m not suggesting that’s what is going on for you, but this comes pretty frequently. Hate your parents, or one of your parents has been demonized like in my family. My mother demonized my father. My father was an alcoholic. He had some serious things going on that were worthy of demonization. However. The problem of doing that in front of your children is it doesn’t take a rocket scientist for a young boy to be standing there going, “I think I’m part of my father. Wasn’t he part of me standing here? Wasn’t he a participant in some part of the earlier play?” Or in the case where a parent says, “You’re just like your _____” Uh-oh. That was just made bad. We disown, we disconnect, we deny that piece of us. Now we are walking around half of us or three-quarters or 60% of us and we’re trying to deny the other percentages. “I don’t have all the energy, strength or resources that I think I ought to have. I think I have way more potential than I can express.” Yes. You have 40% tied behind you. Come to terms with that.

We can extract energetically from our parents all their finest qualities. If they had a thousand fine qualities, take that energy and own it. If they had two, take that energy in and own it and let the rest go by. We take in food at dinner time. Not to be too graphic, but tomorrow morning, some of that is not going to serve us and we’re going to move it on. That’s part of the process. We take in the energy. We translate that which is of value. The rest that doesn’t serve us we let it go. We take it in, use what we can, let it go. We don’t take it in, hold on too it, hold on to it, hold on to it…… We do, that’s a really big down side emotionally and physically, it’s obviously spiritual.

So you’re going to want to come to terms with that and recognize much like my mentor said, “They are creations of their own experiences.” It wasn’t an accident the way they behaved. They got there one step at a time, one event at a time, one problem at a time, one misunderstanding at a time, the same as us.

Participant: Okay. I’ll try and follow that advice. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Thanks, Richard.

**Participant: (Peter) Hi, I just joined the call a while ago. It’s been very interesting. I’ve been doing the Codes now for 10 days. My basic problem is that I have tremendous anger and rage. I’ve noticed things are happening. I can yawn which I haven’t been able to do for a long time and stretch properly. Other things are happening like I’m beginning to walk differently. Somehow I feel a difference in my walk. This anger and rage is still there. I don’t know quite what’s going to happen with that. Is it going to change?

Tom Costello: Yes. It certainly is going to change. If you have a deep reservoir, how long it takes to drain the reservoir! If you were 20 years old and came from the most wonderful family and you could think of two things that bothered you, that’s a piece of cake. That should be gone by morning.

However, for those of us who have stock-piled that over the years based on all kinds of childhood dysfunctional family experiences and didn’t have any suitable to move that energy, “stiff upper lip” and all that. You’ve heard that expression. Boys are not allowed to cry when they are angry. So what do you do with it. You hold it in and blow a gasket. That’s what you do with it. Now as this starts to move out of you I think you can expect to experience some upset. But, the idea is it’s moving. It’s leaving, not arriving.

How long does it take? It takes as long as it takes. I like to look for keystone experiences. Some of these are conscious and some are not going to be conscious. Keystone, let me just shift metaphors. I talk about a log jam. I’ve resisted things in my life. I don’t like them. They are hurtful. They are painful. They are humiliating, this and that. Now I’ve looked and there is a huge log jam of things I’ve resisted. Tens, hundreds, thousands of logs. Wow, I’ve got to go through each one of these logs one at a time? I personally am interested in finding the key log that is holding everything in place. How many are there 10, 20, 30? I don’t know. I’m looking to pull one log out and they all go downstream.

Major energy are stockpiled behind some key events, some key interpretations. To shift those key events to shift your relationship with them, to shift that energy pattern that blockage, now all of a sudden it’s like, “Who just turned the lights on?” Who just took this weight off my back?

I think you can expect those kinds of experiences.

Participant: That would be great. I feel there are particular things. Somewhere there is a log jam and I can’t get to it. I’m going through the book saying, “What can I do now?” I do the maximum of everything. If it says to do 8, I do 8. If it says do 20 minutes I do that. I’m trying as hard as I can to get this thing going.

Tom Costello: Let me caution you on trying as hard as you can. If you can get into a space where that is not stressful. It’s not effort. It’s not hard work, you’re okay. When you make it hard work you are turning it into stress which slows down your process. Here’s an image for you. You are sitting in a courtyard in your home. You’re outside. You have flowers and so on. There is a door to the outside, to the street. What you’re looking is to allow that door to open. You don’t have to knock it down. You don’t have to run into it. You don’t have to use a bulldozer. You don’t need to crash into it. You don’t need to hit it with a hammer. You just need to allow it to open.

As you become relaxed and relaxed and relaxed and more open, then it will be a whole different experience. You don’t make healing. You allow healing. Your body is so much better at it than you are.

Participant: Yes. I’m trying to learn that. All my life I’ve had to push and push and make things happen. Make this happen and make that happen. I have no faith in anything except my own abilities, you know?

Tom Costello: That’s frustrating and anger generating. If you’ve ever seen the movie or show, “The Secret” at . It talks about the law of attraction. Richard, that is the way to cause things to come into your experience as compared to all the physical effort, all the muscle, all the drive, all the force and power and push and hard…. It’s like you conceptualize it, you’re creating it on an energetic basis and then you start vibrating with it little by little by little to a point to where it comes into your experience. You think, “How did that happen so easily?”

Participant: Sounds amazing. Have you heard of Sai baba?

Tom Costello: Yes. I’m familiar.

Participant: He seems to be doing nothing. He walks around all day and just talks to people and does things. When people come to him from all over the world and put millions of dollars right into his hands. He has free educational system, free hospital system. How did he do that?

Tom Costello: Yes. Because he is and for people who don’t know, Sai baba is a very famous guru in India. Sai baba is two words. His ability to tap into that energetic level of creation where we can conceptualize just like we can. Apparently he doesn’t build up all the resistance that the rest of us do.

“I want a glass of water.” Oh, it’s too far. It’s too difficult. He doesn’t go through that routine. “I want a glass of water.” Boom there it is. That seeing what you want without the need to create all the resistance, all the challenge, all that counter intention, that’s we’re all headed. That anger is part of that resistance.

Participant: Actually I notice when I get angry my body gets tense. The muscles get tense, my jaw gets tense. Then in five minutes I feel like murder, you know?

Tom Costello: Yes. And if you can imagine yourself, you just put a static electrical fence around you. Your good cannot get to you. You just put barbed wire outside that door to your garden that I was just talking about opening. Off limits, I’m too dangerous. That’s all self-protection.

Thanks for your question, Peter.

Participant: Thank you for the answers.

Participant: (Ed) My question is about the process before you do the fingers pointing of The Healing Codes. I understand you do the prayer. After the prayer when you do the fingers touching, I’m mostly focusing on that issue when I’m doing The Healing Codes.

Tom Costello: Let’s say you have a sore toe. That’s your issue. It would be better for you to focus on the Ed feeling excellent, what it feels like when you are running around playing tennis, touch-football, whatever it is you are doing. Your feet feel great. Your body feels great. You are so grateful and thankful that your physical structure is functioning beautifully. That is a better focus.

If your toe keeps getting your attention. It hurts. Put your attention on it and do the movie scene thing I was describing earlier. Just look at it. What is your toe saying about you? What are the things you can’t do because you have this problem? What is it keeping your from, the happiness that it is interfering with? It’s ruining your life or whatever. Just observe it. You don’t have to change it. It will change automatically.

Plan A would be focus on the ideal condition. Plan B would be focus on the problem, then the ideal condition.

Participant: Custom Codes and still doing one of the 12-Day Codes back to back. Is that an issue doing that?

Tom Costello: Not an issue.

Participant: You can do them many times?

Tom Costello: You can do them as many times as you want.

Participant: I was listening to the one lady earlier. She said she did day 4, 5, and 6 back to back. I was wondering if that is a way of bombarding the frequencies, all the healing frequencies?

Tom Costello: More is better, usually. So, just to be able to go after this and get into a relaxed peaceful state. Don’t turn it into work. Turn it into fun and joy and “I am doing something so wonderful for myself and for my body and my mind and my emotions and my spirit. This is good. I’m glad I’m doing this for me.” If you can get into a place like that you can go on and on and on.

Participant: What I’m thinking is I’m doing The Healing Codes and I know my results of doing this is going to be tremendous. I’m getting to the feeling stage of the future results. I’m feeling that feeling while I’m doing the Codes.

Tom Costello: That’s it. As we become vibrationally in harmony with the condition that we want. At first when you want a million dollars you say, “Oh man, a million dollars” with resistance. As you become more vibrationally aligned it will go from that to “other people do it. Yes.” Over time it becomes, “That feels so good. That thought feels so good.” It could be about money. It could be about a relationship. It could be about a car. It could be about a career. It could be about health. As we become more vibrationally aligned, we start feeling better about. We change our relationship from being afraid of it or feeling we can’t have it to “Yes I can. Wow, I can really, really get into this.” Then it’s a foregone conclusion.

Participant: Thank you, Tom

Participant: (Jenny) Thank you for all this. Thanks to all the people who called in, too. I’ve learned a lot. This is a simple question but it bothers me. I don’t visualize well. When you say picture something I’m following along in my perception in my brain, but I don’t see anything. When you said to note the color change. I don’t see anything, not to mention I don’t see a color.

Tom Costello: There are different learning styles. Some people are visual. Some people are auditory. Some people are kinesthetic, that is they can feel it in their body. You recall I talked about the sound track from Jaws or the Sound of Music? Some people hear it. Some people feel it in their bodies. It’s like a weight has come off the shoulders. All of a sudden they are out of pressure. They’ve gone from underneath a cloud to out in the sunshine. They feel it on their skin. Maybe it’s a relaxation in their body that wasn’t there a few minutes ago. One of those three will work for you.

If none of those happen for you, don’t worry about it because they will. If you or anybody else doesn’t perceive, doesn’t have that sensory awareness, that’s because, in many cases a person is wearing a suit of armor. If you say touch your skin, they go clang, clang clank. What’s that? I went to touch them and they couldn’t feel it. Those defense mechanisms, those self-protective devices, that “steeling ourselves.” You’ve heard that “I was steeling myself for the shock or jolt or what came next.” I braced myself. All of that is defense. That numbs us. That puts a protective shell. We’re like lobsters or oysters or clams or something. That will disappear as soon as the perception of threat starts to shift. “I’m hearing things I couldn’t hear. I’m seeing things better, not only in my imagination, but with my eyes.” It goes on and on like that. People remember things better.

Not to worry. See or feel or hear. One of those is apt to be more comfortable and more natural for you.

Participant: When you were talking about being in a garden with a wall and a door opening. I couldn’t visualize that, but yet I was kind of there. I was really there but I couldn’t see it. I couldn’t see color or anything like that. Is that just the way that I perceive?

Tom Costello: How did you know you were in the garden? That’s a good question because I certainly couldn’t see it. I’m very visual with my eyes open. From that standpoint I suppose that picture of my eyes open seeing something doesn’t match the clarity of the picture in my imagination.

Tom Costello: I wouldn’t worry about it.

Participant: In other words this works anyway even if it doesn’t look to me like the way you were describing it?

Tom Costello: Yes. Exactly. Some people don’t see pictures at all. They are just not there.

Participant: Okay. Thank you very much for this evening. It’s been wonderful.

Tom Costello: Thanks, Jenny.

Participant: (Barbara) It has been a wonderful evening. I’m really thrilled with it. I’ve had two different Codes from a coach. It’s 10 minutes. Should I just stay with the Codes that she gave me rather than mix other things in or can I do physical ones, too?

Tom Costello: You can do others if you want, but I normally recommend to my clients that they just do the Code that I give them. Some of them listen to me and some of them decide they felt like doing something else. You are the ultimate judge. Let’s say you are doing your Custom Code today and tomorrow and the next day. All of a sudden you think you want to do one of Unforgiveness, too. Do it. There is no down side, only upside. If you want to add Love or something, do it. It’s not a problem.

Participant: How do you download this? I didn’t tape it tonight and I really wish I had.

Tom Costello: You would go to . You’ll see on the list on the left “Thursday Night Q&A.” It will take a couple of days for us to get it put up. It won’t be up for a while. Kari, actually the operator on the call will take care of doing that. We’ll have it in a day or so. Maybe it will be up over the weekend or Monday or Tuesday.

Participant: And you can download it?

Tom Costello: You just find the date, right click and save it to your computer.

Participant: Great. I’m really enjoying the telephone conferences.

Participant: (Terry) I just wanted to say thank you. I think you’re doing a great job. I don’t really have a question, but I’ve been very impressed. I’m on day 4. I’m a physician. I’ve been very impressed with your answers and how you are able to pull all this together. I’m really happy I joined the call tonight. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Thank you. Thank you for that feedback. I’m pleased.

Participant: You’ve made a big difference in my life just from your talking.

Tom Costello: Thank you. I had a little bit of guilt going on that I was keeping some of you too late. But, you just washed it all away.

Participant: I’m glad. We always have the choice of hanging up, you know.

Tom Costello: Exactly.

Participant: Thank you for everything.

Participant: (Tess) I’m sorry. It was just a mistake. I thought that I could get of it. I thought I might still be one there. It was a mistake.

Tom Costello: Okay. That means you don’t want to talk to us?

Participant: Not any more. It was really great. Your response was exactly what I was looking for.

Tom Costello: I want to thank everybody on the call. I want to thank the people with question. These questions will help not only the people who didn’t ask the questions, but also the people who download this at a later date and listen to it in a whole new unit of time. Every time any one of us improves our vibration and brings it to a higher level we affect all of us. We are the lights. We are the candles on the planet. Every time we get brighter, we help everybody else see their own path even better.

I thank you for your help in doing that and look forward to interacting with you on a future Thursday night Q&A call.

Kari, thank you very much for your help. I’m complete.

Official end of the call.


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