Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

|Supplementary table 1. Calculation equations of noninvasive models for NAFLD and significant liver fibrosis |

|Noninvasive models |Cut-off points |Equations |

|NAFLD | | |

|Comprehensive NAFLD score (CNS) |≥40 |Probability (in %) of having NAFLD = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) ×100. |

| | |If male, |

| | |x=0.016 × age + 0.182 × BMI + 0.089 × WC + 0.391 × alcohol + 0.124 × exercise + 0.018 × fasting glucose + 0.773 × loge(triglycerides) |

| | |- 0.014 × HDL cholesterol + 0.145 × uric acid - 0.674 × loge(AST) + 1.632 × loge(ALT) -21.695. |

| | |If female, |

| | |x=0.320 × BMI + 0.044 × WC + 0.533 × diabetes + 0.016 × fasting glucose + 0.951 × loge(triglycerides) - 0.015 × HDL cholesterol + |

| | |0.199 × uric acid - 0.645 × loge(AST) + 1.302 × loge(ALT) + 0.255 × menopause -19.741. |

|Fatty liver index (FLI) |≥ 60 |(e 0.953×loge (triglycerides) + 0.139*BMI + 0.718×loge (GGT) + 0.053×waist circumference - 15.745) / (1 + e 0.953×loge (triglycerides)|

| | |+ 0.139×BMI + 0.718×loge (GGT) + 0.053×waist circumference - 15.745) × 100 |

|Significant liver fibrosis | |

|Fibrosis-4 index (FIB-4) |≥1.30 |Age (years) x AST [U/L]/ (platelets [109/L] x (ALT [U/L])1/2 |

|NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; BMI, body mass index; GGT, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase; WC, waist circumference; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine |

|aminotransferase. |

|Supplementary table 2. Odds ratio and 95% confidential intervals of high probability of ASCVD according to the status of sarcopenia and FIB-4-defined significant liver fibrosis defined by different scores among|

|subjects with NAFLD without common malignancy in Korea |

|Multivariate models |Sarcopenia (-) |Sarcopenia (+) |Sarcopenia (-) |Sarcopenia (+) |

| |NAFLD with significant liver fibrosis (-) |NAFLD with significant liver fibrosis (-) |NAFLD with significant liver fibrosis (+) |NAFLD with significant liver fibrosis (+) |

|Model 1 |1.00 (ref.) |1.07 |1.39 |1.82 |

| | |(0.76-1.51) |(0.95-2.02) |(1.19-2.77) |

| | |P=0.695 |P=0.086 |P=0.005 |

|Model 2 |1.00 (ref.) |1.25 |1.62 |2.03 |

| | |(0.87-1.80) |(1.09-2.41) |(1.32-3.13) |

| | |P=0.219 |P=0.016 |P=0.001 |

|Model 3 |1.00 (ref.) |1.51 |2.41 |3.89 |

| | |(0.96-2.37) |(1.49-3.91) |(2.81-6.64) |

| | |P=0.076 |P ................

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