European Holocaust Web Search

European Holocaust Web Search

Knowing and understanding what events shape an author’s outlook on his/her subject is important. Using the provided websites, please answer the following questions about the European Holocaust. Be sure to respond in complete sentences. This exercise will serve to better educate you about the conditions under which Anne Frank lived and wrote.

1. Name the model concentration camp?

2. Define genocide.

3. What word did the Nazis use instead of genocide in order to distance themselves from the horror?

4. Describe the conditions of the ghettos in Warsaw.

5. Define the “Final Solution.”

6. Arbeit Macht Frei . What does this mean? Where were these words found?

7. Describe the living conditions in the camps. (3 sentences)

8. How many people were killed at Auschwitz-Birkeneau? How many were Jews?

9. Why is it ironic that the Nazis kept careful, detailed records of all who were exterminated?

10. Why is the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen significant to our study of Anne Frank?

11. Name and explain two other incidents of genocide in history.

12. Explain why the Nazis burned books? Name five authors who were on the list of books burned.

13. What is Kristallnacht?

14. Why did the Nazis institute death marches as it became apparent they were losing the war?

15. When rumors of the atrocities began to circulate, many Jews tried to immigrate to places like the United States or Great Britain. Describe some of the problems they encountered.

16. Just as Miep Geis risked her life for the Franks and the other Secret Annex inhabitants, many others risked their lives for Jews as well. In at least one paragraph, describe one person who helped save Jews from the Nazis. Why did this person risk his/her life for in many cases complete strangers?


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