Instructor’s Resource Manual - Cengage

To the Instructor


The Instructor’s Class Prep CD-ROM to accompany Kaleidoskop: Kultur, Literatur und Grammatik, Seventh Edition, consists of the Scope and Sequence Chart, the Test Bank, the Lab Manual Tapescript, the Video Guide for Kaleidoskop: Das Video, Answer Keys to the Übungsbuch and Textbook Kapitel, Spelling Changes (Rechtschreibreform)and a list of useful addresses.

Scope and Sequence Charts

An overview of the contents of Kaleidoskop Seventh Edition is provided by two Scope and Sequence Charts. Scope and Sequence: Lektüre gives for each Thema an overview of the various cultural materials – articles, stories, interviews, tables, studies, polls, and sketches – and the literary works, including poems and short stories. In addition, separate columns identify the main cultural features of the Thema as well as topics for discussion and written work. Addional exercises deal with vocabulary building and selected grammatical features for each Kapitel along with topics for partner work and writing practice.

Test Bank

The Test Bank is divided into two sections following an introduction: Instructor’s Test Materials and Written Tests.

The Instructor’s Test Materials comprise twenty Sprechsituationen (oral tests), the Test Bank Audio Script corresponding to the Hörverständnis section of the Themen Tests, and the Answer Keys to the Themen and Kapitel Tests.

There are two alternative written tests for each Thema: Prüfung A and Prüfung B. Each Thema test contains five parts: Hörverständnis, Fragen zu den Lesestücken, Vokabelarbeit, Leseverständnis, and Schreiben Sie. In addition, a sixth part, Sprechsituationen, can be included at the beginning of each Thema test. There are two Sprechsituationen per Thema.

Prüfung A focuses on recognition skills and uses true/false, multiple choice, matching, and short answer testing items. While Prüfung B also uses recognition skills, it places more emphasis on production skills. For example, both tests include Fragen zu den Lesestücken in a true/false format, but Prüfung B goes a step further than Prüfung A by asking students to correct the false statements. Prüfung B also calls for students to manipulate the active vocabulary of the Thema. For a more detailed description of the Themen tests, refer to the Introduction to the Test Bank.

The scripts for the Hörverständnis activities are provided in the Test Bank Audio Script and recorded on the Audio Program for the Instructor that accompanies Kaleidoskop, Seventh Edition.

The tests for the Kapitel contain six to seven exercises that test discrete grammatical features, one English-to-German translation exercise, and two activities with cues for short, structured writing based on the grammatical points of the chapter. The test exercises are loosely built around a situation and a cast of characters, which are introduced in the Kapitel 1 test, thus contributing to the communicative aspect of this grammar section.

While each test on a Thema or Kapitel is designed to be complete within itself, the various sections have been so designed that items in a section may be reduced, or entire sections can be omitted, to meet the needs of individual classes. Instructors can create a variety of different tests on a Thema by choosing some sections or items from Prüfung A and others from Prüfung B.

Lab Manual Audio Script

The Audio Script for Kaleidoskop, Seventh Edition is the written transcript of the Audio Program.

Listening comprehension exercises related to the Themen (Übungen zum Hörverständnis) are in the form of dialogues or short passages to which students listen for key ideas and content. In addition there are dictations based on the new active vocabulary. The literary selection in the Thema is recorded and used as a basis for either a true/false or a multiple-choice exercise.

The Audio Program also includes supplementary grammar exercises (Mündliche Übungen) for the Kapitel. The grammar exercises for Kapitel 1–10 are recorded in a three-phase format: cue, pause for student response, confirmation response. The grammar exercises in the Audio Program (Mündliche Übungen) differ from the grammar exercises in the textbook, so that students can practice grammar items not in their text. This gives students more opportunity to check their mastery. The title, direction line, and model of each exercise are printed in the lab manual section of the Übungsbuch. This arrangement provides students with an understanding of the content and purpose of each exercise, aids them in getting started, and permits them to locate exercises on those grammar points they wish to practice more intensively. At the end of the Audio Program is the Pronunciation Guide; see the Übungsbuch for the transcript.

Video Guide

The Video Guide to accompany Kaleidoskop: Das Video includes a correlation chart for the video and the textbook and a complete video transcript. The correlation chart enables instructors to locate quickly the video module designed to accompany a given Thema and additional relevant modules. The video transcript can also help instructors create accurate testing material or aid comprehension of the video.

Answer Keys

The Answer Keys for the Übungsbuch (Workbook, Lab Manual, and Video Workbook) are grouped together so that instructors who wish to do so can easily duplicate them and distribute them to students for self-correction. For exercises that allow a certain amount of variation, alternative answers are given. For more creative exercises and exercises that require the students’ personal answers, the Answer Keys indicate that answers will vary.

Spelling Changes

The rules of the spelling reform (Rechtschreibreform) were approved in 1996 and govern the spelling the Seventh Edition of Kaleidoskop. In 2005 the Rat für Rechtschreibreform listened to critics and undid some of their changes. The council announced that some expressions that were written as two words after the reform would take their pre-reform shape of one word. This change applied especially to verb combinations with particles, adjectives, nouns and other verbs. Thus instead of kennen lernen, fertig machen, Leid tun, Rad fahren the expressions would again be written as kennenlernen, fertigmachen, leidtun, and radfahren. The council did not abandon the entire program as many people urged, but instead left standing the official date of August 1, 2005 after which time schools and government officials were obligated to use the rules of the spelling reform. The spelling reform actually consists of modifications in the rules and in the spelling of individual words while the general framework has remained. The orthography changes are not major and affect on two percent of the words. Of these two percent 95% are the changes involving ss and ß.

List of Useful Addresses

The Class Prep CD-ROM includes a list of addresses of organizations (embassies, consulates, cultural institutes, tourist offices) that provide cultural information and materials. Also included are the addresses of some valuable professional journals and organizations for teachers of German.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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