Work Performance Evaluation - Rock Church

Work Performance Evaluation

|General Information |

|Review Type: 90-day Mid-Year Annual |Evaluation Period: From -       To -       |

|Employee Name:       |Work Location: PL EC NC I195 Retail |

|Position:       |Evaluation Date:       |

|Department:       |Supervisor:       |

|Supervisor’s Instructions |

|Complete the General Information section above. |

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|Review with the employee the employee’s job description, job standards (expectation, objectives, duties) for the evaluation period to ensure the appraisal relates to |

|the specific responsibilities, job assignments, and standards that were conveyed to the employee for the evaluation period. |

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|Base your assessment on the employee’s performance during the entire evaluation period, not isolated incidents or performance prior to the current evaluation period. |

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|Rate each section in relation to the position requirements and the guidelines listed. |

| |

|Provide an overall rating on the last page that is based on the evaluation of the Position Requirements listed below and the employee’s adherence to significant |

|performance standards and accomplishment of essential functions. This rating area is not an average of the Position Requirements sections. It is the evaluator’s overall|

|rating of the employee's work performance. Please include comments to illustrate significant differences. |

| |

|Assess the employee’s strengths and identify opportunities to improve or acquire additional training or education. Include projected development needs to meet |

|anticipated assignments during the next evaluation period. Obtain employee input regarding potential training needs. When rating employees, consider their participation|

|and willingness to participate in employee development opportunities. |

| |

|The Comments Sections should be used to: support performance ratings, indicate problem areas and provide guidance to the employee on how to improve performance. |

|Comments MUST be provided for Outstanding, Needs Improvement, and Unsatisfactory ratings, and are highly recommended for all other ratings. Supervisor, ELT or SES |

|Member and employee comments should be relevant and job related. |

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|Discuss and obtain comments and the ELT or SES Member’s signature and date on this form before discussing the evaluation with the employee. |

| |

|Sign and date the form, meet with employee to discuss the rating, and obtain the employee’s signature, date, and comments. Arrange for an ELT or SES Member discussion |

|if requested by the employee. |

| |

|Discuss and update the job description, essential job functions, and performance standards and objectives for the next evaluation period with the employee. |

|Communication of Work Performance Standards |

|Indicate when you communicated work performance standards to the employee and when progress review(s) was conducted: |

| |

|Performance standard (objectives, duties, requirements, etc.) for this rating period were conveyed to employee on       date(s). |

| |

|Progress Review(s) was conducted on       (at least one during rating cycle) date(s). |

|Employee Name:       |

|Position Requirements |

|Job Knowledge/Skills: Measures employee’s demonstrated job relevant knowledge and essential skills, such as work practices, policies, procedures, resources, laws, |

|customer service, and technical information, as well as the relationship of work to the Rock’s mission and vision. Also measure the employee’s self-improvement efforts|

|to enhance skills and knowledge and to stay current with changes impacting the job.  |

| Outstanding | Commendable | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Unsatisfactory |

|Possesses superior job skills |Work reflects thorough and current |Work reflects adequate |Often demonstrates a lack of |Consistently demonstrates a lack|

|and knowledge; effectively |knowledge/skill of job and impact on |knowledge/skills for job. |basic or sufficient job |of basic job knowledge and/or |

|applies them to work |agency activities/related resources. |Has some knowledge of related |knowledge/skills to perform |skills to perform job. |

|assignments. |Uses opportunities to expand |work. |routine functions of the job. |Rarely takes advantage of |

|Willingly mentors staff; shares |knowledge/skills, sharing information |Stays current with major |Occasionally is resistant to |available skill enhancement or |

|knowledge. |with staff. |changes impacting on knowledge |changing knowledge and/or skill |training opportunities. |

|Seeks/applies innovative and | |or skill. Accepts change. |requirements or processes, |Often is resistant to changing |

|relevant techniques. | | |including opportunities for |requirements. |

| | | |knowledge/skill enhancement. | |

|Comments:       |

| |

|Work Results: Measures employee’s results in meeting established goals/objectives/expectations/standards of quality, quantity, customer service, and timeliness both |

|individually and in a team. |

| Outstanding | Commendable | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Unsatisfactory |

|Work consistently exceeds |Work frequently exceeds expected |Work usually meets expectations|Often has difficulty meeting |Consistently fails to meet |

|expectations of quality, |quality, quantity, customer service, |of quality, quantity, customer |expected quality, quantity, |expected quality, quantity, |

|quantity, customer service, and |and timeliness standards. |service, and timeliness. |customer service, and/or |customer service, and/or |

|timeliness. | | |timeliness standards. |timeliness standards. |

|Comments:       |

| |

|Communications: Measures employee’s performance in exchanging information with others in an effective, timely, clear, concise, logical, and organized manners. |

|Communications include listening, speaking, writing, presenting, and sharing of information. Consideration is given to client/data complexity/sensitivity. |

| Outstanding | Commendable | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Unsatisfactory |

|Consistently communicates in |Frequently communicates in an |Usually communicates |Often fails to communicate |Consistently fails to |

|clear, effective, timely, |effective, timely, clear, concise, and|effectively and exchanges |effectively or in a timely |communicate effectively or |

|concise, and organized manner. |organized manner. |relevant information in a |manner. |timely. |

|Is articulate and persuasive in |Proficiently organizes and presents |timely manner. |Lacks clarity of expression |Often does not keep others |

|presenting, soliciting complex |difficult facts and ideas orally and |Speaks and writes clearly. |orally or in writing. |informed. |

|or sensitive data. |in writing. |Keeps others informed. |Is inconsistent in keeping |Is an ineffective listener |

| |Seeks/provides feedback |Listens with understanding |others informed. |and/or frequently interrupts. |

| | | |At times, fails to listen | |

| | | |effectively. | |

|Comments:       |

| |

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|Initiative/Problem Solving: Measures employee’s effectiveness in recognizing and analyzing problems, identifying and implementing appropriate solutions. |

| Outstanding | Commendable | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Unsatisfactory |

|Consistently resolves unit/team |Prevents/resolves unit/team problems. |Addresses existing and |Resolves routine problems. |Consistently fails to recognize |

|problems and promotes |Suggests innovations to improve |significant potential problems.|Exhibits little initiative in |or seek help in resolving |

|improvements. |operations or streamline procedures. |Suggests or assists in |identifying problems, solutions,|routine problems. |

|Maximizes resources, |Defines and analyzes complex problems.|developing solutions |or improvements and/or working |Demonstrates inability to work |

|innovation/technology to |Develops/implements solutions with |individually or in a team. |proactively as part of a team to|individually or in a team. |

|streamline/improve. |moderate supervision |Carries through solution |address issues of concern. |Rarely suggests improvements. |

|Analyzes full dimension of | |implementation with routine |Requires more than routine |Requires frequent reminders |

|complex problems. | |supervision or follow-up. |supervision |and supervision. |

|Requires minimal supervision | | | | |

|Comments:       |

| |

|Loving People First – Interpersonal Relations: Measures employee’s development and maintenance of positive and constructive internal/external relationships. |

|Consideration should be given to the employee’s demonstrated willingness to function as a team player, give and receive constructive criticism, accept supervision, |

|resolve conflicts, recognize needs and sensitivities of others, and treat others in a fair and equitable manner. Supervisors and team leaders also are to be assessed |

|on their demonstrated commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity, diversity, and proactive actions to prevent/address all forms of discrimination. |

| Outstanding | Commendable | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Unsatisfactory |

|Consistently promotes and |Frequently fosters teamwork, |Usually interacts in a |Often has difficulty getting |Interpersonal relationships are |

|maintains a |cooperation, and positive work |cooperative manner. |along with others. Allows |counter-productive to work unit |

|harmonious/productive work |relationships. |Avoids disruptive behavior. |personal bias to affect job |or team functions. |

|environment. |Handles conflict constructively. |Deals with conflict, |relationships. |Often ignores others thoughts |

|Is respected and trusted and | |frustration appropriately. |Requires reminders regarding |and feelings. |

|often viewed as a role model. | |Treats others equitably. |needs and sensitivities of |Often rude, speaks sharply and |

| | | |others. |not concerned about others |

| | | |Inconsistently treats others | |

| | | |with equitability. | |

|Comments:       |

| |

|Work Habits: Measures employee’s performance relative to efficient methods of operation, customer service, proper conduct, speech, biblical and ethical behavior, work |

|unit policies and procedures, such as attendance, punctuality, safety, security, proper care and maintenance of assigned equipment, and economical use of supplies and |

|resources. |

| Outstanding | Commendable | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Unsatisfactory |

|Work reflects maximum innovative|Frequently plans/organizes work to |Work is planned to meet routine|Frequently lacks organization |Consistently fails to meet |

|use of time and resources to |timely and effectively accomplish job |volume and timeliness and |and planning of work and does |expected standards due to lack |

|consistently surpass |duties with appropriate use of |usually fulfills operational |not adequately use available |of effective organization, use |

|expectations and improve |resources. |and customer service needs. |resources. |of equipment/resources, or |

|operations. |Suggests/implements improvements and |Adheres to organizational work |Often does not meet standards in|inattention to customer. |

|Serves as role model with regard|exceeds organizational work/safety |policies/safety rules and |complying with work |Resists established work |

|to work policies and safety |rules and standards. |procedures with few exceptions.|policies/safety rules and/or |policies/safety rules and |

|standards. | | |care of equipment. |procedures. |

|Comments:       |

|Rock LIFE: Measures employee’s performance relative to the LIFE discipleship model. |

|Loving Relationships |

|Impacting Ministry |

|Faithful Stewardship |

|Evangelizing the Lost |

| Outstanding | Commendable | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Unsatisfactory |

|Consistently goes above and |Often goes beyond the minimum standards|Meets the minimum requirements |Frequently lacks consistency in |Consistently fails to meet |

|beyond and exemplifies an LIFE |of the LIFE principles. |of LIFE. |one or more of the LIFE |expected standards due to lack |

|leader. |Encourages others to fully engage in |Adheres to LIFE principles few |components. |commitment to the vision of the|

|Serves as role model and |the LIFE. |exceptions. |Often does not meet standards in|Rock. |

|mentors others to maximize | | |complying with the LIFE |Resists established standards |

|their potential in the Rock | | |principles. |for Rock employees. |

|LIFE. | | | | |

|Comments:       |

| |

|Supervision: (Required for all supervisors) Measures leadership, judgment, initiative, and achievement of expectations. Effectively manages program/projects, |

|employees, budget, technology, and organizational change to produce positive results. Engages in performance management, teamwork, staff development, and recognition |

|of accomplishments. Promotes customer service, diversity, inclusiveness, collaboration, effective communication, and positive labor/management relations. Uses |

|innovation and fulfills administrative requirements. |

| Outstanding | Commendable | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Unsatisfactory |

|Regularly exceeds expectations.|Meets and frequently exceeds |Meets most expectations timely |Often fails to meet expectations|Consistently fails to meet |

|Implements innovative policies,|expectations. |and effectively. |timely and effectively. |expectations timely or |

|resources, and technology to |Improves efficiency and customer |Maintains acceptable efficiency|Efficiency and customer service |effectively. |

|maximize efficiency and |service. |and customer service. |occasionally falls below |Delivers unacceptable customer |

|service. |Provides staff with innovative and |Provides staff necessary |standards. |service or operational |

|Committed to and promotes |constructive direction, delegation, |direction, feedback, |Inadequately directs, trains, |efficiency. |

|excellence; leads by example |feedback, mentoring, and recognition. |development, and recognition. |monitors, and recognizes staff. |Disregards or ineffectively |

|energizing performance and |Adheres to performance |Makes decisions that usually |Inadequately fulfills |provides staff direction, |

|teamwork. |management/administrative policies. |reflect sound judgment. |administrative and performance |monitoring, and development. |

|Uses and encourages creative |Makes sound decisions. |Usually adheres to |management functions. |Often ignores performance |

|decisions and solutions. |Promotes and maintains teamwork, |administrative policies. |Often lacks good judgment in |management or administrative |

|Acts as positive change agent. |inclusiveness, respect, and creativity.|Encourages innovation, |decisions. |policies. |

| | |teamwork, and inclusiveness. |Lacks leadership in promoting |Is indecisive or lacks good |

| | | |innovation, teamwork, and |judgment. |

| | | |inclusiveness. |Resists change. |

|Comments:       |

|Overall Rating |

|Instructions: Provide an overall rating based on the rating of the individual factors, adherence to significant performance standards, and accomplishment of essential |

|functions. This rating provides an overall impression of job performance that is supported by the job requirement ratings, not necessarily an average of those ratings.|

|Thus, each factor need not be of equal weight but comments should justify significant differences impacting on the overall rating. |

| Outstanding | Commendable | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Unsatisfactory |

|Employee consistently and |Employee meets and frequently exceeds |Employee meets the expectations|Employee meets many of the |Employee fails to meet many job|

|significantly exceeds job |job expectations and standards and |and standards of the employee’s|expectations of the job in a |expectations and standards. |

|expectations and standards and |demonstrates a high degree of |job in a fully adequate way. |satisfactory manner but often |Performance deficiencies must |

|demonstrates a high degree of |initiative, customer service, and | |fails to adequately meet some|be corrected. |

|initiative, customer service, |quality of work. | |of the expectations or | |

|and quality of work. | | |standards. Improvement is | |

| | | |required. | |

|Overall Comments:       |

| |

|Employee Strengths: Identify strong attributes, abilities, or proficiency in an area, to maximize the employee’s contribution to the organization in utilizing these |

|abilities and skills and to identify potential mentor relationships. |

|      |

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|Opportunities for Development: Identify knowledge, skills, and abilities that may need improvement. Address developmental activities to assist the employee in |

|addressing either areas of concern or opportunities for professional growth. |

|      |

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|Spvr’s Name:       |Signature: |Date:       |

| |

|ELT or SES Member’s Comments |

|      |

|ELT or SES Name:       |Signature: |Date:       |

| |

|Employee’s Comments |

| I agree with the rating. |

| |

|I disagree with the rating. |

| |

|I would like to review the rating with my ELT or SES Member. |

| |

|I acknowledge that I have read this report and I have been given an opportunity to discuss it with the evaluator; my signature does not necessarily mean that I agree |

|with the report. |

| |

|Discussion with my reviewing officer occurred on       (date). |

| |

|Additional Comments:       |

|Employee Name:       |Signature: |Date:       |


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