Local Rules for Thornydale Little League

Local Rules for Thornydale Little League

2004 Season

All playing rules for the current season games and end of season playoffs will be in accordance with the current season’s Official Regulations and Playing Rules manual provided by National Little League with the following exceptions, additions and clarifications that have been approved by the Thornydale Little League Board of directors.

Time limits:

1) There is a 2 hour and 15 minute limit on all games. Official game start time is scheduled start time, not actual start time. Exception: If the game starts early, official start time will be actual start time. No new inning will start after 2 hours from official start time. (An inning starts the moment the third out is made. See INNING in the Playing Rules handbook.) In regular season games, if tied, the game will remain a tie. See Rule 4.11(d) for reverting back to the last complete inning.


a) In Major League regular season and pool play games, no new inning will start after 2 hours, however the inning (or first half of the inning if the home team is ahead) must be completed. There is not a 15-minute limit to finish the inning.

b) Major semi-final and championship games to go 6 full innings and the Jr/Sr semi-final and championship games go 7 full innings with no time limit. The 10 run rule will be in effect. Exception: A game that is terminated by weather or curfew (see Curfew below) will not be continued if it has become a regulation game per Rule 4.10(c) unless the game is tied. See Rule 4.11(d) for reverting to previous inning.

c) For all end of season Playoff games, if the inning ends in a tie, additional innings will be played to break the tie.

d) There is a 90-minute time limit and 6-inning limit on Mini-Minor games and 75-minute limit on Tee Ball games.

e) In all Minor League Playoff games, no new inning will start after 2 hours, however the inning (or first half of the inning if the home team is ahead) must be completed. There is not a 15-minute limit to finish the inning. Exception: A game that is terminated by weather or curfew (see Curfew below) will not be continued if it has become a regulation game per Rule 4.10(c) unless the game is tied. See Rule 4.11(d) for reverting to previous inning.

2) Curfew: No inning will continue beyond 10:00pm. Exception: During end of season playoffs, and only if the automatic light shutoff has been moved beyond 10:30pm, no inning will start after 10:00pm and no Jr/Sr inning will start after 10:30pm. Regulation X(a) No inning will continue beyond 5 minutes before the lights are scheduled to go out.

3) Rainout games will be rescheduled for Major games and above if time permits and fields are available. Whether or not to reschedule will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Board of Directors. Rainout games for Minor League and below will not be rescheduled. However, the managers may schedule a makeup game on their own.

All Divisions: (See each division for division specific rules.)

1) The 10 run rule will be in effect for all divisions Major and above. (See Rule 4.10 (e))

2) There can be two adult base coaches on the field in all divisions providing that there is at least one other adult coach in the dugout. Rule 4.05

3) If an umpire is not scheduled for a game or scheduled umpires no show, the home team will provide a plate umpire and the visiting team will provide a field umpire. Only volunteer umpires will be utilized in league games. Plate umpires can take a position behind the pitcher instead of behind the plate. Rule 9.03(a)

4) All protests must be in accordance with Rule 4.19 in the Official Regulations and Playing rules handbook. Exception: Protests must be resolved before the next play in the Minor Leagues. Minor protests not resolved before the next play will not be considered. Board Members present at the fields will rule on Minor protests. (See Rule 4.19(g)) There are no protests in Tee Ball. 4.19 (h) There should be no protests during Mini-Minor games. Complaints should be communicated to the VP of Baseball/Softball and will be addressed by the Board if necessary. Protests in Minors and Mini-Minors should be avoided as much as possible. The focus should be more on player skills than rules at that level.

5) Managers must inform the Player Agent if any player misses more than two consecutive games for any reason. Failure to do so will be cause for corrective action against the manager. (See Regulation III (d)) Any player who is out of the lineup for more than three consecutive weeks (or six games) is subject to being removed from his/her team by action of the Board of Directors. However, the Board of Directors reserves the right to allow such player to remain on the roster.

6) For the purpose of win/loss records used in determining standings, all regular season games will be considered complete games whether the regulation number of innings has been played or not. Exceptions will be games delayed by weather or league action, in which case the games will be considered complete, continued or made up at a later date, or not counted in the standings. The Board of Directors will determine this on a case-by-case basis.

7) Negative cheering is not allowed in Little League. Cheer for your team, not against or about your opponents. Cheers or chants referring to the other team are not permitted. Offenders can be warned and/or removed by the Umpire. (See Rule 4.06(2 and 3))

8) The use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages in any form is prohibited on the playing field, benches or dugouts. Regulation XIV(e) at anytime during games and practices.

9) Only Managers, coaches of record and assistant coaches that have been approved by the Board of Directors can be in the dugout during games. (See I(c)8,9 in the Playing Rules handbook)

10) All male players Majors and above must wear a cup. (Addition to Rule 1.17)

11) Reminder: All catchers must wear a mask, “dangling” type throat protector and catcher’s helmet during infield/outfield practice, pitcher warm-up and games. (Rule 1.17)

12) The inability of a team to field 9 players is not an automatic forfeiture. (See Rule 4.16, 4.17) Every effort should be made to play ball.

a. Minor League and below: The short team may borrow a player or players from the opposing team. The opposing team selects the player(s). If there are not enough players between the two teams, the short team(s) may borrow a player(s) from another team in the same League. Borrowed players cannot pitch in these games.

b. Major League: Teams unable to field 9 players will forfeit the game with a 0-6 loss recorded. (See FORFEITED GAME in the Playing Rules handbook.)

c. Jr/Sr League: The two managers for the game in question will decide forfeitures for regular season games with one of the following solutions if BOTH managers agree. If the manager without enough players turns down these options, the game will be recorded as a 0-7 loss. If the manager with enough players turns down these options, the game will be recorded as a 0-0 tie.

i. The player pool may be utilized per Regulation V(c) in the Playing Rules handbook.

ii. The managers may request a new game time from the division VP. The VP will schedule a new game if time permits and fields are available. If VP is unable to provide a new game time, the game will be recorded as “No Game”.

d. Exception: During end of season Playoffs a team that is unable to field 9 players for a scheduled game will have an automatic loss.

Tee Ball:

1) There can be 2 adult base coaches on the field in Tee Ball. See Rule 4.05(1)

2) The defensive team is permitted 2 coaches on the field; one in the outfield and one behind the catcher.

3) The batting order will be the entire roster.

4) Each half inning will end when three outs are made or the offensive team bats through its entire roster in its half-inning.

5) All players may play on defense. (See Note on Rule 3.17)

6) There is no minimum number of players required to start the game. Borrowing players from the opposing team is acceptable if one team is short on players.

7) First half of the season – All players hit off the tee.

8) Second half of the season – Players may elect to have coach pitch at the manager’s discretion. Players utilizing coach pitch will get three swings, and then will revert to the tee. There are no strikes in Tee Ball.

9) First half of season – Players put out at first base will remain on base. Second half of the season the out will stand and the player will return to the dugout.

10) Walks are not permitted.

11) There are no game results recorded to determine a winner/loser of scheduled games.

12) The Tee Ball Division will not have an end of season tournament.

Mini-Minor (Coach pitch):

1) There can be 2 adult base coaches on the field. See Rule 4.05(1)

2) The defensive team is permitted 2 coaches on the field; one in the outfield and one behind the catcher.

3) Mechanical (non-electric) pitching machines will be used instead of coach pitch.

4) Walks are not permitted.

5) The batting order will be the entire roster.

6) Every player must play at least two innings in the field each game, with at least one inning being played in the infield.

7) Each half inning will end after 6 runs or 3 outs.

8) Ten players may play on defense. The tenth player must play in the outfield.

9) Advancing on a passed ball is permitted except for home base. No runner may advance from third base to home on a passed ball or wild pitch. Once a pitch passes the catcher or is caught by the catcher, the runner on third base must remain on third until the next pitch unless a defensive play is made against a runner.

10) There are no game results recorded of scheduled games.

11) The Mini-Minor Division will not have an end of season tournament.

Minor League:

1) The batting order will be the entire roster.

2) Each half inning will end after 6 runs or 3 outs. (No 10 run rule will be in effect.)

3) Advancing on a passed ball is permitted except for home base. No runner may advance from third base to home on a passed ball or wild pitch. Once a pitch passes the catcher or is caught by the catcher, the runner on third base must remain on third until the next pitch unless a defensive play is made against a runner.

4) Standings are not kept for Minor League. End of season playoff placement will be by random drawing. The purpose for this is to reduce the competitive nature during the season games and allow the managers a better training environment for the players.

5) Scorecards will be kept for every game and returned to the snack bar after each game. They will include line-ups, any substitutions, and all pitchers with innings noted. The Home team is responsible for the official game scorecard.

6) Reminder: League age 12 players cannot pitch in Minor League. Rule VI(a)

Major League:

1) Scorecards will be kept for every game and returned to the snack bar after each game. They will include line-ups, any substitutions, and all pitchers with innings noted. The Home team is responsible for the official game scorecard.

2) Teams unable to field 9 players will forfeit the game with a 0-6 loss recorded. (See FORFEITED GAME in the Playing Rules handbook.)


1) To minimize forfeitures, a player pool may be utilized for Junior and Senior Leagues as outlined in V(c) of the Playing Rules manual. List Rotation: When the next player on the list is not available to play, the player will be skipped and the next player on the list will be called until an available player is found. The next time a pool player is needed, the player on the list after the last player utilized will be the next player called. Managers are encouraged to utilize the player pool to minimize forfeitures.

2) Scorecards will be kept for every game and returned to the snack bar after each game. They will include line-ups, any substitutions, and all pitchers with innings noted. The Home team is responsible for the official game scorecard.

Big League:

District 5 will develop rules and playing schedules for Big League. azdistrict5/

End of Season Playoffs:

1) An End of season playoff for Minor League and above will be scheduled toward the end of the regular season to determine League Champions for each division. Championship games will be played on closing day for most divisions.

2) There are no playoffs for Tee Ball and Mini-Minors.

3) A pool play will be utilized for Minor League to seed a single elimination playoff of the top four teams from the pool play. First Segment: The pool play round—the teams are divided into two pools by random drawing: Pool A, & Pool B. Each team in Pool A will play the other teams from within Pool A once. Each team in Pool B will play the other teams from Pool B once. The two teams with the best win record in each Pool will advance to the next round. If two teams cannot be determined using win records in Pool play, a tiebreaker system has been established. This system rewards defensive play. Second Segment: The two teams that advance from each Pool will compete in a single elimination semi-final round. The #1 seed in Pool A, will play the #2 seed in Pool B. The #1 seed in Pool B, will play the #2 seed in Pool A. Third Segment: The winners of each semi-final round will advance to the Championship game. No season standings are kept for Minor League.

4) For Majors and above, a pool play will be utilized to seed a single elimination playoff of the top four teams from the pool play. Seed #1 plays seed #4, seed #2 plays seed #3. In pool play, each team will play each other team once. In the semifinal round, #1 plays #4, and #2 plays #3.

5) The regular season rules apply for End of Season Playoffs except where noted herein. DO NOT use Tournament (All-Star) rules.

6) Trophies will be provided for first and second place championship winners.

7) Major League teams and above will be provided first and second place trophies for first and second place standings for regular season games.

8) Participation trophies will be provided to all players.

9) See time limit exceptions for Playoff games.

Pool Play tie resolution:

1) If there is a tie between two teams with identical records, the tiebreaker is the score of the game played between the two teams. (head-to-head result)

2) If a three-or-more-team tie exists and one team has defeated all of the other teams tied through head-to-head comparison, that team will advance.

3) If the two teams are still tied, the number of defensive runs given up, divided by defensive innings played will be re-computed using just the teams involved in the tie. NOTE A: If a team only plays part of a half-inning on defense before the game is ended, that partial inning will count as a full half-inning for the purpose of computing run differential.

Note: Tie resolution rules were taken from the Little League Softball World Series website. If additional tiebreakers are required, the Little League Softball World Series rules will apply. rulestb.htm

Field Preparation

(All Divisions)

Home team (or host league) will be responsible for preparing the fields before the game. Setup includes:

❑ Setup all bases and backstop pads.

❑ Inspect field for holes and other hazards.

❑ Rake or drag the infield to create a level playing surface.

(DO NOT pull the drags or infield mix into the turf areas.)

❑ Chalk the batters boxes, coach boxes, pitcher circle (softball), and foul lines up to the grass line.

❑ Provide an official scorekeeper (minor league and above)

❑ Water down the field as needed.

❑ Put away chalkers and batter box templates.

❑ Put away water hoses and rakes.

Visiting team (or host league) will be responsible for putting away the field equipment if last game, including:

❑ Put away bases in the equipment room or equipment box.

❑ Put away backstop pads.

❑ Rake and level batters boxes, around the bases, around the pitching rubber, and any bad spots in the infield. The purpose for this is so the field will pack to a better condition when it rains or the sprinklers come on during the night or the next day.

All equipment (hoses, rakes, bases, etc.) removed from the equipment shed or equipment box should be returned and placed in a neat and orderly position upon completion of use.

Managers should encourage parents to help with the field setup and cleanup so the managers and coaches can spend more time working with the players.

Both teams are responsible for cleaning out their dugouts after each game.

Both teams are responsible for cleaning up around their bleacher areas.

Notes: Do not allow players to hit or throw against any of the fences in the parks. Over time, this causes extensive damage to the chain link fences. A batting shield can be purchased at a sports store for less cost than replacing the fencing.

Managers and parents, keep an eye on the fielders during games and practice to make sure they don’t dig holes in the field. 

Fields should not be used when saturated by rain or over irrigation. Damage to the field may force the County to close the field for repairs and may result in the loss of field use privileges.

If an umpire is not scheduled for a game or scheduled umpires no show, the home team will provide a plate umpire and the visiting team will provide a field umpire. Only volunteer umpires will be utilized in league games. Plate umpires can take a position behind the pitcher instead of behind the plate. Rule 9.03(a)

Reminder: All catchers must wear a mask, “dangling” type throat protector and catcher’s helmet during infield/outfield practice, pitcher warm-up and games. (Rule 1.17)

Local By-Laws for

Thornydale Little League

1. The Player Agent, with Board of Directors approval, will select all players for all Minor teams and below.

2. All local Little League volunteers must complete a volunteer application and satisfactorily complete a screening process. (See inside cover of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules manual.)

3. Managers and coaches must be 18 years or older and be approved by the Board of Directors. Authorized managers and coaches must supervise all practices and games.

4. All managers, coaches and umpires must attend a clinic sponsored by the Local League prior to the start of the season. The vice president of each division is responsible for giving information on clinics dates to the managers and coaches. The umpire-in-chief is responsible for giving information to the umpires.

5. The Draft Method for all divisions above Minors (including Fall Ball for any level that forms more than one team) will be the same as “Plan A - Method for Existing Leagues” in the current Little League Operating Manual.

6. Final placement of teams for draft purposes for the following season, playoff seeding, and season trophies will be determined by overall records/winning percentage of the regular season games (not end of season playoffs). However, it may be necessary to use winning percentages to determine placement, if there is an uneven number of games played. The team having the lowest ratio receives the higher placement. If two or more teams are tied, the tie will be broken by calculating the runs allowed per inning played on defense in all games played by the teams, or percentage of runs allowed per inning if not all teams played the same number of games. (Note: The next season’s Board may change Draft placement rules for that season.)

7. Major Draft (Baseball and Softball)

A preliminary draft will be held per the Team Reduction method listed in the 2004 Operation Manual (p68) for any players on disbanded teams or players released from their team prior to the draft.

The regular draft method used will be Plan A in the 2004 Operating Manual (p61).

No manager can pass their turn in any draft until there are at least 10 players selected for their team. If any team does not have 12 players selected at the end of the regular draft, there will be a secondary draft scheduled no later than two weeks after the first scheduled game.

Trades of any player can be made per Trading in the 2004 Operation Manual (p66).

Players can be traded any time before the end of the draft session in which they were drafted. Once the draft session has ended, trades can only be made with the permission of the parents of both players, the managers of both teams, and the Board of Directors.

The secondary draft, if needed, starts again in reverse order of team standings without regard to the last team to pick in the regular draft. All teams are required to have 12 players at the end of this draft.

8. All-Star teams will have 12 players.

9. The Board of Directors selects all-Star managers. If the Board of Directors recommends more than one manger candidate for any division above Minor League, the players eligible for All-Stars of that division will vote to select the manager. Manager candidates must be approved as candidates by the Board of Directors prior to the election. Note: An individual that manages or coaches in another youth baseball/softball program any time during the season is not eligible to be appointed to manage or coach a tournament team in the Little League program at the same age division as defined in Regulation I(a). (See Tournament Rules and Guidelines)

10. Major League and above selection process: The method for selecting All-Star Tournament Team players for will be the same as the method suggested in the Little League Baseball Tournament Rules and Guidelines (Page T-2) for the current year with the following exceptions. Volunteer Umpires must have umpired in at least 10 games during the season in order to vote. The Player Agent will prepare a ballot with the names of all eligible candidates for each All-Star team. Each person voting will vote for up to 12 players to be on the team. When more than one player has an equal number of votes for the last position, the All-Star manager will cast a vote to break the tie. Eight players will be selected by these Little League guidelines. The Managers from each division will select the 9th and 10th players. The Manager of the team will select the remaining 2 players. The Board of Directors can veto any player(s) selected.

11. 11 Year old All-Star selection Process: All 11 year old candidates are invited to an evaluation session. Team managers from Major and Minor Leagues rate the players with standard tryout scoring. The Board of Directors will tabulate the scores. (The high and low score from each candidate will be removed before tabulating. Players that have been selected for the Major All-Star Team are removed from the list.) Ten remaining players with the highest score will be selected. When more than one player has an equal score for the last position, the All-Star manager will cast a vote to break the tie. The All-Star manager will select the remaining 2 players. The Board of Directors can veto any player(s) selected.

12. 9-10 Year old All-Star selection Process: All candidates are invited to an evaluation session. Team managers from Major and Minor Leagues rate the players with standard tryout scoring. The Board of Directors will tabulate the scores. (The high and low score from each candidate will be removed before tabulating.) Ten players with the highest score will be selected. When more than one player has an equal score for the last position, the All-Star manager will cast a vote to break the tie. The All-Star manager will select the remaining 2 players. The Board of Directors can veto any player(s) selected.

13. All-Star Expenses: Additional expenses may be incurred by the player/parent during the All-Star tournament such as travel expenses, food and accommodations.

Division Alignment (Team numbers may be adjusted depending on enrollment):

For the current season, all players league age 5 and 6 will play Tee Ball. Exception: With concurrence of the parents, player and Player Agent, those 6-year olds who played Tee Ball last season may be moved up to Minor League Coach Pitch (Mini-Minors).

All players 7 and 8 will be placed into the Minor League Coach Pitch Division (Mini-Minors).

(Note: This season there will be no Mini-Minor Softball. Tee Ball and Mini-Minors will be co-ed. )

All players league age 9 will be placed in the Minor League Minor League Division. Exception: With concurrence of the parents, player and Player Agent, those 8-year olds who have played at least 1 season may be moved up to Minor League.

All players league age 10-12 may try out for Major Division teams. If not selected for a Major Division team, these players will be placed in the Minor Division. Exception: Players league age 9 may tryout for Major League Softball.

This season Junior and Senior Softball (league age 13-16) will be combined and will inter-league with other teams throughout District 5.

Tee Ball Baseball, Girls and Boys: 5-6 year olds; 6 Tee Ball teams

Minor League Coach Pitch Baseball (Mini-Minor): 6-8 year olds; 8 Mini-Minor Baseball teams

Minor League Coach Pitch Softball (Mini-Minor): 6-8 year olds; 0 Mini-Minor Softball teams

(Note: This season there will be no Mini-Minor Softball. Tee Ball and Mini-Minors will be co-ed. )

Minor League Baseball: 8-12 year olds; 9 Minor Baseball teams

Minor League Softball: 8-12 year olds; 5 Minor Softball teams

Major League Baseball: 10-12 year olds; 6 Major Baseball teams

Major League Softball: 9-12 year olds; 4 Major Softball teams

Junior League Baseball: 13-14 year olds; 4-5 Junior Baseball teams

Junior League Softball: 13-14 year olds; 0 Junior Softball teams

(Note: This season Junior Softball will be combined with the Senior Softball League.)

Senior League Baseball: 15-16 year olds; 2-3 Senior Baseball teams

Senior League Softball: 13-16 year olds; 2-3 Junior/Senior Softball teams

Big League Baseball and Softball: 16-18 year olds; (Big League is scheduled and run by District 5)

These Local Rules and By-laws for Thornydale Little League were approved for the 2004 season by the Thornydale Little League Board of Directors on February 16, 2004 .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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