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Tuesdays with Morrie

Aphorism Project ~ 50 points

Reading Tuesdays with Morrie offers insight into how to live a full life, being ever present with those you love and always pushing yourself to be more than what culture dictates. One way that Mitch Albom was able to offer these great lessons was through Morrie's aphorisms; most of Morrie's quotes apply to any person who is trying to live through all of life's ups and downs and needs a way to refocus on what is important.

Directions: Your task is to choose ONE of Morrie's aphorisms and show its application in the book through quotes and images and then take the quote and develop ways that it applies to your life as well.


Choose one of Morrie's aphorisms and create THREE slides on Power Point, Prezi, or Woordle.

Slide One (20 points): Literary Connection to Aphorism

❖ Put your chosen aphorism in the center - be sure to cite and quote it

❖ Find FIVE quotes in the text that directly apply to your chosen quote - be sure to cite and quote them

❖ Under each quote - write 1-2 sentences that explains how each quote applies to your chosen aphorism

Slide Two (10 points): Illustrative Connection of Aphorism

❖ Put your chosen aphorism in the center - be sure to cite and quote it

❖ Find TEN images that clearly depict what the quote is trying to teach its readers

❖ Be sure to cite each image by copying and pasting its url and putting it underneath the image

❖ Next to each image, use one word or a short phrase that states how the image applies to the quote

Slide Three (20 points): Personal Connection to Aphorism

❖ Put your chosen aphorism in the center - be sure to cite and quote it

❖ Provide FIVE experiences from your life that connect to the quote

❖ Next to each example, provide an explanation as to how the story applies to Morrie's aphorism

Projects are DUE by Wednesday, June 5th at 8am to


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