Listening Comprehension

State of Kuwait

Ministry of Education

Mubarak Al-Kabeer Educational Area

ELT Supervision


|Listening Comprehension |

|For grade 11 |

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Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

(The Heaviest snowfall )

It was the heaviest snowfall in 18 years. Bus services in London carrying 6 million people have been cancelled. 10 of 11 underground lines are completely or partly suspended. The capital's main airport Heathrow has closed both runways for a while and there are still significant delays and cancellations, and there are no flights at all from City airport. Others are suffering long delays and cancellations too.

Several docks to the west have become iced up. And thousands are without piped water in Wales due to the frozen pipes. Hundreds of schools have been closed across the country and children at least are enjoying conditions.

The British like to complain that other countries handle the snow better than they do, that the merest sugaring of snowflakes brings normal life to a standstill amidst transport chaos. So why does it happen? Well truly icy conditions here are rare indeed. So why make a massive investment to combat extreme weather conditions that may not be replayed for another 18 years?

At an individual level the costs of being prepared like some Alpine countries would be high too. The British, for instance, are not required to have winter tyres fitted to cars at the start of the season, nor do they routinely carry snow chains. On the other hand the Brits do like to complain, and secretly they also like being told... sorry you can't get to work.

Rob Broomby, BBC

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

(The Heaviest snowfall )

A) From a, b, c or d choose the right answer:

1. The underground lines are……………

a- totally destroyed b- completely suspended.

c- covered with sea water d- in full service

2. People in Wales are without water because ……

a. of the frozen pipes b. of the icy weather

c. of the large number of people d. there is no more water to deliver

3. Children are enjoying as…………..

a. there is wonderful snow b. there is no more school

c. there are no assignments d. the weather is snowy

4. According to the weather forecast, icy conditions in London are……….

a. so rare b. very dangerous

c. completely safe d. terribly awful

B- Say whether the following sentences are true (/) or false (X) :

5. Bus services have been cancelled. ( \ )

6. The main airport, Heathrow, has closed one runway only. ( x )

7. The snowfall is the heaviest in 80 years. ( x )

8. The cost of being prepared is too high. ( \ )

( The biggest Earthquake in the UK )

On 27th February 2008, something very unusual happened in the UK; there was a rather large earthquake.

It was the biggest earthquake in 25 years in the UK. There have been very small tremors in the past but they pale into insignificance compared to this one. It was felt in a large area across the country too, from as far north as Edinburgh in Scotland to as far south as Plymouth on the south coast of England. The epicentre of the earthquake was in a small town in Lincolnshire, which is an area about two and a half to three hours north of London by car. A magnitude of 5.2 was registered on the Richter scale.

There were lots of reports in the news from people who felt the earth move. One man said, "We had loads of vibrating and wall shaking and stuff, noise coming off the roof. I came outside - the chimney's on the floor!" A collapsed chimney was the cause of what was probably the worst injury from the earthquake; a man broke his pelvis when the chimney fell on him.

Another man who spoke to the BBC described the moment the earthquake occurred, "Everything was shaking. As soon as it happened we all went outside and saw everyone else down the street, coming out and just realised it was an earthquake".

The huge rumble that was felt by a lot of people, surprisingly caused very little structural damage to property.

Most British people would be surprised to learn that there are 200-300 earthquakes in Britain every year - but most of them are so small, they go unnoticed. The magnitude of this earthquake is fairly small in comparison to some other natural disasters that have made international news, but for the people affected, it certainly came as quite a surprise.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

( The biggest Earthquake in the UK )

A) From a, b, c or d choose the right answer:

1. The unusual event that happened in February 2008 in London was………..

a. a large earthquake that hit the area . b- a major car accident.

c- the heavy rain that covered the place. d- the start of a world famine.

2. Lincolnshire is an area which is ……..……

a. two to three hours away from London by car b. a great city

c. one day away from London by car d. a magnificent area

3. A man spoke to the BBC describing the event saying ..….……..

a. it was a wonderful and beautiful thing b. children were crying

c. people in the streets were dancing d. everything was shaking

4. A lot of the British would be surprised to know that….……….

a. 20-30 earthquakes hit UK b. children studied earthquakes

c. UK universities were the best d. 200-300 earthquakes hit UK

B- Say whether the following sentences are true (/) or false (X) :

5. The earthquake that happened in England was the worst in 25 years. ( \ )

6. So little structural damage to property was caused. ( \ )

7. There were lots of death reports. ( X )

8. The earthquake is fairly small in comparison to some other natural disasters. ( X )

( Shortage of water )

It’s hard to imagine a global shortage of water, when oceans cover three-quarters of the world’s surface. But the United Nations expects two billion people will face severe water crises in just twenty-five years time. The UN and the World Water Council are launching a World Water Commission, charged with the task of finding urgent solutions to the impending crisis. The commission’s new chairman, Ismael Serageldin, told reporters the water equation is "simple but deadly" - more water must be found to supply an extra three billion people who will be alive by 2025. Verbal conflicts have already erupted over water in the Middle East and Northern Africa, and tension is also mounting about access to the Ganges on the Indian sub-continent and the Mekong River in Indochina.The Commission’s first task will be to find ways of making desalination - removing salt from sea water - cheaper and more effective. It will also develop techniques to locate and tap underground water reservoirs, and introduce water recycling in cities and villages world-wide. Mr Serageldin said these goals must be achieved by 2025. Otherwise, he warned, the inevitable alternatives were famine and water wars.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

( Shortage of water )

A) From a, b, c and d choose the right answer:

1. It's well known that oceans…………………….the world's surface

a-cover three quarters of b- cover half of

c- cover totally all d- hardly cover a quarter of

2. The first and main task of the commission is to ........…

a. do a report about the crisis b. find ways to make desalination

c. find a place for the commission d. explore the universe

3. According to the commission's new chairman, the water equation is considered….……..

a. simple and easy b. dangerous and deadly

c. simple but deadly d. difficult but urgent

4. If the commission fails to find a solution then……….

a. no harm will be done b. deadly earth quakes will happen

c. a lot of people will die d. water wars and famine will happen

B- Say whether the following sentences are true (/) or false (X) :

5. There is a global shortage of water. ( \ )

6. The commission's new chairman is Ismael Serageldin. ( \ )

7. The goals of the commission must be achieved by 2052. ( x )

8. The commission wants to make water in a cheaper and more effective way. ( \ )

( Obesity )

Obesity, which can cause heart disease, strokes and diabetes is on the increase across the globe. According to the World Heart Federation, an estimated twenty-two million children under five years old are now severely overweight. Nearly one in three children in the United States between the ages of five and fourteen is obese, compared to one in six, thirty years ago.

But obesity is not a condition which solely affects the Western World. Increasingly, low and middle income countries are suffering from the condition, often due to a change in their diets, as they substitute fibre intake for a much higher consumption of saturated fats and sugar. In Beijing, for example, one in five children of school age is now obese.

The World Heart Federation says obesity can also be blamed for spiralling health costs. The US spends almost a tenth of its national healthcare budget on overweight patients, and in Western countries as much as two point eight percent of the total sick care costs is attributable to obesity. The Federation warns that unless the world's population acts now to eat a healthier diet and to take more exercise, obesity will rapidly overtake smoking as the leading lifestyle risk factor for heart disease and strokes.

Emma Jane Kirby, BBC

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

( Obesity )

A) From a, b, c and d choose the right answer:

1. Obesity is considered to be a major reason for………………

a. heart disease, strokes and diabetes b- diabetes only

c- mental problems d- world famine

2. According to the World Heart Federation………children, under five years old are now overweight

a. two million b. twenty two million

c. twenty one thousand d. twenty two thousand

3. The main cause of obesity is the..….……..

a. change in diets b. environmental issues

c. global weather change d. emotional problems

4. The answer to the obesity problem lies on……….

a. focusing on exercises only b. drinking fizzy drinks

c. eating healthier diets d. having fatty food

B- Say whether the following sentences are true (/) or false (X) :

5. Obesity is considered a condition. ( x )

6. Low and middle income countries don't suffer from obesity. ( x )

7. In Beijing one in five children of school age is obese. ( \ )

8. If nothing is done, obesity will overtake smoking as lifestyle risk factor. ( \ )

( Universities )

Universities in Britain are a magnet for overseas students. There are currently over 200,000 from outside Britain studying at British universities. The largest single group is Chinese students. There are currently 50,000 in the UK. The British government expects the total number of overseas students to be around 900,000 by 2020, and also thinks that a quarter of these will be Chinese.

But why is the UK such a popular destination for university students? Well, the quality of your course is guaranteed. All courses are assessed by an independent system, so you can be assured that your course is officially approved and has wide international recognition.

The British education system is very flexible in order to provide for the needs of a modern, complex society. It is also cost-effective. Degree courses are usually shorter and more intensive than in other countries. There are lots of scholarships available. You normally need 3 A-levels, which are the exams taken by people leaving school at 18, in order to enter an undergraduate degree course. You also need an IELTS score of at least 5.5, but many universities offer foundation or access courses to prepare students for their studies.

The UK is a dynamic and cosmopolitan place. The countryside is beautiful, and the theatres, museums, architecture and rich history make it a fascinating place to live and study. Why not give it a go?

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

( Universities )

A) From a, b, c and d choose the right answer:

1. The largest group of students from outside Britain studying in Britain universities is…………

a- British students b- Chinese students.

c- Chinese workers d- Arab Students

2.The reason behind the popularity of British universities is that…..……

a. the course is officially approved b. the teachers are friendly

c. the expenses are less than any other place d. the weather is beautiful there

3. The degree courses in English are often known as..…………..

a. longer and more intensive b. shorter and more intensive

c. flexible and cheap d. simple and modern

4. In order to join universities in Britain you need…………….

a. 4- A level exams b. to be less than 18 years

c. IELTS score of 5.5 d. a 4-A level exam

B- Say whether the following sentences are true (/) or false (X) :

5. The number of students from outside Britain studying in British universities are 20000. ( x )

6. The British system of education is considered very flexible. ( \ )

7. Scholarships in Britain are always available. ( \ )

8. The life in the UK is known as dynamic. ( \ )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

College life

Maria: Oh, hi Dave. Long time, no see!

Dave: Hi Maria. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd drop by.

Maria: Come on in. [Thanks.] Take a seat. Would you like anything to drink? I have Sprite or orange juice.

Dave: Sprite would be fine. Uh, so, how have you been?

Maria: Oh, not bad. And you?

Dave: Oh, I'm doing okay, but school has been really hectic these days, and I haven't had time to relax.

Maria: By the way, what's your major anyway?

Dave: Hotel management.

Maria: Well, what do you want to do once you graduate?

Dave: Uh... I haven't decided for sure, but I think I'd like to work for a hotel or travel agency in this area. How about you?

Maria: Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French, but I realized I might have a hard time finding a job using the language, so I changed majors to computer science. [Oh]. With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldn't be as difficult.

Dave: So, do you have a part-time job to support yourself through school?

Maria: Well, fortunately for me, I received a four-year academic scholarship [Wow] that pays for all of my tuition and books.

Dave: Wow. That's great.

Maria: Yeah. How about you? Are you working your way through school?

Dave: Yeah. I work three times a week at a restaurant near campus.

Maria: Oh. What do you do there?

Dave: I'm a cook.

Maria: How do you like your job?

Dave: It's okay. The other workers are friendly, and the pay isn't bad.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

College life

A ) Choose from a, b, c and d the best answer that completes each of the following:

1. After graduation, Dave would like to ……………..

a. become a teacher.

b. be a cook

c. work at a hotel or travel agency .

d. travel abroad

2. Maria didn't face any difficulties in paying for the college because …….

a. she has a part-time job.

b. she received a scholarship.

c. her parents are paying for it.

d. she is wealthy

3. Dave likes his part-time job because ………………….

a. his co-workers are friendly and the pay is okay.

b. he works enough hours.

c. it's near the campus .

d. he likes cooking .

4. Maria changed her major from French to Computer Science because ………

a. she doesn’t like French

b. it’s hard to find a job using French

c. her father asked her to do so

d. school has been really hectic

B) Say whether the following sentences are True ( ( ) or False ( X ) :

5. Dave was in school , so he thought to visit Maria. ( X )

6. Dave is majoring in hotel management . ( ( )

7. Maria and Dave have the same part time job . ( X )

8. Dave is working three times a week . ( ( )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

New York Travel

Okay, everyone. I want to review the first two days of our travel itinerary for the trip. Okay, yeah, please take out the paper that I handed out earlier. Okay. Uh. First of all, we have been very fortunate to have been able to purchase discount tickets to cover most of the transportation costs and scheduling (scheduled) activities. And I want to also thank the, uh, group of parents who, uh, worked very hard in order to, uh, raise funding, uh, through different businesses in the community. I really appreciate that.

Uh, let's see. Okay, everyone should meet at the airport at 6:00 a.m. This will give you time to check in and get through security. Our plane departs at 9:00.

Uh, our plane arrives in New York at 3:00 p.m, and we will take a bus from the airport to the hotel. We've been able to get great rates on this hotel because we're staying on a weekday instead of the weekend.

In the morning, for any of you who like to get exercise, we will be meeting in the hotel lobby around 6:00 a.m. to go jogging around Central Park for about 45 minutes, and we'll get back to the hotel about the time when the hotel restaurant opens, so you'll enough time to grab a quick breakfast before we leave the hotel at 8:00. We'll be taking a ferry ride to Ellis Island and then to Liberty Island to visit the Statue of Liberty. I mean, this is something that you really can't miss, and later, we will go to Times Square where you can have lunch on your own for about an hour from about 1 to 2.

Later in the afternoon, you have the choice of visiting the Empire State Building or the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Either one of these is . . . are great*, and we have some great, uh, group discounts. Uh, we will meet back at the hotel at 6:00 p.m., and we'll have dinner at a very nice Italian restaurant downtown, and then we'll catch an exciting broadway musical around 8:30 p.m.

Uh, any questions?

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

New York Travel

A) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d:

1. The group have been very fortunate because they have been able to ……….

a. purchase discount tickets to cover most of the cost .

b. get through security in the airport .

c. go jogging around Central Park .

d. catch an exciting movie .

2. The group will ……………….. to get to the hotel from the airport.

a. take taxis.

b. ride the subway.

c. be going by bus.

d. be going by cable car .

3. The group ………………… around Times Square for about an hour

a. are going to have lunch.

b. will have time to do some shopping.

c. will be having a tour of the area.

d. are going to take a ferry ride

4. After dinner , the group are going to ………………..

a. watch an action movie .

b. catch an exciting broadway musical .

c. attend a comedy play.

d. visit the museum

B) Say whether the following sentences are True ( ( ) or False ( X ) :

5. The plane arrives in New York at 6:00 o'clock . ( x )

6. The group are staying in a hotel during the weekend . ( x )

7. After 8 o'clock , the group will visit the Ellis Island and Liberty Island ( \ )

8. They will have dinner in a very nice Italian restaurant . ( \ )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

The four seasons

Hello everyone. Have you ever wondered what the weather is like in other places around the world? Today, I'd like to talk to you about the changing seasons in my city which was the assigned topic for this class.

First of all, the winter season usually begins in December and ends in early March. The coldest month is January, and temperatures can drop below freezing for most of this month. The city usually averages about 30 inches of snow during this entire, 3-month period. Occasionally, we have snow storms that can drop a foot of snow in a very short period of time. Winter activities during this season include sledding, skiing, and snowshoeing.

Spring usually arrives in late March, and the temperatures hover around 50 degrees during the day. It is a beautiful season because the flowers start to bloom. It is sometimes windy, and this is great for flying kites. People in my city often like to go on picnics, stroll through parks, and play outdoor games.

Next, summer starts in June, as temperatures slowing rise to around 80 degrees. The summer in my city is very dry with little rain throughout the season, and temperatures can soar above 100 degrees in August. Fortunately, the weather is very dry with low humidity, so it is real pleasant even on hot days. Popular activities during this season hiking, fishing, camping, water skiing, and outdoor sports including football and soccer.

And finally, summer changes to fall in late September when the weather cools off, and the trees begin to change colors. A lot of people enjoy driving into the mountains and viewing the fall colors. It is also a time when people clean up their yards and gardens in preparation for the winter season.

So, as you can see, my city has a lot to offer no matter when you visit this area.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

The four seasons

A) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d:

1. In winter season , the people in the speaker's city ………………

a. start to fly kites

b. go for fishing and camping

c. do some activities like sledding and skiing

d. enjoy driving into the mountains .

2. The summer season in the speaker's city is ………………………

a. mild and breezy

b. hot and dry

c. warm and humid

d. cold and dry

3. Spring usually arrives in ………………..

a. late March.

b. January and ends in March

c. early August

d. late December

4. The activity that people like to do in the fall is to …………………..

a. enjoy viewing the fall colors

b. enjoy traveling to other countries

c. play football

d. enjoy the rain

B) Say whether the following sentences are True ( ( ) or False ( X ) :

5. The flowers start to bloom during spring . ( ( )

6. The temperature can soar above 100 degrees in August . ( ( )

7. The winter season lasts for two months ( X )

8. The weather cools off and trees change colours in summer . ( X )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Dear Mom and Dad,

This is my fifth day at summer camp. Life in the great outdoors isn't exactly what I expected, but I'm not starving . . . yet . . . so don't worry about me.

I guess I should tell you about what I do everyday. First, everyone has to get up at 5:30 A.M. They have this silly old rooster named Harry who loves to wake us up. Next, we have to make our beds and tidy up the cabin before our camp counselor, Jeff, comes to inspect the place.

Then, we have breakfast around 6:30 A.M. After that, we have some free time, so I've been going down to the nearby stream to fish for a couple of hours. But yesterday, the only thing I caught was an old shoe and a tree branch. Great catch, Huh? Then when I was trying to swat a mosquito buzzing around my head, I slipped and fell in the stream and lost my fishing pole. That ended my fishing career.

Well, in the afternoon, there are different activities we can choose from like archery, horseback riding, and hiking. I thought archery would be the sport for me until I shot an arrow through Jeff's pant leg. As you can imagine, I haven't been invited back since.

In the evening, everyone is assigned a different chore to get dinner ready. Yesterday, I was in charge of cooking the hotdogs, but I accidently dropped them in the fire, so we had to settle for beans instead. The other kids are always razzing me about it.

At night, we sit around a campfire in front of the cabin, sing songs, and tell ghost stories. That's usually fun, but one night while trying to find more sticks for the fire, I got all turned around and got lost. After about an hour of wandering aimlessly in the forest, I finally found my way back, but no one seemed to have realized what had happened, thinking that I just had gone to bed. A bear or wolf could have eaten me and no one would have known it. I was so beat I just crashed . . . out like a light.

Well, today is another day and tomorrow I go home . . . and not a bit too soon. I've learned that camping is just not for me.



Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Dear Mom and Dad,

A) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d:

1. Brad has to …………….. before he eats breakfast .

a. clean his sleeping quarters

b. go down to the stream to get some water

c. feed the rooster and the other animals

d. wake Jeff up .

2. When Brad went fishing , ………………………..

a. A tree branch fell on him.

b. He lost his fishing pole.

c. He slipped and lost one of his shoes.

d. he lost his way back

3. Brad was …………………. when he got lost in the forest.

a. running away from a bear.

b. searching for wood.

c. trying to swat a mosquito

d. looking after the children

4. When Brad was in charge of cooking , they ate beans instead of hotdogs because ……………………………..

a. all children liked beans .

b. there weren't enough hotdogs

c. Brad dropped the hotdogs in the fire

d. they couldn't use the fire for cooking

B) Say whether the following sentences are True ( ( ) or False ( X ) :

5. Brad wrote his letter to his counsellor. ( X )

6. Breakfast is usually served at half past six . ( ( )

7. Brad was a champion in archery . ( X )

8. Evenings were fun in the camp . ( ( )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Hiking Family

My name's Randall Davis, and I'm originally from the state of Indiana in the United States. When I was 19 years old, I moved to Venezuela in South America, and later returned to the United States, where I attended Brigham Young University in the 1980s. I majored in Spanish education and TESOL, or teaching English as a second language. After graduating from college, my wife and I moved to Japan where we lived for eight years. Now, I work back in the States in Utah.

However, my greatest interests are my family. Years ago, I wanted to make something of myself in my profession . . . you know . . . get ahead in life. However, I realized that the most important things in life lived within the walls of my own home, and today, I try to put them first. My kids wouldn't remember me for the work I did outside of the home; they would only recall the moments we spent together.

Therefore, I enjoy spending time with my family. I have four children, and we go hiking and camping together, usually in Utah. On our hikes, we often talk about life, and I tell stories or share personal experiences. When I do this, I can focus on the kids without the distractions of video games or the Internet. Telling stories sounds easy, but when you have to think of a new story on a hot, 12-kilometer hike through the desert, you have come up with ideas off the top of your head.

Now, this doesn't mean we don't have problems; all families face challenges in their lives, and our family is no exception. However, we try to talk openly about our problems, and we try solve our problems together. Building a strong family takes time, but it is worth the effort.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Hiking Family

A) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d:

1. Randall Davis is originally from ……………………….

a. the state of Indiana in the United States

b. Venezuela in South America

c. the state of Utah

d. the united Kingdom

2. He majored in ………………………

a. Spanish Education and TESOL

b. Japanese Education and Internet

c. teaching English as a second language and Japanese .

d. Venezuelan Education .

3. While hiking , Randall ………………………….

a. points out the wildlife and plants along the way.

b. enjoys telling his kids stories about his life.

c. teaches them how to survive in emergency situations.

d. teaches them English .

4. Like any other family, Randall's family …………………..

a. face challenges in their lives

b. move to South America .

c. remember the bad memories

d. talk about video games and the Internet .

B) Say whether the following sentences are True ( ( ) or False ( X ) :

5. Randall Davis moved to Venezuela at the age of eight. ( X )

6. He lived in Japan for eight years. ( ( )

7. Randall Davis attended Brigham Young University in 1960s. ( X )

8. It's not easy to tell stories while hiking through the desert. ( ( )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Healthy lifestyle

Man: Honey, the basketball game is about to start. And could you bring some chips and a bowl of ice cream? And . . . uh . . . a slice of pizza from the fridge.

Woman: Anything else?

Man:Nope, that's all for now. Hey, hon, you know, they're organizing a company basketball team, and I'm thinking about joining. What do you think?

Woman: Humph

Man: "Humph" What do you mean "Humph." I was the star player in high school.

Woman: Yeah, twenty-five years ago. Look, I just don't want you having a heart attack running up and down the court.

Man:So, what are you suggesting? Should I just abandon the idea? I'm not that out of shape.

Woman: Well . . . you ought to at least have a physical before you begin. I mean, it HAS been at least five years since you played at all.

Man:Well, okay, but . . .

Woman: And you need to watch your diet and cut back on the fatty foods, like ice cream. And you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Man: Yeah, you're probably right.

Woman: And you should take up a little weight training to strengthen your muscles or perhaps try cycling to build up your cardiovascular system. Oh, and you need to go to bed early instead of watching TV half the night.

Man: Hey, you're starting to sound like my personal fitness instructor!

Woman: No, I just love you, and I want you to be around for a long, long time

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Healthy lifestyle

Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d:

1. The woman's main concern is that ……………

a. she is worried her husband will spend too much time away from home.

b. she is afraid her husband will become a fitness freak.

c. she is concerned about her husband's health.

d. she is worried about his career .

2. The woman's first suggestion to her husband was …………………..

a. to see a doctor.

b. that he should start with another sport

c. that he should have a physical before he begins .

d. wait till schools finish

3. The woman's advice concerning her husband's diet was that …………….

a. he should consume less salt.

b. he should eat less fatty foods.

c. he should add more protein products to his diet.

d. he should consult a dietician.

4. She recommends cycling because ………………….

a. it is good for building up the cardiovascular system

b. it helps gaining weight

c. it helps to cut down fatty food

d. it's good for the digestion

B) Say whether the following sentences are True ( ( ) or False ( X ) :

5. To enjoy watching the basketball game , the man asked the woman to bring some pop-corn. ( X )

6. The man was the star player in high school . ( ( )

7. It has been five years since the man played at all . ( ( )

8. The woman works as a fitness instructor . ( X )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

College Majors

Man: I wonder if this is going to be an interesting class.

Woman: Yeah. Me too. So, what's your major?

Man: Well, I've been batting around the idea of going into business, but I haven't decided yet. And my dad keeps telling me I have to choose a major, but I'm undeclared at the moment.

Woman: Ah, that's what happened to me my freshman year.

Man: Oh, so what year are you in school?

Woman: I'm a senior, and I only have to take 10 more credits to graduate. Yeah!

Man: Well. That must feel great to be almost finished with school.

Woman: You can say that again, but once I graduate, I have to start repaying a student loan, so I'm not looking forward to that.

Man: But didn't your parents help you out with your college tuition?

Woman: No. My dad said he wasn't made of money, so he thought I should earn my own education, so I worked like crazy in the summer and part-time during the school year to cover most of my costs. [Well, that's parents for you.] And, I received some financial aid and a scholarship one year, which really saved me. [Ah, that's nice.] But this past year, school has been more demanding, so I haven't been able to work as much.

Man: Well, you know, at least you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Woman: That's true.

Man: Well, have you lined up a job yet?

Woman: Not yet, but I'm trying to line up a few interviews at the job fair next month.

Man: Well, at least you have some ideas on your future. I mean, I'm taking a business class right now, and the teacher always lectures us by saying that life is difficult, and we should prepare for our futures by setting realistic goals. And the only place that success comes before . . .

Woman: . . . work is in the dictionary. {Yeah!?] Yeah. I've heard that all before. Let me guess. Is your teacher Paul Jones?

Man: Yeah. How do you know? I mean, did you have him too? I mean, the guy is, you know, he's just really . . .

Woman: He's my dad. Yeap.

Man: Your dad? I mean, I didn't mean anything by what I said. I wasn't bad-mouthing him or anything. I mean he's a good teacher and all. It's just that . . .

Woman: . . . he's a dad. That's what dads do. Lecture. He has about a thousand sermons on life, and he always shares them in his classes.

Man: Yeah. Well, um . . . , nice talking with you. I have . . . I have to go.

Woman: Same here. Bye. I'll tell Mr. Jones you said hello, and maybe we can study together at my house? [Nah, nah, nah . . .]

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

college Majors

A) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d:

1. The conversation took place ……………….

a. in a college dormitory

b. in a university classroom

c. at the school's library

d. in the science lab.

2. The woman was in her …………………in college .

a. second year

b. third year

c. fourth year

d. first year

3. She could pay the college tuition by …………………..

a. asking her parents to help her .

b. working in the summer and having part time jobs

c. doing some business

d. asking her uncle

4. The man was surprised at the end of the conservation because …………………

a. the woman is his next door neighbour .

b. Paul Jones, a college teacher, is the woman's father.

c. the man and woman are actually long-lost relatives.

d. the woman was his teacher's wife .

B) Say whether the following sentences are True ( ( ) or False ( X ) :

5. The man hasn't decided yet about his major . ( ( )

6. The woman is trying to line up a few interviews at the job fair next month. ( ( )

7. The business teacher is always saying that life is difficult . ( ( )

8. The man will visit the woman at her house to study together ( X )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Fire Safety

Everyone needs to know how to prevent a fire. It is also important to know what to do when it breaks out.

Every year, over 11,000 people are killed or injured in house fires. These fires could have been avoided. Smokers who are careless cause about 200 deaths and over 6,000 fires. More than half of those who die in fires are poisoned or suffocated by smoke.

Be aware of how quickly a spark or flame can become deadly. It can take away the air you need to breathe. It can make so much smoke that it can kill someone in seconds, faster than the fire itself.

If fire breaks out, do not attempt to fight the fire unless it is small. Try putting out a small fire with water. If the fire has spread or if the flames are more than 20 inches high, shut the door on it. Alert everyone else in the building and tell them to get out. You should leave and dial 911 for the fire department.

Before going into a room, check the door. If the handle or the door is hot, do not open it! Instead put clothing or a wet towel at the bottom of it to keep smoke out. If the door is not hot, open it slowly. If there's a rush of smoke or heat, close it again and shout to alert others inside.

Now open the window and shout ''Fire!" See whether you can drop safely to the ground. Use this as your escape route if you can. If you are not on ground level, break your fall by pushing a mattress out first. Lower yourself at arm's length before dropping. Once outside, stay outside and make sure the fire department is called.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Fire Safety

A) From a, b ,c and d choose the best answer that completes the meaning:

1.It’s ……………………….to call the fire department if there’s a fire.

|a. advisable b. not recommended |

|c. forbidden d. not good |

2. Fires cause……………………………people to be killed every year.

|a. eleven b. eleven thousand |

|c. eleven hundred d. over eleven thousand |

3.If there’s a fire ,you should ……………………….

|a. alert others b. run away |

|c. fight it with gas d. hide under a table |

4.During fires, you should …………………………before entering a room.

|a. check the door and its handle b. rush into the room |

|c. ask people inside d. check walls |

A) Say whether the following sentences are true (/) or false (X):

1. The spark of flame is faster than the fire. ( √ )

2. Careless smokers cause a great number of fires. ( √ )

3. Always attempt to put out fires even if they are big. ( X )

4. You shouldn’t leave a house if there’s a fire. ( X )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

( Development )

by John Kuti

Why are there so many people in the world without food, water, schools and doctors?

For people living in the rich countries talking about “development” usually means feeling sorry for poor people in poor countries, or feeling happy about pop stars or politicians who say they have done something to help them. But, if you look at it another way, all of the human race is developing…

Twenty years ago the world was divided into three parts. The “first world” was the rich countries of Western Europe, North America and Japan. The Soviet Union and countries closely connected with it made another different world, and then there was the “Third World” – countries which had to choose which side they were on. The “Third World” did not get its name for being poor but for being outside of the Cold War, or in fact the places where the Cold War could turn into a real one.

Then the second world disappeared. This meant that poor countries were only left with one choice if they wanted to get richer – doing business with everyone else on the planet. Many of the poorest countries got professional “help” to do this from the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank and other organisations. These organisations lent them money and told them what kind of political changes to make in their country.

During the same period the economies of the rich countries have been changing. A lot of industries have closed down or been moved abroad, There has been a big increase in the employment of people who provide services – complicated services like investments or insurance and simple ones like sandwiches. It’s clearly not true that that these countries have finished developing, in fact they are changing faster and faster with every new technology and fashion.

Development is happening everywhere around the world and it has started to be called “globalisation”. There is a serious argument that this process is unfair and that it is causing a lot of poverty in poor countries and in rich ones.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

( Development )

A) Choose the right answer from a, b, c and d:

1.If the poor countries wanted to get richer they should ………………………..

a- pay back the loans.

b- do the business with everyone.

c- receive profits.

d- spend their money.

2.The “third world” got its name for ……………………..

a- being poor.

b- being rich.

c- being outside of the cold water.

d- being connected with Soviet Union

3.Many organizations help poor countries ………………………

a- buying expensive luxuries.

b- changing with technology.

c- providing services.

d- lending money.

4.Globalisation causes ………………………

a- poverty.

b- starvation.

c- famine.

d- pollution.

B) Decide whether these statements are ( \ ) or ( X ) :

5. In rich countries development means feeling sorry for poor people. ( \ )

6. Twenty years ago the world was divided into two parts. ( x )

7. Rich countries of Western Europe, North America and Japan made the first world. ( \ )

8. The second world disappeared. ( \ )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

The three tree thieves

by Chris Rose

Terry had a problem. He had a beautiful house. No, that wasn’t the problem. The problem was something else. Near his house there was a lake, some hills, and the sea. That wasn’t a problem, either. Terry wanted to look at the wonderful view of the lake and the hills and the sea from his house. And now here’s the problem: Terry couldn’t see the wonderful view from his window. It wasn’t possible to see the lake, the hills and the sea. And Terry really, really liked to look at the lake. But he couldn’t see the lake, because between his house and the lake, there was one very, very big tree. This very, very big tree was in the garden of the house next door. Terry asked his neighbour if it was possible to cut the tree down. “No!” said the neighbour. “I love my big tree!” This made Terry angry. He really, really wanted to look at the lake, to see the ships on the sea and the sheep on the hills around the lake. There was only one thing to do.

Terry became a tree thief. He decided to steal the tree. One night, when it was very dark, he went out to the tree with a spade and he started to dig. He dug and dug and dug. Then he dug some more. And some more. But the tree didn’t move. The tree had very long, strong roots. Terry was very tired. He went to bed. He felt very depressed.

The next morning, he had an idea. He needed another tree thief! He called his friend Trevor and Terry told Trevor that he needed a tree thief. “Why?” asked Trevor. “I can’t see the sea!” replied Terry. “I see”, said Trevor. “Don’t worry. I’ll come tonight. I’ll bring a spade.”

That night, Trevor went to Terry’s house. Trevor brought a spade with him. Terry and Trevor very quietly went into the neighbour’s garden and started to dig. They dug and dug and dug. Then they dug some more. And some more. But it was no good. Even with Terry and Trevor, they couldn’t dig deep enough to steal the tree.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

The three tree thieves

A) Choose the right answer from a, b, c and d:

1.Terry's house was near a ………………………..

a- lake.

b- school.

c- museum.

d- supermarket.

2.He was not able to enjoy the beautiful scene because ……………………..

a- of the big mountain.

b- of the big tree.

c- his window was too small.

d- he hasn't got glasses.

3.He asked the neighbor to ………………………

a- have lunch with him.

b- cut the tree.

c- plant a tree.

d- enjoy the view.

4.Trevor brought a spade to ………………………

a- look for water.

b- help Terry dig for the treasure.

c- cut the neighbor's tree .

d- give it to his friend Terry.

B) Decide whether these statements are ( ( ) or ( X ) :

1. Terry loved to look at the wonderful view of the lake, hill and sea. (\)

2. Terry is used to watching the ships on the sea and the ships on the hills around the lake.(x)

3. The tree was too big that Terry needed another tree thief to help him. (\ )

4. Trevor couldn’t help Terry because he didn't have a spade. (x)

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Computers in the Classroom

Kids are going all over the world without ever leaving their school. They are using their computers. A school in California could be the most wired school in America. They are wired to the Internet through their computers.

Thirty students are able to use the Internet every day. The kids are between the grades of kindergarten and fifth grade. The teacher says that it is hard to get them away from the computers. They do not even want to go to recess.

Internet has opened the world to many people. Now students can go to any library on earth. They can get information. They can visit a child in another country.

Laura Bacon likes to visit with other students. She's going to Peggy's page. Peggy is a school student in London, England. She put her own home page on the Internet. It includes pictures of Peggy, her school, her mom, dad and friends. You can send her mail, too.

A scientist helped to wire the school. He says, "There is a plan to connect 12 thousand California schools to the Internet.”

Wiring schools in California can cost a lot of money. It needs to be done on volunteer effort or schools will not be able to afford it. They think that it will cost as much as fifty billion dollars.

Some people say that the money should be spent on teachers instead of computers. Some people say that it would be worth it to wire all of the classrooms.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Computers in the Classroom

A) From a, b, c and d choose the best answer that completes the meaning:

1. According to the passage, the………………..has opened the world to many people.

|a. television |b. artificial heart |c. Internet |d. radio |

2. Laura Bacon is a ………………..

|a. teacher |b. student |c. scientist |d. dentist |

3. Laura’s home page includes pictures of …………………….

|a. her school |b. her parents and friends |c. her car |d. both a and b |

4. The teacher said that the kids don’t want to………………

|a. go to school |b. use their computers |c. take rest |d. get information |

5. Wiring schools in California need to be done by……………………..

|a. the government |b. the teachers |c. volunteers |d. schools |

B) Say whether the following sentences are true (/) or false (X)

1. It’s difficult to get students away from computers. ( √ )

2. Peggy is a school in London. ( X )

3. Wiring schools in California can cost little money. ( X )

4. kids can go all over the world without leaving their school. ( √ )

5.Thanks to the Internet that enabled students to go to any library on earth. ( √ )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Leisure Activities

Stuart: Amy. So, how are you doing?

Amy: Oh, hi Stuart. School is so crazy these days, and when I'm not at school, I'm at work.

Stuart: Hey, listen. I'm getting together with Sara and Paul tonight, and a few of our other friends are going to join us. [Oh.] And, we're . . . well, we're going out to eat and then catch a movie. Why don't you come with us?

Amy: Hey, I'd love to, but I have to cram a test tomorrow.

Stuart: Ah, come on. We're planning on having dinner around 6:30 and then seeing a movie at 7:30. We should be home by 10:30 . . . 11:30 at the latest. I mean you're always saying that you don't have any friends . . . and that your love life . . . well, that you don't have one. Come on!

Amy: I . . . I don't think I'd better. I haven't been feeling well lately.

Stuart: Yeah, because you study too much. Well, we'll have a blast. Come on! Relax. [Well . . .] And it's Sara's birthday, too. And we're throwing her a small birthday party after the movie. Come on. Best friends always stick together.

Amy: Oh. Okay.

Stuart: Great. I'll pick you up about 6:00.

Amy: Okay. See you then, but I have to be back by 10:30.

Stuart: Ah, 10:30 . . . Midnight. It's all the same. See you at 6:00.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Leisure Activities

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

1- Stuart and his friends are planning to:

a. go for a drive and have a picnic.

b. watch a football game.

c. study together.

d. see a movie and have dinner.

2- Amy can’t go with them because:

a. She is very tired.

b. She has to study for an exam.

c. She doesn't have any spending money.

d. She already has plans to attend a party.

3- At the end of the evening they are going to:

a. watch a video.

b. have a party.

c. go to the beach.

d. play some games.

4- Amy is getting to the activity:

a. by car.

b. Stuart is giving her a ride.

c. by bus.

d. by taxi.

B) Say if these statements are True or False:

1- Amy is studying too much. ( \ )

2- All the friends will celebrate Paul's birthday party. ( x )

3- They are planning to have dinner around 7:30. ( x )

4- Amy wants to be home at midnight. ( x )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11


A) Hello there, can I help you?

B) Yes, I'd like to join the library, please?

A) Right, Ok. First of all you have to fill in this form.

B) Ok. And do I have to pay anything?

A) No, Not for books, but if you want to join the record library, you have to pay 5 pounds posit that's for records and cassettes.

B) Fine. Is it just books that I can take now?

A) Oh, No. You can also borrow magazines and periodicals, but newspapers must stay in the library. You can find those in the reading room.

B) Ok, now what happens if I want to renew a book?

A) Well, you can keep books for 3 weeks after that you have to renew them. You can either come to the library or you can make renews by phone.

B) I see, is there a fine for over do books?

A) Yes, I am afraid there is, it is 20 p per book.

B) Oh, 20 p!

A) That's right, now if you just like to fill the form and when you had it in; you should show some proof of identity, you know like driving license.

B) Ok, thanks very much then.

A) You `re welcome.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11


A) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d:

1- When you want to join the library, you should --------------------------

a. pay an amount of money. b. give a copy of your passport.

c. fill in the form. d. have a bank account.

2- There are many things that you can borrow from the library such as:----------

a. dictionaries. b. periodicals.

c. encyclopaedia. d. books.

3- If you want to find newspapers, where will they be? ----------------------------

a. in the reading room. b. beside the reception.

b. in the computer lab. d. with the books.

4- The check out period for the books is --------------------------------

a. 1 week. b. 4 weeks.

c. 2 months. d. 3 weeks.

B) Say whether the following statements are true ( \ ) or false ( X ):

5- You have to pay 50 pounds for joining the record library. ( x )

6- You can check out newspapers at the library. ( \ )

7- The fine for each book is 20 pounds. ( \ )

8- You can show your driving license as a proof of identity. ( \ )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11


by Chris Rose

In many parts of the world, and not only in the UK, “going to the theatre” is seen as an activity which only a very few people do.

“Theatre” is not often seen as being a pastime that many ordinary people do. Ordinary people watch tv, or go to the cinema, or go out to eat with friends. The theatre is for rich, upper class intellectuals.

Like a lot of clichés, there is some truth in this. Theatre tickets are quite expensive. They cost more than cinema tickets. Theatres which show new plays are usually only in big cities.

However, even though this is true, there are a lot of theatre companies who are challenging this idea. And the way they are challenging this idea is by working with schools. In the UK, many theatre companies now have an “educational department”. Companies such as Complicité, Northern Broadsides and Shared Experience go into schools and help students to understand and enjoy the plays they do.

One company that has made educational work their speciality is the David Glass Ensemble. The work they do, however, is quite different. The David Glass Ensemble run an ongoing project called “The Lost Child”. “The Lost Child” is not a play which they travel around the world to perform. “The Lost Child” doesn’t even have a script. What exactly is “The Lost Child” then?

“The Lost Child” is a series of activities which actors from the David Glass Ensemble do together with children who are in difficult situations. They have worked with refugees and victims of child abuse all over the world, mostly in South East Asia, but also in Europe and South America.

Three or four actors from the company spend a period of time, usually three or four weeks, starting from games, drawing and singing to develop the children’s confidence and give them a sense of security. Out of the childrens’ drawings, and from talking to them, the actors identify some of the children’s problems and ideas, and then they develop a play based on these ideas. Sometimes they have made short films. Sometimes the plays are a series of sketches and songs. Sometimes the plays tell one story.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11


A) Choose the right answer from a, b, c and d:

1.The theatre always seems as a place for ………………………..

a- ordinary people.

b- rich, upper class people.

c- all people either rich or poor.

d- educated people only.

2.Theatre tickets are ……………………..

a- more expensive than cinema tickets.

b- cheaper than cinema tickets.

c- as expensive as cinema tickets.

d- expensive when they show new plays.

panies that have an educational department………………………

a- help students to act-out the plays.

b- don’t help students to understand the plays.

c- are interested in enjoying the plays only.

d- help students to understand and enjoy the plays.

4.The “Lost Child” is ………………………

a- a play which has a script.

b- a series of activities.

c- a song which was performed all over the world.

d- a film which was performed with children.

B) Decide whether these statements ( \ ) or ( X ) :

1. Theatre is seen as being a past time for ordinary people. ( x )

2. “The Lost Child” is a project carried out by David Glass Ensemble. ( x )

3. The actors spend time in drawing and singing. ( \ )

4. The plays in “The Lost Child” always tell one story. ( x )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Ok Men

OK men, we've got our work cut out for us. We're down, but we're far from out. This is not over yet! The main thing, I think, is you've got to settle down out there and keep your heads in the game. We've played a half, so all the jitters should be gone and we should be into it now, right? Guys, just go out there and play, and stop thinking so much. I've seen you at practice, and I know you can do this! When the going gets tough, the tough get going! You guys are tough! If we play our game, we'll be fine. We're better than them, and we can win this thing! Think about your assignments, and carry out your assignments on each play. Don't worry about making a mistake, just play your hardest and concentrate on doing your job. You know what you've got to do, now get out there and do it! Let's go!

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Ok Men

A) From a, b, c and d choose the right answer:

1 - This speech is probably made by ………….

a) a football coach b) a school teacher

c) a business CEO d) a college student

2- The speech is taking place …………

a) during practice b) at the start of a match

c) in mid-afternoon d) halfway through a game

3- The speaker's main purpose is to ………….

a) criticize b) teach

c) motivate d) inform

4- The guys in the match are ………..

a) weak b) tough

c) bad d) serious

B) Decide whether the following sentences are true or false:

5- The footballers played well during the practice. ( \ )

6- The speaker is convinced of his team abilities. ( \ )

7- It's not important for players to settle down or keep their heads in the game. ( x )

8- The speakers asked the players to carry out their assignments on each play. ( \ )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Sensible Driving Can Save Fuel

The price of gas has been going up. We do not know when it will end. Many people want to know how they can conserve fuel. The best way to conserve fuel is to change driving habits.

The accelerator, or gas pedal, has a lot to do with how much gas you use. The faster you drive, the more gas you use. Drivers should slow down a bit to conserve fuel. Driving at a steady speed helps to save how much gas you use. Accelerating slowly to get to the speed you want to go helps conserve gas too.

The more you drive your car, the more gas you use. Think about the places you need to go before leaving your home. You should run as many errands that you need to do in one trip. Always try to pick the shortest route when going somewhere.

Cars that are in good working condition use less fuel. Take care of your vehicle. Make sure the engine is running well and is tuned-up often. Have a mechanic check it if something seems wrong.

Tires are important too. Keep the tires inflated properly on a car. It will help the vehicle roll better and will get you better mileage. If a car's tires are worn then they should be replaced.

Finally, think about using your car less. Walk or ride a bike if you do not have far to go. Carpool or take public transportation when you can. Leaving your car at home really saves gas.

There are many ways a person can conserve fuel. These are just a few ideas that can help you save some money at the gas pump. Try changing the way you drive and see how much it saves you!

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Sensible Driving Can Save Fuel

A ) Choose from a, b, c and d the best answer that completes each of the following :

1- We should change our driving habits to………….

a- decrease the price of gas.

b- increase the price of gas.

c- conserve fuel.

d- save time.

2- If you conserve fuel, you'll…………

a- spend more money.

b- save some money.

c- spend the same amount of money.

d- get no benefit.

3- ………….helps you to save how much gas you use.

a- Driving at a high speed

b- Driving at a very low speed

c- Driving at a steady speed

d- Driving carelessly

4- The vehicle will roll better and you will get better mileage if………..

a- a car's tires are worn.

b- a car's tires are not checked regularly.

c- a car's tires are inflated properly.

d- a car's tires are flat.

B ) Mark whether [ True ] OR [ False ] :

5- There's just one way a person can conserve fuel. [ x ]

6- The condition of your car has nothing to do with the fuel consumption. [ x ]

7- The price of gas has been increasing. [ \ ]

8- The faster you drive, the less gas you use. [ x ]

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

HAPPY Birthday

Father: Hi Michael. Happy Birthday! How old are you today?

Son: Seven.

Father: Alright. Well, let's sing Happy Birthday:

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday dear Michael,

Happy Birthday to you.

Father: Alright. So what should we do first?

Son: How about cake and ice cream?

Father: Okay. Well, uh let . . . let's light the candles. Okay, and make a wish! Don't . . . don't tell me.

Son: Don't tell you?

Father: Yeah, don't tell me. Okay, and go ahead and blow out the candles. Okay, let's cut the cake, and then we can have cake and ice cream. And what do you want to do after the cake and ice cream?

Son: Play freeze tag.

Father: Now, how do you play tag?

Son: Um . . . one person is IT, and the person who is IT tries to tag everyone [Alright. And then . . . ] before I tag someone and then, another person tags me.

Father: Oh, wow. And whose coming over later today for your birthday?

Son: Well, everyone. Uh, my cousins, all my aunts and grandmas, grandpas.

Father: Alright. Well, Happy Birthday, Michael.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

A ) Choose from a, b c and d the best answer that completes each of the following :

1. What is the boy's name?

a. Matthew

b. Michael

c. Mitchell

d. Andrew

2. How old is the boy turning in the conversation?

a. seven

b. eight

c. nine

d. five

3. What does he want to do first?

a. play outdoor games

b. open presents

c. eat cake and ice cream

d. watch TV

4. Which statement is true about the game at the party?

a. You have to catch a large ball without dropping it.

b. You need to chase children around and touch them.

c. You need to hide somewhere so no one can find you.

B) Decide whether the following sentences are true or false:

5- They want to play football after eating cake and ice cream. ( X )

6- The birthday party is for the son's father. ( X )

7- The conversation is between the son and his mum. ( X )

8- The son’s teacher is coming to his party. ( X )

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

A Fun Day

Girl: Dad, I’m bored. Can I go to a movie today?

Dad: A movie today? Well, I don’t know.

Girl: Jeff always takes me to a movie.

Dad: Well, I know your uncle Jeff always takes you, but what movie would you like to see today Aubrey?

Girl: Muppets in Space.

Dad: Muppets in Space. Let me look at the newspaper. Okay. Ah, here it is. Muppets in Space that starts in the afternoon at 2:45. Well should we take mommy with us?

Girl: Yeah.

Dad: Okay, we have to wait for mommy because she’s at a meeting right now.

Girl: Okay.

Dad: Alright. And what should we do after we go see the movie?

Girl: Umm . . . go on a little walk.

Dad: Go on a walk. Where would you like to go on a walk to? Would you like to go down to the beach or through the park?

Girl: To the beach.

Dad: To the beach. Well that sounds great. And then maybe we can go out to eat tonight. Does that sound okay?

Girl: Yeah [alright].

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

A ) Choose from a, b, c and d the best answer that completes each of the following :

1. Where does the young girl want to go with her father?

a. to the park

b. to the movies

c. to the swimming pool

d. to the zoo

2. Who are they going with?

a. the girl’s mother

b. the girl’s best friend

c. the girl’s older brother

d. the girl’s uncle

3. Based on the conversation, what time will they most likely leave?

a. 9:30 am

b. 12:45 pm

c. 2:00 pm

d. as soon as her mother comes back home

4. What does the girl want to do later?

a. She wants to walk to the ice cream store.

b. She wants to swim at the park.

c. She wants to go down to the beach.

d. She wants to go shopping.

B) Decide whether these statements are ( \ ) or ( X ) :

5- The girl and her father want to watch a movie about Muppet in space. (x)

6- The girl’s mum was in the hospital. (x)

7- The movie, Muppet in Space, starts at 3:45 pm. (x)

8-The Girl’s uncle always takes her to a movie. (/)

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Going to School

Randall: Hello. Today I'm interviewing Joshua on his experiences going to a Japanese school. Now Joshua, what time do you go to school?

Joshua: Eight O'clock.

Randall: Eight O'clock. And do you go by yourself, or on a school bus?

Joshua: No, I have a group that goes with me.

Randall: So you go with a group?

Joshua: Uh-huh.

Randall: Now what kinds of things do you take to school?

Joshua: I take my taiso fuku, that is gym clothes, and I take my backpack and my books [ Oh, okay. ] and stuff like that.

Randall: Okay and what is the first thing you do when you get to school?

Joshua: We do "kiritsu, rei."

Randall: "Kiritsu" and "rei." Now what are those?

Joshua: It means "stand up, bow."

Randall: Stand up and bow.

Joshua: Uh-huh.

Randall: And what do you study at school?

Joshua: We study kokugo, that is writing and reading and stuff like that [ Okay ], and sansu, that's math. [ Okay. ]. And, let's see . . . , we do gym too.

Randall: Okay, and where do you eat lunch? Do you have a lunchroom or cafeteria?

Joshua: No, we eat in our classroom.

Randall: You eat in your classroom! [ Yeah. ]. Oh wow. That is very interesting. Now what time do you come home from school?

Joshua: We come home sometimes at 3:00 and sometimes at 2:00.

Randall: Okay, well thank you very much Joshua.

Joshua: You're welcome.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

Going to School

A) Choose the right answer from a, b, c and d:

1- How does Joshua go to school in Japan?

a) He takes the school bus.

b) He walks with his friends.

c) He rides the subway.

d) He rides a bicycle.

2- Which item did Joshua NOT mention when talking about the things he takes to school?

a) A backpack.

b) Gym clothes.

c) School hat.

d) Books.

3- Where does Joshua eat lunch at school?

a) In his classroom.

b) In the lunchroom.

c) In the gym.

d) In the library.

4- What is one of the first things Joshua does when he arrives at school?

a) He practices his reading and writing.

b) He stands and bows to the teacher.

c) He puts on his gym clothes for class.

d) He eats his lunch.

B) Say whether the following statements are true ( √ ) or false ( X ).

5) Joshua gets home from school every day between 3 and 4 pm. (x)

6) Joshua doesn’t study math’s at school. (x)

7) There is a big cafeteria at Joshua’s school. (x)

8) Joshua studies at an English school. (x)

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11


Man: Hi young lady. How may I help you?

Girl: Well, . . . yeah. I'm looking for a Father's Day's gift.

Man: Okay. How about getting your father a new wallet?

Girl: Hmm. How much is that wallet?

Man: Huh . . . which one?

Girl: The black one.

Man: Oh. It's only $40.95.

Girl: Huh? That's too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one?

Man: Hmm. How about this brown leather one?

Girl: Umm. . . I don't think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn't have a place to put pictures. How much is it anyway?

Man: It's $25.99.

Girl: Humm. I don't have that much money.

Man: Okay. How much do you have to spend?

Girl: I'm not sure [money falling on the table]. Probably about ten dollars or so. I've been helping my mom around the house for the past week to earn some money. This is all I have.

Man: Hmm. How about this tie?

Girl: That's real pretty, but the price tag says $13.99, and I know I don't have that much money.

Man: Well, let's just say the tie just went on sale. How about $5.00. What do you say?

Girl: Oh, thanks. I'll take it.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11


A) Choose the right answer from a, b, c and d:

1) The girl is shopping for…

a) a present for her mother.

b) a present for her father.

c) a present for her friend.

d) a present for her brother.

2) The girl didn’t buy the black wallet because…

a) it was expensive.

b) she didn’t like it.

c) it was black.

d) it was for women.

3) The girl doesn’t like the brown wallet because..

a) it is too big and heavy.

b) there isn’t a place for pictures.

c) the colour was not nice.

d) it was leather made.

4) At the end, the girl decided to buy..

a) a wallet.

b) a watch.

c) a tie.

d) a mobile.

B) Decide whether these statements are ( \ ) or ( X ) :

5) The girl has to spend about ten dollars. (/)

6) The girl bought the 40 dollar wallet. (x)

7) The brown wallet was the one her father prefers. (x)

8) The girl got the money from her father. (x)

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11


Many students try to study the whole night and not sleep before an exam. Two separate studies show this may do more harm than good. The studies found that a good night’s sleep may improve memory. The findings of both studies appeared in the publication Nature. Scientists at the University of Chicago did one of them. They trained students to listen to unclear speech produced by a machine. Some students listened to the recording after a night of sleep. Others were tested twelve hours after the training, with no sleep. Guess what? The students who slept understood the recording better. Professor Daniel Margoliash says sleep has at least two effects on learning. One is to strengthen memories and protect them against interference. The second is to recover memories that have been lost. The other study took place at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts. Scientists trained one-hundred people to repeat two series of finger movements. The act was similar to playing notes on a piano. People who slept between learning the first series and the second did the best. The study suggested that memories are recorded in three steps. Scientists say the process is similar to the way a computer stores information. In humans, they say, the second step requires sleep.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11


A) Choose the right answer from a, b, c and d:

1- From the text, some studies show that many students ........................

a- study the whole night and don’t sleep before an exam.

b- sleep the whole night and don’t study before an exam.

c- don’t sleep the night following an exam.

d- study after taking a good night sleep.

2- The study shows that a good night sleep may improve .........................

a- students’ memory.

b- students’ grades.

c- students’ sight.

d- students’ speaking ability.

3- In the first study, students were asked to listen to an unclear speech made by..........

a- a student.

b- a scientist.

c- a machine.

d- a doctor.

4- Professor Daniel says that ......................... on learning.

a- at least two effects

b- two effects

c- less than two effects

d- no effect at all

A) Decide whether the following statements are True or False

5- It’s impossible to recover memories that have been lost. (/)

6- The second study was made at Oxford University in England. (x)

7- To repeat two series of finger movements, scientists trained 200 people. (x)

8- Memory is recorded in 3 steps. (/)

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11


Medical experts say the most effective way to prevent the spread of disease is for people to wash their hands with soap and water. They say that programs to increase hand-washing with soap could be among the most effective ways to reduce infectious disease. They say that one million lives could be saved each year if people washed their hands with soap often. Doctors say many diseases can be prevented from spreading by hand-washing. Hand-washing destroys germs from other people, animals or objects a person has touched. When people get bacteria on their hands, they can infect themselves by touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Then these people can infect other people. The experts say the easiest way to catch a cold is to touch your nose or eyes after someone nearby has sneezed or coughed. Another way to become sick is to eat food prepared by someone whose hands were not clean. Another way to become sick is to eat food prepared by someone whose hands were not clean. The experts say that hand-washing is especially important before and after preparing food, before eating, and after using the toilet. People should wash their hands after handling animals or animal waste, and after cleaning a baby. The experts say it is also a good idea to wash your hands after handling money and after sneezing or coughing. And it is important to wash your hands often when someone is your home is sick. The experts say the most effective way to wash your hands is to rub them together after using soap and warm water. They say you don’t have to use special anti-bacterial soap. Be sure to rub all areas of the hands for about ten to fifteen seconds. The soap and the rubbing action remove germs. Rinse the hands with water and dry them.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11


A) Choose the right answer from a, b, c and d:

1- Doctors believe that washing our hands with soap and water is stop the spread of disease.

a- the most efficient way

b- just one efficient way

c- not the most efficient way

d- not a good habit

2- According to doctors, if hand-washing increases, one million lives will be saved......

a- every month.

b- every year.

c- every 2 years.

d- every 10 years.

3- If people don’t wash their hands with soap, they can infect .......

a. themselves and other people.

b. themselves but not other people.

c. neither themselves nor other people.

d. other people without infecting themselves.

4- To wash your hands properly, people should .......................

a. rub their hands after using soap and warm water.

b. clap their hands before using water.

c. rub their hands after using soap and cold water.

d. rub their hands with warm water.

B) Decide whether the following statements are True or False

5- Doctors insist on using special anti-bacterial soap to wash our hands. (x)

6- It’s important to rub our hands for 5 to 10 minutes. (x)

7- Germs can be removed by the soap and rubbing. (/)

8- People should dry their hands after washing them. (/)

listening Comprehension

The weather

When English people meet each other, they generally start by talking about the weather "it's a nice weather we are having "they say or "it's a bit cold for this time of the year." This week, we have had a big national conversation all about the weather .It has snowed .If you are living in Scandinavia or Germany or Russia or Canada, you are perhaps saying," it is winter. It snows in winter." Why are the crazy English obsessed with the snow? What is the problem? The problem is that in recent years, we have had little snow. Our winters have been wet and windy ,but in most places ,they have not been cold and snowy .This week has been different .We have had the heaviest fall of snow for eighteen years .Snow has come on east winds all the way from Russia. It has been particularly heavy in London and the southeast of England .We do not know how to cope with snow in England. In other countries, normal life continues even in the snow . On Monday this week, however, London came to a complete land still .There were no buses. There were hardly any trains. The airports were closed . People could not go to work. Children could not go to school. It was like an extra public holiday.

Listening Comprehension for Grade 11

The weather

A) Choose the right answer from a, b, c and d:

1) When they meet, English people generally talk about ……………

a- holidays and vacations

b- life in Germany and Scandinavia

c- the weather

d- winter.

2) According to the passage, this week, England has had ………………

a-the heaviest rain for eighteen years.

b-the heaviest snow fall for eight years.

c-the wettest weather for eighteen years

d-the greatest fall of snow for eighteen years

3) Due to the heavy snow,……………………………………

a- Normal life continued in London and England

b- life was not affected at all

c- London came to a land still

d- people learnt to cope with snow

4) Snow has come…………………. all the way from Russia.

a- on west winds

b- on southern winds

c- on northern winds

d-on east winds

B) Say whether the following statements are true (√) or false (X):

5) English people are obsessed with snow ( / )

6) Schools were closed due to snow ( / )

7) Some airports were not closed ( x )

8) England has recently had much snow ( / )




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