Literary Analysis Research Paper - Denton ISD

Literary Analysis Research Paper

Assignment: Your research paper this year will be a literary criticism paper over Macbeth. You will give an analysis over a particular aspect of Macbeth and incorporate ideas and quotes from literary scholars.

Process: The writing process will include these steps/skills:

1. Decide on a question/topic you are interested in finding the answer to or interested in understanding better.

2. Find critical articles through the school’s online databases (or other literary journals or books) that can be used to support your topic.

3. Read, annotate, summarize those articles to gather enough information to come to a conclusion for your topic.

4. Write a thesis and complete an outline with paragraphs/sections indicated.

5. Compose a first draft, emphasizing organization, careful, clear argument of points, and effective paragraphs.

6. Revise the essay based on the feedback from peers and teacher.

7. Prepare a polished final version with these elements: final draft and works cited page.


A more detailed rubric will be given to you soon, but the following pieces of your final product will be graded:

• Correct use of MLA format (parenthetical citation and works cited page)

• Clarity and validity of your thesis statement

• Purposeful use of quotes to support thesis (3 quotes from literary criticisms, 3 quotes from Macbeth)

• Analysis of quotes used

• Insightful and purposeful analysis of the play

• Overall quality of writing (clarity, coherence, diction, organization)

Potential topics: These are general topics. The answer to the question you choose to research will be developed into a thesis statement. This will be done after you have listened to the voices of scholars and have come to a conclusion based on your opinion and theirs.

1. Analyze Macbeth for its political message. What is this play saying about power and leadership? You may choose to tie this directly to the politics at the time Shakespeare wrote it.

2. Analyze the demise of Macbeth or Lady Macbeth. Explain the most influential factors in his or her downfall and how these affected the character’s psychological state.

3. Apply a specific ethical theory to some moral dilemma in the play. Describe the theory, then use the play to examine how it operates in a specific situation.

4. Analyze family or gender roles in Macbeth. You may choose to base this analysis in a historical context (Renaissance or Middle Ages).

5. Analyze the way the supernatural is presented in the play. You may choose to include a connection between historical perspectives on witchcraft (King James’ beliefs).

6. How does Lady Macbeth’s understanding of Macbeth’s character help her to manipulate him to carry out the murder of King Duncan?

7. Explain Macbeth as a “tragic hero.” How does he meet all the necessary traits of a tragic hero? Explain Lady Macbeth as a villain. What was her motivation for manipulation him to kill Duncan? What do literary critics say about both characters?

8. Explain role reversal as it exists in the play and gender inequality that existed at the time the play was written. Was there something in Shakespeare’s life and times that influenced the development of these characters?

9. Does Macbeth’s faith in the apparitions ultimately lend itself to his defeat? Use specific examples from several different scenes to describe how Macbeth’s character has evolved. What are the apparitions? What do they tell Macbeth? How does he respond to their messages? What do these images represent? Think about foreshadowing. What do literary critics say about the apparitions and Macbeth’s response to them? Was there something in Shakespeare’s life that influenced Macbeth’s decision to trust the apparitions?

10. Explain the importance and role of the witches and the prophecies to the outcome of the play. What was the witches’ motivation for tricking Macbeth? Did they control the outcome of the play or simply influence it? Would the story have been different without them? Was there something in Shakespeare’s person life and times that shows a fascination with witchcraft? What do the literary critics say about the witches and their influence on Macbeth? What evidence from the play (quotes and examples) supports your thesis concerning the role of the witches?


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