The Highland Literacy Progression

1436001299085The Highland Literacy ProgressionJune 201900The Highland Literacy ProgressionJune 2019 Curriculum for Excellence (CfE): Literacy and English BenchmarksThe Literacy and English Benchmarks have been developed to provide clarity on the national standards expected within each curriculum area at every level. These have been embedded within the June 2019 version of The Highland Literacy Progression.Curriculum for Excellence (CfE): Definition of a textThroughout this document when referring to ‘a text’, this should be interpreted in its widest form. When planning Literacy and English experiences and learning contexts, it is presumed that a variety of texts will be used as a stimulus and created with and by learners.The Literacy and English Principles and Practice paper provides a suggested list of texts; however, this list is not definitive:293237367025Examples of textsnovels, short stories, plays, poemsreference textsthe spoken wordcharts, maps, graphs, timetablesadvertisements, promotional leafletscomics, newspapers, magazinesCVs, letters and emailsfilms, games, and TV programmeslabels, signs and postersrecipes, manuals and instructionsreports and reviewstext messages, blogs and social networking sitesweb pages, catalogues and directories4000020000Examples of textsnovels, short stories, plays, poemsreference textsthe spoken wordcharts, maps, graphs, timetablesadvertisements, promotional leafletscomics, newspapers, magazinesCVs, letters and emailsfilms, games, and TV programmeslabels, signs and postersrecipes, manuals and instructionsreports and reviewstext messages, blogs and social networking sitesweb pages, catalogues and directories-4156485082GUIDANCEThe Highland Literacy Progression sets out a clear progression for skills, knowledge and understanding from the following Curriculum for Excellence Literacy and English organisers:Listening and TalkingReadingWriting.The purpose of this document is to offer a continuum of learning through to the end of Broad General Education (CfE Early – Third/Fourth Levels). The progression is intended to assist teachers as they plan their literacy curriculum and assess evidence of learning. LevelStageEarlyThe pre-school years and P1, or later for some.FirstTo the end of P4, but earlier?or later for some.SecondTo the end of P7, but earlier or later for some.Third and FourthS1 to S3, but earlier for some. The fourth level broadly equates to Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework level 4.The fourth level experiences and outcomes are intended to provide possibilities for choice and young people's programmes will not include all of the fourth level outcomes.The aims of the Progression are to:enhance planning and assessment, using skills, knowledge and understanding provide staff with a framework to promote progression in learning and teachingsupport moderation and Achievement of a Level as part of the Moderation Cycle.The document is structured using each of the Literacy and English organisers. These are then sub-divided further using the CfE Experiences and Outcomes. The document details the learner’s progression within and through each of the Levels.Further resources which can be used to support the teaching of Literacy and English can be found at . 00GUIDANCEThe Highland Literacy Progression sets out a clear progression for skills, knowledge and understanding from the following Curriculum for Excellence Literacy and English organisers:Listening and TalkingReadingWriting.The purpose of this document is to offer a continuum of learning through to the end of Broad General Education (CfE Early – Third/Fourth Levels). The progression is intended to assist teachers as they plan their literacy curriculum and assess evidence of learning. LevelStageEarlyThe pre-school years and P1, or later for some.FirstTo the end of P4, but earlier?or later for some.SecondTo the end of P7, but earlier or later for some.Third and FourthS1 to S3, but earlier for some. The fourth level broadly equates to Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework level 4.The fourth level experiences and outcomes are intended to provide possibilities for choice and young people's programmes will not include all of the fourth level outcomes.The aims of the Progression are to:enhance planning and assessment, using skills, knowledge and understanding provide staff with a framework to promote progression in learning and teachingsupport moderation and Achievement of a Level as part of the Moderation Cycle.The document is structured using each of the Literacy and English organisers. These are then sub-divided further using the CfE Experiences and Outcomes. The document details the learner’s progression within and through each of the Levels.Further resources which can be used to support the teaching of Literacy and English can be found at . Curriculum for Excellence Literacy and English4064090805Early Level Progression 00Early Level Progression Steps to Success- Listening and TalkingCurriculum organisers Experiences and Outcomes What might you see in your interactions and observations?CfE BenchmarksI am awareI understandI use with understandingI applyEnjoyment and choice - within a motivating and challenging environment developing an awareness of the relevance of texts in my life I enjoy exploring and playing with the patterns and sounds of language, and can use what I learn. LIT 0-01a / LIT 0-11a / LIT 0-20a I enjoy exploring and choosing stories and other texts to watch, read or listen to, and can share my likes and dislikes. LIT 0-01b / LIT 0-11b I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts, sharing my thoughts in different ways. LIT 0-01c Children may show an interest in rhymes, songs, stories and other texts by: Children may join in with rhymes, songs, stories and other texts by: Children may engage in rhymes, songs, stories and other texts by: Hears and says patterns in words. Hears and says rhyming words and generates rhyme from a given word. Hears and says the different single sounds made by letters. Hears and says letter blends/sounds made by a combination of letters. Participates actively in songs, rhymes and stories. Chooses a story or other texts for enjoyment, making use of the cover, title, author and/or illustrator. Engages with and enjoys watching, reading or listening to different texts, including stories, songs and rhymes, and can share likes and dislikes. Engages with stories and texts in different ways, for example, retelling/re-enacting stories and/or using puppets/props. - watching others - joining circle - dancing - joining in with their favourites - picking up books - looking at pictures - playing with puppets/props - responding to environmental sounds. - when you pause and wait, they will take a turn, repeating the familiar parts - retelling them with their peers - recognising differences and similarities in the way words sound - choosing a favourite text and making comments. - identifying rhyme - copying rhythms which are modelled by an adult or peer - identifying individual sounds within words - retelling familiar rhymes, songs and stories, including the use of puppets, props and peers - talking about a text and relating it to personal experiences - talking about the features of a text, e.g. author/ illustrator/ title. Tools for listening and talking - to help me when interacting or presenting within and beyond my place of learning As I listen and talk in different situations, I am learning to take turns and am developing my awareness of when to talk and when to listen. LIT 0-02a / ENG 0-03a When playing and talking together children may: When playing and talking together children may: When playing and talking together children may: Makes an attempt to take turns when listening and talking in a variety of contexts. Makes an attempt to use appropriate body language when listening to others, for example, eye contact. Listens and responds to others appropriately. Asks questions and responds relevantly to questions from others. Follows and gives simple instructions. Shares ideas with a wider audience, for example, group or class. - take non-verbal turns e.g. taking their turn on the slide - use gesture to aid communication e.g. point - make comments - understand ‘choice questions’ e.g. do you want milk or water? - talk over each other - talk about their own interests - use body language to gain attention and communicate ideas - follow familiar routines - understand and ask ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘who’ questions. - follow an instruction within a game and/ or small group play - use body language to support what they’re saying - contribute their own ideas in small group play - understand and ask ‘when’ and ‘what happened’ questions. Curriculum for Excellence Literacy and English4064090805Early Level Progression 00Early Level Progression Steps to Success- Listening and TalkingCurriculum organisers Experiences and Outcomes What might you see in your interactions and observations?CfE BenchmarksI am awareI understandI use with understandingI applyFinding and using information - when listening to, watching and talking about texts with increasingly complex ideas, structures and specialist vocabulary I listen or watch for useful or interesting information and I use this to make choices or learn new things. LIT 0-04a When playing and talking together children may: When playing and talking together children may: When playing and talking together children may: Understands and responds to spoken texts. Identifies new or interesting information from spoken texts. - explore new situations whilst an adult talks about them e.g. playing in the shaving foam for the first time whilst the adult uses unfamiliar vocabulary i.e. “The shaving foam feels squishy.” - accidentally use the incorrect vocabulary - respond to the correct modelling of vocabulary - show interest in new information by relating it to their personal experiences. - use new vocabulary which they have had repetitive exposure to - show interest in new information by asking questions. Understanding, analysing and evaluating - investigating and/or appreciating texts with increasingly complex ideas, structures and specialist vocabulary for different purposes To help me understand stories and other texts, I ask questions and link what I am learning with what I already know. LIT 0-07a / LIT 0-16a / ENG 0-17a When playing and talking together children may: When playing and talking together children may: When playing and talking together children may: Asks and answers questions about texts to show and support understanding. Makes simple predictions about texts. - understand ‘choice questions’ e.g. do you want milk or water? - ask questions, but may not understand the purpose of asking questions e.g. ‘But why?’ - know what happens next in a familiar context e.g. getting their cup and plate for snack - when you pause and wait using a familiar text, fill in the next word. - understand and ask ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘who’ questions - through repetition and the appropriate use of props, visuals and actions join in with retelling a familiar text - when you pause and wait whilst reading an unfamiliar text, fill in using a clue from the picture, e.g. ‘The girl is putting on her hat because she feels…’. - understand and ask ‘when’ and ‘what happened’ questions - retell the beginning, middle and end of a familiar text with the use of props, visuals and actions - say what might happen next in a text e.g. ‘She’s putting on her boots; I wonder what might happen next’. Creating texts - applying the elements others use to create different types of short and extended texts with increasingly complex ideas, structures and vocabulary Within real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message. LIT 0-09a I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts and I use what I learn to invent my own, sharing these with others in imaginative ways. LIT 0-09b / LIT 0-31a As I listen and take part in conversations and discussions, I discover new words and phrases which I use to help me express my ideas, thoughts and feelings. LIT 0-10a When playing and talking together children may: When playing and talking together children may: When playing and talking together children may: Talks clearly to others in different contexts, sharing feelings, ideas and thoughts. Recounts experiences, stories and events in a logical sequence for different purposes. Communicates and shares stories in different ways, for example, in imaginative play. Uses new vocabulary and phrases in different contexts, for example, when expressing ideas and feelings or discussing a text. - use gesture to aid communication e.g. point - make comments - play alongside others within a role play environment - name objects - copy words you say after lots of repetition - find sharing difficult and need you to label their emotions - join in with their favourite rhymes songs and stories - pick up books/ look at the pictures - explore new situations whilst an adult talks about them e.g. playing in the shaving foam for the first time whilst the adult uses unfamiliar vocabulary i.e. “The shaving foam feels squishy.” - use body language to gain attention and communicate ideas - play with others within a role play environment, re-enacting things they’ve seen in the world around them - describe a picture that they have created and marks they have made - label basic emotions to describe how they’re feeling in a context - express needs and wants using phrases - through repetition and the appropriate use of props, visuals and actions, join in with retelling a familiar text - accidentally use the incorrect vocabulary - respond to the correct modelling of vocabulary. - use body language to support what they’re saying - play with others in a role play environment, contributing their own ideas in small group play - use sequencing language (first, next, now etc.) to describe a picture they have created and marks that they have made - label basic emotions to describe how other people are feeling in a context - use well-formed sentences; may have some grammatical immaturities; ‘falled’ - talk about the past, present and future; may have some inaccuracies. - use new vocabulary which they have had repetitive exposure to. Experiences and Outcomes15875111760First Level Progression 00First Level Progression Steps to Success- Listening and TalkingBenchmarksEnjoyment and ChoiceI regularly select and listen to or watch texts which I enjoy and find interesting, and I can explain why I prefer certain sources. I regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to create texts of my choice. LIT 1-01a / LIT 2-01a *I can choose to watch and listen to different texts and people.*I can share my thoughts on what I have listened to or watched with others.*I can use what I have learned from listening/watching when making up my own stories.To ensure progression the text, task or outcome should be increased in number or complexity.*I can listen to and watch different texts and people and explain why I prefer certain sources.*I can use what I have listened to or watched to create new texts of my own.*I can share and justify my opinions on what I have watched or listened to with others.*Selects spoken texts regularly for enjoyment or to find information for a specific purpose and gives a reason for preferences. Tools for listening and talkingWhen I engage with others, I know when and how to listen, when to talk, how much to say, when to ask questions and how to respond with respect. LIT 1-02aI am exploring how pace, gesture, expression, emphasis and choice of words are used to engage others, and I can use what I learn. ENG 1-03a*I can listen carefully to the teacher for instructions and directions.*I can show I have listened through retelling what I have heard.*I can use the correct voice at different times (partner, reading, outdoor, sharing with class etc).*I can listen carefully to others in a group situation.To ensure progression the text, task or outcome should be increased in number or complexity.*I can listen carefully to new information given by the teacher and use this information to carry out tasks.*I can show I have understood new information through retelling it in my own words.*I can use the correct voice at different times (partner, reading, outdoor, sharing with class etc).*I can show active listening when others are talking (eye contact, facing the person who is talking, positive body language . . .).*I can respond to what others have to say by giving feedback and asking appropriate questions.*Takes turns and contributes at the appropriate time when engaging with others in a variety of contexts. *Listens and responds appropriately to others in a respectful way, for example, by nodding or agreeing, asking and answering questions. *Applies a few techniques (verbal and non-verbal) when engaging with others, for example, vocabulary, eye contact, expression and/or body language. Finding and using informationAs I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, key words and main ideas of the text, and use this information for a specific purpose. LIT 1-04aAs I listen or watch, I am learning to make notes under given headings and use these to understand what I have listened to or watched and create new texts. LIT 1-05aI can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in a logical sequence and use words which will be interesting and/or useful for others. LIT 1-06a*I can talk about what I learned from listening/ watching.*I can listen and retell the main events in a text.*With support, I can listen and retell the main events in stories in my own words.*With support, I can listen to a short story and retell it in my own words getting events in the right order.*With support, I can make simple notes as I listen to or watch something and share these.*With support, as I listen to or watch, I can select the ideas that are important to what I am learning about. *With support, through listening and watching, I can learn interesting new words to use.*I can listen and retell the main events in stories in my own words.*I can listen to a short story and retell it in my own words getting events in the right order, using sequencing words e.g. first, then, next, finally.-I can make simple notes as I listen to or watch something and use these notes for a specific purpose.*As I listen or watch, I can select the ideas that are important to what I am learning about.*Through listening and watching, I can learn interesting new words to use.*Identifies the purpose and main ideas of spoken texts and uses the information gathered for a specific purpose. *Makes relevant notes under given headings and can use these for different purposes. *Uses notes to create and sequence new texts. Experiences and Outcomes1587564135First Level Progression 00First Level Progression Steps to Success- Listening and TalkingBenchmarksUnderstanding, analysing and evaluatingI can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by responding to and asking different kinds of questions. LIT 1-07aTo help me develop an informed view, I am learning to recognise the difference between fact and opinion. LIT 1-08a*I can listen to a short story and retell it in my own words getting events in the right order.*I can give an opinion about a story or poem I have heard.To ensure progression the text, task or outcome should be increased in number or complexity.*I can show I have listened carefully to texts by asking interesting questions.*I can show I have listened carefully to texts by answering questions.*I can respond to different types of questions. E.g. Literal, inferential and evaluative. *I can share my opinion on something I have listened to or watched.*I show I am respectful of other’s opinions when they differ to my own.*I can explain the difference between fact and opinion.*Asks and responds to different types of questions to show understanding of the main ideas of spoken texts. *Recognises simple differences between fact and opinion in spoken texts. Creating textsWhen listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can exchange information, experiences, explanations, ideas and opinions, and clarify points by asking questions or by asking others to say more. LIT 1-09aI can communicate clearly when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning, using selected resources as required. LIT 1-10a*I can ask questions about what I have listened to or watched.*I can talk about things I have done at home and school and say how I feel.*I can listen to feedback from others and use it to help me learn.*I can join in with group discussions in class and share my opinion.*I can give positive feedback to others.*I can talk in a clear and appropriate voice so that other people can understand.To ensure progression the text, task or outcome should be increased in number or complexity.*I can talk about things that happen in my life and the wider world and say how I feel.*I can explain or justify of my ideas or opinions.*I can ask questions to help my understanding.*I can share ideas with other group members and listen to their ideas.*I can show I am aware of my audience through facing them and projecting my voice.*I can talk in a clear and appropriate voice so that others can understand.*I can use visual aids to support and extend my communications.*I can give and receive constructive feedback.*Communicates clearly and audibly. *Contributes to group/class discussions, engaging with others for a range of purposes. *Selects and shares ideas/information using appropriate vocabulary in a logical order. *Selects and uses, with support, appropriate resources to engage with others, for example, objects, pictures and/or photographs. Experiences and Outcomes1333478105Second Level Progression00Second Level ProgressionSteps to Success- Listening and TalkingBenchmarksEnjoyment and ChoiceI regularly select and listen to or watch texts which I enjoy and find interesting, and I can explain why I prefer certain sources. I regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to create texts of my choice. LIT 1-01a / LIT 2-01a To ensure progression the text, task or outcome should be increased in number or complexity.*I can select texts to listen to or watch and justify my choice.*I can share and justify my opinion on the texts I have listened to or watched.*I can create my own text for others to listen to or watch.*I can select an appropriate purpose and subject for the texts that I create.*I can choose the appropriate format and resources for the texts that I create.*Selects spoken texts regularly for enjoyment or to find information for a specific purpose. Explains preferences. Tools for listening and talkingWhen I engage with others, I can respond in ways appropriate to my role, show that I value others’ contributions and use these to build on thinking. LIT 2-02a I can recognise how the features of spoken language can help in communication and I can use what I learn. I can recognise the different features of my own and others’ spoken language.ENG 2-03a*I can show I have listened carefully to new information by taking appropriate action.*I can demonstrate my understanding of what others have said through appropriate responses, paraphrasing and questioning.*I can respond in way appropriate to my role.*I can identify and use the appropriate volume and tone of voice for a particular situation.*I can demonstrate that I value others’ contributions through listening actively and responding appropriately.*I can respond to others’ contributions by questioning further, paraphrasing and retelling.*I can demonstrate my awareness of the appropriate time to make a contribution in group discussion.*I can speak at an appropriate volume and pace according to the needs of an audience.*I can use gesture, expression and emphasis to engage an audience.*I can identify the strategies and techniques used by effective speakers i.e. vocabulary, eye contact, body language, emphasis, pace and/or tone/or rhetorical questions.*I can give appropriate feedback to speakers in class based on the strategies and techniques they have used.*Contributes a number of relevant ideas, information and opinions when engaging with others. *Shows respect for the views of others and offers own viewpoint. *Builds on the contributions of others, for example, by asking or answering questions, clarifying points or supporting others’ opinions or ideas. *Applies verbal and non-verbal techniques in oral presentations and interactions, for example, vocabulary, eye contact, body language, emphasis, pace and/or tone. *Recognises some techniques used to engage or influence the listener, for example, vocabulary, emphasis, tone and/or rhetorical questions. Finding and using informationAs I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, main ideas and supporting detail contained within the text, and use this information for different purposes. LIT 2-04a As I listen or watch, I can make notes, organise these under suitable headings and use these to understand ideas and information and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate. LIT 2-05a I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience. LIT 2-06a *I can identify and discuss the purpose of a text, justifying this with evidence.*I can identify and discuss the main ideas and supporting detail of a text justifying my opinion with evidence.*I can use the main ideas, themes and purposes of a text to make connections (text-text, text-self, text-world).*I can identify differences and similarities in texts.*I can make detailed notes under different headings and use them appropriately.*I can show my understanding of notes I have created through explaining them to others.*I can listen for a specific purpose and share what I have learned in my own words.*I can put information I have learned from others into my own words.*When listening and watching, I can select the ideas or information relevant to the task I have been set.*I can use a range of ways to organise information I have gathered (graphic organisers, mind maps, posters etc.).*I can identify suitable vocabulary to use to meet the needs of my audience.*I can select and organise relevant ideas to share with an audience.*Identifies the purpose of spoken texts with suitable explanation. *Identifies the main ideas of spoken texts, with supporting detail, and uses the information gathered for a specific purpose. *Makes relevant notes using own words, for the most part, and uses these to create new texts for a range of purposes. Experiences and Outcomes1333478105Second Level Progression00Second Level ProgressionSteps to Success- Listening and TalkingBenchmarksUnderstanding, analysing and evaluatingI can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by responding to literal, inferential, evaluative and other types of questions, and by asking different kinds of questions of my own. LIT 2-07a To help me develop an informed view, I can distinguish fact from opinion, and I am learning to recognise when my sources try to influence me and how useful these are. LIT 2-08a *I can demonstrate an understanding of what I have listened to/ watched by asking thoughtful and pertinent questions.*I can clarify points by asking questions.*I can answer a range of complex literal, inferential and evaluative questions.*I can devise and ask complex questions (literal, evaluative and inferential).*I can identify facts and opinions justifying my response.*I can recognise when a source is trying to influence me, explaining my thoughts to others.*I can discuss how useful a source is according to the task I have been set.*Asks and responds to a range of questions, including literal, inferential and evaluative questions, to demonstrate understanding of spoken texts. *Identifies the difference between fact and opinion with suitable explanation. Creating textsWhen listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can: share information, experiences and opinions explain processes and ideas identify issues raised and summarise main points or findings clarify points by asking questions or by asking others to say more. LIT 2-09a I am developing confidence when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning. I can communicate in a clear, expressive way and I am learning to select and organise resources independently. LIT 2-10a / LIT 3-10a *I can clearly share information with others.*I can share my own experiences with others.*I can share my opinion, justifying my reasons for feeling this way.*I can explain a process or idea that others can understand.*I can identify the main issues in a discussion.*I can summarise main points when listening and talking.*I can ask questions to clarify issues.*I can use a range of resources to plan and organise my thinking before I give a talk.*I can give a talk ensuring that the pace and volume is appropriate for the audience.*I can structure my talk using an introduction, conclusion and summary and I can link my ideas together.*I can consider the needs of the audience in a wide range of talk situations and alter my vocabulary accordingly.*I can convey more complex information from a variety of sources.* Communicates clearly, audibly and with expression in different contexts. *Plans and delivers an organised presentation/talk with relevant content and appropriate structure. *Uses suitable vocabulary for purpose and audience. *Selects and uses resources to support communication. Experiences and Outcomes-42801161859Third/Fourth Level Progression 00Third/Fourth Level Progression Steps to Success- Listening and TalkingBenchmarksEnjoyment and ChoiceI regularly select and listen to or watch texts for enjoyment and interest, and I can express how well they meet my needs and expectations, and I can give reasons, with evidence, for my personal response. I can regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to create texts of my choice, and am developing my own style. LIT 3-01a / LIT 4-01a*I select and listen to or watch an increasing range of texts for enjoyment and interest.*I can express with some depth and confidence how selected texts meet my needs and expectations.*I can give reasons, with appropriate evidence, for my personal response.*I can regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to create different types of texts.*I am developing my own voice and style.*I select and listen to or watch an increasing range of texts for enjoyment and interest.*I can express with depth and confidence how selected texts meet my needs and expectations.*I can give reasons, with sound evidence, for my personal response.*I can regularly and with some skill select subject, purpose, format and resources to create different types of texts. *I am clearly developing my own voice and style.*Selects spoken texts regularly and describes, with an appropriate explanation, how well a text or source meets needs and expectations. Tools for listening and talkingWhen I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution, encourage others to contribute and acknowledge that they have the right to hold a different opinion. I can respond in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking. LIT 3-02aHaving explored and analysed the features of spoken language, I can use these, adopting an appropriate register to suit my purpose and audience.ENG 3-03aWhen I engage with others I can make a relevant contribution, ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute and encourage them to take account of others’ points of view or alternative solutions.I can respond in ways appropriate to my role,exploring and expanding on contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking. LIT 4-02aHaving explored and analysed the features of spoken language, I can use these independently, adopting and sustaining an appropriate register to suit my purpose and audience.ENG 4-03aWhen I engage with others:*I can make a relevant contribution in group discussions.*I can encourage others to contribute.*I can acknowledge that others have the right to hold a different opinion.*I can respond in ways appropriate to my role.*I can use contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking.Having explored and analysed the features of spoken language: *I can use verbal and non-verbal techniques, to sustain an appropriate register to suit my purpose and audience.When I engage with others:*I can make more than one relevant contribution.*I can in a variety of ways encourage them to contribute.*I can in a variety of ways encourage them to take account of others’ points of view or alternative solutions.*I can with some skill respond in ways appropriate to my role, exploring and expanding on contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking.Having explored and analysed the features of spoken language:*I can use these with some skill, adopting and sustaining an appropriate register to suit my purpose and audience.*Contributes regularly in group discussions or when working collaboratively, offering relevant ideas, knowledge or opinions with supporting evidence. *Responds appropriately to the views of others developing or adapting own thinking. *Builds on the contributions of others, for example, by asking or answering questions, clarifying or summarising points, supporting or challenging opinions or ideas. *Applies verbal and non-verbal techniques appropriately to enhance communication, for example, eye contact, body language, emphasis, pace, tone, and/or some rhetorical devices. *Uses appropriate register for purpose and audience, for the most part. *Identifies features of spoken language, for example, body language, gesture, emphasis, pace, tone and/or rhetorical devices. Experiences and Outcomes-42801161859Third/Fourth Level Progression 00Third/Fourth Level Progression Steps to Success- Listening and TalkingBenchmarksFinding and using informationAs I listen or watch, I can:? identify and give an accurate account of the purpose and main concerns of the text, and can make inferences from key statements? identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text? use this information for different purposes.LIT 3-04aAs I listen or watch, I can:? clearly state the purpose and main concerns of a text and make inferences from key statements ? compare and contrast different types of text? gather, link and use information from different sources and use this for different purposes.LIT 4-04aAs I listen or watch, *I can identify and give an accurate account of the purpose and main concerns of the text.*I can make inferences from key statements.*I can identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text.*I can use information for different purposes and to meet audience needs.As I listen or watch, I can make notes and organise these to: *develop thinking *help retain and recall information*explore issues*create new texts using my own words as appropriate to meet audience needs.As I listen or watch,*I can clearly and accurately state the purpose and main concerns of a text. *I can with some insight make inferences from key statements.*I can compare and contrast different types of text.*I can gather, link and use information from different sources for different purposes and to meet audience needs skilfully.As I listen or watch, I can make notes and organise these to: *develop thinking*help retain and recall information*explore issues*create a variety of new texts using my own words as appropriate to meet audience needs skilfully.*Identifies and gives an accurate account of the purpose and main ideas of spoken texts, with appropriate justification. *Identifies similarities and differences between texts, for example, content, style and/or language. *Uses own words to make and organise notes, selecting key information. *Uses notes to create new texts that show understanding of the issue/subject. As I listen or watch, I can make notes and organise these to develop thinking, help retain and recall information, explore issues and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate. LIT 3-05a / LIT 4-05aI can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order, and use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience.LIT 3-06a / LIT 4-06aExperiences and Outcomes-36195492570Third/Fourth Level Progression 00Third/Fourth Level Progression Steps to Success- Listening and TalkingBenchmarksUnderstanding, analysing and evaluatingI can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by commenting, with evidence, on the content and form of short and extended texts. LIT 3-07aTo help me develop an informed view, I am learning about the techniques used to influence opinion and how to assess the value of my sources, and I can recognise persuasion. LIT 3-08aI can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by giving detailed, evaluative comments, with evidence, about the content and form of short and extended texts.LIT 4-07aTo help me develop an informed view, I can identify some of the techniques used to influence or persuade and can assess the value of my sources.LIT 4-08aIn order to show my understanding of what I listen to or watch:*I can comment, with evidence, on the content and form of short and extended texts. *I can devise and ask complex questions (literal, evaluative and inferential).*I can identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text.To help me develop an informed view, *I can show that I am learning about the techniques used to influence opinion.*I can show that I know how to assess the value and reliability of my sources.*I can show that I recognise technique of persuasion. In order to show my understanding of what I listen to or watch:*I can give detailed, evaluative comments, with well-selected evidence, about the content and form of short and extended texts.*I can devise and ask complex questions (literal, evaluative and inferential).*I can compare and contrast different types of text.To help me develop an informed view, *I can identify some of the techniques used to influence or persuade. *I can accurately assess the value and reliability of my sources.*Comments on the content, form and/or style of spoken texts, with supporting evidence. *Identifies persuasive techniques, for example, word choice, emotive language, repetition, rhetorical questions and/or use of statistics. *Comments appropriately on the reliability and relevance/usefulness of sources. Creating textsWhen listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can:? communicate information, ideas or opinions ? explain processes, concepts or ideas? identify issues raised, summarise findings or draw conclusions. LIT 3-09aI am developing confidence when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning. I can communicate in a clear, expressive way and I am learning to select and organise resources independently.LIT 2-10a / LIT 3-10aWhen listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can:? communicate detailed information, ideas or opinions? explain processes, concepts or ideas with some relevant supporting detail? sum up ideas, issues, findings or conclusions.LIT 4-09aI can communicate in a clear, expressive manner when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning, and can independently select and organise appropriate resources as required.LIT 4-10aWhen listening and talking with others for different purposes,*I can communicate information, ideas or opinions in an ordered way.*I can explain processes, concepts or ideas.*I can identify issues raised, summarise findings or draw conclusions. *I can with some confidence engage with others within and beyond my place of learning.*I can communicate in a clear, expressive way. *I can select and organise some resources independently.When listening and talking with others for different purposes,*I can communicate detailed information, ideas or opinions.*I can explain processes, concepts or ideas with some relevant supporting detail.*I can sum up ideas, issues, findings or conclusions.*I can communicate in a clear, expressive manner when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning.*I can independently select and organise appropriate resources as required.*Communicates in a clear expressive way in a variety of contexts. *Presents ideas, information or points of view including appropriate detail or evidence. *Organises thinking and structures talks to present ideas in a logical order. *Introduces and concludes talks with some attempt to engage the audience. *Uses signposts throughout talks to provide a basic structure or argument, for example, topic sentences and/or linking phrases. *Uses appropriate tone and vocabulary for purpose and audience. *Applies verbal and non-verbal techniques in an attempt to enhance communication and engagement with audience, for example, eye contact, body language, emphasis, pace, tone and/or some rhetorical devices. *Selects and uses resources to enhance communication and engagement with audience. Curriculum for Excellence Literacy and English4064090805Early Level Progression 00Early Level Progression Steps to Success- ReadingCurriculum organisers Experiences and Outcomes What might you see in your interactions and observations?CfE BenchmarksI am awareI understandI use with understandingI applyEnjoyment and choice - within a motivating and challenging environment developing an awareness of the relevance of texts in my life I enjoy exploring andplaying with the patternsand sounds of languageand can use what I learn.LIT 0-01a / LIT 0-11a / LIT 0-20aI enjoy exploring andchoosing stories andother texts to watch,read or listen to, and canshare my likes anddislikes.LIT 0-01b / LIT 0-11bChildren may show an interest in rhymes, songs, stories and other texts by: Children may join in with rhymes, songs, stories and other texts by: Children may engage in rhymes, songs, stories and other texts by: Chooses a story or other texts for enjoyment making use of the cover, title, author and/or illustrator.Engages with and enjoys watching, reading or listening to different texts, including stories, songs and rhymes, and can share likes and dislikes. - watching others- joining circle- dancing- joining in with their favourites- picking up books- looking at pictures- playing with puppets/props- responding to environmental sounds.- when you pause and wait, they willtake a turn, repeating the familiar parts- joining in with and following theirpeers retelling- choosing a favourite text and making comments.- retelling familiar rhymes, songs andstories, including the use of puppets,props and peers- choosing a favourite text and sharingwhat it is they like about it- talking about a text and relating it topersonal experiences- talking about the features of a text, e.g. author.Tools for reading - to help me use texts with increasingly complex or unfamiliar ideas, structures and vocabulary within and beyond my place of learningI explore sounds, letters and words, discovering how they work together, and I can use what I learn to help me as I read and write. ENG 0-12a / LIT 0-13a/ LIT 0-21aWhen playing and talking together children may:When playing and talking together children may:When playing and talking together children may:Hears and says patterns in words. Hears and says the different single sounds made by letters. Hears and says blends/sounds made by a combination of letters. Knows the difference between a letter, word and numeral. Reads from left to right and top to bottom. Uses knowledge of sounds, letters and patterns to read words. Uses knowledge of sight vocabulary/tricky words to read familiar words in context. Reads aloud familiar texts with attention to simple punctuation.Uses context clues to support understanding of different texts.- pick up books- know that books have stories/information in them- respond to environmental sounds- recognise logos, labels etc.- understand the difference betweenwords and pictures- interact with elements of a booke.g. interact with the flaps on a flapbook, turning the pages of a booketc.- when you pause and wait using afamiliar text, fill in the next word- look at pictures and make comments.- find the front and back of a book- turn the pages of a book, pausing toengage with each page- notice letters, words and numbers,e.g. <pointing to a letter> ‘My househas one of those- when you pause and wait, they willtake a turn, repeating the familiar parts- recognise differences and similaritiesin the way words sound- when you pause and wait whilstreading an unfamiliar text, fill in usinga clue from the picture, e.g. ‘The girl is putting on her hat because she feels…’- recognise the individual words in a spoken sentence (i.e. word boundaries).- identify rhyme- identify individual sounds withinspoken words- link the phoneme to the grapheme(the sound to the letter or letters)- read single words by blending thesounds the letter(s) make together- recognise and recall familiar words- read each word from left to right,using the spaces in between to knowwhere one word ends and anotherbegins- retell familiar rhymes, songs andstories, including the use of puppets,props and peers- say what might happen next in a texte.g. ‘She’s putting on her boots; I wonder what might happen next.’Curriculum for Excellence Literacy and English4064090805Early Level Progression 00Early Level Progression Steps to Success- ReadingCurriculum organisers Experiences and Outcomes What might you see in your interactions and observations?CfE BenchmarksI am awareI understandI use with understandingI applyFinding and using information - when reading and using fiction and non-fiction texts with increasingly complex ideas, structures and specialist vocabularyI use signs, books or other texts to find useful or interesting information and I use this to plan, make choices or learn new things. LIT 0-14aWhen playing and talking together with a text children may:When playing and talking together with a text children may:When playing and talking together with a text children may:Finds information in a text to learn new things.Shows an awareness of a few features of fiction and non-fiction texts when using/choosing texts for particular purposes.- pick up books- know that books have stories/information in them- respond to environmental sounds- recognise logos, labels, symbolsetc. (e.g. visual timetable)- understand the difference betweenwords and pictures- interact with elements of a booke.g. interact with the flaps on a flapbook, turning the pages of a booketc.- look at pictures and makeappropriate noises (e.g. animalnoises in an animal book) and/ orcomments- understand ‘choice questions’ e.g.‘The book with the penguin, or thebook with the dinosaur?’- find the front and back of a book- turn the pages of a book, pausing toengage with each page- notice letters, words and numbers,e.g. <pointing to a letter> ‘My househas one of those- use simple symbols to make choices- use symbols to follow familiarroutines (e.g. visual timetable)- when you pause and wait whilstreading an unfamiliar text, fill in usinga clue from the picture, e.g. ‘The girl isputting on her hat because shefeels…’.- understand and ask ‘what’, ‘where’and ‘who’ questions, using visualinformation from the text, e.g. Talkingabout where the penguin lives in abook.- read single words by blending thesounds the letter(s) make together- recognise and recall familiar words- read each word from left to right,using the spaces in between to knowwhere one word ends and anotherbegins- say what might happen next in a texte.g. ‘She’s putting on her boots; Iwonder what might happen next.’- understand and ask ‘when’ and ‘whathappened’ questions, e.g. Using visualinformation from the text, e.g. Using abook with penguins, ‘Oh no, whathappened to the penguin?’- talk about the features of a text, illustrator/ title- use the terms ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘then’,‘last’ to sequence events from a text.Understanding, analysing and evaluating - investigating and/or appreciating fiction and non-fiction texts with increasingly complex ideas, structures and specialist vocabulary for different purposesTo help me understand stories and other texts, I ask questions and link what I am learning with what I already know. LIT 0-07a / LIT 0-16a / ENG 0-17a I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts, sharing my thoughts in different ways. LIT 0-19aWhen playing and talking together with a text children may:When playing and talking together with a text children may:When playing and talking together with a text children may:Engages with texts read to them.Asks and answers questions about events and ideas in a text.Answers questions to help predict what will happen next.Contributes to discussions about events, characters and ideas relevant to the text.Shares thoughts and feelings about stories and other texts in different ways.Retells familiar stories in different ways, for example, role play, puppets and/or drawings.Relates information and ideas from a text to personal experiences.- understand ‘choice questions’ you want milk or water?- ask questions, but may notunderstand the purpose of askingquestions e.g. ‘But why?’- know what happens next in afamiliar context e.g. getting their cupand plate for snack- when you pause and wait using afamiliar text, fill in the next word- have emotions labelled for them- look at pictures and makeappropriate noises (e.g. animalnoises in an animal book) and/ orcomments.- understand and ask ‘what’, ‘where’and ‘who’ questions- through repetition and theappropriate use of props, visuals andactions join in with retelling a familiartext- when you pause and wait whilstreading an unfamiliar text, fill in usinga clue from the picture, e.g. ‘The girl isputting on her hat because shefeels…’.- use the terms ‘first’ and ‘next’ tosequence events from a text- label basic emotions to describe howthey’re feeling in a context- look at pictures and make a commentabout themselves e.g. ‘I have a tractorat home’.- understand and ask ‘when’ and ‘whathappened’ questions- retell the beginning, middle and endof a familiar text with the use of props,visuals and actions- say what might happen next in a texte.g. ‘She’s putting on her boots; Iwonder what might happen next’- use the terms ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘then’,‘last’ to sequence events from a text- label basic emotions to describe howother people (including characters in abook) are feeling in a context- look at pictures and make a commentabout themselves in the past e.g. ‘Isaw a penguin when I was on holiday’.Experiences and Outcomes-24131187325First Level Progression00First Level ProgressionSteps to Success- ReadingBenchmarksFinding and using informationUsing what I know about the features of different types of texts, I can find, select, sort and use information for a specific purpose.LIT 1-14aI am learning to make notes under given headings and use them to understand information, explore ideas and problems and create new texts.LIT 1-15a*I can identify the contents and index pages in reference books.*I can identify the differences between fiction and non-fiction texts.*I can find information when asked in a non-fiction text. *I can draw pictures to show information that I have found from reading a text.*I can use contents and index pages in familiar reference books (including dictionaries).*I can list different types of text (fiction, non-fiction, and poetry).*I can find information from pictures, diagrams and charts (including ICT contexts).*I can record information I have read and begin to take simple notes.*I can use contents and index pages in reference books.*I can list and discuss different types of text (fiction, non-fiction, and poetry).*I can find the chapter titles and table of contents in a book or magazine.*I can skim and scan to find information.*I can find, in a piece of non-fiction, specific information to suit my needs.*I can find information; arrange it in note form and in my own words.*I can use my notes to support my work.*I can compare different texts and I am beginning to recognise how sources can vary.*Identifies and finds key information in fiction and non-fiction texts using content page, index, headings, sub-headings and diagrams to help locate information. *Makes notes under given headings for different purposes. Tools for ReadingI can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression.ENG 1-12aI am learning to select and use strategies and resources before I read, and as I read, to help make the meaning of texts clear.LIT 1-13a*I use both the pictures and the words when I read.*I can talk about what I have read.*I can point to the words as I read.*I am beginning to read aloud with expression.*I can recognise and explain the effect of capital letters, full stops and question marks.*I can find and show nouns, verbs and adjectives in a piece of text.*I can find and show joining words in a sentence.*I know most letter sounds including rhyming words.*I use my knowledge of phonics to sound out tricky and unknown words. *I make good guesses about what will happen next in a book (predictions).*I can find and show the title and author's name in a book.*I can talk about what I have read showing some understanding.*I read aloud with expression.*I am beginning to use punctuation marks when I read out loud (including exclamation marks, speech marks, commas and question marks).*I can recognise nouns, verbs, adjectives and connectives in a piece of text.*I can identify if something is in the past or present.*I use my knowledge of phonics and spelling patterns to de-code tricky words.*I correct myself when my reading doesn't make sense.*I use meaning (context) to make sense when I read.*I can talk about what I have read showing understanding.*I read aloud with expression paying attention to punctuation.*I can recognise pronouns and adverbs in a piece of text.*I can identify examples of similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia and alliteration.*I can recognise and understand the effects of bold and italic lettering.*I use appropriate reading strategies based on genre.*I correct myself when my reading doesn’t make sense.*I follow written directions.*I use what I know about words are built (prefix, suffix, root words, contractions and word families) to figure out hard words.*I continue to use my growing knowledge of phonics and the complex code to work out new words.*Reads aloud a familiar piece of text adding expression and can show understanding. *Reads an increasing number of common/high frequency words, key reading words, core topic words and words of personal significance. *Uses a range of word recognition strategies independently. *Decodes unknown words by locating and pronouncing familiar letter patterns and blends. *Uses context clues to read and understand texts. *Uses punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. Experiences and Outcomes-23496186055First Level Progression00First Level ProgressionSteps to Success- ReadingBenchmarksUnderstanding, Analysing and EvaluatingTo show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can identify and consider the purpose and main ideas of a text.LIT 1-16aTo show my understanding, I can respond to different kinds of questions and other close reading tasks and I am learning to create some questions of my own.ENG 1-17aTo help me develop an informed view, I can recognise the difference between fact and opinion.LIT 1-18aI can share my thoughts about structure, characters and/or setting, recognise the writer's message and relate it to my own experiences, and comment on the effective choice of words and other features.ENG 1-19a*I can put the events in a text in the right order.*I can tell the most important event in a book or story.*I can answer simple comprehension questions on a story.*I know the differences between fiction and non-fiction.*I can say who the characters are, what happens to them and where the story takes place.*I can talk about the words the author has used.*I can retell the beginning, middle, and ending of a story and talk about the main ideas.*I can identify the main idea in a text.*I can answer comprehension questions on a story.*I can formulate simple questions about a text*I can identify the difference between fact and opinion.*I can talk about the characters, events and setting in a story making meaningful predictions in keeping with the story.*I can make connections between what has happened to characters and my own life.*I can compare characters within different stories.*I can relate events in texts to my own experiences and identify similarities and differences.*I can talk about the words and features the author has used.*I can retell the events from a story in chronological order.*I can identify the main idea in a text.*I can “read between the lines” (hidden meanings and inferences).*I can answer and begin to ask comprehension questions on a story.*I can formulate questions about a text*I can explain and give examples of what is fact and what is opinion.*I can compare different characters and story events with those in other stories.*I can make suggestions as to what a character’s alternative choices could have been.*I can give my opinion on how successful the author has been in his/her choice of setting, characters and storyline.*I can explain what the author was trying to say through the story and relate it to my own experiences.*I can comment on the success of the author’s choice of words, phrases and sentence structure.*I can talk about how facts, characters, and events in books relate to my life.*Identifies the main ideas of texts. *Makes appropriate suggestions about the purpose of a text. *Answers literal, inferential and evaluative questions about texts. *Asks questions to help make sense of a text. *Recognises the difference between fact and opinion. *Offers own ideas about characters, writer’s use of language, structure and/or setting. *Offers own ideas about the writer’s message and, when appropriate, relates these to personal experiences. Enjoyment and ChoiceI regularly select and read, listen to or watch texts which I enjoy and find interesting, and I can explain why I prefer certain texts and authors. LIT 1-11a / LIT 2-11a *I can read aloud.*I can read to myself for a little while. *I talk about what I'm reading with others.*I can select a ‘just right’ book for enjoyment taking into account text difficulty, author and blurb.*I can discuss and justify my favourite reading materials with others and recommend books that I have enjoyed.*I can read by myself.*I can read aloud in a group situation with confidence.*I choose a suitable text to read on my own taking into account text difficulty, author and blurb..*I learn information from reading and demonstrate by discussing with others.*I choose and read lots of different materials books, poems, comics, magazines).*I regularly finish the books I read.*I can read by myself for a sustained period of time.*I can read aloud in a group situation with confidence and use expression and fluency. *I can discuss my favourite reading materials.*I can make recommendations to friends based on their reading interests.*Selects different texts regularly for enjoyment or for a specific purpose using, for example, cover, title, author, illustrator and/or blurb. *Explains preferences for particular texts and authors. Experiences and Outcomes-22860174625Second Level Progression00Second Level ProgressionSteps to Success- ReadingBenchmarksFinding and using informationUsing what I know about the features of different types of texts, I can find, select and sort information from a variety of sources and use this for different purposes. LIT 2-14a I can make notes, organise them under suitable headings and use them to understand information, develop my thinking, explore problems and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate. LIT 2-15a *I can expand my knowledge of different genres (e.g. realistic fiction, historical fiction, and fantasy). *I am beginning to use resources (e.g. encyclopedias, digital sources, and nonfiction texts) to locate and sort information with help.*I can gather information by using the table of contents, captions, glossary, and index (text organisers) and with help graphs, charts, tables, and maps.*I am beginning to show my awareness of the difference between fact and opinion.*I can organize my ideas to help my understanding of new information, with help.*I can select, read, and finish a wide variety of genres with help.*I can use resources (e.g. encyclopedias, articles, Internet, and nonfiction texts) to locate information with help.*I can gather information using the table of contents, captions, glossary, and index (text organisers) independently.*I can show my understanding of the difference between fact and opinion with guided support.*I can organize my ideas to help my understanding of new information, with guidelines.*I can read and understand informational texts (e.g. adverts, brochures, schedules, catalogues, manuals) with help.*I can use resources (e.g., encyclopedias, articles, Internet, and nonfiction texts) to locate information independently.*I can gather and analyse information from graphs, charts, tables, and maps with guidance. *I can integrate information from multiple nonfiction sources to deepen understanding of a topic with help. *I can show my understanding of the difference between fact and opinion. *I can organize my ideas to help my understanding of new information, independently.*Skims texts to identify purpose and main ideas. *Scans texts to find key information. *Finds, selects and sorts relevant information from a range of sources. *Makes and organises notes using own words, for the most part. *Uses notes to create new texts that show understanding of the topic or issue. Tools for ReadingI can select and use a range of strategies and resources before I read, and as I read, to make meaning clear and give reasons for my selection. LIT 2-13a Through developing my knowledge of context clues, punctuation, grammar and layout, I can read unfamiliar texts with increasing fluency, understanding and expression.ENG 2-12a / ENG 3-12a / ENG 4-12aBefore and as I read, *I can identify that different strategies can be used to help be better understand what I read with help.*I can begin to use the strategies and resources I know with help.*I can increase my vocabulary by using context cues, other reading strategies, and resources (e.g. dictionary and thesaurus) with help.*Through developing my knowledge of context clues, punctuation, grammar and layout,*I can read aloud with fluency, expression and confidence.Before and as I read, *I can identify that different strategies can be used to help be better understand what I read.*I can use the strategies and resources I know to help develop my understanding of a text.*I can use resources (e.g. dictionary and thesaurus) to increase vocabulary in different subject areas with help.*Through developing my knowledge of context clues, punctuation, grammar and layout,*I can read aloud with fluency, expression and confidence.Before and as I read, *I can select and begin to use the strategies and resources I find most useful before I read, and as I read, to monitor and check my understanding. *I can use resources (e.g. dictionary and thesaurus) to increase vocabulary independently.*Through developing my knowledge of context clues, punctuation, grammar and layout,*I can read aloud with fluency, expression and confidence.*Reads with fluency, understanding and expression using appropriate pace and tone. *Uses knowledge of context clues, punctuation, grammar and layout to read unfamiliar texts with understanding. *Applies a range of reading skills and strategies to read and understand texts, for example, skimming, scanning, predicting, clarifying and/or summarising. Experiences and Outcomes-22860174625Second Level Progression00Second Level ProgressionSteps to Success- ReadingBenchmarksUnderstanding, Analysing and EvaluatingTo show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can identify and consider the purpose and main ideas of a text and use supporting detail. LIT 2-16a To show my understanding, I can respond to literal, inferential and evaluative questions and other close reading tasks and can create different kinds of questions of my own.ENG 2-17aTo help me develop an informed view, I can identify and explain the difference between fact and opinion, recognise when I am being influenced, and have assessed how useful and believable my sources are. LIT 2-18a I can:discuss structure, characterisation and/or setting recognise the relevance of the writer’s theme and how this relates to my own and others’ experiencesdiscuss the writer’s style and other features appropriate to genre.ENG 2-19a*I can read medium level chapter books.*I can discuss setting, plot, characters, and point of view (literary elements) with help.*I can respond to issues and ideas in literature as well as facts or story events.*I can make connections to other authors, books, and perspectives. *I can participate in small group literature discussions with help.*I can use reasons and examples to support ideas and opinions with help.*I am developing an awareness of the effect an author has on their reader and begin to give reasons why they use certain techniques.*I can read challenging children's literature. *I can discuss literature with reference to setting, plot, characters, and theme (literary elements), and author's craft with help.*I can make connections to other authors, books, and perspectives. *I can generate thoughtful oral and written responses in small group literature discussions with help. *I can use new vocabulary in different subjects and in oral and written response to literature with help.*I am beginning to gain deeper meaning by "reading between the lines".*I can use reasons and examples to support ideas and opinions with developing independence.*I can identify the effect an author has on their reader and begin to give reasons why they use certain techniques.*I can read complex children's literature*I can identify literary devices (e.g. similes, metaphors, personification, and foreshadowing). *I can make connections to other authors, books, and perspectives. *I can discuss literature with reference to theme, author's purpose, and style (literary elements), and author's craft.*I can generate in-depth responses in small group literature discussions with help.*I am beginning to generate in-depth written responses to literature. *I can use increasingly complex vocabulary in different subjects and in oral and written response to literature.*I can use reasons and examples to support ideas and conclusions.*I can probe for deeper meaning by "reading between the lines" in response to literature.*I can identify the effect an author has on their reader and justify why they use certain techniques.*Identifies the purpose of a text with suitable explanation. *Identifies the main ideas of a text with appropriate detail. *Makes relevant comments about features of language, for example, vocabulary, sentence structure and punctuation. *Responds to a range of questions, including literal, inferential and evaluative questions, to demonstrate understanding of texts. *Creates different types of questions to show understanding of texts. *Distinguishes between fact and opinion with appropriate explanation. *Recognises techniques used to influence the reader, for example, word choice, emotive language, rhetorical questions and/or repetition. *Identifies which sources are most useful/ reliable. Enjoyment and ChoiceI regularly select and read, listen to or watch texts which I enjoy and find interesting, and I can explain why I prefer certain texts and authors. LIT 1-11a / LIT 2-11a *I can choose reading materials at an appropriate level with help.*I choose and read lots of different materials (books, poems, comics, magazines, and websites) with help.*I can read by myself for up to 30 minutes.*I can discuss my favourite reading materials and explain why I like them.*I can make recommendations to friends based on their reading interests.*I can set targets and identify strategies to improve reading with help. *I am beginning to develop strategies and criteria for selecting texts that I enjoy with help.*I choose and read different texts (books, poems, comics, magazines, and websites). *I can read silently for extended periods (30-40 min.).*I can discuss my favourite reading materials and explain why I like them referring to genre and author with help.*I can use strategies and criteria for selecting texts that I enjoy.*I choose appropriate texts for a given purpose and can read them confidently. *I can read silently for extended periods (30-40 min.).*I can discuss my favourite reading materials with reference to genre, text type and author and explain why I like them. *Selects texts regularly for enjoyment or to find information for a specific purpose. *Explains preferences for particular texts, authors or sources with supporting detail. Experiences and Outcomes-27305186690Third/Fourth Level Progression 00Third/Fourth Level Progression Steps to Success- ReadingBenchmarksFinding and using informationUsing what I know about the features of different types of texts, I can find, select, sort, summarise, link and use information from different sources.LIT 3-14a / LIT 4-14aI can make notes and organise them to develop my thinking, help retain and recall information, explore issues and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate.LIT 3-15a / LIT 4-15aUsing what I know about the features of different types of texts, *I can find, select, sort, summarise, link and use information from different sources.*I can make notes and organise them to develop my thinking,help retain and recall information, explore issues create new texts, using my own words as appropriate.*Finds, selects and sorts relevant information from a variety of sources for a range of purposes. *Summarises key information using own words. *Uses own words to make and organise notes, selecting key information and linking ideas from more than one source. *Uses notes to create new texts that show understanding of the topic or issue and draw on information from more than one source. Tools for ReadingThrough developing my knowledge of context clues, punctuation, grammar and layout, I can read unfamiliar texts with increasing fluency, understanding and expression.ENG 2-12a / ENG 3-12a / ENG 4-12aThrough developing my knowledge of context clues, punctuation, grammar and layout, *I can read unfamiliar texts with increasing fluency, understanding and expression.*Reads texts with fluency, understanding and expression using appropriate pace and tone. *Applies knowledge of context clues, word roots, grammar, punctuation, sentence and text structures to read unfamiliar texts with understanding. *Applies a range of strategies to engage with and interrogate texts, for example, skimming, scanning, predicting, clarifying, summarising and analysing. I can select and use the strategies and resources I find most useful before I read, and as I read, to monitor and check my understanding. LIT 3-13aBefore and as I read, I can apply strategies and use resources independently to help me read a wide variety of texts and/or find the information I need.LIT 4-13aBefore and as I read, *I can select and use the strategies and resources I find most useful before I read, and as I read, to monitor and check my understanding. Before and as I read, *I can apply strategies and use resources independently to help me read a wide variety of texts and/or find the information I need.Experiences and Outcomes-27305158115Third/Fourth Level Progression 00Third/Fourth Level Progression Steps to Success- ReadingBenchmarksUnderstanding, Analysing and EvaluatingTo show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can:? identify and consider the purpose, main concerns or concepts and use supporting detail ? make inferences from key statements? identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text.LIT 3-16aTo show my understanding, I can comment, with evidence, on the content and form of short and extended texts, and respond to literal, inferential and evaluative questions and other types of close reading tasks. ENG 3-17aTo help me develop an informed view, I am exploring the techniques used to influence my opinion. I can recognise persuasion and assess the reliability of information and credibility and value of my sources.LIT 3-18aI can:? discuss and evaluate the structure, characterisation and/or setting using some supporting evidence? identify the main theme of the text and recognise the relevance this has to my own and others’ experiences? identify and comment on aspects of the writer’s style and other features appropriate to genre using some relevant evidence.ENG 3-19aTo show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can:? clearly state the purpose, main concerns, concepts or arguments and use supporting detail ? make inferences from key statements and state these accurately in my own words ? compare and contrast different types of text.LIT 4-16aTo show my understanding, I can give detailed, evaluative comments, with evidence, on the content and form of short and extended texts, and respond to different kinds of questions and other types of close reading tasks. ENG 4-17aTo help me develop an informed view, I can recognise persuasion and bias, identify some of the techniques used to influence my opinion, and assess the reliability of information and credibility and value of my sources. LIT 4-18aI can:? discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of structure, characterisation and/or setting using some supporting evidence? identify how the writer’s main theme or central concerns are revealed and can recognise how they relate to my own and others’ experiences? identify and make a personal evaluation of the effect of aspects of the writer’s style and other features appropriate to genre using some relevant evidence and terminology. ENG 4-19aTo show my understanding across different areas of learning, *I can identify and consider the purpose, main concerns or concepts and use supporting detail *I can make inferences from key statements*I can identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text.To show my understanding, *I can comment, with evidence, on the content and form of short and extended texts.*I can respond to literal, inferential and evaluative questions and other types of close reading tasks. To help me develop an informed view, *I can explore the techniques used to influence my opinion. *I can recognise persuasion.*I can assess the reliability of information and credibility and value of my sources.*I can discuss and evaluate structure, characterisation and/or setting using some supporting evidence.*I can identify the main theme of the text and recognise the relevance this has to my own and others’ experiences.*I can identify and comment on aspects of the writer’s style and other features appropriate to genre using some relevant evidence.To show my understanding across different areas of learning, *I can clearly state the purpose, main concerns, concepts or arguments and use supporting detail *I can make inferences from key statements and state these accurately in my own words *I can compare and contrast different types of text.To show my understanding, *I can give detailed, evaluative comments, with evidence, on the content and form of short and extended texts.*I can respond to different kinds of questions and other types of close reading tasks. To help me develop an informed view, *I can recognise persuasion and bias.*I can identify some of the techniques used to influence my opinion.*I can assess the reliability of information and credibility and value of my sources. *I can discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of structure, characterisation and/or setting using some supporting evidence.*I can identify how the writer’s main theme or central concerns are revealed and recognise how these relate to my own and others’ experiences.*I can identify and make a personal evaluation of the effect of aspects of the writer’s style and other features appropriate to genre using some relevant evidence and terminology. *Identifies purpose and audience of a range of texts with appropriate justification. *Gives an accurate account of the main ideas of texts. *Makes inferences and deductions with appropriate justification. *Identifies similarities and differences between texts and makes appropriate comments about content, style and/or language. Experiences and Outcomes-27305158115Third/Fourth Level Progression 00Third/Fourth Level Progression Steps to Success- ReadingBenchmarksEnjoyment and ChoiceI regularly select and read, listen to or watch texts for enjoyment and interest, and I can express how well they meet my needs and expectations and give reasons, with evidence, for my personal response.I can identify sources to develop the range of my reading.LIT 3-11aI regularly select and read, listen to or watch texts for enjoyment and interest, and I can express how well they meet my needs and expectations and give reasons, with evidence, for my personal response. I can independently identify sources to develop the range of my reading. LIT 4-11a*I can regularly select and read, listen to or watch texts for enjoyment and interest.*I can express how well they meet my needs and expectations and give reasons, with evidence, for my personal response.*I can identify sources to develop the range of my reading.*I can regularly select and read, listen to or watch texts for enjoyment and interest.*I can express how well they meet my needs and expectations and give reasons, with evidence, for my personal response. *I can independently identify sources to develop the range of my reading. *Selects texts regularly for enjoyment and interest or relevant sources to inform thinking. *Gives a personal response to texts with appropriate justification. *Explains how well a text or source meets needs and expectations with appropriate justification. Curriculum for Excellence Literacy and English4064090805Early Level Progression 00Early Level Progression Steps to Success – WritingCurriculum organisers Experiences and Outcomes What might you see in your interactions and observations?CfE BenchmarksI am awareI understandI use with understandingI applyEnjoyment and choice – within a motivating and challenging environment developing an awareness of the relevance of texts in my lifeI enjoy exploring and playing with the patterns and sounds of language and can use what I learn. LIT 0-01a / LIT 0- 11a / LIT 0-20aChildren may engage in mark making when you play and talk together by:Children may engage in mark making when you play talk together by:Children may engage in mark making when you play talk together by:Writes for enjoyment, exploring patterns and sounds, in a range of play, imaginative and real contexts.- choosing materials to makemarks in their environment, e.g.using twigs in the mud, usingpaintbrushes on concrete, fingersin the sand etc., whilst you makecomments together, e.g. Child:‘Look what I did’ and the adultresponse, ‘You drew a circle!’.- imitating marks/ patterns afterobserving an adult.- choosing to make marks to communicate information within play and sharing what their marks mean e.g. creating a shopping list in the role play area, drawing car tracks, sharing their marks in a floor book, painting- imitating marks/ patterns which they can see in their environment.- choosing to make marks to communicate information within play, using their knowledge of phonemes (sounds) and graphemes (letters) to attempt to write individual words and share this by reading it out loud e.g. making a sign for the role play area.Tools for writing - using knowledge of technical aspects to help my writing communicate effectively within and beyond my place of learningI explore sounds, letters and words, discovering how they work together, and I can use what I learn to help me as I read or write. ENG 0-12a / LIT 0- 13a / LIT 0-21a As I play and learn, I enjoy exploring interesting materials for writing and different ways of recording my experiences and feelings, ideas and information. LIT 0-21bWhen playing and talking together children may:When playing and talking together children may:When playing and talking together children may:Forms most lowercase letters legibly.Uses a pencil with increasing control and confidence.Knows the sounds of lowercase and some uppercase letters.Leaves a space between words when writing.Writes words from left to right.Makes an attempt to spell familiar words correctly.Makes an attempt to use a capital letter and a full stop in at least one sentence.- use two hands together duringplay activities, e.g. catching a ball- use a dominant hand (doinghand) and an assist hand (helpinghand) during activities- explore which hand works bestfor them as their "doing hand"- scribble spontaneously indifferent directions- use a full handed grasp whenplaying- recognise logos, labels etc.- understand the differencebetween words and pictures- imitate marks/ patterns afterobserving an adult- use a pincer grip and tripod grasp to manipulatesmall objects, e.g. rolling play-doh balls, threading- spot differences between shapes, e.g. size,number of sides- follow concepts of position, direction, size andforce during play, e.g. up, down, round, top,bottom, hard, gentle- choose to make marks to communicateinformation within play and share what their marksmean- notice letters, words and numbers, e.g. <pointingto a letter> ‘My house has one of those’- recognise the differences and similarities in theway words sound- imitate marks/ patterns which they can see intheir environment, including simple shapes, andthe adult describes the marks/ patterns which havebeen made, e.g. ‘That’s the letter ‘o’, it’s a curlyshape like a circle.’- recognise the individual words in a spokensentence (i.e. word boundaries)- follow concepts of position, direction, sizeand force during pencil control activities, e.g. up, down, round, top, bottom, bigger, hard, gentle- use a dynamic pencil grip to control thepencil- control how much pressure they are applying with the pencil- link the phoneme to the grapheme (the sound to the letter or letters)- write single words by blending the sounds the letter(s) make together- point to capital letters and full stops within a text- read each word from left to right, using the spaces in between to know where one word ends and another begins (they may point to help them).Curriculum for Excellence Literacy and English4064090805Early Level Progression 00Early Level Progression Steps to Success – WritingCurriculum organisers Experiences and Outcomes What might you see in your interactions and observations?CfE BenchmarksI am awareI understandI use with understandingI applyOrganising and using information - considering texts to help create short and extended texts for different purposesWithin real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message.LIT 0-26aWhen playing and talking together to create texts children may:When playing and talking together to create texts children may:When playing and talking together to create texts children may:Writes to convey ideas, messages and information in different ways in play, imaginative and real contexts.Writes to reflect ownexperiences and feelings using appropriate vocabulary to convey meaning- choose materials to make marksin their environment, e.g. usingtwigs in the mud, usingpaintbrushes on concrete, fingersin the sand etc., whilst you makecomments together, e.g. Child:‘Look what I did’ and the adultresponse, ‘You drew a circle!’.- imitate marks/ patterns afterobserving an adult- explore new situations whilst anadult talks about them e.g. playingin the shaving foam for the firsttime whilst the adult usesunfamiliar vocabulary i.e. “Theshaving foam feels squishy.- choose to make marks to communicateinformation within play and sharing what theirmarks mean e.g. creating a shopping list in therole play area, drawing car tracks, sharing theirmarks in a floor book, painting- imitate marks/ patterns which they can see intheir environment.- accidentally use the incorrect vocabulary- respond to the correct modelling of vocabulary- describe a picture that they have created andmarks they have made- label basic emotions to describe how they’refeeling in a context.- choose to make marks to communicateinformation within play, using their knowledgeof phonemes (sounds) and graphemes(letters) to attempt to write individual wordsand share this by reading it out loud e.g.making a sign for the role play area- use new vocabulary which they have hadrepetitive exposure to- use sequencing language (first, next, now etc.) to describe a picture they have createdand marks that they have made- label basic emotions to describe how other people are feeling in a context.Creating texts - considering texts to help create short and extended texts for different purposesI enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts and I use what I learn to invent my own, sharing these with others in imaginative ways. LIT 0-09b / LIT 0- 31aWhen playing and talking together to create texts children may:When playing and talking together to create texts children may:When playing and talking together to create texts children may:Invents own stories and characters to share with others in play, imaginative and real contexts. Shares feelings, experiences, information, messages or ideas in pictures, print or digital texts.- use gesture to aidcommunication e.g. point- make comments- play alongside others within arole play environment- name objects- copy words you say after lots ofrepetition- find sharing difficult and needyou to label their emotions- join in with their favourite rhymessongs and stories- pick up books/ look at thepictures- explore new situations whilst anadult talks about them e.g. playingin the shaving foam for the firsttime whilst the adult usesunfamiliar vocabulary i.e. “Theshaving foam feels squishy.”- use body language to gain attention andcommunicate ideas- play with others within a role play environment,re-enacting things they’ve seen in the worldaround them- describe a picture that they have created andmarks they have made- label basic emotions to describe how they’refeeling in a context- express needs and wants using phrases- through repetition and the appropriate use ofprops, visuals and actions, join in with retelling afamiliar text- share a personal event, talking about ‘who’ wasthere and ‘where’ it took place.- use body language to support what they’re saying- play with others in a role play environment, contributing their own ideas in small group play- use sequencing language (first, next, now etc.) to describe a picture they have created and marks that they have made- label basic emotions to describe how other people are feeling in a context- use well-formed sentences; may have some grammatical immaturities; ‘falled’- talk about the past, present and future; may have some inaccuracies.- say ‘who’ is in their story and ‘where’ it takes place- share a personal event, talking about ‘when’ and ‘what happened’.Experiences and Outcomes377825182245First Level Progression00First Level ProgressionSteps to Success- WritingBenchmarksOrganising and using informationI am learning to use my notes and other types of writing to help me understand information and ideas, explore problems, generate and develop ideas or create new text. LIT 1-25aBy considering the type of text I am creating, I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in a logical sequence and use words which will be interesting and/or useful for others. LIT 1-26a*I can write in sentences about a topic.*I can write down my ideas in a logical order.*I can evaluate my own writing.*I can use labels and words to organise my thinking.*I can write factual things about a topic (non-fiction) with help.*I can begin to make notes about a topic.*I can organise my relevant information into a logical sequence and structure.*I can use some detail in my writing.*I can evaluate my own and other people’s writing.*I can organise my ideas to make sense in fiction and non-fiction writing with help.*I can use information I have found and organise it under headings and in my own words. *I can use effective words I know of in my writing (phrases from books read, wow words, well known phrases and colloquialisms). *I can add description and detail to my writing.*I can listen to other people’s ideas and give them suggestions about their writing. * Plans and organises ideas and information using an appropriate format. * Makes notes to help plan writing and uses them to create new texts. * Includes relevant information in written texts. * Organises writing in a logical order and as appropriate to audience. * Uses relevant and/or interesting vocabulary as appropriate for the context. Tools for Writing I can spell the most commonly-used words, using my knowledge of letter patterns and spelling rules and use resources to help me spell tricky or unfamiliar words. LIT 1-21aI can write independently, use appropriate punctuation and order and link my sentences in a way that makes sense. LIT 1-22aThroughout the writing process, I can check that my writing makes sense. LIT 1-23aI can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and attractive for my reader, combining words, images and other features. LIT 1-24a*I write from top to bottom and from left to right.*I can use spaces between my words.*I sound out words when I spell.*I count the sounds in each word and work out how to represent each sound in writing. .*I can spell common words*I know that different types of writing are set out differently (letter, poster, poem etc.).*I can write simple sentences using capital letters and full stops.*I can use joining words to make my sentences longer.*I can form my letters correctly.My writing is easy for others to read.*I can add relevant pictures and simple diagrams to my writing.With support I can check over my writing to make sure that it makes sense.*I can revise and edit my work with help.*I use what I know about how words are built and I am beginning to spell words independently using my developing phonic knowledge.*I can spell the common word.*I can create a piece of writing showing an awareness of purpose and audience with some support.*I use capitals and full stops correctly*I use spaces between words.*I use joining words to make longer sentences.*I can use question marks and exclamation marks correctly in my writing.*I can use commas in a list.*I can use speech marks to show when someone is talking.*I can recognise and use pronouns in my writing.*I use nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in my writing.*I check my work to makes sure it makes sense.*I can draw pictures and diagrams to go with my writing.*I make sure my handwriting is neat.*I can revise and edit my work with increasing independence.*I can use commonly known homophones correctly in my writing e.g. there, their, they’re, two, to, too, of, off, your, you’re, no, know and knew, new etc. *I can spell common words correctly..*I can use different planning formats for different genres (fiction, non-fiction text). *I can organise my writing into simple paragraphs.*I can write using a variety of different story plots.*I can develop an interesting character in my writing.*I can develop different kinds of setting depending on the genre.*I check my work to make sure it makes sense and make improvements.*I can draw labeled diagrams to support my writing.*I can write for an audience, ensuring it is legible to everyone.*I can review my writing and edit my spelling, punctuation and grammar (omitted words, making sense etc.).*I can revise my writing and improve the quality (ideas, word choice, organization, voice, sentence fluency, conventions and presentation.).*Spells most commonly used words correctly. *Spells most vocabulary used across the curriculum correctly. *Uses knowledge of phonics and spelling strategies when spelling familiar and unfamiliar words. *Uses knowledge of the alphabet to locate words in a dictionary or other reference source to help spell tricky or unfamiliar words. *Writes independently, punctuating most sentences accurately, for example, using a capital letter, full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. *Links sentences using common conjunctions, for example, and, because, but or so. *Starts sentences in a variety of ways to engage the reader. *Checks writing to ensure it makes sense. *Presents writing in a clear and legible way using images and other features as appropriate. Experiences and Outcomes377825182245First Level Progression00First Level ProgressionSteps to Success- WritingBenchmarksCreating Texts I can convey information, describe events or processes, share my opinions or persuade my reader in different ways. LIT 1-28a / LIT 1-29aI can describe and share my experiences and how they made me feel.ENG 1-30aHaving explored the elements which writers use in different genres, I can use what I learn to create my own stories, poems and plays with interesting structures, characters and/or settings.ENG 1-31a*I can write an increasing number of words independently.*I can think of ideas to write about using prompts/stimulus.*I can use descriptive language to make my writing more interesting.*I can write a simple character description.*I can write a simple story setting.*I can develop the use of ideas, word choice, organisation, voice, sentence structure, conventions and presentation.*I can write about a topic at to the task .*I can plan a simple storyline (plot).*I write about what I see and true things about my life.*I can use ideas from other writers to write my own piece.*I can share my feelings in my writing.*I can create a character and put them into a story.*I can create a story setting that becomes part of a bigger story.*I can develop the use of ideas, word choice, organisation, voice, sentence structure, conventions and presentation.*I can create a piece of writing connected with a class topic.*I can discuss the different genres of fiction texts and use their features in my writing (adventure, horror, romance, children’s stories, folk tales etc.).*I can discuss the different genres of non-fiction texts and use their features in my writing (diaries, recounts, persuasive, argumentative, informative etc.).*I can share my experiences and how they made me feel through my writing.*I can create a piece of writing with dialogue.*I can use adverbs and pronouns correctly in my writing.*I can write short non-fiction texts (facts about a topic, letters, lists etc.).*I can use a simple dictionary or thesaurus to help me in my writing.*I can develop the use of ideas, word choice, organisation, voice, sentence structure, conventions and presentation.* Creates a variety of texts for different purposes. *When writing to convey information, describe events or processes, share opinions or persuade readers in different ways: * Selects, organises and conveys information in different ways. * Uses vocabulary and language for specific purposes. * Shares own viewpoint and makes one or two attempts to persuade the reader as appropriate to the purpose. Enjoyment and ChoiceI enjoy creating texts of my choice and I regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to suit the needs of my audience.LIT 1-20a / LIT 2-20a*I can write about a subject of my choice.*I see myself as a writer.*I take risks with writing.*I can share my ideas with others.*I pick ideas to write about by myself.*I see myself as a writer.*I take risks with writing.*I can share my ideas with others.*I can make decisions about my writing and am able to offer simple explanation and justification for these.*I see myself as a writer.*I take risks with writing.*I can share my ideas with others.*Creates texts selecting subject, purpose, format and resources for a range of purposes and audiences. Experiences and Outcomes-42545225425Second Level Progression00Second Level ProgressionSteps to Success- WritingBenchmarksOrganising and using InformationI can use my notes and other types of writing to help me understand information and ideas, explore problems, make decisions, generate and develop ideas or create new text. I recognise the need to acknowledge my sources and can do this appropriately. LIT 2-25a By considering the type of text I am creating, I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience. LIT 2-26a *I can organise my writing with a clear beginning, middle, and end with help.*I can use paragraphs to organise ideas with help.*I can vary the structure of my writing with help.*I can organise my ideas using notes.*I can acknowledge my sources with help.*I can create new texts in my own words.*I can organise my writing with a clear beginning, middle, and end with increasing independence.*I am beginning to integrate information on a topic from a variety of sources with help*I can experiment with sentence length and fluency. *I am developing my use of paragraphs, to include reasons and examples, with help.*I can vary the structure of my writing with increasing independence.*I can organise my ideas using notes.*I can acknowledge my sources with increasing independence.*I can create new texts in my own words.*I can write organised and fluent texts, and begin to use simple bibliographies.*I am beginning to integrate information on a topic from a variety of sources independently.*I can vary sentence length and fluency.*I can write cohesive paragraphs, including reasons and examples. *I can vary the structure of my writing.*I can organise my ideas using notes.*I can acknowledge my sources.*I can create new texts in my own words.* Uses notes and/or other sources to develop thinking and create new texts. * Acknowledges sources making clear where the information came from. * Organises information in a logical way. * Selects relevant ideas and information. * Uses appropriate vocabulary, including subject-specific vocabulary, to suit purpose and audience. Tools for writingI can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources. LIT 2-21a In both short and extended texts, I can use appropriate punctuation, vary my sentence structures and divide my work into paragraphs in a way that makes sense to my reader. LIT 2-22a Throughout the writing process, I can check that my writing makes sense and meets its purpose. LIT 2-23a I consider the impact that layout and presentation will have and can combine lettering, graphics and other features to engage my reader. LIT 2-24a *I can adapt writing for purpose and audience with help.*I can revise to enhance ideas by adding description and detail with help.*I can use resources (e.g. thesaurus and word lists) to make writing more effective with help. *I can edit for punctuation, spelling, and grammar with help.*I can publish writing in polished format with help. *I am beginning to use visual strategies, spelling rules and knowledge of word parts to spell correctly.*I can use apostrophes, commas, and speech marks correctly with help. *I can choose appropriate layouts and presentation for clarity with help.*I can use paragraphs to show change.*I can write neatly and legibly. *I can adapt writing for purpose and audience with developing independence.*I can edit for punctuation, spelling, and grammar with greater precision.*I am beginning to use tools (e.g. dictionaries, word lists, and spell checkers) to edit independently.*I am beginning to experiment with more complex punctuation (e.g. colons, quotation marks and semi-colons) with help.*I am beginning to use basic punctuation marks appropriately and consistently.*I can use visual strategies, spelling rules and knowledge of word parts to spell correctly with developing independence.*I can plan for specific writing traits (e.g. ideas, word choice, organisation, voice, sentence structure, conventions and presentation) with help.*I can adapt writing for purpose and audience.*I can use tools (e.g., dictionaries, word lists, spell checkers) to edit independently.*I can select and produce a fair copy in writing in polished format independently.*I am beginning to use complex punctuation (e.g. colons, semicolons, quotation marks) more consistently.*I can use visual strategies, spelling rules and knowledge of word parts to spell correctly.*I am beginning to plan for specific writing traits (e.g. ideas, word choice, organisation, voice, sentence structure, conventions and presentation) independently.* Applies knowledge of spelling patterns, rules and strategies to spell most words correctly. * Uses a range of punctuation, for example, capital letters, full stops, commas, inverted commas (speech marks), exclamation marks, question marks and/or apostrophes. Punctuation is mainly accurate. * Writes most sentences in a grammatically accurate way. * Uses sentences of different lengths and types and varies sentence openings. * Links sentences using a range of conjunctions. * Uses paragraphs to separate thoughts and ideas. * Writes in a fluent and legible way. * Reviews and corrects writing to ensure it makes sense, is technically accurate and meets its purpose. * Makes appropriate choices about layout and presentation, including in digital texts, to engage the reader, for example, headings, bullet points, fonts, graphics and/or captions. Experiences and Outcomes417830221615Second Level Progression00Second Level ProgressionSteps to Success- WritingBenchmarksCreating textsI am learning to use language and style in a way which engages and/or influences my reader.ENG 2-27aI can convey information, describe events, explain processes or combine ideas in different ways. LIT 2-28a I can persuade, argue, explore issues or express an opinion using relevant supporting detail and/or evidence. LIT 2-29a As I write for different purposes and readers, I can describe and share my experiences, expressing what they made me think about and how they made me feel.ENG 2-30aHaving explored the elements which writers use in different genres, I can use what I learn to create stories, poems and plays with an interesting and appropriate structure, interesting characters and/or settings which come to life.ENG 2-31a*I can write persuasively about ideas, feelings, and opinions.*I can write about feelings and opinions.*I can create characters in stories.*I can write using carefully chosen language. *I can use strong verbs, interesting language, and dialogue to increase descriptive detail.*I can use dialogue.*I am growing in confidence as a writer.*I take risks with writing.*I can share my ideas with others.*I can write persuasively about ideas, feelings, and opinions.*I can develop stories with plots that include problems and solutions.*I can create characters, using description and dialogue.*I can write poetry using carefully chosen language *I can create plots with clear structures.*I can use descriptive language to paint a picture of plot, setting, character etc.*I can use a range of strategies for planning writing.*I am growing in confidence as a writer.*I take risks with writing.*I can share my ideas with others.*I can write persuasively about ideas, feelings, and opinions.*I can create plots with problems and solutions.*I can develop the main characters and describe detailed settings.*I can create plots with clear structures.*I can use descriptive language independently.*I can use voice to evoke an emotional response from readers.*I am growing in confidence as a writer.*I take risks with writing.*I can share my ideas with others.* Creates a range of short and extended texts regularly for different purposes. * Attempts to engage and/or influence the reader through vocabulary and/or use of language as appropriate to genre. When writing to convey information, describe events, explain processes or combine ideas in different ways: * Uses appropriate style and format to convey information applying key features of the chosen genre. * Includes relevant ideas, knowledge and information. * Organises and presents information in a logical way. * Uses tone and vocabulary appropriate to purpose. When writing to persuade, evaluate, explore issues or express an opinion: * Presents relevant ideas and information, including supporting detail, to convey view point. * Organises ideas in a logical way. * Includes an introduction that makes the topic clear and a conclusion that rounds off the writing. * Attempts to use language to influence or persuade the reader, for example, word choice, punctuation, repetition, rhetorical questions and/or emotive language. When writing to describe and share experiences: * Describes personal experiences, making context and events clear. * Describes thoughts and feelings about the experience. * Attempts to engage and/or influence the reader through vocabulary and/or use of language. When writing imaginatively and creatively: * Applies a few features of the chosen genre. * Creates interesting characters through, for example, their feelings and actions, physical description and/or dialogue. * Creates setting/context with some descriptive detail. * Attempts to use figurative language (imagery) to engage the reader, for example, simile, metaphor, alliteration and onomatopoeia. * Creates plots with clear structures, for example, suitable opening, turning point, climax and/or satisfactory ending. Enjoyment and choiceI enjoy creating texts of my choice and I regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to suit the needs of my audience. LIT 1-20a / LIT 2-20a *Pupils are exposed to a variety of genres so that they can hear the different voice and styles and then create texts their own texts in an appropriate way.*I can create text with a purpose with an audience in mind.*Through explicit teaching and scaffolded prompts, pupils will be able to identify the key features of different genres and then create their own texts using this developing knowledge. *Pupils will select tools and prompts appropriate for the desired genre and audience to help them to create text independently.* Creates texts regularly for a range of purposes and audiences selecting appropriate genre, form, structure and style. Experiences and Outcomes-29210337820Third/Fourth Level Progression00Third/Fourth Level ProgressionSteps to Success- WritingBenchmarksOrganising and using informationI can use notes and other types of writing to generate and develop ideas, retain and recall information, explore problems, make decisions, generate and develop ideas or create original text.I recognise when it is appropriate to quote from sources and when I should put points into my own words. I can acknowledge my sources appropriately.LIT 3-25aI can use notes and other types of writing to generate and develop ideas, retain and recall information,explore problems, make decisions, or create original text. I can make appropriate and responsible use of sources and acknowledge these appropriately.LIT 4-25aI can use notes and other types of writing to: *generate and develop ideas *retain and recall information *explore problems *make decisions *generate and develop ideas or create original texts.*I can recognise when it is appropriate to quote from sources and when I should put points into my own words.*I can acknowledge my sources appropriately.I can use more complex notes and other types of writing to *generate and develop ideas*retain and recall information*explore problems, make decisions *create original texts.*I can make appropriate and responsible use of sources.*I can acknowledge my sources appropriately.* Uses notes and/or other sources to generate ideas, inform thinking and support the creation of new texts. * Uses and acknowledges sources appropriately. * Selects relevant ideas and information including supporting detail or evidence. * Organises ideas and information in a logical order. * Uses varied and appropriate vocabulary to make meaning clear and/or to attempt to enhance writing. By considering the type of text I am creating, I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, and organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order. I can use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience.LIT 3-26a / LIT 4-26By considering the type of text I am creating,*I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes.*I can organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order. *I can use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience.Experiences and Outcomes-29845226060Third/Fourth Level Progression00Third/Fourth Level ProgressionSteps to Success- WritingBenchmarksCreating textsI can engage and/or influence readers through my use of language, style and tone as appropriate to genre.ENG 3-27a / ENG 4-27* I regularly create text of varying lengths.*I can engage and/or influence readers through my use of language, style and tone as appropriate to genre.*I can convey information, describe events, explain processes or concepts, and combine ideas in different ways.*I can persuade, argue, evaluate, explore issues or express an opinion using a clear line of thought, relevant supporting detail and/or evidence.*I can recreate a convincing impression of a personal experience for my reader, sharing my feelings and reactions to the changing circumstances with some attempt at reflection.Having explored the elements which writers use, I can create texts in different genres by:*integrating the conventions of my chosen genre successfully and/or*using convincing and appropriate structures and/or*creating interesting and convincing characters and/or*building convincing settings which come to life.* I regularly create text of varying lengths.At a more complex level*I can engage and/or influence readers through my use of language, style and tone as appropriate to genre.*I can convey information and describe events, explain processes or concepts, providing substantiating evidence, and synthesise ideas or opinions in different ways.*I can persuade, argue, evaluate, explore issues or express and justify opinions within a convincing line of thought, using relevant supporting detail and/or evidence.*I can create a convincing impression of my personal experience and reflect on my response to the changing circumstances to engage my reader.Having explored and experimented with the narrative structures which writers use to create texts in different genres, I can use the conventions of my chosen genre successfully to:*create an appropriate mood or atmosphere and/or*create convincing relationships, actions and dialogue for my characters.* Creates short and extended texts regularly for a range of purposes and audiences. * Engages and/or influences the reader through use of language, style and/or tone as appropriate to genre. When writing to convey information, describe events, explain processes or concepts, and combine ideas: * Uses a style and format appropriate to purpose and audience, applying features of the chosen genre. * Includes relevant ideas/knowledge/information with supporting detail or evidence. * Organises and structures ideas or information in a logical order using linking words or phrases. * Uses topic sentences to introduce the focus of paragraphs to signpost a basic structure. * Uses appropriate tone and vocabulary for purpose and audience. When writing to persuade, argue, evaluate, explore issues or express an opinion: * Presents ideas or conveys a point of view with relevant supporting detail or evidence. * Organises and structures ideas or information in a logical order. * Uses signposts to make structure and/or argument clear, for example, topic sentences and/or linking phrases. * Includes an introduction that makes the purpose of the text clear and makes some attempt to engage the audience. * Ends with a conclusion that sums up the line of thought. * Uses language to influence or persuade the reader, for example, word choice, repetition, rhetorical questions and/or emotive language. I can convey information, describe events, explain processes or concepts, and combine ideas in different ways.LIT 3-28aI can persuade, argue, evaluate, explore issues or express an opinion using a clear line of thought, relevant supporting detail and/or evidence.LIT 3-29aI can recreate a convincing impression of a personal experience for my reader, sharing my feelings and reactions to the changing circumstances with some attempt at reflection.ENG 3-30aHaving explored the elements which writers use, I can create texts in different genres by:? integrating the conventions of my chosen genre successfully and/or? using convincing and appropriate structures and/or? creating interesting and convincing characters and/or? building convincing settings which come to life.ENG 3-31aI can convey information and describe events, explain processes or concepts, providing substantiating evidence, and synthesise ideas or opinions in different ways.LIT 4-28aI can persuade, argue, evaluate, explore issues or express and justify opinions within a convincing line of thought, using relevant supporting detail and/or evidence.LIT 4-29aI can create a convincing impression of my personal experience and reflect on my response to the changing circumstances to engage my reader.ENG 4-30aHaving explored and experimented with the narrative structures which writers use to create texts in different genres, I can:? use the conventions of my chosen genre successfully and/or? create an appropriate mood or atmosphere and/or? create convincing relationships, actions and dialogue for my characters.ENG 4-31aExperiences and Outcomes-29845226060Third/Fourth Level Progression00Third/Fourth Level ProgressionSteps to Success- WritingBenchmarksTools for writingAs appropriate to my purpose and type of text, I can punctuate and structure different types of sentences with sufficient accuracy, and arrange these to make meaning clear, showing straightforward relationships between paragraphs.LIT 3-22a / LIT 4-22aAs appropriate to my purpose and type of text,*I can punctuate and structure different types of sentences with sufficient accuracy, and arrange these to make meaning clear, showing straightforward relationships between paragraphs.*I can use a range of strategies and resources and spell most of the words I need to use, including specialist vocabulary, and ensure that my spelling is accurate.Throughout the writing process, *I can review and edit my writing to ensure that it meets its purpose and communicates meaning at first reading.*I can consider the impact that layout and presentation will have on my reader, selecting and using a variety of features appropriate to purpose and audience. *As appropriate to my purpose and type of text, at a more complex level:*I can punctuate and structure different types of sentences with sufficient accuracy, and arrange these to make meaning clear, showing straightforward relationships between paragraphs.*I can use a range of strategies and resources independently and ensure that my spelling, including specialist vocabulary, is accurate.Throughout the writing process, at a more complex level:*I can review and edit my writing independently to ensure that it meets its purpose and communicates meaning clearly at first reading.*I can justify my choice and use of layout and presentation in terms of the intended impact on my reader.* Applies a range of strategies and resources to spell most words correctly including unfamiliar or specialist vocabulary. * Uses more complex punctuation, where appropriate, to convey meaning or in an attempt to enhance writing, for example, inverted commas, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, parentheses and/or ellipses. Punctuation is varied and mainly accurate. * Writes almost all sentences in a grammatically accurate way. * Uses a variety of sentence structures, varying openings and lengths, for example, simple and complex sentences, lists and repetition. * Uses paragraphs to structure content. Uses linking phrases and topic sentences to signpost a basic structure, line of thought or argument. * Writes in a fluent and legible way. * Reviews and edits writing to ensure clarity of meaning, technical accuracy and to improve content or language. * Selects features of layout and presentation, including in digital texts, to clarify meaning and suit purpose and audience, for example, headings, bullet points, text boxes and/or relevant graphics. I can use a range of strategies and resources and spell most of the words I need to use, including specialist vocabulary, and ensure that my spelling is accurate.LIT 3-21aThroughout the writing process, I can review and edit my writing to ensure that it meets its purpose and communicates meaning at first reading.LIT 3-23aI can consider the impact that layout and presentation will have on my reader, selecting and using a variety of features appropriate to purpose and audience. LIT 3-24aI can use a range of strategies and resources independently and ensure that my spelling, including specialist vocabulary, is accurate.LIT 4-21aThroughout the writing process, I can review and edit my writing independently to ensure that it meets its purpose and communicates meaning clearly at first reading.LIT 4-23aI can justify my choice and use of layout and presentation in terms of the intended impact on my reader.LIT 4-24aEnjoyment and choiceI enjoy creating texts of my choice and I am developing my own style. I can regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to suit the needs of my audience.LIT 3-20a / LIT 4-20a*I enjoy creating texts of my choice and I am developing my own style. *I can regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to suit the needs of my audience.* Selects texts regularly for enjoyment and interest or relevant sources to inform thinking. * Gives a personal response to texts with appropriate justification. * Explains how well a text or source meets needs and expectations with appropriate justification. ................

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