1) - Evergreen State College

Literature Reviewdue 9am Tue. Feb. 20Assignment Summary: You will produce a literature review summarizing your sources. Each group will produce an annotated bibliography of the literature used in your research. This review must include 6 published sources per team member, of which at least 5 must be drawn from peer-reviewed scientific literature. Of these, 3 must be annotated in detail. Assignment Details: By 9 am Tuesday February 20, deliver one paper copy of your team’s literature review to your supervising faculty by turning it in at the start of Chemistry lab to Lab 2 room 1241. On the first page upper right hand corner, list each team member’s name, in alphabetical order, on a new line.Below that, centered, include the (working) title of your project. Following the title, include your full bibliography, using any consistent citation style your team chooses. Pick a standard scientific citation style that gives the most information as clearly as possible and be consistent with that style. Zotero (and other reference management software) has a number of style guides built in.This bibliography should include all the sources you are using. At the end of each entry in the bibliography, include in parenthesis the initials of the contributor, e.g. (JZ).Following that, include [P] if the entry is drawn from the peer-reviewed scientific literature. If a detailed annotation of one of these entries has been included, note that also with an [A] at the end of the entry. Following the complete bibliography should be each annotation. Each annotation should begin by reproducing the citation. On a new line include “Annotated by: team member’s name” with the team member’s name as appropriate. Follow by a space, and start on a new line with the detailed annotation. Organize annotations by the team member who produced them, so that all the annotations produced by one team member are grouped together. Each team member is responsible for contributing (at least) 6 unique published sources to the bibliography. Of the 6 published sources contributed by that team member, (at least) 5 must be drawn from peer-reviewed scientific literature. Of those 5 published sources drawn from the peer-reviewed scientific literature contributed by that team member, (at least) 3 must be annotated in detail by that team member. For example, in a team with 2 members, there must be at least 12 sources in your bibliography, of which at least 10 sources must be drawn from the peer-reviewed scientific literature. There must be at least 6 detailed annotations. Some requirements/recommendations for sources:You may find an online encyclopedia like Wikipedia to be useful. Feel free to use such a source, and include such sources as an entry in your literature review. You may also find it useful to produce an annotation or summary of such a source. Please include this in your literature review if you do. These will absolutely not count as peer reviewed sources.This also counts for typical websites, any of which have good information: feel free to take advantage of them, reference them, include them in your literature review, produce annotations/summaries and include them in your literature review; these will absolutely not count as peer reviewed sources.Articles from popular science or consumer magazines like Scientific American, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, etc. or from magazines or newspapers like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, etc. might also be very useful. Feel free to uses such sources, include them in your literature review, and produce/include annotations of such sources. These absolutely will not count as peer reviewed sources.Articles or reports from government agencies are more difficult to identify as peer reviewed or not. If you are not sure what counts as a peer reviewed source, check with faculty or reference librarian. If possible, include at least one entry (per team member) for a relevant paper from a top tier journal like Nature (or one of its subsidiaries), Science, PNAS (the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science) or its equivalents, JACS (the Journal of the American Chemical Society), Physical Review Letters (or one of its family members), or other similar top tier journals. These need not necessarily be annotated, even if included in the bibliography.If possible, include at least one entry (per team member) for a relevant paper from a teaching focused journal like the Journal of Chemical Education, The American Journal of Physics, The Physics Teacher, or similar. These need not necessarily be annotated, even if included in the bibliography.Relevant Program Learning Goals: Improve your ability to articulate and assume responsibility for your own work.Strengthen your collaborative skills and the ability to respond in useful ways to the work of colleagues.Improve your skills in clear communication of mathematical and scientific ideas, both orally and in writing.Improve your ability to read primary source scientific literature with a focus on applying subject matter knowledge and developing critical thinking skills.Relevant Project-specific Learning Goals:Apply and integrate knowledge from chemistry, mathematics, and physics to contexts outside textbooks and lab exercises, particularly energy.Identify, quantify, and apply energy transformations.Link energy transformations to societal impacts.Relevant in-class support & preparation:Library Skills Workshop (Week 12 Wed. am Jan. 17)Reading Scientific Literature Workshop (Week 13 Thu. am Jan. 25)Other Resources:Program FacultyLee Lyttle, Library Faculty. LyttleL@evergreen.edu. 360-867-6678. Library 3407Evergreen Library , particularly Research assistance Information about Zotero Information about annotated bibliographes are readily available via search engine; stick with those from academic sources like colleges and universities – here are just a few: Library Skills WorkshopWednesday January 17, 2018In this workshop, you will:Go over the Literature Review assignmentBe introduced to library databasesLearn how to request articles not in the library system or not available via search engineBe introduced to reference management software, specifically ZoteroDiscuss annotations and annotated bibliographiesLater during this workshop time, you will:Be introduced to some of the main elements of a scientific poster sessionGo over the Poster Tour assignmentNext week, you will:Have a workshop on Reading Scientific LiteratureDo not use your own money to purchase any articles or references for this assignment ................

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