Rubric for Assignment #1: Literacy Narrative

[Pages:1]Rubric for Assignment #1: Literacy Narrative

Category Assignment Requirements


4 Exceeds requirements for the assignment. Clearly addresses the prompt by telling a story about your literacy. Includes reflection and analysis of your experiences, which attributes an overall meaning or lesson to the narrative. Demonstrates originality and mastery of the objectives or material. The story contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The author has really used imagination.

Rhetorical Strategies

Addresses audience, purpose, and voice with expertise through the savvy use of rhetorical strategies. Engages audience with vibrant details and storytelling. Any multimodal components are wellintegrated and integral to the story.

Organization Uses a strong narrative structure. One idea or scene

follows another in a logical sequence with strong transitions.

Academic Correctness

Contains no errors in grammar, spelling, or

mechanics. Format is extremely polished and professional. Title is creative,

sparks interest and is related to the story and topic.

English 1105, CRNs 92911 and 92945

3 Meets all requirements for the assignment. Clearly addresses the prompt by telling a story about your literacy. Includes some reflection on those experiences.

Demonstrates above-average insight and a thorough understanding of the objectives or material. The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The author has used imagination. Addresses audience, purpose, and voice well with the appropriate use of specific rhetorical strategies. Engages audience with strong details. Any multimodal components are relevant to the story.

Uses a clear narrative structure. One idea or scene may seem out of place. Clear transitions are used.

Contains only minor errors in grammar, spelling, or mechanics. Format is polished and shows your effort. Title is related to the story and topic.

2 Meets most of the requirements for the assignment. Addresses the prompt by telling a story about your literacy. May not adequately focus the story or provide adequate details on the events.

Demonstrates a basic understanding of the objectives or material, but often relies on generic or predictable techniques. The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions. The author has tried to use imagination. Addresses most aspects of audience, purpose, and voice with rhetorically-appropriate strategies. Engages audience with some details. Any multimodal components are poorly integrated or may be more decorative than relevant to the story.

Is a little hard to follow. The transitions are sometimes not clear.

Contains several minor errors in grammar, spelling, or mechanics. Format is clean and consistent. Title is present, but is general or predictable.

Fall 2013

1 Meets some, but not all, of the requirements for the assignment. Tells a story about your literacy, but does not develop the story completely. Parts are missing or unclear.

Demonstrates a partial understanding of the objectives or material. The story contains one or two creative details, but they distract from the story. The author does not seem to have used much imagination.

Addresses some aspects of audience, purpose, and voice, and/or inconsistently uses rhetorical strategies. Does not fully engage, audience. Any multimodal components are only partially or vaguely connected to the story.

Is a hard to follow. The sequence of events may be mixed-up or unclear.

Contains one or two major errors in grammar, spelling, or mechanics. Format is inconsistent or not appropriate. Title is present, but does not seem related to the story and/or topic.

0 Does not meet the requirements of the assignment. Discusses the topic generally or fails to provide a complete story.

Demonstrates little understanding of the objectives or material. There is little evidence of creativity in the story.

Fails to address audience, purpose, and/or voice and/or uses rhetorical strategies incompletely or incorrectly. Does not engage or build interest in the reader. Any multimodal components are irrelevant or distract from the text.

Ideas and scenes seem to be randomly arranged.

Contains several major errors in grammar, spelling, or mechanics. Format shows no attention to appearance. Includes no title.

Traci Gardner


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