-Living things are highly ORGANIZED -Living things are made up of …

[Pages:13] -Living things are highly ORGANIZED -Living things are made up of one or more CELLS -Living things use ENERGY -Living things GROW and develop -Living things RESPOND to changes in the environment -Living things have a LIMITED LIFE SPAN -Living things have a definite FORM and limited SIZE -Living things REPRODUCE

***Non-living things may show one or more of these Characteristics, but NEVER ALL of them

-Biologists group living things by a system of CLASSIFICATION (Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, Genus, species)

-Kingdom is the LARGEST and the most GENERAL




-Synthesis -Growth


-Metabolism -Homeostasis -Regulation


-All living things made of 4 main elements: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen

ORGANIC MOLECULES-Contain BOTH Carbon and Hydrogen -includes all of the major molecules of LIFE

Ex: Cell walls, cell membranes, enzymes, DNA, protein, Lipids (fats), carbohydrates

INORGANIC MOLECULES- Do NOT contain both Carbon And Hydrogen

Ex: Salts, minerals, acids, bases, oxygen, carbon-dioxide, And water

-Organisms (living thing) share a similar "building plan"


Organ Systems Organs

Tissues Cells


Organelles: (Cell parts/structures)

Cytoplasm- Jelly-like material that transports materials Nucleus- Controls all cell activities; Stores DNA Vacuole- Storage sacs Ribosomes- Site of protein synthesis Mitochondria- Site of cellular respiration (makes ATP)

(Contains enzymes) Chloroplasts- Site of photosynthesis (plant cells ONLY)

Cell Membrane- Thin, living membrane that surrounds the cell. Controls what enters and leaves the cell

(plasma membrane) Phospho-Lipid Bilayer

-Living barrier that separates inside of cell from outside

-Controls the transport of materials into and out of the cell

-Materials move from HIGH concentration to LOW concentration

-Requires NO ENERGY

-Materials move from LOW Concentration to HIGH concentration

-Requires ENERGY (ATP)

Osmosis- The diffusion of WATER ONLY

-The cell membrane contains certain protein molecules that Can receive chemical messages (hormones) from other cells

Receptor molecules (work by shape) (Cell to Cell communication)

-Carries out the process of DIGESTION (process of Breaking down food)


Simple Sugars (glucose)


Amino Acids


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