Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

-1143000-914400 Mind to Mind Submission InstructionsDescriptionMind to Mind is a creative writing section devoted to exploring the abstract realm of our profession and our lives.?Submitted works can be poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction.?Limit submissions to 1,200 words or less.?Authors should be a current or emeritus member of the anesthesia, perioperative, critical care, or pain teams, including students, writing on any topic.?Patients may submit writing about their medical experience.?Entries may be published anonymously at the author’s request, though names and conflict of interest information are required during submission.?All entries must respect complete confidentiality.?Mind to Mind entries have a separate cover letter.?Please click?here?to access the Mind to Mind Cover Letter.Submission ProcessThe Journal understands that Mind to Mind content is literary in nature and not scientific research; however, when Mind to Mind works are submitted to Anesthesiology they are submitted in the same way as are scientific research papers. These submission instructions serve as a guide for those to do not normally submit scientific research papers to academic journals.To submit a Mind to Mind piece online, go to the following URL: you already have login credentials, login as an author; if you do not, just click ‘Register’ and create an account. Once you are logged into the system, click on ‘Submit New ----1600200-685800After clicking ‘Submit New Manuscript’ click on the ‘Choose Article Type’ pull-down menu and select ‘Mind to Mind’, it’s the last article type on the list. Then click ‘Next’:The next few screens ask for author and manuscript information, please enter the information about your Mind to Mind piece (your name, the title of the work) and click ‘Next’ after completing each screen.-1600200-685800The final submission step is to attach your files, as shown below. Every submission must have a completed HYPERLINK ""Mind to Mind Cover Letter with answers to the conflicts of interest questions and a manuscript file. You will not be able proceed without these items. Select the appropriate ‘Item’ and upload the corresponding file by selecting ‘Browse’ and ‘Attach This File.’ When all of the files are attached click ‘Next.’You will be directed to another screen with a link to ‘Submissions Waiting for Author’s Approval.’ Select this link to proceed. On the next page, the ‘Action’ column of the table will be populated with an ‘Action Links’ link as soon as the PDF is built. Hover over this link; then click the ‘View Submission’ link to view the PDF file. If the PDF is -1608455-630555acceptable, select the ‘Approve Submission’ link. If not, select ‘Edit Submission’ and revise the manuscript accordingly.Once the submission is complete you will receive an e-mail acknowledging submission of your Mind to Mind piece and it will enter the review process.If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please e-mail the Anesthesiology Editorial Office at editorial-office@. ................

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