Pagan Way

Litha celebrates the longest day of the year. The Sun is at It s zenith and all is well. We celebrate the bounty of nature and the joy of life, remembering that from here on the Sun weakens. Even in the joys of life there is death and in the throws of death there is life. Let this not stop the joys of the Mother and Her Consort, the Oak God. We revel in the joys and ecstacy of the Gods.

For this rite the man may dress as for a military conflict by wearing a sword, but the woman should dress softly and in a feminine manner such as with flowers. The Altar should be set with two candles as well as with the Wheel. Before the Altar set five candles. Take a ritual bath, remembering that the water is not only washing your body, but your soul as wel1. Meditate on the reason for this rite. All things change.. yet remain the same. This is the turning of the year.

Light the Altar candles and the incense, saving; I do bid the unseen forces of nature To gather close about me. For I do call forth The images of times long past.

Light the five candles before the A1tar and place them about the Circle at the points of the Pentagram instead of the usual four quarters. Place the candles in a deosil manner. Return to the Altar and pick up the Wand. Point east, south, west and north while saying;

May the winds blow cool The Sun shine warm The waters flow bright and pure. May the Earth regain Her former glory And the race of man endure. Rap thrice upon the Altar with the Wand and say; O Blessed Lady of the Moonlight Be with me here, I do ask. Stand near as I do perform This rite in Your honor. Blessed Be! Replace the Wand, cross your arms over the Altar and say; At this, the night of midsummer Does the Goddess reign supreme. Ac this time does She reign supreme. In Her name do I now give praise, And call forth into the mists For times to come which are better. When men can live in peace and in calm And green forests return once more. Blessed Be' Sit and add more incense. Meditate for a while on the seasons words; The Sacred King doth yie1d the power to His Dark Brother,


but the Goddess who loves Them reigns ever unchanging. At this time you may add to the rite as you see fit, poetry, dance, song or whatever you feel is right. When the time comes for the rite to end, rap slowly five times on the Altar with the Wand while saying;

The hour is done The spells are cast And honor is given To the Great Ones Of times far past. I give love, farewell, And blessings To the Goddess And the Ancients. Blessed Be' Put out the candles about the Circle in reverse order, then the cand1es on the Altar. As the last candle goes out, say; The rite is ended.



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