US History Unit - Study GuideMissouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820)Compromise of 1850The Union & ConfederatesFugitive slave lawEmancipation ProclamationAnaconda PlanGettysburg BattleSurrender at AppomattoxReconstruction13th Amendment14th Amendment15th AmendmentBlack CodesMonopoliesThe JungleChinese Exclusion ActHousing ShortageAbe LincolnJefferson DavisJohn Wilkes BoothKu Klux KlanJane AddamsJohn D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, & Cornelius Vanderbilt, Irish / Chinese ImmigrantsBe Able to answer the following questions…CIVIL WARIdentify differences between life in the North and in the South leading up to the Civil War. Be able to describe the economy and opinions about slavery in paragraph form.Explain the significance of the following Civil War Battles: Fort Sumter, Gettysburg, AppomattoxHow did they affect the overall progress of the war? Who led the battles? What was the outcome? Why is this an important battle? Explain how the Civil War ended. What was reconstruction? How was it positive for African Americans & how was it negative? –You should be able to give specific examples.How do each of the following amendments work together to extend rights to African Americans after the Civil War (13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment)?Explain how the South reacted reconstruction forced upon them by the Union (north)? What was the outcome for African Americans during this time?URBANIZATIONDescribe working conditions in the cities during the early 1900s.Who was working in the factories and in low-end jobs? (Be specific: age, gender, origin, location they are working).Who was employing these people and describe their business practices?What happened specifically during the Triangle Shirt Waist incident?What was the long lasting legacy of the Triangle Shirt Waist incident?Why would employers use child labor?What was The Jungle? Who wrote it? What was it about?Describe the living conditions in the cities for the early 1900s.Be able to photos below to describe living conditions…Describe the reaction to immigrants that came to the US during the early 1900s.IrishChineseWhy did the US start the Chinese Exclusion Act?Be able to photos below to describe what people thought of the Irish… ................

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