
Home learning grid P2 Dalry PS Week Beginning Monday 30th March 2020Writing ReadingNumberYou have been learning about Earth and Space. This week our focus is Astronauts. Research using the internet.Write down 4/5 things you have learned.-6540527749500Draw a detailed picture to show an astronaut doing something in space. Choose a storybook and look at the front cover, title and blurb. Discuss: what do you think the book is about?Write down your ideas and once you have finished your book check to see if you were right. 16262354127500Extra: Can you create a new front cover for the story you read?*Please complete 20mins of Sumdog each day. Look out for new challenges that will be added*Please use your SEAL HW grid to complete a different number task each day.Why not play a game of Musical Maths Statues with your family? Remember to choose a fun and bouncy song to dance to!SpellingTalking & ListeningMaths/NumeracyFocus on Tricky words this week. Challenge yourself to learn 5 new words that you can’t spell yet. Why not try to teach your family how to play tricky word hangman?Download the free app Mr Word to play an electronic version of Scrabble.Continue to check over previous weeks words and play spelling games to help remember the rules!Read some of your book out loud to a family member and ask each other questions. 39179552514500Use the Bloom’s Questions page to help with creating questions. We have been learning about Patterns.Go around your home and take photos of the patterns you have found.244856023431500Create your own pattern and don’t forget to tag your teacher and post in on Twitter Something fun!Problem to solve!IDL Theme/ProjectWatch the pandas and penguins live at Edinburgh Zoo! use the Topmarks website to play and learn new number skills. Can you use it to find a new game? do astronauts live in space?Use these links to help you find out… & Moral EducationModern LanguagesArt/Music/Drama/Happy Hindu New Year!Try and find out 3 facts about Hindu New Year.95440532321500Write them in your jotter.In class we have been learning the French words for the following:2159000-546800Numbers 0-10Colours Greetings Access some activities to revise these on the following app Here is a link to our favourite French song!: With a family member, or your toys, act out some meetings and conversations between an alien and an astronaut. Share them with your family. Here are some ideas: An astronaut has crashed landed on a planet.An astronaut has floated into space.An alien and astronaut having a picnic on the moon. The alien and astronaut building a new space rocket.24250658826500Art: Easter Egg Challenge!Please see the website for details on our Easter Egg Challenge for this year. We are hoping to see lots of entries from P2.Health & WellbeingSciences/TechnologiesFind us on TwitterChoose a Cosmic Kids Yoga video to do at home: a Five-Minute Move with the Body Coach Joe Wicks each day: 90678010160000Try using this time to create a healthy lunch for you and your family.How can you be safe when using equipment? How can you ensure you are being hygienic?91567025019000Draw a picture to show what you had to eat. Tag us on Twitter with your amazing work:219202017843500@UpdatesMcArthur@TweetsChadwick @NewsGunstone@UpdatesMcDermott ................

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