Second Semester LL.B. (Three Years Course) (CBS ...



Second Semester LL.B. (Three Years Course) (CBS) Examination

FAMILY LAW--II (Muslim Law)

Time : Three Hours]

Compulsory Paper--4

[Maximum Marks : 80

Note :-- (1)

(2) (3)

Attempt all sections. Section A consists of 10 marks, Section B consists of 30 marks and Section C consists of 40 marks. Follow the instructions given in each section. Marks are indicated against each question.


1. Choose the correct alternative (any TEN) :

(i) Under Muslim Law, custody of illegitimate children belongs to :

(a) The Mother

(b) The Father

(c) Mother's mother

(d) Father's father

(ii) Under Muslim Law, parentage by birth is established :

(a) By birth during regular marriage

(b) By birth during irregular marriage

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

(iii) Which of the following is absolute incapacity for marriage ?

(a) Consanguinity

(b) Affinity

(c) Fosterage

(d) All the above

(iv) A Muslim can marry any number of wives not exceeding four. If a Muslim marries a fifth wife such a marriage shall be :

(a) Valid

(b) Irregular

(c) Void

(d) Either (a) or (b)

(v) A Muslim widow is entitled to maintenance :

(a) for one year

(b) during the period of iddat

(c) for two years

(d) none of these

(vi) In Muslim Law, dower can be :

(a) Specified

(b) Unspecified

(c) Either specified or unspecified

(d) None of the above

(vii) Which of the following modifies the application of Muslim Law ?

(a) Shariat Act, 1937

(b) Muslim Marriage Dissolution Act, 1939

(c) Muslim Woman (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986

(d) All the above




(viii) The option of puberty can be exercised by the female before attaining the age of :

(a) 15 years

(b) 18 years

(c) 21 years

(d) Either of the above

(ix) Legitimacy of a child may be presumed from which of the following ?

(a) Presumptive marriage

(b) School Certificate

(c) Custom

(d) None of these

(x) There are ______ Sunni Schools of Law.

(a) 3

(b) 5

(c) 7

(d) None of these

(xi) Marz-ul-maut means :

(a) A disease which causes death

(b) A serious disease

(c) A long standing disease

(d) None of the above

(xii) Which of the following statement is true about Kharch-i-pandan ?

(a) Husband has control over that money

(b) Property belongs to both husband and wife

(c) Absolute property of the wife

(d) She has control over the money but cannot use according to her will

(xiii) Gift of undivided property is called as :

(a) Areeat

(b) Mushqa

(c) Hiba-ba-shart-ul-iwaz

(d) Hiba-bil-iwaz

(xiv) Under Muslim Law, marriage is :

(a) An institution legalizing male and female conjugal relations

(b) A Civil Contract

(c) Sunnat

(d) All the above

(xv) A marriage with a woman before completion of her Iddat is :

(a) Irregular

(b) Voidable

(c) Void

(d) None of these



Note :-- Both questions in this section are compulsory.

2. Answer the following (any THREE) :

(a) Explain the concept of pre-emption.

(b) What is Muta Marriage under Muslim Law ?

(c) What is Mutawalli ?

(d) Explain Conditional Gift.





3. Write short notes on (any THREE) :

(a) Iddat

(b) Hizanat (Custody of children)

(c) Marz-ul-Maut

(d) Acknowledgment of paternity.



Note :-- Answer any FIVE questions of the following.

4. Discuss the sources of Muslim Law with the help of case laws.

5. What are the different modes of Talak ? When does Talak become irrevocable ?

6. What is Wakf ? How is it created ? What are the essentials of a valid wakf ?

7. Write a note on Schools of Muslim Law.

8. What are the essentials of a valid gift under Muslim Law ? Can a gift be revoked after delivery of Possession ? Explain.

9. Explain in detail kinds of Marriages and essential requirements of valid marriage under Muslim Law.

10. Explain the various grounds that are available to a Muslim wife under the Muslim personal Laws (Shriat Act) and under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act.

11. What is `Mehr' (Dower) ? Discuss the rights of a Muslim wife against the estate of her deceased

husband for the recovery of dower.






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