AP Literary Analysis Paper

AP Literary Analysis Paper

Research Portion- Literary Criticism for support

Directions: As a part of your own literary analysis, on a topic of your choice, you will need to find, research, and then use support from at least three (3) other writers who have done similar analyses on your novel(s) as well! If you are having a hard time coming up with a topic, then a good place to start researching is the author and the novels themselves, and seeing what others have found interesting and have analyzed in the past.

To find 3 supportive arguments, you must research at least four literary criticisms on your novels. You MAY use more than the minimum requirement of 4 articles.

There are a few options of what to start looking for:

1. Novel criticism

2. Author criticism

3. General literary criticism on genre

4. General literary theory (critical lenses)

There are many options for where to start looking, both online and in the library:

1. Library journal database- English Literature

2. The internet public library-

3. Basha Library for books that contain literary criticism

4. College and University Libraries

5. The author/novel official websites (if they exist)

6. Local past and present periodicals, such as newspapers and magazines

7. Literary journals (hard copy)

8. The Encyclopedia of Literary Criticism (yes, it exists)


10. Google Scholar

11. Critical Editions of the novels found in bookstores (Norton Critical Editions)

12. Mrs. Davis and her sneaky ways of accessing university libraries. (Or your friends at the universities)

Begin this assignment by researching an accredited article on your first quarter outside reading book or your author in general. After finding an article, do the following:

1. Print out your article

2. Read the article in its entirety, looking for key statements that you either refute or can use for support of your own beliefs.

3. Annotate the quotes you find as beneficial to your own thoughts/paper topic.

4. Write down any and ALL information you will need for your Works Cited page.

5. Bring the article to class to turn in for credit.

6. Complete a 1-page, typed, analysis of your article (see reverse side of paper)

BE SURE THIS IS A CREDIBLE SOURCE! Other student papers, even if they are from college students, are not credible. Look for journal articles, professors’ writings, or other sources that prove to be of literary merit. Stay away from encyclopedia articles and book summaries or reviews.

A BIG HINT: If you find a book or even a journal of literary criticism, check the index for topics that interest you first. For instance, if you want to write about the use of music in your novel, look under “Music” in the index and see where you can find this in the book or journal. By using your resources, it is very possible to find support you need!

Article Analysis Guidelines: must complete at least 4


1. Create a Diigo account at (Optional) or upload to Google Drive for electronic annotation.

2. Search online and library database options for your literary criticisms

3. Print out a copy of the literary criticisms or link them to your Diigo account or electronically save if you have a program you can annotate on electronically.

4. On your printed/saved criticism- complete your annotations for the following questions:

a. Identify the author’s purpose

b. Critique the effectiveness of the organizational pattern or structure of argument. Address all of the following: logic, focus, consistency, coherence,

c. Evaluate the evidence that is provided to support the author’s perspective. In your opinion, does this evidence help or hinder the author’s case? Is enough evidence provided? Is the evidence provided typical or a rare case?

d. What conclusions are reached by the author?

e. What biases, beliefs, and assumptions may contribute to the author’s purpose or conclusions?

f. What are the author’s implicit (unstated) and/or explicit (stated) assumptions about this subject? How do you know this?

-Also, be sure to look for quotes that could support your own views on the literature you are reading. Make your marks easy to scan and follow so you can return to your sources at a later date and be able to find evidence you need quickly.

5. In a 1-page typed, double-spaced written analysis, answer the above questions in prose format. This will assure me that you 1. Understand the book and 2. Understand the subject of the literary critique. You should also pose your own questions and comments/opinions about your primary sources (the novels you are reading).

6. Submit your literary analysis to .

7. Submit your annotated copy of the article (if electronic, send me the file, or bring your electronic device for me to check off on due dates) to me in class on the due date.

DUE DATES: 1st 2 articles, annotated, with 1-page article analysis synopsis and evaluation due Friday, November 13, 2015.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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