ENGLISH 11 - Quia


Pacing Guide

(Holston High School)

|FIRST 4-1/2 WEEKS |

|Content |Standards to be Tested |SOL |Resources |

|Reading/Literature |- Myths, speeches, journals, poetry|11.3 a, b, d |- Prentice Hall |

| |- Drama | |- Literature Book |

| | |11.6 a-c |- The Crucible |

| | | |- Daily Oral Grammar |

| | | |- Released SOL Tests |

| | | |(ePat) |

| | | |- Princeton Review |

| | | |Writing SOL Prep |

| | | |Book |

| | | |- Criterion |

| | | |- Story Board Writing |

| | | |Model |

|Writing |- Essays, daily oral grammar |11.7 a, b, d, e, f, g, h | |

| |- Editing | | |

| | |11.8 b, c | |


|Content |Standards to be Tested |SOL |Resources |

|Reading/Literature |Not tested | |- Criterion |

| |Preparing for Writing SOL at end of| |- Daily Oral Grammar |

| |1st 9 weeks | |- Released SOL Tests |

| | | |(ePat) |

| | | |- Princeton Review |

| | | |Writing SOL Prep |

| | | |Book |

| | | |- Story Board Writing |

| | | |Model |

| | | |- Improving |

| | | |Standardized Test |

| | | |Scores Book |

|Writing |- Essays, peer/teacher conferences,|11.7 a-h | |

| |daily oral grammar, direct grammar |11.8 a, b, c | |

| |instruction as needed |11.9 a, b, c, d, e | |

|THIRD 4-1/2 WEEKS |

|Content |Standards to be Tested |SOL |Resources |

|Reading/Literature |- Poetry unit, fiction, non-fiction|11.3 a-d |- Prentice Hall |

| | |11.5 a-c |Literature Book |

| | | |- Steps to Poetry |

| | | |Booklet |

| | | |- Preparing for the |

| | | |SOL English Test by |

| | | |Danello |

| | | |- Princeton Review |

| | | |Reading SOL Prep |

| | | |Book |

| | | |- Released SOL Tests |

| | | |- VA Online SOL |

| | | |Tutorial |

|Writing |Not tested – SOL test complete | | |


|Content |Standards to be Tested |SOL |Resources |

|Reading/Literature |- Application process |11.4 a-e |- Prentice Hall |

| |- Warranties | |Literature Book |

| |- Directions, etc. |11.5 c |- Steps to Poetry |

| | | |Booklet |

| | | |- Preparing for the |

| | | |SOL English Test |

| | | |By Danello |

| | | |- Princeton Review |

| | | |Reading SOL Prep |

| | | |Book |

| | | |- Released SOL Tests |

| | | |- VA Online SOL |

| | | |Tutorial |

|Writing | |11.7 c | |

| | |11.8 a | |

|Research |- Research paper process |11.10 a-j | |

|Oral Language | |11.1 a-d | |

| | |11.2 a-b | |


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