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Cooperative Group Literary Analysis Essay!With your group, you will write an essay on a story of your choice from either Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 from our literature textbook.Directions:1. Choose a story, and then declare your story with Mrs. North. You must see me so as to avoid too many repeats of the same story as well to show a variety of styles for the presentation portion of this assignment.Story/Poem Choices:Chapter 5:“Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl (p. 317)“Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer (non-fiction) (p. 352)“R.M.S. Titanic” by Hanson W. Baldwin (p. 331)“Notes from a Bottle” by James Stevenson (p. 375)Chapter 6:“Through the Tunnel” by Doris Lessing (p. 401)“The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe (p. 419)“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” and “After Apple-Picking” by Robert Frost (p. 434)2. Once you have chosen and have had your story approved, begin your outline. Your outline is due ____________________________________.3. Once your outline has been checked, begin your rough draft. You will analyze the following, based on the content in your selection (not all will apply to your story):a. Irony (opposite of what is expected; three types)b. Ambiguity/subtlety/satire (unclear) (hints) (poking fun at human folly)c. Allegory (characters are used as symbols)d. Symbolism (objects are used to represent an idea, etc.)e. Theme (the author’s commentary on life and/or human nature)f. Tone (the author’s attitude)g. Mood (what the reader feels while reading)h. Diction (word choice)i. Syntax (sentence structure)The Essay Structure:1. Must have a clear introduction with thesis statement2. Must have clear body paragraphs with transitions between paragraphs and within the paragraphs to show a change in idea. Each body paragraph must have at least two examples of text evidence to support your ideas.3. Must have a clear conclusion that “ties up” the main ideas from your essay.See the sample template for two storiesYou will write the essay in class with your group, but you have goals you must meet each day in order for the task to go smoothly. Each member is responsible for writing a portion of the essay since the each student will be graded based on quality of contribution. It is imperative that each person has a say and a role in creating the essay. Each day, you will turn in a checklist and anonymous evaluation of your work.The rough draft is due (can be handwritten): __________________________________The rough draft is worth 100 points.The final essay (typed, MLA-format) is due: ___________________________________The final draft is worth 200 points.Template for “Lamb to the Slaughter”MLA HEADING:Joe EstudianteJane PupilJames ScholarBen Student“Lamb to the Slaughter” Analysis EssayINTRODUCTION “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl is a story filled with irony and ambiguity… say whatever you like about the story. Capture the reader’s interest with a fun tidbit, scenario, question, point to consider, etc. Your thesis statement must be underlined and focus on the areas you are discussing in the essay. Example: “Lamb to the Slaughter” is an ironic story because Dahl captures the reader’s interest with…; furthermore, his use of ambiguity and other structural literary devices in… helps the reader…BODY PARAGRAPH #1 First, Dahl’s tone…mood… (TEXT EVIDENCE)BODY PARAGRAPH #2Next, the diction and syntax…(TEXT EVIDENCE)BODY PARAGRAPH #3Furthermore, the ambiguity… (TEXT EVIDENCE)BODY PARAGRAPH #4Next, irony… (TEXT EVIDENCE)BODY PARAGRAPH #5Then, the theme…(TEXT EVIDENCE)CONCLUSIONOverall, Dahl’s story…HOW MANY SENTENCES SHOULD BE IN EACH PARAGRAPH? ________________Template for “Through the Tunnel”MLA HEADING:Joe EstudianteJane PupilJames ScholarBen Student“Through the Tunnel” Analysis EssayINTRODUCTION“Through the Tunnel” by Doris Lessing is a story filled with symbolism… say whatever you like about the story. Capture the reader’s interest with a fun tidbit, scenario, question, point to consider, etc. Your thesis statement must be underlined and focus on the areas you are discussing in the essay. Example: “Through the Tunnel” is a symbolic story because Lessing captures the reader’s interest with…; furthermore, her use of irony and other structural literary devices in… helps the reader…BODY PARAGRAPH #1 First, Lessing’s tone…mood… (TEXT EVIDENCE)BODY PARAGRAPH #2Next, the diction and syntax…(TEXT EVIDENCE)BODY PARAGRAPH #3Furthermore, the symbolism… (TEXT EVIDENCE)BODY PARAGRAPH #4Next, irony… (TEXT EVIDENCE)BODY PARAGRAPH #5Then, the theme…(TEXT EVIDENCE)CONCLUSIONOverall, Lessing’s story…HOW MANY SENTENCES SHOULD BE IN EACH PARAGRAPH? ________________See attached for rubric… Cooperative Group Literary Analysis Presentation!Create a visually interesting PowerPoint or Prezi presentation based on the essay you and your group wrote the past two weeks. Using text and graphics, create a presentation that nicely describes the following:Author background (there is a short biography after each story, but you will also need to do a little research. Just don’t get your information from you-know-where!) Be sure to explain how the author’s background influenced/influences their writing. You may need several sources to ascertain this information.The main characters in the story: Names, goals, purposeCharacter motivation: Why do the characters do what they do? Even if the author/narrator doesn’t explicitly lay it out for us readers, how can we tell?Internal and External Conflict(s) Inside and out! What problems does the character face?ToneMoodSyntaxDictionThe Following are only applicable to specific stories! You will need to check to see which ones you’ll need to include…i. Allegoryj. Ambiguity and/or Subtletiesk. Ironyl. SymbolismUse at least one example of text evidence for each of the above areas (or one per slide). Your text evidence should nicely and appropriately support your discussion on the slide(s).Make sure you limit the amount of text on each slide or frame. Too much text is overwhelming, hard to read, and distracts from the oral presentation. Keep the text on the slides/frames simple. You as a presenter will fill in the rest as you speak. Remember to make your PP/Prezi interesting with graphics and transitions!Include a correct MLA- style works cited page slide for the information you garner for your story’s author as well as for the story itself. All presentations will include a WC page slide/frame!!!Present! Each group member must present a slide/frame! You should have between 9-18 slides altogether. More is OK. It is up to you who speaks first, and in what order, as well as who concludes your presentation. You as an individual may have to speak on more than one slide. As you present, don’t just simply read and move on; discuss WHY, for example, you feel “Notes from a Bottle” is satirical. Your presentation must be more than 5 minutes in length, but no more than 15.E-mail your PP presentation or Prezi link to Mrs. North TWO DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR PRESENTATION DAY. This way we can catch any glitches in format. PC version of presentation only. You may also opt to bring in your own laptop (you are responsible for your own equipment!), but you MUST also do an equipment check at snack or lunch TWO DAYS prior to your presentation to make sure your presentation works and if your laptop is compatible with the projector. If you are presenting on a Monday or Tuesday, you MUST SEND YOUR PP TO MRS. NORTH NO LATER THAN THE FRIDAY BEFORE BY 8 P.M.Failure to do an equipment check and/or e-mail the finished PP/Prezi presentation two days before your scheduled day may negatively affect your grade, especially if your PP/Prezi presentation does not work. If the PP/Prezi presentation fails to work, you may receive a ZERO on the visual score. You are still expected to present orally; in this case ALWAYS make sure that you provide a printout of your slides for Mrs. North to be evaluated.HOW TO SEND:E-mail Mrs. North at: _____________________________Don’t forget your PP as an attachment or Prezi link!In the subject line, write your group name, period, and title of story.Example subject line entry: The Crazy Ninjas period 1 “Lamb”You will have five days in class to draft your PowerPoint/Prezi. It is up to you if you want to draft them on paper or on a group member’s laptop. What if we have an absent group member the day of our presentation? The rest of the group MUST still present! The score will be scaled appropriately for the absent member if he/she has an EXCUSED absence!Our group member flaked off and didn’t get the PP to Mrs. North! This is where personal responsibility comes in. As an individual, you are responsible for completing your portion. E-mail what you completed to Mrs. North in advance of your presentation day, and you will be graded accordingly.How will we be graded? Each student is responsible for a section (or sections) of the slides. You will be graded on:Quality of your individual slidesQuality of oral presentationThis project is due beginning _______________________________. You and your group members will select a day. You MUST be ready to present on your scheduled day or forfeit your grade! There is no late work allowed!The PP/Prezi presentation is worth 250 points. The oral presentation is worth 250 points. The total value is 500 points!See the rubric for the oral and visual presentations, as well as a sample slide. ................

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