10th grade Research Paper

English II Research Paper

You will draw the name of a country that will form the basis of your research paper. In an MLA formatted research paper, you will report the results of your research. You must cover the following topics:

• Culture – including languages spoken, education, and leisure activities.

• Literature – authors from this country, or literature written about this country.

• Political system currently practiced – past and current leaders and parties

• Economics – trade, agriculture, monetary system

• History – colonization, immigration, conflicts.

The paper must be a minimum of 3 pages, maximum 4 pages PLUS a “works cited” page. You must include the following sources:

• 2 Internet sources (NOT Wikipedia)

• 1 book

• 1 journal/article/periodical

Your paper must be typed.


We will go to the Media center on April 18, 19, 20 to do research. You must supply your own index cards or notebook paper. If you use a flash drive, you must also save your work in your folder on the H drive of the school server. A lost flash drive is your problem and will not be accepted as an excuse.


You will have 5 days at home to organize your index cards and your information. On April 25-26 we will go to the Media center so that you may type your paper. You will need all your materials that day (for a grade).

Lastly, you will need to email your paper TO ME (scsexton@wsfcs.k12.nc.us), so that I may turn it in to to be checked for plagiarism.

You have 3 deadlines:

April 25 – Research and Information

April 28, 11:59 PM – Email to Mr. Sexton. Email has timestamps; NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.


April 29, Beginning of class, the typed stapled paper is due. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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