Monday through Thursday you are to choose one topic a ...

Writing Topics:

This is a list of Writing topics (for informational, opinion, and narrative writing) that your child can write about at home. Helping your child to edit and revise their writing using the same “Editing Marks’ we use in class is also great practice. Choose a topic and “cross out” the ones you have already chosen.

1. Tell about your favorite ride at an amusement park.

2. Plan a perfect summer vacation.

3. Write about what you would do at a summer camp.

4. What do you want to learn in third grade?

5. Write a letter to your last year’s teacher.

6. Tell about one place where you have a lot of fun.

7. What do you like best about summer?

8. What is your favorite food?

9. Write five questions you would like to ask the teacher.

10. Who is the most important person in your life?

11. Write a paragraph that describes what you look like.

12. What do you eat for breakfast?

13. Tell a friend how to do homework.

14. Write a story about a magic car.

15. What makes a good friend?

16. Write a letter to a firefighter.

17. What is your favorite thing about fall?

18. How do you help out at home?

19. Write a list of safety rules for trick or treating.

20. List five ways to prevent fires.

21. Write about a place you would like to go with a friend.

22. Write a story about a haunted house.

23. Draw a map and write directions on how to get home from school.

24. Write a story about giving a dog a bath.

25. Tell some ways we can help homeless people.

26. How do you clean your room?

27. If you were principal what would you do?

28. What is your favorite sport? Why?

29. Write a letter to your favorite movie or TV star.

30. Write directions on how to set table for dinner.

31. If you were President of the United States, what would you do for our country?

32. Describe how your family celebrates Thanksgiving.

33. Describe your last birthday party.

34. What are you thankful for?

35. List five things the Pilgrims learned from the American Indians.

36. Write about your least favorite food.

37. Write about someone who has been kind to you this year.

38. What are some ways you can earn money to buy a gift?

39. What are some of your family’s holiday traditions?

40. Who is the most important person in your life?

41. What do you want to be when you grow up?

42. What is the best thing about school?

43. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

44. What is your favorite movie/ Why?

45. What are you really good at?

46. Why are friends important?

47. Why do we need teachers?

48. What would you do if you were a superhero?

49. Where would you like to go on vacation?

50. What do you like to do with your family?

51. What would you do if you were a teacher for the day?

52. What is your favorite type of weather?

53. What would you like to do in the snow?

54. Write directions on how to build a snowman.

55. Write a paragraph that compares July and January.

56. What clothes do you need for winter?

57. If you could meet a famous person, who would you like to meet?

58. What is your favorite room in your home? Why?

59. Describe what it means to be a good neighbor.

60. Describe your favorite hobby?

61. What sport are you really good at?

62. Tell about your favorite book.

63. Describe your lunch today?

64. What is your favorite dinner?

65. Where do you like to go out to eat? Why?

66. What makes you feel sad and why?

67. Pretend you can fly. Where would you go?

68. How does it feel to be a snowflake?

69. You have a magic seed. Tell what happens?

70. Where would you go if you had a hot air balloon?

71. Make a list of things that change in the spring.

72. Make a list of things that change in the fall.

73. What is your favorite season and why?

74. What would you do if you found a pot of gold?

75. Make a list of things you think are lucky.

76. Write a story about a time machine.

77. Write about your favorite toy.

78. Write about your favorite board game.

79. Invent a new kind of sandwich.

80. Write about a magic carpet ride.

81. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

82. What would it be like to be the tallest person in the world?

83. Why is rain important?

84. Write a story about a chocolate bunny that comes to life.

85. What is your favorite flower/ Why?

86. Name ten things that make you laugh.

87. How do you take care of a pet?

88. What chores do you have at home?

89. Describe a place you always wanted to visit?

90. Explain the steps of planting and taking care of a garden.

91. Write a story about what your mother does to make you happy.

92. Write about a day at the beach.

93. How can you save energy?

94. What is something that really bugs you?

95. What is the best birthday present you ever received?

96. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?

97. What is your favorite month of the year? Why?

98. What is something that really makes you happy?

99. What if all streets were rivers? What would be different?

100.What would it be like to live in outer space?

101.What do you like to do in your free time?

102.What are you afraid of? Why?

103.What are junk foods?

104.Describe a balanced diet.

105. What makes a good friend?

106. What is something you dislike about yourself?

107. What is your favorite subject at school? Why?

108. What is your favorite holiday? Why?

109. Describe your family.

110. Make up a story about a bird.

111. Make up a story about a trip on a boat.

112. What would happen if there was no television?

113. What would happen if animals could talk?

114. What would happen if children ruled the world?

115. What would you do to cheer a friend up?

116. What would you do if you lost your friend’s toy?

117. If you were a mouse in the house, what would you see your family doing?

118. If you could participate in the Olympics, what event would you be in?

119. What would you do if you were lost?

120. What do you like about Rosa Parks Elementary School?


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