File n°4?: What is the role of philanthropy in the USA? A partir des mots de vocabulaire trouvés (salle info et recherches personnelles), veuillez créer votre carte mentale et la renvoyer avant lundi 23 mars 2020.Cette toolbox peut vous aider. Catégories: characteristics - causes - sources - criticism (à remplir plus tard) - the ultra-rich - new donors (à remplir plus tard)Ces catégories peuvent vous aider mais vous pouvez en proposer d’autres. Listen to the document, take notes and be ready to answer the questions below: The Rich History of Philanthropy, NPR, June 27, 2006Find out when and how philanthropy was born according to Dr Leslie Lenkowski.Note down the field of action of each philanthropist mentioned.List the common points between Andrew Carnegie and Julius Rosenwald. Write down a definition of philanthropy. Questions 1 & 2Bill and Melinda Gates: tackling disease and hunger and povertyJohn D. Rockefeller: created the RockefellerFoundation, its purpose was to improve the wellbeing of mankind throughout the world.George Peabody: millionaire, used his and others’ money to help newly-freed slaves.Margaret Olivia Sage: inherited money from her husband Russel and used it for charitable purposes.Henry Ford: imitated the others.Andrew Carnegie: from his name on libraries and other institutionsJulius Rosenwald: merchandising genius, he passed into oblivion/has been forgotten. Dr. LESLIE LENKOWSKI is a teacher at the Center for Philanthropy at Indiana University, he runs foundations (he is on the phone) and he is a guest in this radio show broadcast on NPR in 2006.He talks about philanthropy in the US, in the past and today. Indeed, this tradition dates back to the 19th century for American people but is part of a more ancient tradition which can be traced back to Socrates. It took different forms throughout the American history, the main idea was and is to help people in need raising money : helping newly-freed slaves after the Civil War or tackling disease in the 20th and 21st centuries for Melinda and Bill Gates. As they are super rich/wealthy/affluent, they can afford to give away parts of their fortune for the common good. 3. Say what the common points between Carnegie and Rosenwald are.Carnegie and Rosenthal share the idea that that they did not need to create a foundation. Carnegie intended to give his money away so that it could be used to help those who really needed it. In the same way Julius Rosenwald used his money to educate blacks in the South. they both thought that money should be spent to escape the foundation's bureaucratic and stale routine4. Definition: Philanthropy is about giving. it can consist in charitable actions that help people or society as a whole. It includes donating money to a cause, or volunteering by giving your time. Philanthropy also refers to wealthy and super rich people who dedicated their lives to giving a lot of money to contribute to helping people in need. These givers often by create their own foundations to raise money. In that case actions can be undertaken to enjoy the feeling of being good to others or to seek tax breaks.----------------Today’s lesson Advocating for women and workers.Read the text and answer the following questions: Use the following dates to write down Anne Morgan’s biography (60-70 words): 1873 - 1903 - 1909 - 1910 - 1913 - 19522. Read the text and fill in the following grid : Anne Morgan’s involvement The reasons why 3. List the five things she did to reach her goals.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. ______________________________________________________________________HMWK : Wednesday, March 24thChronologie à envoyer par mail : tout le mondeTweet : à envoyer pour le 25.03Lien vers le générateur de Tweet ................

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