Damage Page - Mighty Networks

43878501073150Damage PageNow comes the part where the magic really happens, the “Damage” page. This is where the auto damage estimate is written inside of Audatex.Select “Damage” from the side menu of Audatex to access the estimate writing portion of Audatex.If you have already filled out all the pages prior (which I recommend) the system is set up to receive your damage entries.If you don’t have a vehicle selected, no VIN number decoded, and no labor rates selected you’ll run into unforeseen problems as you move forward so make sure all the pages are done prior to this.Typically, the estimate screen starts on the front bumper or the section of the vehicle that you selected on the “Point of Impact” subpage under the “Vehicle” pages.There are 4 major sections to the damage page.0450850001. Part Diagrams2. Part Selection3. Estimate Lines4. Estimate Header MenuI’ll go through each of these sections and how to use them one at a time.Part DiagramsThis is where Audatex really shines above the other estimating system, the visual representation of the parts of the vehicle.*If you have 3D graphics on your Audatex subscription it will enable you to spin the angle of which you are viewing the parts. (since we are working with the barebones version I won’t go into any further detail)If you don’t know what a part is called using the visual aids of the part diagrams makes it easier to identify. The super bonus is that you can select the parts of the vehicle right from the pictures, simply click the part to select it. (I’ll go further into this later in the book)Part SelectionOn the right-hand side of Audatex is where you can change and select the different part sections and make part selections.center2468245003860800920750The dropdown menu at the top of this selection allows you to change what section of the vehicle you are looking at and writing an estimate on.Once you select the drop-down menu it will expand and show you all the sections of the vehicle. You will need to utilize the scroll bar (see below) to navigate through all the sections of the vehicle listed front to back.6604002458720003340100000Once you select a different section the graphics displayed in the “Parts Diagram” section will changed to reflect the new selection.right24765IA TIP: Not all parts are shown in the parts diagram. If you can’t find a part you are looking for be sure to look at the parts list inside of the parts section to see all the options. Parts that are shown in the parts diagram are in BOLD and those that are not listed are plain text. SIDE NOTE: There is also a vehicle above the drop-down menu that allows you to do a quick select of sections and/or operations and ways to view the sections of the vehicle.10985507112000-2286000IA TIP: As an IA I have rarely found these to be very useful. I recommend using Audatex AS IS and not utilize this upper section until you are confident in using the software, then you can try and play around with the different views.Estimate Lines-825501599565Below the part diagram being displayed is the “Estimate” section. This will display the operations and items you have added to the estimate.right412750By default, there is only a few lines displayed at any given time to make room for the parts diagram.IA TIP: To make the estimate section larger so you can see and scroll through all your items you’ve added to the estimate, you’ll need to hit the “Expand” Button at the top left of the page. (see Estimate Header Menu for screenshot) After you hit the “Expand” button you’ll see ONLY the estimate lines.Estimate Header Menu01905This menu is located above the parts diagram on the “Damage” page. These are shortcut buttons. I’ll explain each one in detail but see our “IA Tip” below.right192405IA TIP: Other than the first three buttons, “Expand,” “Zoom” and the “Find”, DO NOT USE THIS MENU! Using these “Shortcuts” create bad habits as an IA and should not be used until good habits have been established.Expand – As I previously explained this button expands the estimate menu. It replaces the parts diagram menu and makes the estimate lines take up the entire screen,Zoom – This eliminates the parts section menu and “Zooms” in on the parts diagram. Once clicked the button wording changes to “Normal” so you can click that to return to the normal view.right417195left31115000Find – Click this to open a pop-up window that allows you type in a search box to look for parts based on their name or part numbers. (example “hood” would search for all parts with hood in the name)Lt, Rt or Both – When either the Lt, Rt, or Both are selected it will automatically select the left, right, or both part(s) that you select. (for example, headlights, if Lt is selected it will automatically assume you want the left headlight)Replace – A VERY DANGEROUS BUTTON. If you have this select it will automatically replace every item you click. (image the disaster if you accidentally leave it on and select everything you need to R&I, I know because I’ve done it)R&I – Similar to the replace button, when this is selected it will R&I everything you click. Again a disaster waiting to happen if you are not experienced and are unaware.In & Out – This drills in or goes “in” or “out” to the corresponding section of the vehicle. For example you can go from the door section, select “In” and it drill into the dashboard section.Images - Select this to add images to the estimate inside of Audatex. Very few IA Firms request this, but occasionally you will use this feature. Settings – Here you can adjust the settings of your Audatex Damage page. If you have 3D images you can enable and disable them there. You can also adjuster a slew of other options, but when starting out its best to stick with the default until you thoroughly understand the software then adjuster your settings with confidence later.Adding a Damage EntryI couldn’t finish out the “Damage” screen without showing you how to add damage entries into the system.I’ll cover this in greater detail in the Playbook section, but for now I’ll show you how to at least add one line of damage.The principles are the same, so if you understand how to estimate damages (far beyond the scope of this book) and the terminologies involved Audatex makes it easy to add your damages and to create an industry standard estimate.To add a damage entry or any repair operation do the following, left1473200001. Select the part that the operation will be performed on, this will bring up a pop up window for that part. (The hood is the part I am selecting in this example)Once you select the hood it will bring up a pop up window where you can select what operation that needs to be done to that panel.center1435100002. Select the checkbox next to the operation that needs to be done to the part.center1320800Since we selected an operation (replace) on the panel (the hood) that will also need to be repainted, or “Refinished” when replaced, Audatex automatically selected the “Refinish” checkbox for us. This will calculate what it will cost to not only take the hood off, purchase a new one, put it back on, but also to include repainting it prior to putting it on the vehicle.center184785000right15875003. Once you have selected the operation(s) that needs to be performed on that panel you will need to click the “OK” button on the bottom left of the pop up window. This will add it to your existing estimate.Anatomy of the Estimate LinesNow that we’ve added an estimate line we can go over… WHAT THE HECK IS ALL THAT GIBBERISH!One of the things that makes Audatex challenging (and other estimating software as well) is they assume you know what they are saying. They cut off their already short abbreviations for space.So I’m going to take you through each section of the estimate line.02362200 Action Column – This little column houses so much PUNCH it will blow your mind. After using Audatex for years I realized I had been doing things the hard ways for years, now you don’t have to.Green Pencil & Paper– This little green pencil and paper (I thought was a checkbox until now) stands for “Part Edit.” Click this and it will open up the window where you selected the damages before.2349501727200Red X – The red X allows you to delete a line quickly and easily. This was one of my biggest pains in the past, but now…. Mystery solved.40576502484755002476502355850002349501727200Hashmarks/Buttons – This represents the menu. Hidden inside of this button is massive amounts of information and options.Edit Line remarks – Here is where you can change the explanations that you have on one of your estimate lines (example – LKQ is not cost effective)View Part Graphic – This will take you back to the section and show you the part graphic that corresponds to that line of the estimate.Included Operations – SO VALUABLE. This lists off all the automatic calculations and operations that Audatex is making in the background. Very valuable for writing an accurate estimate.Sort by Display Sequence – This selection changes how the estimates are arranged in Audatex. (never figured out in what way)Use Base Price – Use this if edit the price of a part and would like the system to change it back to the default pricing.Price is Included – Use this if you need the estimate lines part price to be listed as “included.”Use Base Labor Hours – Similar to the base price, if you edit the labor hours and would like the estimate line to go back to the default labor hour, click this button.Labor Hours are Included – Use this if you need the estimate lines labor hours to be listed as included.Insert Manual – This inserts a manual, blank line into the estimate.422275013652500Insert Prestore – Inserts a manual line that is already set up inside of Audatex (see image)Insert Tire – This opens the tire selection pop up to insert as a new estimate line. (see image)5778502514600Adjustment is Markup – If you have any numbers in the ADJ column (representing adjustment) it will change those numbers to be a percentage markup.Adjustment is Discount - If you have any numbers in the ADJ column (representing adjustment) it will change those numbers to be a percentage discount.Pop Up Keyboard – Just like it sounds, a pop-up keyboard will appear to use instead of your keyboard. Great if your keyboard gets coffee all over it!Pop Up 10 Keypad – Pops up a window for inputting numbers.Part Description – This is the most clear cut column. This column shows what part the estimate line is talking about by giving a brief description. (25-character limit)Side – This column indicates which side of the vehicle the part belongs to (whether left or right)right2381250Operation – This column lists the type of operation that is being perform on the part that is listed for this damage entry. The possible operations that can be listed here are,Replace OEM – Taking a damaged part off and putting a new one on that came from is OEM (Original Equipment from the Manufacturer)Repair – This is for putting labor hours onto the part to keep it from being replaced.Refinish – Another word for “painting” a vehicle. This is selected and used when a panel needs refinished aka painted.Blend Refinish – Blend refinish is the little brother to refinish. When a panel is repainted, there are times when the adjacent panel(s) need to be “blended” for color match.Two-Tone – This is for vehicles that have two colors on the vehicle. To calculate additional paint or refinish time you can utilize the two-tone labor operation.Chipguard – Used as a protective coating typically around the wheels of a vehicle or at the front of the vehicle, this operation is for when you need to apply new chipguard.Replace Economy – This operation is for replacing aftermarket or “economy” parts.Replace Recycled – Replace Recycled is for when you are utilizing a used or LKQ part.Replace OEM Surplus – These are OEM parts that were left over from the factory, or new old stock.Replace Reconditioned – Reconditioned parts are used parts that have been repaired to like-new quality and tested for safety and quality.Replace Reman/Rebuilt – This is for if you are adding a remanufactured or rebuilt part.Partial Replace Price – Used when you are only replacing a section of a part, not the entire part. This is for the part price portion.Partial Replace Labor – Used when you are only replacing a section of a part. This is for the labor portion.Partial Repair – This is used when you are only repairing a section of a part. Sublet Repair – Used for operations that the body shops typically “sub-out” or outsource to other vendors. Mechanical, PDR (paintless dent repair), glass, and alignment are all examples of sublet repair possibilities.Additional Labor – Used to signify a line item that is being added for additional labor. “Overhaul bumper” and “aim headlights” are examples of how additional labor is used.Check – One of my favorites. Use to identify a part that needs a “check” by a shop. Not certain a part is damaged, but you have a suspicion? Have them “check” it.Appearance Allowance – Rather than replacing a minor damaged part (molding with a small dent) adjusters may ask the owner if they’d like an appearance allowance. This is money given to the insured to keep a part of the vehicle that is barely damaged.Related Prior Damage – You may be familiar with unrelation prior damage, but related prior damage is different. This is damage that existed prior to the current loss you are estimating but affects what you are writing. If a hood already needed repainted and we are having to now write to replace that hood, this is an example of “related” prior damage.R&I Assembly – This operation is for “R&I”ing (Removing and Installing) a part.Unit Price – This column shows the price of the part on the corresponding estimate line.Quantity – The “Quantity” column represents how many of the parts selected are needed. Hrs – The “hours” column shows how many labor hours are being calculated for that given estimate line. If the labor rate is set to $50 and there is 4hrs labor Audatex will be calculating $200 in labor.42975443279833Rate – The type of labor that is used in the calculation of the hours can be changed in this column. When you select the column in an estimate line a pop up will appear with these standard options,Sheet Metal – For work being done to the body of the vehicle.Mech/Elec – This is for the mechanical or electrical repair operations. (which pay a higher rate)Frame – Repairs being done to the frame of the vehicle or to straighten the frame will use this labor rate.Refinish – For operations relation to painting or refinishing a vehicle this is the proper labor rate selection. Typically this also adds paint and materials into the calculation to allow for supplies that will be needed when refinishing.Structural – Used for repairing the structure of the vehicle.Glass – When glass work is being down in house at a shop this is the correct labor rate type.Adj – The adjustment column if for a markups or discounts that have been applied to the part price of a vehicle. Need to markup an LKQ part by 25%? Use this column and add the number “25.” Need to make it a discount? Use -25.Bet – Short for “betterment.” Betterment is used when the repairs of a vehicle will make it “better” than it was previously. If the vehicle has tires that were bald before an accident and they are damaged in the loss. The insurance company doesn’t need to pay full price for the “new” tires because the tires were not new prior to the loss. Betterment is done in percentages. Simply input the number that corresponds to the betterment needed on that part in the “bet” column.Total – The total amount that is being calculated based on the unit price, labor hours, and any other adjustment is displayed in the “total” column.UP – The “UP” or unrelated prior damage (UPD) column is used to indicate that the damage noted on this estimate line is NOT related to the loss. When this checkbox is used Audatex does not calculate that estimate line into the total or display it on the original estimate when printed out.. It will also create a separate “UPD Estimate” and not display the damages on the damage estimate.This is useful for documenting to the insurance company the dollar amount of unrelated prior damage to a vehicle.-1714503080385Ver – An abbreviation for version. The initial estimate is marked as “Org” for original. If supplements are used in the future the lines that are associated with the supplemental damages will be marked with and S1 for supplement 1, an S2 for supplement 2 etc.OP – Short for open. This is for items you aren’t positive are damaged and you want to come back to before finalizing your estimate. Shops use this to write preliminary estimates, but as IA’s we typically only use it as a bookmark for things we may need to revisit before we close our claim.Remarks – The remarks column is used for estimate line notes. If you need to put some clarification or explanation as to why you wrote a line item down, or document where you located a part from, the remarks section is where you put that.left239011IA TIP: These remarks are public and will be seen by the body shop and the vehicle owner. Only put remarks that relate to the repair of the vehicle and never put anything that you don’t want the owner or shop to see. If you need to communicate something about the claim that shouldn’t be public DO NOT use the remarks section. ................

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