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Literary Analysis PosterA one-pager is an analytical, creative, and written response to a short story that completely fills one side of a piece of paper. For your one-pager, you’ll want to focus on the big ideas from the story including theme, symbolism, conflict, tone and motif, as well as literary devices and elements of a story you have not read yet. Required Details 1. Fill the entire page with color and text. There should not be any blank, white space. a. (a white background against text is okay.) 2. Clearly label each elements of your one-pager. 3. Include the title, author, and year of publication on the paper. You should reflect on why the year of publication is important.4. Complete the grid by connecting 4 elements together Connect four boxes vertically, horizontally, or diagonally to select your other four required elements. All quotes need to be properly cited in MLA Format. Quotes: Write 3 meaningful quotes and explain the significance of each quote. What does it infer, symbolize, suggest, relate to, etc.? Theme: Write what you think the theme of the story is. Then write 3 reasons why you feel the theme is what it is. Images: Draw 3 images that represent the book (theme, symbols, characters, or conflicts within the book). Label each image. Connections: Make 3 connections from the story to other texts we have read and/or to what is happening in our world today (current events). Include a 1 – 2 sentence explanation of the relationship for each connection. Images: Draw 3 images that represent the book (theme, symbols, characters, or conflicts within the book). Label each image. Plot Diagram: Create a plot diagram with 10 critical events. The diagram must be linear. Each event must be a complete sentence. Quotes: Write 3 meaningful quotes and explain the significance of each quote. What does it infer, symbolize, suggest, relate to, etc.? Questions: Write 3 big-picture questions for reflection that look at how and why. Answer each thoroughly with an introduce, cited, and explained quote. (Review the questions for reflection on the website) Setting: Illustrate a setting from the book. The illustration must be accurate, detailed, and in full-color. Provide 3 quotes from the book to support the illustration. Images: Draw 3 images that represent the book (theme, symbols, characters, or conflicts within the book). Label each image. Theme: Write what you think the theme of the story is. Then write 3 reasons why you feel the theme is what it is.quote. Quotes: Write 3 meaningful quotes and explain the significance of each quote. What does it infer, symbolize, suggest, relate to, etc.? Theme: Write what you think the theme of the story is. Then write 3 reasons why you feel the theme is what it is. Quotes: Write 3 meaningful quotes and explain the significance of each quote. What does it infer, symbolize, suggest, relate to, etc.? Symbolism / Irony: Identify and illustrate 3 examples of symbolism or 2 examples of irony. Each example must include the quote and a 1 sentence explanation. Images: Draw 3 images that represent the book (theme, symbols, characters, or conflicts within the book). Label each image. One-Pager Brainstorming Checklist - Use this paper as a checklist to make sure you have every element complete Required Elements: - The entire page is filled with color, images, or text- Every element is clearly and neatly labeled - My one-pager includes the title, author, and publication date - All of my quotes are properly cited in MLA Format, (“quote” (Author Last Name/Family Name, page number.) Example: (Laffin, pg. 65.)- I included what I believe the theme is and 3 reasons for my belief. - I included and labeled three illustrations that connect to the book.- I included symbolism, setting, timeline (plot diagram) Use the chart to brainstorm Complete this entire chart before planning and designing your one-pagerRequirement123QuoteTheme/ReasonsImages4th ElementRubricCriteriaLevel 1 (50 – 59%)Level 2 (60 – 69%)Level 3 (70 – 79%)Level 4 (80 – 100%)KnowledgeDo you have proper formatting including: author, title, publication year, and all other required elements?You are missing elements and/or other assignment requirements. You have some elements and some assignment requirements.You have all elements and all assignment requirements. You exceed assignment requirements in terms of formatting and elements required.ThinkingDo you choose appropriate quotations and explain them properly?You choose 2 meaningful quotations and have a limited explanation of them.You choose 3 meaningful quotations and have some explanation of them.You choose 3 appropriate quotations and have a detailed explanation of them.You choose more than 3 appropriate quotations and they connect well to your overall evaluation of the story’s theme or connections you municationDo you have proper grammar and spelling?Do you use MLA format correctly?You have frequent errors in spelling and grammar.You have attempted to use MLA format, but have many errors. You have some errors in spelling and grammar.You have used MLA format and have some errors. You have few errors in spelling and grammar.You have used MLA format correctly throughout. You have almost 0 spelling and grammar errors. You have used MLA format throughout and have included a Works Cited Page that is properly formatted. ApplicationDo you provide 3 reasons for the choosing the theme you did?Do you apply what you have learned this unit in your 4th element? (symbolism, irony and connections or setting) You provide less than 3 reasons for choosing the theme you did.You demonstrate a limited ability to apply what you learned this unit in your 4th Element. You provide 3 reasons for choosing the them you did.You demonstrate some ability to apply what you learned this unit in your 4th Element.You provide 3 reasons and explain these reasons with considerable detail.You demonstrate a considerable ability to apply what you learned this unit in your 4th Element.You provide 3 reasons for choosing the theme you did and explain them with exceptional detail. You demonstrate a thorough ability to apply what you learned this unit in your 4th Element.Examples:06731000 ................

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