Bani Ismail

Name, Address and Current Position

Zuhair A. Bani Ismail, BVSc, Diplomate ABVP


Large Animal Medicine and Surgery

Phone: 00962796654331




|Productivity and Experience Indicators……………………………………………………….. |3 |

|General Information……………………………………………………………………………………. |4 |

|Vision and Mission Statement |5 |

|Summary of Experience |5 |

|Education, Training ……………………………………………………………………………………. |6 |

|Certifications………………………………………………………………………………………………. |6 |

|Licensure……………………………………………………………………………………………………. |6 |

|Veterinary Leadership Development…………………………………………………………… |7 |

|Teaching, Scientific and Professional Development………………………………………. |7 |

|Awards and Honors…………………………………………………………………………………….. |7 |

| Academic Positions and Titles…………………………………………………………………….. |10 |

|Professional Consultant………………………………………………………………………………. |11 |

|Expert Consultation Projects……………………………………………………………………….. |11 |

|Research Interests……………………………………………………………………………………… |13 |

|Publications In Refereed Journals………………………………………………………………... |13 |

|Book Contributions…………………………………………………………………………………….. |17 |

|Conference Proceedings and Abstracts………………………………………………………… |17 |

|Non-Refereed Professional Articles |18 |

|Press Release and Public Commentaries……………………………………………………… |18 |

|Funded Research Proposals………………………………………………………………………... |18 |

|Teaching Experience (Purdue University 1998-2000)………………………………….. |20 |

|Jordan University of Science and Technology (2002-2009)………………………….. |20 |

|Graduate Advisor Experience: Major Advisor (Masters Degree)……………………. |21 |

|Administrative Appointments……………………………………………………………………... |23 |

|Professional Committees…………………………………………………………………………….. |23 |

|Invited Lectures, Seminars, and Organized Workshops………………………………… |26 |

|Outreach Initiatives and Community Services………………………………………………. |28 |

|National and International Cooperation………………….…………………………………… |29 |

|Scholarly Activities……………………………………………………………………………………… |29 |

|Synopsis of Past and Current Administrative, Clinical and Research Activities…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. | |

| |31 |

|References………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |36 |



|Publications in Scientific Journals………………………………………………………………. |38 |

|Books/Chapters………………………………………………………………………………………… |1 |

|Presentations at Scientific/CE meetings……………………………………………………... |56 |

|Proceedings/Research Abstracts……………………………………………………………….. |8 |

|Expert Consultant For National/International Organizations……………………… |6 |

|National /International Professional Consultation Projects………………………… |13 |

|Funded Research Grants……………………………………………………………………………. |16 |

|Editorial Board/Reviewer for Scientific Journals………………………………………… |6 |

|Academic Committees……………………………………………………………………………….. |34 |

|Leadership Positions in Professional Organizations……………………………………. |3 |

|Masters Degree Student Advisorship.………………………………………………………… |10 (3 Major Advisor) |

|Section 1 |

|General Information |

|A. Personal Data |

|Date of Birth |February 10, 1972 |

|Place of Birth |Irbid – Jordan |

|Citizenship |Jordan |

|Mailing Address |Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 3030 |

| |Irbid 22110, Jordan |

| |Phone: +962-2-7201000 Ext. 22038 |

| |Fax +962-2-7201081 |

|B. Current Title and Positions |

|2011-2013 |Assistant Dean, Veterinary Teaching Hospital Affairs |

| |College of veterinary Medicine, King Faisal University |

| |Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |

|2007-2014 |Clinical Associate Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and |

| |Technology |

|2014-Present |Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|C. Professional and Personal attributes |

|Able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. |

|Flexible and adaptable. |

|Considerate and patient. |

|Enjoy working with students in challenging environments. |

|Can involve and inspire students from all levels. |

|Can form quick and productive relationships with students and staff. |

|Able to stay calm in all situations. |

|Can assimilate within a department and school quickly and effectively. |

|Able to use computer-assisted educational resources. |

|Researching new topic areas and maintaining up-to-date subject knowledge. |

|Able to teach vulnerable and sometimes challenging students. |

|A committed and organized professional. |

|Fully aware of diversity and cultural issues. |

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|Section 2 |

|Vision, mission and summary of experience |

|A. career statment |

|My greatest strengths are my ability to understand and meet the needs of individuals and to communicate effectively with peers and other |

|professionals. I have clear understanding of the importance of interpersonal communication, and I am able to provide a stimulating, |

|caring and consistent environment. |

|B. Vision and mission statement |

|I am committed to providing the best and most up-to-date animal and public health services for the benefit of society through education, |

|research, public service, and outreach. I am always committed toward the achievement of the organization’s goals by promoting team work, |

|leadership, respect among peers and by willingness to go the extra mile. |

|C. Background and Summary of Experience |

|I graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) in June 1995 with honor. Soon |

|after, in October 1995, I was granted a scholarship to pursue specialized veterinary training in large animal medicine and surgery and |

|was enrolled in a residency program (1996-2000) at Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine Large Animal Teaching Hospital. The |

|program prepared me to earn the American Board of Veterinary Parishioners certificate in Food Animal Medicine and Surgery. I came back to|

|Jordan in 2002, and joined the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at JUST as an assistant professor to teach veterinary medicine and surgery |

|and as a senior clinician at the University Animal Health Center. In 2009, I joined the School of Veterinary Medicine at St. Matthews |

|University, Cayman Islands, UK as an associate professor and taught veterinary medicine and surgery for 2 years. My cumulative experience|

|is in the field of Food Animal Medicine and Surgery (particularly cattle) and it encompasses diagnosis, treatment and prevention of |

|medical and surgical diseases and farm management such as housing and nutrition, etc. My professional skills are: |

|Equine/Large Animal Surgery- 2001-present |

|Veterinary practice administration-2004-2009 and 2011-Present |

|Problem based veterinary clinical training |

|Veterinary curriculum development |

|Research in the fields of veterinary soft tissue surgery and preclinical studies |

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|Section 3 |

|Credentials |

|A. Education and Training |

|BVM&S, 1995 with Honor |Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|Oct. 1995- June 1996 |Volunteer, Large and Small Animal Hospitals, School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, |

| |Indiana, USA |

|ECFVG, 1997 |Large and Small Animal Hospitals, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary |

| |Medicine, Purdue University, Indiana, USA |

| Internship, 1998 |Large and Small Animal Hospitals, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary |

| |Medicine, Purdue University, Indiana, USA |

|Residency, 1998-2000 |Large Animal Hospital, School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, Indiana, USA |

|B. Certifications |

|American Board of Veterinary Practitioners |

|C. Licensure |

|1995-Present |Jordan Veterinary Association, Jordan |

|D. Veterinary Leadership Development |

|June 2010 |AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience |

| |Washington State University, USA |

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|E. Teaching, Scientific and Professional Development: Attended the following seminars and workshops |

|Scientific Writing Workshop- Purdue University 2000 |

|College Teaching Workshop: Basics of Teaching, Purdue University 2000 |

|College Teaching Workshop: Dealing with Students-JUST 2003 |

|College Teaching Workshop: Grades and Student Evaluation- JUST 2003 |

|Intercultural Dialogue “Opportunities for Sustainable Development”. Jordan 2003 |

|Quality Assurance Workshop in Higher Education-Amman 2007 |

|Endoscopy of the URT Workshop. Senlis Equine Hospital, France 2007 |

|URT Surgery In Large Animals. Large Animal Hospital- UC Davis, USA 2007 |

|GLP and SOP Procedures Workshop, Amman 2008 |

|AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience, Washington State Uni, USA, 2010 |

|Beef Quality Assurance Online Training Course- Texas, USA, 2010 |

|Management Skills and Leadership Development Course- Master Class Management, 2011 |

|Strategic Planning and its Execution in Educational Organizations Workshop- King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia 2011 |

|Tokyo University of Technology Biotechnology Workshop- Tokyo, Japan 2012 |

|F. Awards and Honors |

|1990-1995 |Royal Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies, Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|1992-1995 |Faculty Student Honor List Award, Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|1997-1998 |Special Merit Award, Purdue University |

|1999-2001 |Phi Zeta Society, Purdue University |

|1999-2001 |Sigma Xi National Honor Societies, Purdue University |

|1999-2001 |Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Societies, Purdue University |

|1995-2000 |Graduate Scholarship, Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|2000-2001 |Morris Animal Foundation Research Fellowship, USA |

|2009-2011 |Excellence in Food Animal Medicine and Surgery Practice, St. Matthew’s University |

|G. Membership In Professional and Scientific Societies |

|1995-Present |Jordan Veterinary Association, Jordan |

|1995-Present |Arab Veterinary Association |

|1995-Present |World Veterinary Association |

|1996- 2001 |American Association of Small Ruminants Practitioners, USA |

|1996- 2001 |American Association of Bovine Practitioners, USA |

|1996- 2001 |Graduate Foundation In Veterinary Science, Australia |

|1996- 2001 |Dairy Cattle Association of Indiana, USA |

|2001- Present |American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, USA |

|2005- Present |The Veterinary Information Network |

|2008- Present |The National Center for Biotechnology, Jordan |

|2008-Present |Jordan Society For Medical Laboratory Sciences |

|2008-Present |Syriavet Network |

|2008 |International Who’s Who Society |

|2009-Present |Cayman Islands Veterinary Association, Cayman Islands |

|2010-Present |Cayman Islands Agricultural Society |

|2011-Present |International Academy of Farm Animal Surgeons, KSU, USA |

|2010-2011 |Sarcoptes-World Molecular Network (Sarcoptes-WMN) |

|2011-Present |International Society of Camelid Research and Development |

|Section 4 |

|Past Professional Experience |

|Academic Positions and Titles |

|June 1995- Oct. 1995 |Research Assistant, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, |

| |Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|Jan. 2001- Jan. 2002 |Post-Doctorate, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology |

| |School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, Indiana, USA |

|2002- 2007 |Clinical Assistant Professor, Large Animal Medicine and Surgery, Jordan University of Science and|

| |Technology |

|2004- 2008 |Assistant Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|2004-2009 |Director, Animal Health Center, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and |

| |Technology |

|2009-2011 |Clinical Associate Professor, St. Matthew’s University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Grand |

| |Cayman Islands, Cayman Islands, British West Indies KY1-1209 |

|2011-2013 |Assistant Dean for Veterinary Teaching Affairs and Consultant-Academic Development, College of |

| |Veterinary Medicine, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia |

|2013-Present |Department Head and Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary |

| |Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology |

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|Section 5 |

|Expert Consultation |

|A. Provided free and paid expert opinions for the following organizations |

|2007-Present |Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan |

| |Area of Expertise: Animal Health and Production |

|2008-Present |Philadelphia BioMed Product Development Center |

| |Area of Expertise: Pre-Clinical Studies |

| 2008-Present |Norwegian People's Aid Jordan Project |

| |Area of Expertise: Health and Wellbeing of working dogs |

|2009-Present |ECO Consult, CO., Jordan |

| |Area of Expertise: Animal Welfare |

|2009-Present |Department of Agriculture, Cayman Islands |

| |Area of Expertise: Animal Health and Production |

|2010- present |Cayman Island Agricultural Society |

| |Area of Expertise: Animal Health and Husbandry |

|2010-2011 |Sarcoptes-World Molecular Network (Sarcoptes-WMN) |

| |Area of Expertise: Sarcoptes related diseases in Jordan |

|B. Completed Consultation Projects |

|Cayman Island Agriculture Society and Cayman Island Department of Education- |

|Agriculture Education Series (Animal Health and Husbandry)- 2011 |

|National Agricultural Legislation Revisited- Jordan Ministry of Agriculture 2009 |

|Evaluation of Animal Welfare Practices at Amman National Abattoir- Jordan 2009 |

|National Veterinary Medicine Competitive Examination (Role Examiner)- |

|Jordan 2009 |

|Humane Center for Animal Welfare- Jordan 2002 |

|Mobedco pharmaceutical company research development- Jordan 2008 |

|Medmac pharmaceutical company research development – Jordan 2008 |

|Environmental and public health impact assessment study for Amman new slaughter |

|house- ECO Consults Co. 2009 Jordan |

|Neonatal small ruminants mortality and mastitis prevention projects- |

|National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension, 2007 |

|Medical Services for NPA Mine detection Dogs (Norwegian People’s Aid) |

|Scientific consultations for Philadelphia BioMed Product Development Center, Jordan |

|Scientific consultations for Biovet Veterinary Products, Spain |

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|Section 6 |

|Research and Publications |

|A. Research Interests |

|Medical and surgical diseases in large animals |

|Pathophysiology of joint diseases in large animals |

|Camel medicine and surgery |

|Pre-clinical studies |

|Medical product development and testing |

|B. Publications In Refereed Journals |

|Bani Ismail, Z., Hawkins JF, Siems JJ. Surgical correction of polydactyly in a camel. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1999; |

|30(2):301-4. |

|Bani Ismail, Z., T. Qureshi, M. Levy, W. Khamas, A. Nour. Preliminary report on some physiological parameters in pregnant she-camels |

|(Camelus dromedarius) in North America. Journal of Camel Practice and Research. 2003; 10(2): 125-129. |

|Abdelsalam Q.T, Bani Ismail, Z., Peter, AT. Cystic ovarian follicles in cattle: A review. The Bovine Practitioner. 2003; 37(2): 114-119. |

|Al- Rukibat R., Bani Ismail, Z., Al Majali, AM, Al-Zghoul, FM. Peritoneal fluid analysis in adult non pregnant Awassi sheep. Vet Clinical|

|Pathology. 2006; 35(2): 215-218. |

|Bani Ismail, Z. and Al-Rukibat, R. Synovial Fluid Cell Counts and Total Protein Concentration in Clinically Normal Fetlock Joints of |

|Young Dromedarian Camels. Journal of Veterinary Medicine A. 2006; 53: 263-265. |

|Al-Rukibat, R., Bani Ismail, Z. Unusual Presentation of Splenic Myelolipoma in a Dog. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2006; 47:1112–1114. |

|Alzghoul, FM, Bani Ismail, Z, Al-Rukibat, RK and A.M. Al-Majali. A quantitative study on the trachea of young Arabian Camels (Camelus |

|dromedarius). Journal of Camel Practice and Research. 2006; 13(2): 129-133. |

|Al-Qudah K., Al-Majali, AM., Bani Ismail, Z. Epidemiological studies on caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis virus infection in Jordan. Small |

|Rum Res. 2006; 66: 181-186. |

|Al-Rukibat RK, Bani Ismail Z., Al-Zghoul MB. Cytologic analysis of synovial fluid in clinically normal tarsal joints of young camels |

|(Camelus dromedarius). Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 2006; 35(3):326-328. |

|Al-Rukibat, R., Al-Zghoul, MB and Bani Ismail, Z. Physical, biochemical and cytological analysis of synovial fluid of radiocarpal joint |

|of clinically normal young camels (Camelus dromedarius). J Camel Practice and Res 2006; 13(2): 145-147. |

|Bani Ismail Z, Al-Rukibat, R., Al-Tarazi, Y and Al-Zghoul, MB. Synovial fluid analysis and bacterial findings in arthritic joints of |

|juvenile male camel (Camelus dromedarius) calves. Journal of Veterinary Medicine A. 2007; 54: 66-69. |

|Bani Ismail Z., Al-Zghoul MB, Al- Majali AM, Khraim NM. Effects of Castration on Penile and Urethral Development in Awassi Lambs. Bulg |

|Vet Journal. 2007; 10:13-18. |

|Bani Ismail Z and M.M. Ababneh. Penile Hematoma in a Shami buck. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2007; 48: 433-434. |

|Bani Ismail, Z., Al-Rukibat, R. and Al-Zghoul, M.B. Renal and Epididymal Infarctions Associated With Chronic Obstructive Urolithiasis in |

|a Suffolk Ram. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 2007; 2: 29-31. |

|Shidaifat F, Gharaibeh M, Bani Ismail Z. Effect of Castration on Extracellular Matrix Remodeling and Angiogenesis of the Prostate Gland. |

|Endocrine Journal. 2007; 54(4):521-9. |

|Falah Shidaifat, Ibrahim Al-Zuhair and Bani Ismail Z. Interaction of testosterone with inhibin α and βA subunits to regulate prostate |

|gland growth. Endocrine. 2007; 31: 38-43. |

|Z. Bani Ismail, J. F. Hawkins, A. M. Al-Majali. External Coaptation for the Treatment of Long Bone Fractures in Cattle: A Retrospective|

|Study of 35 Cases (1996 - 2001). Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2007; 10(4):279-284. |

|Ahmad M. Al-Majali, Zuhair Bani Ismail, Yaseen Al-Hami and Abdelfatah Y. Nour. Lactoferrin Concentration in Milk from Camels (Camelus |

|dromedarius) with and without Subclinical Mastitis. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine. 2007; 5:120-124. |

|Zuhair A. Bani Ismail, Ahmad M. Al-Majali, Khaled Al-Qudah. Clinical and surgical findings and outcome following rumenotomy in adult |

|dairy cattle affected with recurrent rumen tympany associated with non-metallic foreign bodies. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary|

|Sciences. 2007; 2(3):66-71. |

|Z. A. Bani Ismail, A. Al- Majali, H. Ababneh & Al-Omari. Laryngeal Leeches Causing Exercise Intolerance, Respiratory Distress and |

|Hemoptysis In A Hunting Dog.  Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 2007; 3(1). |

|M.B. Al-Zghoul, R.K. Al-Rukibat, O. Ababneh, Z.A. Bani Ismail. Cellular and some biochemical changes in blood and peritoneal fluid in |

|lambs following elective castration. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 2008; 3(1): 23-27. |

|Z. Bani Ismail, M. B. Alzghoul, M. Daradka, A. H. Al-Shiyab and O. G. Tashman. Morphometeric measurements of digital bones in juvenile |

|male camels (Camelus dromedaries). Journal of Camel Practice and Research. 2008; 15(1): 195-198. |

|Z. A. Bani Ismail, A. M. Al- Majali, F. Amireh, O.F. Al-Rawashdeh. Metabolic Profiles in Goat Does in Late Pregnancy With and Without |

|Subclinical Pregnancy Toxemia. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 2008; 5: 1-4. |

|M.B. Al-Zghoul, R.K. Al-Rukibat, Alghadi M., Caceci T., Bani Ismail Z. Distribution and Density of Mast Cells in Camel Small Intestine |

|and Influence of Fixation Techniques. European Journal of Histochemistry. 2008; 52(4):237-41. |

|Bani Ismail ZA, AL-Zghoul MF, AL-Ababneh OM. Serum Levels of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I, Thyroid Hormones, and Skeletal Muscle Fiber |

|Size in Castrated Lambs With and Without Androgen Treatment. Am J of Applied Sciences. 2009; 6(3): 518-522. |

|Khaled R. Alzaben, Sami A. Abu-Halaweh, Abdel karim S. Aloweidi, Zuhair A. Bani Ismail, Iyad A. Al-Ammouri, Mohamed K. Al-Esa, Samir K. |

|Jabaiti, Moaath M. Alsmady, Mahmoud Abu-Abeeleh. Using nasal speculum for rat endotracheal intubation. American Journal of Applied |

|Sciences. 2009; 6 (3): 507-511. |

|Bashir Atiyat, Ahmad Kloub, Sami Abu-halaweh, Mahmoud Abu-Abeeleh, Zuhair Bani Ismail, Islam Massad. Comparison of three modes of pain |

|relief after major surgery. European Journal of Scientific Research. 2009; 32(2):194-200. |

|Mahmoud Abu Abeeleh, Zuhair Bani Ismail, Wael Hananah, Khaled R. Alzaben,, Sami A. Abu-Halaweh, Mohamed K. Al-Essa, Moaath M. Alsmady, |

|Ahmad M. Al-Majali. Induction of Diabetes Mellitus in Rats Using Intraperitoneal Streptozotocin: A Comparison between 2 Strains of Rats. |

|Europ J of Sci Res. 2009; 32(3): 398-402. |

|Zuhair A. Bani Ismail, Ahmad Al-Majali, Khaled R. Alzaben, Sami A. Abu-Halaweh, Abdel karim S. Aloweidi, Iyad A. Al-Ammouri, Mohamed K. |

|Al-Esa, Samir K. Jabaiti, Moaath M. Alsmady, Mahmoud Abu-Abeeleh. Haematology and Plasma Biochemical Analysis In Experimental Acute |

|Myocardial Infarction In A Nude Rat Model. Comparative Clinical Pathology. 2009; 18: 433-437. |

|Zuhair Bani Ismail, Khaleel Jawasreh, Ahmad Al- Majali. Effect of Xylazine-Ketamine-Diazepam anesthesia on certain clinical and blood gas|

|parameters in sheep and goats. Comparative Clinical Pathology. 2010; 19:11-14. |

|Khaleel Jawasreh, Zuhair Bani Ismail, Odeh Al-Rawashdeh, Ahmad Al- Majali. Normal Hematology and Selected Serum Biochemical Values in |

|Different Genetic Lines of Awassi Ewes in Jordan. Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 2010; 7 (2). |

|Mahmoud Abu-Abeeleh, Zuhair A. Bani Ismail, Khaled R. Alzaben, Sami A. Abu-Halaweh, Abdelkarim S. Aloweidi, Iyad A. Al-Ammouri, |

|Mohamed K. Al-Essa, Sameer K. Jabaiti, Jaafar Abu-Abeeleh, Moaath M. Alsmady and Omar Alshobaki. A preliminary study of the use of human |

|adipose tissue-derived stem cells for the treatment of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus in a rat model. Comparative Clinical |

|Pathology. 2010; 19:1-4. |

|Z. Bani Ismail, C. Dickinson. Alterations in coagulation parameters in dairy cows affected with acute mastitis caused by E. coli and S. |

|aureus pathogens. Veterinary Research Communications. 2010; 34(6):533-539. |

|Zuhair Bani Ismail, Khaleel Jawasreh, Ahmad Al- Majali. Effects of Xylazine-Ketamine-Diazepam anesthesia on blood cell counts and plasma |

|biochemical values in sheep and goats. Comparative Clinical Pathology. 2010; 19(6): 471-474. |

|Mahmoud Abu-Abeeleh, Ismael Matalqa, Zuhair A. Bani Ismail, Khaled R. Alzaben, Sami A. Abu-Halaweh, Abdelkarim S. Aloweidi, Iyad A. |

|Al-Ammouri, Mohamed K. Al-Essa, Samir K. Jabaiti, Moaath M. Alsmady, Omar Alshobakie Ahmad Al-Majali. Efficacy of Human Adipose |

|Tissue-Derived Stem Cells in Cardiac Muscle Repair In An Experimental Acute Myocardial Infarction Model Using Nude Rats |

|(Crl:NIH-Fox1RNU). Comparative Clinical Pathology. 2010; 19(6): 593-600. |

|Z. Bani Ismail, M. Levy, T. Qureshi, M. W. Lankester. Clinico-pathological findings and cerebrospinal fluid analysis in llamas (Lama |

|glama) experimentally infected with the meningeal worm Parelaphostrongylus tenuis. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 2011; 57(1): |

|175-181. |

|Zuhair A. Bani Ismail, Moh’D B. Alzghoul, Abdulhakeem Eljarah. Hematology, plasma biochemical analysis and urine excretion of glucose and|

|minerals in dairy cows affected with parturient paresis. Comparative Clinical Pathology. 2011; 20:631–634. |

|Al-Qudah KM, Bani Ismail Z. The Relationship between serum biotin and oxidant/antioxidant activities in bovine lameness. Research in |

|Veterinary Science. 2012; 92(1): 138-141 |

|Z Bani Ismail, N Abu-Baker, K Alzoubi, M Al-Zghoul, M K Al-Essa, S Khlouf, A Al-Saleh, B Al-Omari, R Abu-Tayeh, M Shomaf, A Battah, and K|

|Al-Hadidi. Evaluation of α-D-ribofuranose (D-ribose) toxicity after intravenous administration to rabbits. Human and Experimental |

|Toxicology, Online First 2012 (DOI: 10.1177/0960327111432505) |

|A. Eljarah, M. Al-zghoul, M. Ababneh, M. Alsumadi, A. Alhalah, Z. Bani Ismail. Characterization of male reproductive anatomy of the |

|endangered Arabian Oryx (Oryx leucoryx) in Jordan. Accepted, Theriogenology 2012. |

|Al-Essa, Mohamed K., Nareman Abu Baker, Karem Alzoubi, Mohammad Borhan Al-Zhgoul, Shereen Khlouf, Abdel-Rahman Al-Saleh, Bilal Al-Omary |

|et al. "Evaluation of the Subacute Toxic Effects of an Isotonic D-ribose Solution Administered intravenously to Fischer Rats." Jordan |

|Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 5, no. 2 (2012). 111-119. |

|Al-Zhgoul, Mohammad-Borhan, Abd Elhafeed S. Dalab, Mustafa M. Ababneh, Khaleel I. Jawasreh, Khalid Ahmed Al Busadah, and Zuhair Bani |

|Ismail. "Thermal manipulation during chicken embryogenesis results in enhanced Hsp70 gene expression and the acquisition of |

|thermotolerance." Research in veterinary science 95, no. 2 (2013): 502-507. |

|Hananeh, Wael M., Mousa Daradka, Zuhair Bani Ismail, and Huthaifa S. Ababneh. "Apocrine hidrocytoma in an Awassi sheep." Veterinary |

|Science Development 4, no. 1 (2014). |

|Daradka, Mousa, Souhaila Saoudi, and Zuhair Bani Ismail. "Evaluation of the Analgesic and Clinical Effects Associated with the |

|Subarachnoid Administration of Propofol in Sheep." International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 6, no. 3 (2014): 112-115. |

|Daradka, Mousa. "evaluation of the clinical and analgesic effects of subarachnoid ketamine-lidocaine administration in goats undergoing |

|mastectomy." Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports 2014:5 35–39. |

|Al-Rukibat, Raida, and Zuhair Bani Isamil. "Biochemical analysis of serum and synovial fluid in clinically normal young camels (Camelus |

|dromedarius)." Veterinary Science Development 4, no. 1 (2014); 40-42.. |

|Daradka, Mousa, and Zuhair Bani Ismail. "A case of ocular thelaziasis in a 2.5 years old Holstein heifer." Veterinary Science Development|

|4, no. 2 (2014); 15-16. |

|Daradka, Mousa, Sameeh M. Abutarbush, and Zuhair Bani Ismail. "A Case of Complete Pseudodiphallia with Pseudoscrotum, Atresia Ani and |

|Recti and A Double Tail in an Awassi Lamb." 12 (1): 56-58, 2014 |

|Wael M. Hananeh, Bani Ismail Z, Musa A. Alshehabat, Ja’afar Ali. Review of animal models used to study effects of bee products on wound |

|healing: findings and applications. Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy. 2015;59 (3); 425–431. |

|Wael M. Hananeh, Bani Ismail Z, Musa A. Alshehabat, Mahmoud Abu Abeeleh, Ja’far Hasan Ali. Effects of Sidr honey on second-intention |

|healing of contaminated full-thickness skin wounds in healthy dogs. Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy. 2015; 59 (3): |

|433–439. |

|Bani Ismail Z,Musa A. Alshehabat, Wael Hananeh, Mousa Daradka, Ja’far Hasan Ali, Ekhlas K. M. El-Najjar. Recent advances in topical wound|

|healing products with special reference tohoney: A review. Res. Opin. Anim Vet. Sci., 2015; 5(2): 76-83. |

|Ismail, Zuhair Bani, Wael Hananeh, Musa Alshehabat, Mousa Daradka, and Jafar Ali. "Short–term clinical and pathological alterations |

|associated with a single intravenous injection of alloxan monohydrate in dogs." HVM Bioflux 7, no. 2 (2015): 70-74. |

|Al-Zghoul, Mohammad-Borhan, Zuhair Bani Ismail,Abd Elhafeed S. Dalab, Abdulla Al-Ramadan, Thnaian A. Althnaian, Saeed Y. Al-ramadan, |

|Abdelhadi M. Ali et al. "Hsp90, Hsp60 and HSF-1 genes expression in muscle, heart and brain of thermally manipulated broiler chicken." |

|Research in veterinary science 99 (2015): 105-111. |

|Al‐Rukibat, Raida, Wael Hananeh, and Zuhair Bani Ismail, "What is your diagnosis? Lymphoadenopathy in a cow." Veterinary Clinical |

|Pathology 2016;45(1):191-2 |

|Zuhair Bani Ismail,M. Alekish, O. AL-Sheyab. Relationships between somatic cell count and certain udder and teat echo-morphometric |

|measurements in mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus in Awassi sheep. Revue de médecine vétérinaire. 2016;167(1-2):33-37. |

|Zuhair Bani Ismail,M. Alekish. Hematology and serum biochemistry analyses in Awassi sheep affected with clinical and subclinical mastitis|

|caused by Staphylococcus aureus and antimicrobial sensitivity patterns of the isolated bacterial strains.ABAH. 2015;7(2):202-207. |

|Zuhair Bani Ismail, Myassar O. Alekish, Mofleh S. Awawdeh, IssaOlymat. Effects of a single intramuscular injection of vitamin K on the |

|hematology, serum biochemistry and coagulation parameters in healthy adult dairy cows. Macedonian Veterinary Review. 2016; 6; 39 (2): |

|i-iv |

|Zuhair Bani Ismail. Successful Treatment of Bloody Milk Not Associated With Physiologic Udder Edema in Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows |

|Using Intravenous Formalin Administration. Bulletin UASVM Veterinary Medicine. 2016; 73(1). |

|Zuhair Bani Ismail, Myassar O. Alekish, Mofleh S. Awawdeh, Issa Olymat. Safety and effects of intravenous injection of formalin on |

|coagulation parameter in healthy dairy cows. Submitted to Veterinarni Medicina 2016. |

|C. Book Contributions and Non-Refereed Professional Articles |

|Bani Ismail, Z., T. Qureshi, M. Levy, W. Khamas, A. Nour (2003). Biochemistry. In: Selected Research in Camelid Physiology and Nutrition.|

|T K Gahlot (Ed.). The Camelid Publishers, Bikaner, India. Pp 68-128. |

|Bani Ismail, Z. Diagnostic Aspects Of Bovine Leukemia Virus Infection. Diagnostic Forum, Purdue University 1997; 7: 7-9. |

|Bani Ismail, Z. Prevention and Control of BVD Virus Infection. Diagnostic Forum, Purdue University 1998; 9(2): 3-5. |

|D. Conference Proceedings and Abstracts |

|Bani Ismail, Z, Frank N, Sojka J. Equine Purpura Hemorrhagica. The 11th Annual Phi Zeta Research Day, 1998. |

|Khamas, W. A., Bani Ismail, Z., Nour, A. The peculiarities of the one-humped camel stomach (Camelus dromedarius). The 17th Annual Phi |

|Zeta Research Day, 2004. |

|Bani Ismail Z, Hawkins JF and Al-majali AM. A retrospective study of long bone fractures in cattle. The second international conference |

|for ruminant diseases. Syria 2004. |

|Bani Ismail Z, Al-Zghoul MB, Al- Majali AM, Khraim NM The effect of early castration on penile and urethral development in Awassi lambs. |

|The Deanship of research first scientific day. Jordan 2005. |

|Bani Ismail ZA, AL-Zghoul MF, AL-Ababneh OM. Serum Levels of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I, Thyroid Hormones, and Skeletal Muscle Fiber |

|Size in Castrated Lambs With and Without Androgen Treatment. The second international scientific conference on small ruminant production,|

|Cairo 2008. |

|Mahmoud Abu-Abeeleh, Zuhair A. Bani Ismail, Khaled R. Alzaben, Sami A. Abu-Halaweh, Abdel karim S. Aloweidi, Iyad A. Al-Smmouri, Mohamed|

|K. Al-Esa, Samir K. Jabaiti, Moaath M. Alsmady. Efficacy of Adipose Derived Stem Cell In Cardiac Muscle repair. Myocardial Protection - |

|From Lab to Man, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan 2008. |

|Z. A. Bani Ismail, A. M. Al- Majali, F. Amireh, O.F. Al-Rawashdeh. Metabolic Profiles in Late Pregnant Does with and Without Subclinical |

|Pregnancy Toxemia. Animal Wealth and Research Conference. Cairo, Egypt 2008. |

|Mahmoud Abu-Abeeleh, Zuhair A. Bani Ismail, Khaled R. Alzaben, Sami A. Abu-Halaweh, Abdel karim S. Aloweidi, Iyad A. Al-Smmouri, Mohamed |

|K. Al-Esa, Samir K. Jabaiti, Moaath M. Alsmady. Efficacy of Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells in Cardiac Muscle Repair In An |

|Experimental Acute Myocardial Infarction Model Using Nude Rats Strain Crl:NIH-Fox1. Fifth International Conference on Cell Therapy for |

|Cardiovascular Diseases. The New York Academy of Medicine, New York , NY 2009. |

|Mahmoud Abdelrahman Abu-Abeeleh, Khaled R. Alzaben, Sami A. Abu-Halaweh, Zuhair A. Bani ismail, Samir K. Jabaiti, Ismael Matalqa. |

|Efficacy of adipose derived stem cell in cardiac muscle repair. Journal of Saudi Heart Association. 2011; 23 (3): 179. |

|E. Press Release and Public Commentaries |

|. Ascent Medical Product Development Centre Inc. USA. |

|articles/123282.php (Medical News Today) 2008. Bioheart Reports Promising Results From Preclinical Study Of |

|Adipose Derived Acute Cell Therapy. |

|F. Funded Research Proposals |

|Prevalence and etiology of pulmonary related poor exercise performance in racing camels in Saudi Arabia with emphasis on the use of |

|formalin as a potential treatment. Agency: King Faisal University. Submitted 2011 (136000 USD). |

|Sarcoptes-World Molecular Network (Sarcoptes-WMN). Agency: Qatar National Research 2010 (800000 USD). |

|Infectious Disease Surveillance and Identification In Small Ruminants In Jordan. Agency: National Center for Agricultural Research and |

|Extension Jordan 2009 (750000 USD). |

|D-ribose toxicity, pharmacokinetics on rats and rabbits and therapeutic effects on induced MI in rats. Agency: Heartland, Inc. USA 2008 |

|(110000 USD). |

|The effect of mastitis in Awassi sheep and Damascus goat fertility. Agency: National Center for Agricultural and Research and Extension. |

|2008 (100000 USD). |

|A newly emerging cattle-epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus in the middle east- from field to laboratory and vise versa. Agency: USAID |

|2008 (550000 USD). |

|In vivo evaluation of performance of the BioBraidMesh in an Achilles tendon model. Agency: MiMedx, Inc. USA 2008 (150000 USD). |

|Evaluation of treating acute myocardial infarction with adipose-derived cells in Nude Rat Model. Agency: Bioheart, Inc. USA 2007 (150000 |

|USD). |

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|Immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration in colostrum of Awassi-Charollais and Awassi-Romanov F1 ewes and in serum of newborn lambs. Agency: |

|Deanship of Research/ JUST 2008 (6000 USD). |

|Hematology and plasma biochemistry of Awassi-Charolias and Awassi-Romanov sheep crosses in Jordan. Agency: Deanship of Research/ JUST |

|2008 (5000 USD). |

|Cytological and Biochemical Analysis of Synovial Fluid from Clinically Normal Carpal, Tarsal and Fetlock Joints in Camels (Camelus |

|Dromedarius. Agency: Deanship of Research/ JUST 2006 (4890 USD). |

|Investigating causes and epidemiology of ovine lameness in Jordan. Agency: Deanship of Research/ JUST 2005 (4200 USD). |

|Effects of Early and Late Castration on Androgen Receptor and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 mRNA Expression in Ovine Skeletal Muscles and |

|Urethra in Awassi Sheep. Agency: Deanship of Research/ JUST 2005 (5600 USD). |

|Normal radiological and anatomical aspects of the distal limb of juvenile camels (Camelus dromedarious). Agency: Deanship of Research/ |

|JUST 2004 (2800 USD). |

|Effect of early castration on penile and urethral development in Awassi sheep. Agency: Deanship of Research/ JUST 2003 (2500 USD). |

|Avascular necrosis of the femoral head in healthy dogs administered corticosteroids. Agency: Deanship of Research/ JUST 2002 (4900 USD). |

|Antemortem diagnosis of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis in llamas. Agency: Morris Animal Foundation, USA 2000 (70000 USD). |

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|Section 7 |

|Teaching Experience |

|A. Purdue University 1998-2000 |

|VCS 501 Behavior, Husbandry, And Diagnostic Techniques I |

|(Role: lectures on handling and physical examination of different animal species) |

|VCS 502 Behavior, Husbandry, And Diagnostic Techniques II |

|(Role: lectures on handling and physical exam of different animal species) |

|VCS 503 Behavior, Husbandry, And Diagnostic Techniques III |

|(Role: lectures on handling and physical exam of different animal species) |

|VCS 534 Food Animal Surgery |

|(Role: lectures on food animal lameness) |

|VCS 540 Small Ruminant/Llama Medicine |

|(Role: lectures on small ruminants respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases) |

|VCS 522 Large Animal Surgery Lab I |

|(Role: GIT surgery in sheep and cows) |

|VCS 523 Large Animal Surgery Lab II |

|(Role: Uorogenital surgery in sheep) |

|Jordan University of Science and Technology (2002-2009) |

|Under Graduate Courses (E-Courses Available at ) |

|VM 482 Veterinary surgery 1 |

|(Role: coordinator) |

|VM 581 Veterinary surgery 2 |

|(Role: coordinator) |

|VM 584 Veterinary anesthesiology |

|(Role: coordinator) |

|VM 221 Physiology I |

|(Role: lectures on respiratory and acid-base physiology) |

|VM 499 Practical training |

|(Role: coordinator and surgery rotation) |

|VM 585 Diagnostic imaging |

|(Role: coordinator) |

|VM 591 Veterinary Clinics 1 |

|(Role: coordinator and surgery rotation) |

|VM 592 Veterinary Clinics 2 |

|(Role: coordinator and surgery rotation) |

|VM 57 Equine Medicine and Surgery |

|(Role: lectures on lameness and GI surgery) |

|VM 572 Veterinary Medicine |

|(Role: lectures on urolithiasis) |

|VM 225 Animal Husbandry |

|(Role: lectures on ruminants’ farm management) |

|VM 212 Pet animal care |

|(Role: coordinator) |

|Graduate Advisorship Experience (Masters Degree) |

|Graduate Courses |

|VM 732 Advanced veterinary surgery |

|(Role: coordinator) |

|VM 731 Advanced veterinary anesthesia |

|(Role: coordinator) |

|VM 734 Advanced veterinary imaging |

|(Role: coordinator) |

|VM 713 Advanced clinical training 1 |

|(Role: clinical rotations) |

|VM 714 Advanced clinical training 2 |

|(Role: clinical rotations) |

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|Major Advisor |

|Khraim 2005 |

|Thesis dissertation: Effect of early castration on penile and urethral development in Awassi lambs. |

|Tashman 2006 |

|Thesis dissertation: Normal anatomical and radiological aspects of the distal limb of juvenile camels (Camelus dromedarius). |

|Ababneh 2007 |

|Thesis dissertation: Effects of early and late castration on androgen receptor and insulin-like growth factor-1 mRNA expression in ovine |

|skeletal muscles and urethra in Awassi Sheep. |

|Co- Advisor and Examination Committees |

|Too Many To Count |

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|Section 8 |

|Administrative Experience |

|Appointments |

|Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan |

| 2004- 2009 |Director, Veterinary Health Center |

| |Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|2008- 2009 |Head, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences |

| |Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|2004-2008 |Assistant Dean |

| |Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|2009-2011 |Food Animal Club Advisor |

| |St. Matthew’s University |

|College of Veterinary Medicine, King Faisal University, kingdom of Saudi arabia |

|2011-Present |Assistant Dean, Veterinary Teaching Hospital Affairs |

|B. Professional Committees |

|International Level |

|2008-Present |Advisory Committee, Philadelphia Product Development Center Inc., Jordan |

|2010-2011 |St. Matthew’s University Central Research Committee, Cayman Islands, UK |

|2011-Present |VTH Strategic D&P Committee, KFU, Saudi Arabia |

|2011-Present |VTH Equipment and Supplies Committee, KFU, Saudi Arabia |

|2011-Present |College Research and Graduate Committee, KFU, Saudi Arabia |

|National Level |

|2007-Present |National Animal Hospital Registration and Licensing Committee |

|2008-Present |National Committee for Demining and Rehabilitation Committee |

|2008-Present |National Veterinary Reform Committee |

|2009 |National Committee to Evaluate New Stunning Machine and Animal Welfare In Amman Central Abattoir |

|2009 |National Selection Committee- Director of Slaughterhouse and Animal Welfare Department, |

| |Municipality of Greater Amman |

|2009- Present |National Committee to Evaluate and Monitoring Health Status of Imported Farm Animals for |

| |Production-Ministry of Agriculture |

|2009-Present |National Agriculture and Veterinary Extension Committee-Ministry of Agriculture |

|University Level |

|2007-2008 |University Council |

|2007-2008 |Veterinary Teaching Hospital Fundraising Committee |

|2007-2008 |Agriculture Research and Educational Center Steering Committee |

|2008-2009 |Laboratory Animal House Reform Committee |

|2008-2009 |New Laboratory Animal House Planning and Designing Committee |

|2008-2009 |University Chemicals and Reagents Committee |

|2008-2009 |Laboratory Animal House Foundation Committee |

|2010-2011 |St. Matthews University Research Committee |

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|Faculty Level |

|2003-2009 |Faculty Council |

|2004-2005 |Diagnostic Laboratory Committee |

|2004-2009 |Scientific Research Committee |

|2006-2007 |Veterinary Continuing Education |

|2006-2008 |Humane Use of Laboratory Animals |

|2006-2009 |Curriculum Development Committee |

|2006-2009 |Faculty Future Planning Committee |

|2006-2007 |Student Affairs Committee |

|2006-2007 |Public Educational Committee |

|2007-2009 |Higher Veterinary Education Committee |

|2007-2008 |Veterinary Anatomy Museum Reform Committee |

|2007-2008 |Social Life Interactive Committee |

|2007-2008 |Faculty Tenders Committee |

|2008-2009 |Equine Surgery Team Committee |

|2009-2011 |Research Committee, St. Matthew’s University |

|2009-2011 |Student Disciplinary Committee, St. Matthew’s University |

|Clinical Department Level |

|2002-2009 |Department Council |

|2004-2009 |Veterinary Health Center Board |

|2007-2009 |Department Scientific Research Committee |

|2007-2008 |Department Tenders Committee |

|2007-2008 |Veterinary Health Center Expansion Committee |

|2008-2009 |Department Graduate Studies Committee |

|Section 9 |

|extra-curricular activities |

|Invited Lectures, Seminars, and Organized Workshops |

|International |

|Equine Purpura Hemorrhagica. A Case Presentation. Purdue University, 1998. |

|Hypertonic Saline Therapy In Veterinary Medicine. Purdue University, 1998. |

|Gastrointestinal Diseases of Small Ruminants. Purdue University, 1998. |

|Surgical Treatment of Obstructive Urolithiasis In Small Ruminants. Purdue Uni, 1999. |

|Surgical Management of Digit Disorders In Cattle. Purdue University, 1999. |

|Surgical Management of Abomasal Ulcers In Cattle. Purdue University, 1999. |

|Lambing Difficulties and Surgical Intervention. Lafayette, IN., 2000. |

|Long Bone Fracture Management In Food Animals. Purdue University, 2000. |

|Ensuring Healthy Kids At Kidding. Purdue University, 2000. |

|Rumenotomy in Dairy Cattle in Jordan, Faculty Seminar, St. Mathews University, 2009. |

|Ruminants Heard Health Programs, Food Animal Med Club, St. Mathews Uni, 2009. |

|Bovine parturition and dystocia, Food Animal Med Club, St. Matthews Uni, 2009. |

|Strategic Management For Dairy Farms, Food Animal Med Club, St. Matt Uni, 2010. |

|Bovine parturition and dystocia, Food Animal Medicine Club, St. Matthews Uni, 2010. |

|Bovine dystocia and fetotomy, Food Animal Medicine Club, St. Matthews Uni, 2010. |

|Organic dairy production. Food Animal Med Club, St. Matthews University, 2010. |

|Food animal emergency and critical care. St. Matthews University, 2010. |

|Food animal emergency and critical care. American Animal Hospital Association Student Chapter. St. Matthews University, 2010. |

|Principles of servant leadership in Veterinary Medicine. St. Matthews University Leadership Experience, 2010. |

|St. Matthews University Veterinary Leadership Experience 2010-2011 (Role- Facilitator) |

|Veterinary Medicine at KFU: Toward International Accreditation. King Faisal University, 2011 |

|Role of Veterinarians in Society and Quality Veterinary Care. Saudi Veterinary Medical Association, 2011 |

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|Specialty Veterinary Training: Opportunities and Implications. Saudi Veterinary Medical Association, 2011 |

|Genome wide analysis of M. paratuberculosis isolated from Camels in Saudi Arabia. Tokyo University of Technology, 2012 |

|National |

|Role of Veterinary Extension on Animal Health Workshop-(Invited Lecture: Livestock Extension Services Delivery In Jordan). Jordan 2009 |

|Jordanian Cardiac Disease Patients Organization-(Invited Lecture: Swine Flu Infection i Animals). Jordan 2009 |

|National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension-(Invited Lecture: Internal and External Parasitism in Sheep and Goats). Jordan |

|2009 |

|Jordan Veterinary Association-Swine Flu Scientific Day (Invited Lecture: Swine Flu Infection in Animals). Jordan 2009 |

|International Day For Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Detection- Irbid 2008 |

|World Animal Day Conference-Jordan 2008 |

|Workshop for veterinarians- Common surgical diseases of small ruminants (Keynote speaker). Jordan 2003 |

|Educational lecture for owners and farmers- Reproductive diseases and diseases causing infertility in dairy cows (Keynote speaker and |

|Organizer). Jordan 2004 |

|Educational lecture for owners and farmers- Causes of bovine abortion: Prevention strategies (Keynote speaker). Jordan 2004 |

|Refreshing short course for veterinarians- Some surgical diseases of small ruminants: Diagnosis and treatment (Keynote speaker). Jordan |

|2004 |

|Educational lecture for owners and farmers- Diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in ruminants (Keynote speaker). Jordan |

|2005 |

|Educational lecture for owners and farmers- Diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in ruminants (Keynote speaker). Jordan |

|2005 |

|Short course for veterinarians and owners- Small ruminant's health and productivity (Keynote speaker). Jordan 2007 |

|Roles of veterinarians in human and animal health-World animal day (Keynote speaker and Organizer). Jordan 2008 |

|Improving goat health and productivity workshop-(Keynote speaker) 2008 Irbid |

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|Local |

|Educational lecture for Afghan students- Laparotomy procedures in large animals. Jordan 2008 |

|Educational lecture for Afghan students- Abdominal surgical diseases in ruminants-Diagnosis. Jordan 2008 |

|Educational lecture for Afghan students- Common surgical diseases in sheep and goats. Jordan 2008 |

|Educational lecture for Afghan students- Camelid digestive problems-Diagnosis and treatment. Jordan 2008 |

|Educational lecture for Afghan students- Large animal field anesthesia. Jordan 2008 |

|Continuing education workshop on equine eye diseases (Organizer). Jordan 2008 |

|Large Animal/Food Animal Surgical Techniques Short Course (Organizer). Jordan 2008 |

|B. Outreach Initiatives and Community Services |

|Free veterinary care day for farmers -2005 Jordan |

|Free veterinary care day for farmers (Organizer)- 2006 Jordan |

|Veterinary student externship mentor, Brooke equine hospital (SPANA)- 2006 Jordan |

|Veterinary medicine role in the community and animal welfare awareness- 2008 Jordan National TV New Day TV program |

|Free veterinary care day for farmers (Organizer)- 2008 Jordan |

|Free veterinary day care (Organizer)- Royal Polo Stables 2008 Jordan |

|Animal production and disease control in Jordan-2008 Jordan Country Radio Station interview |

|Cayman Islands Agricultural Society Livestock Show Judge- 2009-2010 |

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|Section 10 |

|National and International Cooperation |

|A. Foreign Veterinary Student Mentorshi |

|Annette Gonzales 2007 |

|Externship, Purdue University, IN. USA |

|Maria Nlegron 2007 |

|Externship, Purdue University, IN. USA |

|Kelly Castanso 2008 |

|Externship, Purdue University IN. USA |

|Alaa Safwat Aziz 2007 |

|NAVLE Candidate, Egypt |

|Adnan Fayath 2009 |

|Post-graduate Clinical Training, Al-Najah University, West Bank |

|Mohammed Al-Mohammed |

|Post-graduate Clinical Training, KFU, Saudi Arabia |

|Mohemmed Al-Ali |

|Post-graduate Clinical Training, KFU, Saudi Arabia |

|Anwar Al-Saad |

|Post-graduate Clinical Training, KFU, Saudi Arabia |

|B. Professional Short Visits To International Institutions |

|2004, Veterinary Teaching Hospital |

|Damascus University, Syria |

|2006, Equine Private Hospital |

|Senlis, France |

|2007, Large Animal Hospital |

|UC Davis, USA |

|2008, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |

|Cairo University, Egypt |

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|2012, Tokyo University of Technology |

|Tokyo, Japan |

|2012, Hokaido University, School of Veterinary Medicine |

|Sopporo, Japan |

|C. Scholarly Activities |

|Reviewer |

|Tropical Animal Health Journal |

|Reviewer |

|Walailak Journal of Science and Technology |

|Book review |

|Qassim University Publications |

|Reviewer |

|African Journal of Biotechnology |

|Editorial Board |

|Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health |

|Editorial Board |

|Le Journal de Chirurgie et Médecine Vétérinaire |

|Reviewer |

|Journal of Livestock Science |

|Reviewer |

|Ministry of Agriculture Scientific Publications |

|Examiner |

|National Veterinary Competitive Examination Board |

|Reviewer |

|University of Sharjah Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences |

|Reviewer |

|Jordan Journal of Applied Sciences |

|Search Committee |

|National Slaughterhouse Director Position |

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|Consultant |

|Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) |

|Scientific Committee and consultant |

|Philadelphia BioMed Product Development Center, Jordan |

|Consultant |

|SPANA-Jordan |

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|Section 11 |

|Synopsis of Past and Current Administrative, Clinical and Research Activities |

|Administrative Activities (2004-2009) |

|Director of animal Health Center (AHC), Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|Statement: The center is a mixed animal practice (food animals, Camels, equine, small animals). Fifteen senior clinicians with either |

|board certifications or PhD are working in the Center in the different clinical areas. The overall mission of the ACH is to train highly |

|qualified veterinarians who will be of use to society through the continuous improvement of animal and human health. The clinical |

|training is in the center includes rotations and group discussions covering a wide range of basic animal sciences, disease biology and |

|food safety as well as the routine clinical skills such as diagnosis, treatment and prevention of animal diseases. The commitment to the|

|veterinary training among all center staff includes the commitment to provide instruction and clinical opportunities for students in a |

|wide variety of domestic species, including both companion and production animals as well as tracking opportunities in biomedicine and |

|food safety. |

|Responsibilities: |

|Hospital administration |

|Development of hospital operational plans |

|Training of staff |

|Ordering and stocking supplies and equipment |

|Funds and resource management |

|Data automation |

|Staffing, safety and security |

|Review/evaluation/analysis of current and past performance of the practice |

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|Administrative Activities (2008-2009) |

|Head, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|Statement: I have worked hard during my appointment to accomplish the mission of improving our clinical curriculum through a |

|feedback-outcome analysis system. I have been engaged actively in Faculty curriculum development and revision, through which clinical |

|courses have been revisited. The department also is involved in coordinating and supervising several diagnostic and research |

|laboratories. Service laboratories are engaged in providing diagnostic consultations to animal owners and provide support to AHC. |

|Maintenance and coordination of such laboratories mandated much efforts, time and dedication. |

|Responsibilities: In general, my responsibilities included but not limited to the following: |

|To ensure veterinary services are being delivered to the clients in a professional and effective manner in all clinical areas. |

|To ensure highest quality of service and training of the students. |

|Budget management and ensuring material and supplies availability. |

|Continuous upgrading of the center including infrastructure as well as clinical services especially in the equine and small animal |

|surgery sections. |

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|Administrative Activities (2011-Present) |

|Assistant Dean for veterinary teaching hospital affairs, King Faisal University, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia |

|Statement: I was appointed at the College of Veterinary Medicine of King Faisal University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as an Associate|

|Professor and Assistant Dean with the sole mission of improving and developing the Veterinary Teaching Hospital in all its aspects; |

|infrastructure including facilities and equipments, human resources, and the clinical training program. The first accomplishment of this |

|appointment was the creation and implementation of a 5-year strategic plan. The ultimate goal of this strategic plan is to transform the |

|KFUVTH to a national, regional and international leading organization in learning, innovation and community engagement that is recognized|

|and accredited by EAEVE. |

|Responsibilities: |

|Develop and the implementation of Hospital Strategic plan and Service Plan |

|Measure performance of the hospital to ensure it meets defined patient needs |

|Allocate resources efficiently and according to an agreed set of criteria |

|Facilitate consultant participation in hospital planning and decision making |

|Represent the interests of the hospital to the funding system in order to access the resources necessary to deliver services |

|Provide data to hospital consultants to fully inform their decision-making |

|Develop safe systems and ensure consultants contribute to and observe the safety of the systems within their own practice |

|Ensure that all staff have the skills necessary to fulfill their roles within the hospital |

|Develop and participate in Continuing Professional Development Services |

|Participate in audit of hospital management in relation to efficiency, effectiveness and patient care |

|Achievements: |

|Preparation of Hospital 5-year Strategic Plan |

|Preparation of a Working Plan for Hospital Development |

|Individual Development Plan for Hospital Employees |

|Preparation and Implementation of Veterinary Clinical Skills List |

|Preparation of Master’s Degree Program in Veterinary Surgery |

|Review plans for new VTH |

|Preparation of VTH administrative Standard operating Procedures |

|Proposed establishment of a new off-campus small animal clinic |

|Proposed implementation of ambulatory clinic |

|Clinical Duties (2002-2009) |

|Senior Clinician, Jordan university of science and technology |

|Statement: I am enthusiastically committed toward student’s development and growth. My teaching load has consistently been of the highest|

|among instructors. My teaching style is based on Problem Oriented Approach to clinical cases. In Food Animals, I have emphasized on |

|teaching Veterinary students principles of preventative herd health as well as individual health. In addition, animal welfare and public |

|health issues have received special attention along with clinical aspects of different cases. |

|Responsibilities: My responsibilities included but not limited to the following: |

|Primary patient care; primarily surgical and medical cases of all animal species. |

|Coordinating clinical training courses especially those of Food Animal Medicine and Surgery. |

|Supervising Master’s degree and clinical diploma programs. |

|Phone consultations with practitioners and owners. |

|Extension services. On average 2-3 farm visits per semester are conducted. |

|Consultations for equine medical and surgical cases presented to the Humane Center for Animal Welfare in Amman. Large numbers of my |

|external consultations were on medical and surgical cases in pure Arabian horses of the Jordan Royal stables, the royal Polo club and |

|Hagana. |

|Consultations are also performed to local dairy farms, and dairy farms owned by the government. |

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|Clinical Duties (2009-2011) |

|Senior Clinician, St. Matthew’s University (2009-2001) |

|Statement: I have carried the responsibility of training veterinary students the principles and practice of food animal medicine and |

|surgery. I was engaged actively in preparing the students for their clinical rotations at the affiliate schools in the United States. I |

|also served as a clinical consultant for the cases that were referred to the Clinical Teaching Facility by the Department of Agriculture.|

|During my 2 years at St. Matthew’s, I was also engaged in student non curricular development through my work as a facilitator in the |

|Veterinary Leadership Program carried out by the school. My main subject during these activities was servant leadership and its |

|applications in the life of the veterinarian. |

|Responsibilities: My responsibilities included but not limited to the following: |

|Primary patient care; primarily surgical and medical cases of food animals. |

|Phone consultations with local practitioners and owners. |

|Extension services. |

|Consultations are also performed to local farms. |

|E. Research Experience |

|Statement: I am committed to excel in veterinary research as I believe advancement in clinical case management is one of the most |

|important aspects of being Food Animal Clinician active in Academia. I have worked as a primary investigator and as part of research |

|teams in the Veterinary school as well as in other schools and private industry. I have supervised several graduate students as primary |

|and co-investigator in the areas of bovine, small ruminants and camelids medicine and surgery. Several papers have been published in |

|several refereed journals as a result. During the last few years, I had the opportunity to work as a primary and co-investigator in |

|conducting research projects involving human medicine and surgery products for the industry. I have developed interests in Laboratory |

|Animal Care, developed research and management protocols according to International Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Good |

|Laboratory Practices (GLP) in the University Laboratories. Several papers have been published as a result of working research for the |

|human medical industry. |

|Procedures Mastered: |

|Development and implementation of SOP/GLP protocols |

|Rodent husbandry, handling and veterinary medical care |

|Intravenous, intraperitoneal injections and oral medications |

|Rodent general anesthesia, endotracheal intubation |

|Rodent ECG and cardiac ultrasonography |

|Rodent euthanasia and necropsy |

|Various Experimental Surgical Procedures |

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|Section 12 |

|References |

|Heather Barron |

|Head, Veterinary Clinical Sciences |

|St. Matthew’s University |

|Grand Cayman Island |

|British West Indies, K Y1-1209 |

|E-Mail : |

|Michèl Levy |

|Veterinary Clinical Sciences |

|Calgary, AB, Canada, T2N 2Z6 |

|E. Mail: |

|Odeh Al-Rawashdeh |

|Former Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |

|Jordan University of Science and Technology |

|Irbid 22110, Jordan |

|E-mail: |



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