Ms Erin Bennett

1. Choose a topic from the list provided.

2. You will write a six to eight paragraph literary research essay of roughly 1500 words. Your essay will be comprised of one introductory paragraph, FOUR central paragraphs, and one concluding paragraph. Your blueprint may have up to four points.



You must use at least one primary source (the text of Night). You may use additional primary sources if your topic so requires (ex. another play, a novel, a poem, the Bible, etc.). From your primary source(s), you will need four to eight quotations in your essay.


As this is a research essay, you must use at LEAST TWO secondary sources. Failure to use secondary sources will result in a “Below Level 1" achievement for this essay (remember, this essay is a critical expectation of ENG3U). Secondary sources include online journal articles (EBSCO, Literary Reference Centre), periodicals, and academic reference books. Of your secondary sources, only one can be a website, but the website must be academic in nature and reputable. Websites should be accessible through Google Scholar. Wikipedia, Sparknotes, and/or any online essay bank will not be accepted as secondary sources; therefore, any quotes from these sources will be ignored. From your secondary sources, you will need a total of 4-6 quotations in your essay.


Be sure to record the proper information for your works cited/bibliography. You will need (for each primary and secondary source): Title, Author(s) or editor(s), Publishing Company, City of Publication, and Year of Publication. If any of this information is unavailable, you need to question the quality of the source.

MLA Documentation will be used for the works cited page and for in-text referencing. Remember to include the page number of the quote (or the Act/Scene/Line for a Shakespearean work).

3. Your thesis and blueprint must be approved by your teacher by May 20th. Ensure that your thesis is specific and arguable; it cannot be a fact or an obvious statement. You must also submit one acceptable research article on your topic.

4. All info must be in class for May 22nd. Print off any information you have found online.

5. Complete a point form outline. Include your quotes with proper in-text referencing. Your outline is due May 22nd. You will work on your essay on May 26th and either May 29th or June 1st in class. Please double space your essay and write on one side of the page. Your TYPED rough copy is due June 2nd, when we will have a full period of peer-editing. A peer-editing checklist will be provided on that day.

6. The final copy must be typed, double spaced and submitted on Turn It In by 11:30 p.m. on June 5th. Please submit a hard copy on the June 8th.

Order of your final essay package:

• Title Page (with original title, your name, teacher’s name, ENG3U, and date),

• Good Copy,

• Works Cited (with sources in one list in alphabetical order according to author’s/ editor’s last name),

• Rough Copy with proof of editing and outline must be submitted in class.

7. Refer to “Writing Research Essays” on pages 87-102 of your textbook Reference Points.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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