Calm Down Boogie lyrics - Songs for Teaching

Love Makes A Family

?1996 David & Jenny Heitler--Klevans addl lyrics Betsy Rose

Love makes a family (4X)

I have a neighbor who was born in Peru.

Her parents adopted her when she was just two.

Each time I see them, their joy shines through

and their house it is filled with love.

Love makes a family...

So many ways that we can be.

I want the whole wide world to see

that love makes a family...

I have a friend whose parents live far apart.

At first she would say it was breaking her heart.

But after some time she can finally start

to find two houses filled with love.

There is a house across the street from me

filled with generations one two & three.

Grandparents, parents and a little baby

and their house is filled with love.

Love makes a family... My dad works at home and my mom works downtown.

When I get home from school dad's is always around.

May look kinda different but here's what we've found.

Our house it is filled with love.

Some kids down the street have a home with two moms.

One's mommy Susan, one's mommy Yvonne.

Their family is happy, their family is strong

and their house it is filled with love.

Love makes a family...

A couple I know have no kids of their own.

Some people think that they must be alone

but their door's open wide and we kids feel at home

`cause their house it is filled with love.

Love makes a family....

Hand motions for Love Makes A Family

What do we mean by family values? This song reminds us of a fundamental truth-- at the core, a family is made of people who love each other and are committed to each other. Simple sign language gestures can accompany the chorus of the song.


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