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Swedish Institute (SI) Scholarship Programmes Enclosure to the application for SI Scholarship for Global Professionals for master’s level studies in Sweden starting in the academic year 2021/2022PROOF OF WORK AND LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE (Instructions)How to fill out the form? The template consists of two parts: a work experience form and a leadership experience form. You can submit up to three work experience forms to verify up to three different work experiences; you can submit up to two leadership experience forms to verify up to two different leadership experiences. You must merge all the work experience forms and leadership experience forms into one PDF document. All the work experience forms must be presented first in reverse chronological order, and then followed by all leadership experience forms sorted in reverse chronological order. Each one of the forms may not exceed one page and in total the entire PDF document submitted may not exceed five pages (excluding the instruction page).To prove that you have a minimum of 3,000 hours of work experience you must request current or previous supervisor(s)/manager(s)/HR/head of the organisation to validate your experience in the work experience form. Please only include the most relevant experiences you have had within the field of your expertise/studies. The work experience information you provide should correspond to the work experience you have listed in your CV. Kindly note that applicants who cannot provide proof of a total of 3,000 hours of work experience in the work experience form will be deemed ineligible. SI makes no exceptions.In the leadership experience form, we kindly request that you specify how many of the hours of work experience that have included leadership experience. For instance, if you worked a total of 3,000 hours at a company, 2,000 hours as an administrator and 1,000 hours as the head of your unit, then you should provide proof of both the 2,000 hours as an administrator and the 1,000 hours as head of unit in the work experience form. In the leadership experience form you should only include the 1,000 hours as head of unit (i.e. as a leader). The leadership experience form has no minimum requirement in regards to the number of hours.Leadership experience involves the experience of leading other employees in a team or a department/unit, with a mandate to influence the development strategy for the organisation you work at, to allocate tasks and familiarity with decision-making processes.Who can fill out the form?If you work in a family business, if you are the owner of a business, or if you do freelance work, we can accept a signature from a client or a staff who works at your company but who is not your family member. Clients should be companies/organisations (i.e. not private persons) and are only allowed to certify the hours that you have worked for them. The stamp should be the official stamp of the company/organisation.If you do freelance work, you may also ask an employee at the professional association or agency where you are registered as a freelancer, or receive assignments from, to be your referee and to sign and stamp the form.You can ask the same person to sign both the work experience form and leadership experience form, as well as write the letter of reference for you. If your referee has changed job and is unable to represent your former or current employer/your client’s company, we recommend that you find another referee who still works at the referring organisation and is able to certify your number of hours with the official stamp of the organisation.Examples of who cannot sign the formsCo-workersFamily members/relatives/partners/friendsIndividuals who demand compensation (money, goods, favours, services or other means) from you in order to give you a statement of referencePlease ask your referees to fill out the appropriate information by typing, then print the form and sign by hand and put the official stamp of the referred organisation at the end. It should then be scanned and converted into PDF format. If you and the company where you have worked are not in the same physical location, you can send the form to the company via e-mail and ask them to fill in your experience, then print and send the scanned file via email to you with their signature and stamp. When you have received/collected all required forms, please merge them into one PDF document.Why does the SI Scholarship for Global Professionals require proof of work and leadership experience? The reason SI Scholarship for Global Professionals requires work and leadership experience is because we are looking for candidates who are able to play an active role in the sustainable development of the societies where they live. Ideal candidates are therefore ambitious professionals with academic qualifications and relevant work and leadership experience.SI believes that people who have previous work and leadership experience are able to take the acquired knowledge from their master’s programme and translate it into a practical context, thus further deepening the understanding of what they have learnt.Requirements and submissionThe proof of work and leadership experience form must be completed in English and cannot exceed one page per form or five pages in total (excluding the instruction page). Any additional page(s) will be disregarded. Any false, misleading or incomplete answer may result in the rejection of your application. If your employer does not have an official stamp, we recommend that you provide proof of your work experience from another organisation. If it is the only work experience you have, we may accept an official stamp from a notary office. However, your referee still needs to fill in the template and sign it on behalf of the organisation. The notary needs to certify in English that the information in the form is true and correct, and that the referee is authorised to represent the referring organisation. The notary certificate should be merged with the form as one PDF document. In order to be valid, each of the forms must be dated, signed by hand by the referee, and stamped with the official stamp of the referring organisation or a notary office. The stamp can be in any language as long as it is the official stamp of the referring organisation. Any other format of proof of work and leadership experience will be disregarded. A PDF document containing all the forms should be attached to your online application (do not include the instruction in the file) through the online application portal, during the application period 8-18 February 2021. AuthenticitySI will carry out random checks on the applications and applicants to scrutinise any false or misleading information, including fabricated documentation. Should any false information be found, the applicant will be automatically disqualified and barred from applying for any SI scholarship programmes in the future. Any false information discovered during the scholarship period will cause termination of the scholarship. The scholarship holder will then have to refund the full scholarship amount to SI.Do you have any questions?Please read the instruction above thoroughly. SI cannot make any exceptions. If you have more questions, please make sure to read through the information about the SI Scholarship for Global Professionals as well as the Frequently Asked Questions.Swedish Institute (SI) Scholarship Programmes Enclosure to the application for SI Scholarship for Global Professionals for master’s level studies in Sweden starting in the academic year 2021/2022PROOF OF WORK AND LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE The forms must be completed in English. Any additional page(s) will be disregarded. The completed forms must be signed by hand by the referee, stamped with the official stamp of the referring organisation, and converted into PDF format.WORK EXPERIENCE FORM (maximum one page/form, maximum three forms)FIRST NAME(S) of applicant (as written in the passport) FORMTEXT ?????SURNAME(S) of applicant (as written in the passport) FORMTEXT ?????DATE OF BIRTH of applicant (YYYY-MM-DD) FORMTEXT ?????CITIZENSHIP of applicant FORMTEXT ?????FULL NAME of the company/organisation where the applicant works/worked FORMTEXT ?????TITLE/POSITION the applicant holds/held during employment FORMTEXT ?????TIME PERIOD of employment (YYYYMMDD – YYYYMMDD/today) FORMTEXT ?????TYPE OF WORKChoose one item FORMTEXT ?????HOURS APPLICANT WORKED in total FORMTEXT ?????WORK SPECIFIC TASKS of applicant (Max 250 characters incl. spaces) FORMTEXT ?????FULL NAME of referee FORMTEXT ?????TITLE/POSITION of referee at the referring company/org. FORMTEXT ?????E-MAIL ADDRESS of referee (preferably work e-mail) FORMTEXT ?????TELEPHONE NUMBER of referee (with country code) FORMTEXT ?????SIGNATURE of referee, date and place (city, country):I hereby declare that the information I provide about the applicant is to the best of my knowledge, true, complete and correct. I certify the applicant’s work experience on behalf of the referring company/organisation.Official stamp of the company/organisation the applicant works/worked at, or official stamp of notary officeSwedish Institute (SI) Scholarship Programmes Enclosure to the application for SI Scholarship for Global Professionals for master’s level studies in Sweden starting in the academic year 2021/2022PROOF OF WORK AND LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE The forms must be completed in English. Any additional page(s) will be disregarded. The completed forms must be signed by hand by the referee, stamped with the official stamp of the referring organisation, and converted into PDF format.LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE FORM (maximum one page/form, maximum two forms)FIRST NAME(S) of applicant (as written in the passport) FORMTEXT ?????SURNAME(S) of applicant (as written in the passport) FORMTEXT ?????DATE OF BIRTH of applicant (YYYY-MM-DD) FORMTEXT ?????CITIZENSHIP of applicant FORMTEXT ?????FULL NAME of the company/organisation where the applicant works/worked FORMTEXT ?????TITLE/POSITION the applicant holds/held during leadership experience FORMTEXT ?????TIME PERIOD of leadership experience (YYYYMMDD – YYYYMMDD/today) FORMTEXT ?????TYPE OF WORKChoose one item FORMTEXT ?????HOURS APPLICANT WORKED in total FORMTEXT ?????MAIN LEADERSHIP RESPONSIBILITYChoose one item LEADERSHIP SPECIFIC TASKS of applicant (Max 400 characters incl. spaces) FORMTEXT ?????FULL NAME of referee FORMTEXT ?????TITLE/POSITION of referee at the referring company/org. FORMTEXT ?????E-MAIL ADDRESS of referee (preferably work e-mail) FORMTEXT ?????TELEPHONE NUMBER of referee (with country code) FORMTEXT ?????SIGNATURE of referee, date and place (city, country):I hereby declare that the information I provide about the applicant is to the best of my knowledge, true, complete and correct. I certify the applicant’s leadership experience on behalf of the referring company/organisation.Official stamp of the company/organisation the applicant works/worked at, or official stamp of notary office ................

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