
5280025-66040(Name)(Agency Name)(Street Address) (City, State, Zip Code)1505 Montrose Rd. * Auburn, AL 36830(Phone number)821-5433(E-mail Address)doug@00(Name)(Agency Name)(Street Address) (City, State, Zip Code)1505 Montrose Rd. * Auburn, AL 36830(Phone number)821-5433(E-mail Address)doug@Life Insurance That Offers Living Benefits AND Death Benefits In One Convenient SolutionDear <Insert Client Name>:Most people don’t want to think about facing a terminal illness like cancer…or being stricken with a critical illness like heart attack or stroke…or suffering a chronic illness leaving them unable to perform activities of daily living, such as eating, bathing or dressing. Illness can strike us at any time, and recent studies show that nearly half of adults suffer from at least one chronic illness.1Trendsetter? LB (Living Benefits) is term life insurance issued by Transamerica Life Insurance Company that offers the ability to accelerate a portion of the policy face amount if you become stricken with a qualifying critical, chronic or terminal illness.2 So whether you are looking for death benefit coverage, or want to be prepared in case of a serious illness, Trendsetter LB offers the protection you want in one convenient solution.Sample monthly guaranteed level premiums for $100,000 in coverage,Trendsetter? LB 10, Preferred Choice Nonsmoker class Age 40Age 45Age 50Age 55Age 60Male$12.38$15.74$23.36$32.42$52.80Female$11.09$14.10$18.66$27.18$44.12Premiums are lower if paid annually. Premiums for other underwriting classes, ages, face amounts and payment modes are available upon request. If approved for coverage, your actual premium may vary.For more information on how you can apply today, please complete and return this entire form in the enclosed postage paid envelope or call us at (insert phone number here). Name:Spouse Name : 3Date of Birth:Date of Birth: 3Home # Work #Cell # Best Time To Call:Sincerely,(Name)(Title)1 to state availability. The minimum amount that may be accelerated may vary. The maximum amount that may be accelerated will also be subject to an aggregate maximum of $500,000 under all policies issued by Transamerica and its affiliates covering the same insured, including any death benefit accelerated under a terminal illness, critical illness, chronic illness or other living benefit option. The actual amount received will be determined at the time of claim. Benefit amounts are discounted based on factors including the severity of the illness and the insured's life expectancy, and are reduced by applicable administration fees and the discounted value of future premiums. Some portion of the payments may be taxable, and policy owners are advised to consult with their tax advisors when making a request for an Accelerated Death Benefit.3Spouse information required only if requesting quote for spouse.Benefits provided through the Living Benefits, including the critical, chronic and terminal illness accelerated death benefits, are subject to certain limitations and exclusions. Amounts payable under the benefits vary based in part on the nature and severity of the Insured’s health condition and the Insured’s remaining life expectancy at the time of the acceleration as determined by the company. Refer to the policy or riders for complete details.Trendsetter? LB is a term life insurance policy issued by Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Cedar Rapids, IA 52499. Policy Form No. TL19. For the 10 year initial level term period, premiums increase annually beginning in year 11. Policy form and number may vary, and this policy may not be available in all jurisdictions. Insurance eligibility and premiums are subject to underwriting. In most states, in the event of suicide during the first two policy years, death benefits are limited only to the return of premiums paid. The agent and/or agency mentioned above is an independent contractor representing Transamerica Life Insurance Company.OL 3025 0215 ................

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