Doc.: IEEE 802.11-17/1035r1

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group |

|Date: 2017-07-10 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |email |

|Stephen McCann |BlackBerry Ltd |The Pearce Building, West Street, Maidenhead,|+44 1753 667099 |smccann@ |

| | |SL6 1RL, UK | | |

IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #164

Estrel Hotel, Berlin, Germany

July 10th – 14th, 2017

IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 10th July 2017

The chair: Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:30 Central European Time (CET).

Jon ROSDAHL Vice-chair 1 (VC1) Qualcomm

Dorothy STANLEY Vice-chair 2 (VC2) HPE

Stephen MCCANN Secretary BlackBerry

There are 328 voting and 12 Ex-Officio members of IEEE 802.11

1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-17-0847r1)

1. This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots. The meeting is in Quorum.

2. Chair: I would like to recognize that there are four IEEE fellows present at our meeting this week. There is also a representative of the IEEE-SA present.

3. Chair: Please note the changes to the agenda meeting graphic as shown.

4. Move to approve the agenda (graphic and Monday agenda only) which will become 11-17-0847r2

5. Moved Al Petrick , 2nd Dan Harkins

6. No objection to the approval of the agenda.

2. Notices (11-17-0848r0)

1. Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings and put cell phones to vibrate please. There will be one exception to this rules, within the Wednesday mid-week plenary for an award ceremony. If there are any members of the press present, please can they make themselves known.

2. None

3. May 2017 WG Minutes

1. Are there any matters arising from those minutes please?

2. C: I understand that these minutes also include the 802 Wireless Chairs session, so perhaps the title of these minutes should be reflected to state that.

3. Chair: it’s not necessary as we’re only approving the IEEE 802.11 minutes within that document.

4. Move to approve the Daejeon May 2017 minutes in document 11-17-0739r1

5. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Jon Rosdahl

6. Following neither discussion nor dissent, the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

4. Attendance

1. Please remember to login and register your attendance.

2. 22 people attended this meeting for the first time out of 190 people in the room.

3. Secretary: There will be a new member’s meeting today at 13:30 (PM1) today, in room 30441 on the fourth floor.

5. Policy and Procedures (11-17-0874r0)

1. Regarding patent information, please view for IEEE-SA patent information.

2. The VC2 called for essential patents information.

3. No statements were made.

4. The IEEE-SA policy and procedures were also reviewed.

5. There are no proposed changes to the IEEE 802 EC rules at this meeting. There may be some changes in November 2017 regarding the ICAID (industry connections) process and other aspects from IEEE-SA AudCom. Modifications to the meeting’s visa application process will also be discussed.

6. Please respond to WG letter ballots to avoid losing your voting rights.

7. No questions

6. Announcements

1. Liaisons (11-17-0848r0)

1. Chair: There are quite a few liaisons both incoming (slide #4) and outgoing (slide #5) this week, as described in these slides, specifically to and from 3GPP and ETSI BRAN.

2. No questions

2. Other IEEE projects of interest

1. Chair: This is a new slide and shows other IEEE projects which may be of interest to IEEE 802.11 members. However, there is nothing to report at this meeting.

3. Other IEEE 802 working groups (11-17-0848r0 slide #7)

1. VC1: This slide shows links to the agendas of the other working groups, together with an additional slide showing an online schedule which is suitable for most mobile devices.

4. Meeting rooms and online calendar (11-17-0856r0)

1. VC1: Please note that online calendar has been updated and is more automated and should match the attendance and online schedule. There is a QR code on your registration pack to find an online agenda and schedule.

5. September 2017 interim (11-17-0856r0 slide #7)

1. VC1: Please note that the September 2017 meeting will be in Waikoloa, Hawaii. Please remember to reserve your hotel rooms as soon as possible.

6. November 2017 plenary (11-17-0856r0 slide #7)

1. VC1: This meeting will be held in Orlando, Florida.

7. Attendance (11-17-0856r0 slide #8)

1. VC1: Please remember to register your attendance including affiliation for each meeting that you attend. Please record your attendance honestly.

8. Breaks and Wednesday social (11-17-0856r0 slide #11)

1. Please note the times of lunches and breaks.

2. Breakfast is included in your room rate.

3. Morning and afternoon breaks are available in the Estrel Convention Centre lobby and also back in the hotel. Lunch is provided in the hotel atrium this week.

4. The social is on Wednesday evening. If you have signed up for this event, you will require a wrist band as your ticket. This can be collected on Monday or Tuesday by the IEEE 802 registration desk. Also, note that there will be 2 boats for the canal cruise. Dinner will be provided on the boats.

7. EC decisions (11-17-0848r0 slide #8)

1. Chair: These are items that were approved by the EC at their last teleconference.

2. Please note that the IEEE-SA board requested an update from the IEEE 802 EC chair. This document was considered and there has been no output from the IEEE-SA board at this time.

3. There is a IEEE-SA public review process ongoing as mentioned on slide #10. At the moment, no comments have been received on the 802.11 amendments shown.

8. Status of all groups (11-17-0848r0 slide #12)

1. Chair: These slides show the general structure of the IEEE 802.11 activities and all the current officers for all the sub-groups. Please note that the TGaj vice-chair will lead their meetings this week.

2. Chair: There have been some comment collections as shown in slide #18.

3. Timelines

4. No changes have been noted for the timeline chart at the moment.

5. There are reports of all the current groups within the document 11-17-0873r1. Here are some extra notes:

6. Editor’s Meeting: This occurs at 7am on Tuesday morning.

7. ARC:

1. There will be a joint meeting with IEEE 802.1AS on Tuesday PM2.

8. Coex SC: This will be the initial meeting of this new Standing Committee (SC).

9. WNG: There is one meeting on Tuesday morning to consider future topics for IEEE 802.11. There are currently 5 presentations.

10. PAR SC: This Standing Committee (SC) will formalize the review of PARs from other IEEE 802 working groups. There are 9 PARs to be reviewed this week. Note, that some of the PAR meetings may be quite short this week.

11. REVmd: there will be a discussion this week about whether 11ax is to be included in the next baseline release of IEEE 802.11 or not. There will also be a discussion about removing some older features from the IEEE 802.11 standard in Tuesday PM1.

12. TGaj: Please note that Haiming Wang (the vice-chair) will be chairing these meetings this week.

13. TGax: There are still many comments to resolve from the initial comment collection earlier this year.

9. Approval of TGai and TGah final minutes

1. Chair: As TGai and TGah have completed their meetings, it’s necessary to approve their final set of minutes from those meetings.

2. TGai: Approve the minutes in 11-16-1258r1.

1. Moved Hiroshi Mano, 2nd Marc Emmelmann

2. Comment (C): Perhaps this process should be added to the IEEE 802.11 operations manual.

3. Chair: Ok.

4. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

3. TGah: Approve the minutes in 11-16-1297r1.

1. Moved Yongho Seok, 2nd Alfred Asterjadhi

2. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

10. Any Other Business

1. None

2. Meeting recessed at 11:49 CET

Wednesday, 12th July 2017

IEEE 802.11 Mid-Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:32 CET

182 people present.

11. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-17-0847r1)

1. Chair: There have been a few changes earlier today, so I propose to approve 11-17-0847r2

2. Any objection to accepting these changes to the agenda.

1. Moved: Marc Emmelmann, 2nd Richard Kennedy

2. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

12. Call for Essential Patents

1. Call for essential patents

2. No statements were made.

13. Announcements (11-17-0848r0)

1. CAC

2. Chair: Please can all sub-group chairs remember to attend the CAC on Thursday evening at 7.30pm. If you can’t attend, please can a delegate be found.

3. Photographs

4. Chair: These are not normally allowed under the IEEE 802 rules, but they will be allowed today in this plenary during the awards ceremony.

14. 11ax PAR change

1. There will be no motion today for this 11ax PAR change. This will be brought on Friday.

2. C: Please note that the PAR form needs to be edited a little bit more, hence the delay.

3. No questions

15. TGmd obsolete IEEE 802.11 features

1. Regarding certain IEEE 802.11 features which may be deleted, there are about 12 comments which were discussed within TGmd yesterday. An email has been sent out with the outstanding issues. There will be a motion about removing obsolete operating classes from the Japan band table during a TGmd Thursday meeting.

16. Social

1. Please note that this evening’s social will occur this evening and the boats can be covered if it decides to rain. There will now be 3 boats, starting to depart at 6.15pm on the canal opposite the hotel. If you have children, please consider taking the 2nd boat, as there are less stairs aboard.

2. No questions

17. IEEE 802.18 Liaison

1. There is a 60 GHz work item for ETSI and European bodies. This is regarding extension of the band together with ITS. This discussion will occur in a later IEEE 802.18 meeting this week.

18. IEEE 802.11 graphic changes (11-17-0847r2)

1. Chair: Are there any room releases?

2. IEEE 802.18 will release the Thurs AM2 slot.

3. Chair: Are there room requests?

4. TGay would like another slot on Thurs AM1.

5. TGax would like 2 more slots on Thurs AM1 and AM2.

6. WNG would like another slot.

7. C: Please note that AANI will have a short meeting, so this can be limited to an hour and therefore WNG can use the 2nd hour of that slot.

8. Chair: So, the AANI slot will be shared with WNG on Thurs AM2. The WNG will be for the student paper review that was not covered earlier in the week. It is not a joint meeting.

9. Chair: TGay can go into Wed PM1 and TGax into Thurs AM1 although this means that there will be 6 IEEE 802.11 meetings running in parallel for Wed PM1 and so I’d like to verify that the membership is content with this situation.

10. Straw Poll: Do you support having an additional session for TGay Weds PM1 (6 parallel)? (11-17-0875r6 slide #7)

1. Chair: From the show of hands, it’s clear that the membership is support of this.

11. Motion: Approve the room changes to the agenda 11-17-0847r2

1. Moved: Jim Petranovich, 2nd: Nikola Serafimovski

2. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

19. Industry Update Activity

1. This will occur during the AANI meeting tomorrow.

20. LC TIG Report (11-17-1048r2)

1. Q: regarding slide #11, how many light APs would be required to cover this meeting room that we’re in? Also, how do you prevent interference between APs in the same room?

2. A: probably about 40/50 for this room. Regarding the interference, this is a problem that needs to be solved within any future task group. Of course, if you switch off the lights in a room, the light communication will also stop.

3. Q: The major appeal of IEEE 802.11 is its appeal and the large volumes.

4. A: The goal of the study group would be to define a scope and produce a PAR.

5. C: Commercial viability should also be considered by the study group. It needs to consider why light communications is required in addition to 11ax or opposed to 11ax. It should address the incremental advantages of this new technology.

6. Q: Within one of your usage scenarios, downlink doesn’t really require CSMA/CA?

7. A: Yes, and this does need to be considered by a future task group. Slide #31 may hint at such a solution.

8. Q: Is there any concern about light sensitive people?

9. A: There are various safety standards for lighting which need to be met, especially for flickering.

10. Q: Regarding the figure on slide #31, how will the upper MAC be connected to the individual lights and lower MACs. It appears to be a new architecture.

11. A: This is just one solution that has been proposed. Handling rapid mobility between lights will be difficult and needs to be considered within a future group.

12. Q: This appears to be an asymmetric solution?

13. A: The study group will have to discuss this and decided whether an asymmetric or symmetric solution is the way forward.

14. Q: One slide #31, are there suitable radio regulations for the multiple radio approach?

15. A: I’m not sure.

16. C: Thanks for the work that the LC TIG has group. My concern is whether this should be a standalone standard or part of IEEE 802.11. The current standard is 4000 pages and is becoming unmanageable. I think for green field bands, we should consider new standards as opposed to amendments to IEEE 802.11.

17. A: Yes, this needs to be discussed within the study group.

18. C: I think this topic is very vague and I wonder if IEEE 802.11 is the correct venue to discuss this topic.

19. C: This is a very interesting technology and the LC TIG has done a good task covering the problem space. The study group will now consider whether this should be standardized. However, will be there be enough people with sufficient interest to move this forward.

20. A: Yes, I think there will be enough people to do this work.

21. Chair: What would you like to do next?

22. C: I would like to have a straw poll please

23. Straw Poll: Would you support the formation of a Study Group for LC to

24. evaluate and to develop a PAR proposal?

1. C: I am not in favour of this straw poll, as certain aspects are not very clear

2. C: I am in favour as a study group will further discuss the scope of work required.

3. C: I am not in favour as I don’t think IEEE 802.11 is the correct venue for this work.

4. Yes: 75, No: 31, Abstain: 49

21. Awards (11-17-1024r0)

1. Chair: We will now present awards to everyone who provided considerable assistance within TGah. Photographs are now allowed.

22. Recess

1. Meeting recessed at 12:17 CET

Friday, 14th July 2017

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:00 CET by Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation).

83 people present in the room.

23. Agenda (11-17-0847r3)

1. Chair: Since the previous version, I’ve added various agenda items for this meeting. In addition, there are some new motions.

2. Move to approve the agenda in document 11-17-0847r3

3. Moved: Jim Lansford, Second: Al Petrick

4. No objections, so moved and approved.

24. Call for Essential Patents

1. The meeting is still operating the P&Ps as described on Monday

2. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA)

3. None

25. Announcements (11-17-0849r1)

1. Minutes and documents

1. Please can everyone remember that minutes, should be completed within 30 days, once the meeting is closed.

2. Preparation for September 2017

1. There is currently a draft agenda for the September 2017 meeting, starting on 11th September 2017 and there will be our usual CAC teleconference meetings between now and that meeting, on August 7th 2017 and August 31st 2017 noon ET.

3. LoA (slide #12)

1. Chair: Please note that there is one outstanding LoAs as shown on the slide.

2. No questions

4. IEEE Store (slide #13)

1. Chair: everything is currently up to date.

2. Please note that the “Get 802” program will move into the IEEE Explorer tool.

3. No questions

5. ISO/IET JTC1/SC6 (slide #14)

1. This slide shows the drafts, which will be shared with ISO.

2. No questions

26. Meeting Location (11-17-0856r1 slide #18)

1. VC1: Can I have a show of hands to see who is in favor of returning to this location again?

2. For: 32, Against: 6

3. VC1: How many people enjoyed the social?

4. Yes: 24, Did not: 5, Did not attend: 7

27. Future Venues (slide #19 and slide #20)

1. VC1: Please note that the future wireless interims are:

1. September 2017 is at the Waikoloa resort in Hawaii, USA.

2. January 2018 is at the Hotel Irvine, CA, USA

2. The venues for the other future wireless interims and plenaries are also shown.

3. Q: Is there a Bangkok meeting coming up?

4. A: Yes, this will occur in November 2018 and replaces the original China meeting.

28. Treasurer’s Report (11-17-0855r0)

1. VC1: This is the current treasurer’s report. This is the balance sheet to June 30th 2017.

2. Thank you to ETRI for their sponsorship of the Daejeon, South Korea meeting in May 2017.

3. The estimates for the September 2017 meeting assume that 300 people will attend.

4. Q: It would be useful to see the attendance per meeting?

5. A: The information is here, but is spread over 2 slides.

6. Q: Regarding the number of attendees this week, how many are for 802.11?

7. A: There’s about 700 in total. There are 255 registered for 802.11.

8. No questions

29. Timeline Update

1. There are changes to the following timelines: TGak, TGaj, TGaq, TGay and TGmd. The timeline chart will be updated shortly.

2. Chair: It has been noted that TGak should finish before TGaj and the current updated timings don’t reflect that. Therefore, TGaj may need to wait for TGak to finish. It would be useful for the two sub-groups chairs to discuss this offline.

3. No questions

30. WG Committee Reports (11-17-0876r1)

1. Attendance (slides #3, #4)

1. The main attendance this week has been in TGax, followed by TGba.

2. It’s also interesting to see that the general trend is a constant level of about 800 document submissions per meeting.

3. No questions

2. Technical editor (11-17-0876r0, slide #9)

1. Please note the editor’s style guide and the rules on slide #11 for figures.

2. Slide #12 shows a revised order and publication dates of the next amendments. TGax will not currently be included in the next baseline update of IEEE 802.11.

3. Chair: It appears that the TGaj, TGak order on slide #12 differs from what was mentioned earlier in the timeline agenda item of this meeting.

4. C: Yes, so some discussion and correction is required between TGaj and TGak.

3. AANI SC (slide #14)

1. No questions

4. ARC SC (slide #18)

1. No questions

5. PAR SC (slide #25)

1. VC1: These are the various comments compiled by IEEE 802.11 regarding the 11 PARs from other IEEE 802 working groups this week. They were primarily from IEEE 802.1.

2. No questions

6. WNG SC (slide #48)

1. There were 5 presentations this week for WNG SC:

1. Overview of the ETSI SDR project

2. Low Complexity and Constrained Peak Power Consumption WLAN

3. Orchestrator pilot signal

4. Broadcasting on WLAN

5. Student projects at University of Colorado – Boulder: Measurements of temporal occupancy and a comparison of indoor performance of OFDM vs CCK/DSSS

2. No questions

7. Coex SC (slide #50)

1. This was the first meeting of this group.

2. There will be a Coex SC briefing for TGax on the Thursday of the September 2017 interim meeting.

3. No questions

8. IEEE 802 JTC1 SC (slide #53)

1. No questions

9. TGmd (slide #58)

1. The new timeline suggests that this group will finish in September 2020. It has been decided that the most recent published amendments 11ai and 11ah will be in the initial WG REVmd D1.0 letter ballot later this year.

2. No questions

10. TGaj (slide #62)

1. A re-circulation sponsor ballot has been approved and will start shortly.

2. No questions

11. TGak (slide #68)

1. No questions

12. TGaq (slide #71)

1. No questions

13. TGax (slide #74)

1. The task group has managed to resolve a further 480 comments from the initial letter ballot this week. D1.4 will be published shortly and there will be a request for a TGax ad-hoc in early September, later in this meeting, so it should be possible to request a re-circulation letter ballot of D2.0 in the IEEE 802.11 September 2017 interim meeting.

2. No questions

14. TGay (slide #79)

1. VC2: Please also note that TGmd is considering the removal of some obsolete IEEE 802.11 features from the baseline update. Some of these may be relevant to TGay.

2. No questions

15. TGaz (slide #85)

1. No questions

2. Q: Regarding the items that are not on the PAR, will there be a modification to the PAR?

3. TGaz chair: The group will consider a PAR change to accommodate the security issues. It’s also likely that the TGaz timeline will be updated.

4. Q: What features will be dropped to accommodate the security updates?

5. A: TGaz has multiple PHYs, so the scope of these may be changed.

6. Chair: Any activity outside the PAR cannot be worked on, so it appears that a PAR modification is required.

7. VC2: Please note that the next opportunity for an update will be in the November 2017 plenary, so this PAR update will need to be worked on in the September interim meeting.

16. TGba (slide #90)

1. No questions

17. LC TIG (slide #95)

1. This is the last meeting of the TIG.

2. There will be a motion later in this meeting to consider the creation of a study group.

3. No questions

31. Liaison Reports

1. IEEE 802.24 (11-17-0876r1 slide #98)

1. No questions

2. IEEE 802.1 OmniRAN (slide #101)

1. No questions

3. IETF (slide #105)

1. No questions

4. IEEE 802.15 (11-17-1164r0)

1. There will be an updated version of this report, posted to mentor, once this meeting finishes.

2. No questions

5. IEEE 802.21 (11-17-1165r0)

1. A lot of their work is now complete.

2. No questions

6. IEEE 802.18 (11-17-1163r1)

1. No questions

32. Working Group Motions (11-17-0875r3)

1. Teleconferences (slide #10)

1. Move to approve the following teleconferences

|Group |Date(s) |Start |Duration |

|CAC |Mon Aug 7, Thurs Aug 31 |Noon ET |1 hr |

|TGaj |Thurs Aug 3, 10, 24, 31 |22:00 ET |2 hrs |

|TGak |Mon July 31, Aug 7, 28 |9:00 ET |1 hr |

|TGaq |Friday Aug 4, 11, 18, 25 Sept 8, 22 |Noon ET |2 hrs |

|TGax |Thurs July 27, Aug 10, 24, Sept 21 |20:00 ET |2 hrs |

| |Thurs Aug 3, 17, 31, Sept 28 |10:00 ET |2 hrs |

| |Thurs July 20 |10:00 ET |2 hrs |

|TGay |Wed July 26, Aug 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Sept 6 |10:00 ET |1 hr |

|TGaz |Wed Aug 30 |11:00 ET |1 hr |

|TGba |Mon Aug 14 |10:00 ET |2 hrs |

| |Mon Aug 28 |17:00 ET | |

|TGmd |Friday July 28, Aug 4, 11, 18, 25 |10:00 ET |2 hr |

|ARC |Tues Aug 1, 15 |09:00 ET |1 hr |

|AANI |July 27, Aug 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Sept 7 |09:00 ET |1 hr |

2. Moved Mark Hamilton, 2nd Joseph Levy

3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

2. TGax PAR Modification Motion (slide #11)

1. Believing that the PAR modification contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines, Request that the PAR modification contained in be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for WG 802 preview and EC approval to submit to NesCom.

2. Moved: Osama Aboul-Magd, 2nd: Peter Ecclesine

3. C: If passed, this will be considered in the November 2017 plenary

4. [TGax result: Moved: Rich Kennedy, 2nd: Stephen Palm, Result: 54-0-0]

5. For: 48, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)

6. VC1: The process will that the PAR change will be consider in the November meeting and then go to the EC for their consideration. Then NesCm will consider it in December 2017.

3. TGax ad-hoc Motion (slide #12)

1. Authorize TGax to hold an ad-hoc meeting on September 6-8, 2017 in the Bay area, for the purpose of comment resolution

2. Moved: Osama Aboul-Magd on behalf of TGax

3. Chair: As this is an ad-hoc, can you confirm that no motions will occur in this meeting.

4. TGax chair: Yes

5. [TGax result: Moved: Hongyuan Zhang, 2nd: VK Jones, Result: 45-0-2]

6. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

4. LC Study Group Motion (slide #13)

1. Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802.11 Study Group to investigate the requirements and feasibility of light communications as described in doc 11-17/1048r4 with the intent of creating a PAR and CSD.

2. Moved: Chris Hartman, Seconded: Andrew Myles

3. LC TIG chair: There have been some changes to the submission (11-17-1048r4), that was presented during the Wednesday plenary, which I will summarise.

4. The main changes are:

1. The study group will decide whether the proposed document is an amendment or a standalone specification (e.g. IEEE 802.11.3).

2. The study group will not attempt to standardise the split between the upper and lower MACs as described in slide #31.

3. The study group will consider that when illumination lights are switched off, data may still be able to be transmitted.

5. C: This motion is different from the template, as it adds an additional requirement on the study group.

6. Chair: I believe that this is in order and this is required for a CSD.

7. C: I think this has been great work and the study group should go ahead.

8. C: I believe that the lighting industry has been asking for APs to be placed within their equipment. If this work is not done here, then that industry will go elsewhere.

9. C: Thanks for the LC TIG work. A study group should create a PAR and CSD, which then leads on to the scope definition of a task group. Therefore, we should be careful about how many activities IEEE 802.11 is dealing with. In other words, is this a good time for IEEE 802.11 to have another task group? I also have concerns about this becoming a competing technology to the ongoing 60 GHz activities within IEEE 802.11.

10. C: The lighting industry is asking for this now. Some lighting industry representatives have been attending IEEE 802.11 this week to support this activity going forward.

11. C: I have two concerns. The first is yet a further large extension to the IEEE 802.11 specification, as there will be a new MAC for this technology. The second is that IEEE 802.11 does not have enough expertise in this area.

12. C: Please remember that the IEEE 802.11 specification used to have an optical MAC, so this is nothing new. Additionally, there was a US based company that tried to do this in the past. There is a resurgence of interest in this technology and the study group is the correct place to have this debate.

13. C: I am the chair of IEEE 802.15.13 and I speak in favour of this activity occurring in IEEE 802.11. There is a synergy for both 802.15 and 802.11 technologies to be supported by light communications. One addition advantage of light communications is to off-load data from conventional IEEE 802.11.

14. C: Regarding the size of the standard, I also think it is very large. This should be considered by the study group. Regarding the expertise, this is the correct place to do it, as this is where the IEEE 802.11 experts are. This exercise is about integrating IEEE 802.11 and light communications technologies.

15. Chair: Please note that this a procedural motion, with a 50% threshold.

16. For: 32, Against: 10, Abstain: 9 (Motion passes)

17. Chair: I would like to thank Nikola for chairing the LC TIG, which is now dissolved. I have asked Nikola to become the chair pro-tem of the study group, if the study group creation is approved by the EC.

33. Wireless Chairs Meeting (11-17-0849r1 slide #15)

1. Chair: This will be at 4pm on the Sunday September 9th 2017. If you are interested in the activities of the IEEE 802 wireless WGs, please come along.

2. Chair: Please remember that the next interim meeting is at the Waikoloa Hilton, Big Island, Hawaii, USA (slide #16)

34. Adjournment

1. Chair: having exhausted the agenda, the meeting is adjourned.

2. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 CET

Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation

|Name |Affiliation |Attended >= 75%? |

|Aboulmagd, Osama |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Adachi, Tomoko |TOSHIBA Corporation |Yes |

|Ahn, Jinsoo |Yonsei University |Yes |

|Ahn, Woojin |WILUS |Yes |

|Alpert, Yaron |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Ansley, Carol |ARRIS Group |Yes |

|Aoyama, Hideki |Panasonic Corporation |No |

|Armstrong, Lee |US Department of Transportation |Yes |

|Asai, Yusuke |NTT |Yes |

|Asterjadhi, Alfred |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Au, Kwok Shum |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Auluck, Vijay |Self |Yes |

|Awater, Geert |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Azizi, Shahrnaz |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Baeten, Robert |Qorvo |Yes |

|bang, saehee |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |

|baron, stephane |Canon Research Centre France |Yes |

|Baykas, Tuncer |Istanbul Medipol University |Yes |

|Berens, Friedbert |FBConsulting Sarl |Yes |

|Berger, Christian |Marvell |Yes |

|Beruto, Piergiorgio |Canova Tech Srl |No |

|Bhandaru, Nehru |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |

|Bims, Harry |Bims Laboratories, Inc. |Yes |

|Bourdoux, Andre |IMEC |Yes |

|Brand, Hermann |IEEE STAFF |No |

|Calcev, George |Huawei R&D USA |Yes |

|Canchi, Radhakrishna |Kyocera International, Inc. |No |

|Cao, Rui |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |

|Cariou, Laurent |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Carney, William |Sony Corporation |Yes |

|Chang, Soo-Young |California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) |No |

|Chen, Xiaogang |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Cheng, Gary |Peraso Technologies Incorporated |Yes |

|Cheong, Minho |Newracom Inc. |Yes |

|CHERIAN, GEORGE |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Choi, Jinsoo |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |

|Chu, Liwen |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |


|Coffey, John |Realtek Semiconductor Corp. |Yes |

|Cordeiro, Carlos |Intel Corporation |No |

|da Silva, Claudio |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Dauphinee, Leonard |MaxLinear Corp |Yes |

|De Ruijter, Hendricus |Silicon Laboratories |No |

|de Vegt, Rolf |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Debergh, Pierre |Orange |Yes |

|Easson, Mike |Peraso Technologies Incorporated |No |

|Eastlake 3rd, Donald |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Ecclesine, Peter |Cisco Systems, Inc. |Yes |

|Edgar, Richard |Imagination Technologies Ltd. |Yes |

|Emmelmann, Marc |Self Employed |Yes |

|Erceg, Vinko |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |

|Estrada, Andrew |Sony Corporation |Yes |

|Fan, Xiaojing |Fujitsu Research & Development Center |No |

|Fang, Yonggang |ZTE TX Inc |Yes |

|Fawcett, Darren |ARRIS Group |No |

|Finn, Norman |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |No |

|Fischer, Matthew |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |


|Furuichi, Sho |Sony Corporation |Yes |

|Garcia Villegas, Eduard |Universitat Politecnica de Catalyuna (UPC) |Yes |

|Ghosh, Chittabrata |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Gilb, James |Gilb Consulting, Inc. |No |

|Godfrey, Tim |Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI) |No |

|Grass, Eckhard |IHP GmbH |Yes |

|Grigat, Michael |Deutsche Telekom AG |Yes |

|Guo, Qiang |Huawei R&D USA |Yes |

|Guo, Yuchen |Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd |Yes |

|Gyungho, Hwang |Hanbat National University |No |

|Haasz, Jodi |IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) |No |

|Hach, Rainer |Nanotron Technologies GmbH |Yes |

|Hamilton, Mark |Ruckus Wireless |Yes |

|HAN, Xiao |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Handte, Thomas |Sony Corporation |Yes |

|Hansen, Christopher |Covariant Corporation |Yes |

|Harkins, Daniel |Aruba Networks, Inc. |Yes |

|Hartman, Chris |Apple, Inc. |Yes |

|he, shiwen |Southeast University, China |Yes |

|Heberling, Allen |Tensorcom, Inc. |Yes |

|Hiertz, Guido |Ericsson AB |Yes |

|Hoglund, David |Johnson Controls Inc |No |

|Holcomb, Jay |Itron Inc. |No |

|Holland, Oliver |King's College London |No |

|Hong, Hanseul |Yonsei University |Yes |

|Hu, Chunyu |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |

|Huang, Lei |Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. |Yes |

|Huang, Po-Kai |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|HUANG, YUN-LIANG |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |

|Inoue, Yasuhiko |Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) |Yes |

|Jacobs, Darnell |US Department of Defense |No |

|Jauh, Alan |Spreadtrum Comm. |Yes |

|Jeffries, Timothy |Huawei R&D USA |Yes |

|Ji, Chenhe |Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd |Yes |

|Jia, Jia |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Jin, Liang |Spirent Communications |Yes |

|Johnsson, Kerstin |Intel |Yes |

|Jones, Allan |Activision |Yes |

|Jones, Vincent Knowles IV |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Jungnickel, Volker |Fraunhofer HHI |Yes |

|Jurczak, Christophe |lucibel |Yes |

|Kakani, Naveen |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Kalke, Jerome |CBS Corp |No |

|Kang, Hyunduk |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) |Yes |

|Kang, Tae-Gyu |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) |No |

|Kapetanovic, Dzevdan |Ericsson AB |Yes |

|Kasher, Assaf |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Kedem, Oren |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Kennedy, Richard |Hewlett Packard Enterprise |No |

|kim, ajung |sejong |No |

|Kim, Jeong Gon |Korea Polytechnic University |Yes |

|Kim, Jeongki |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |

|Kim, Jin Min |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |

|kim, junghun |Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) |No |

|Kim, Sang Gook |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |

|Kim, Suhwook |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |

|Kim, Youhan |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|KNECKT, JARKKO |Apple, Inc. |Yes |

|Kojima, Fumihide |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |No |

|KOMORI, MINORU |Ushio Inc. |Yes |

|Kumar, Manish |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |

|Lalam, Massinissa |SAGEMCOM SAS |Yes |

|Lange, Christoph |Deutsche Telekom AG |Yes |

|Lansford, James |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Lee, Hyeong Ho |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) |No |

|Lee, Jae Seung |ETRI |Yes |

|LEE, SUNGEUN |Cypress Semiconductor Corporation |Yes |

|Lepp, James |BlackBerry |Yes |

|Levy, Joseph |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |

|Li, Dejian |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Li, Guoqing |Apple, Inc. |Yes |

|Li, Qiang |HUAWEI |Yes |

|Li, Qinghua |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Li, Yanchun |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Li, Yunbo |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Liang, Haixiang |Huawei R&D USA |Yes |

|Lim, Dong Guk |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |

|Lin, Wei |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Lindskog, Erik |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Liu, Jinnan |HUAWEI |Yes |

|Liu, Yong |Apple, Inc. |Yes |

|Loc, Peter |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Lomayev, Artyom |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Lv, Kaiying |ZTE Corporation |Yes |

|Lv, Lily |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Ma, Jing |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |Yes |

|Ma, Mengyao |HUAWEI |Yes |


|Maierbacher, Gerhard |Osram |No |

|Malinen, Jouni |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Mano, Hiroshi |Koden Techno Info K.K. |Yes |

|Marks, Roger |EthAirNet Associates; Huawei |No |

|Mccann, Stephen |BlackBerry |Yes |

|Mcconnell, Ray |Blu Wireless Technology Ltd |Yes |

|McGarry, Andrew |Octoscope |Yes |

|Meyer, Dirk |Osram |No |

|Monajemi, Pooya |Cisco Systems, Inc. |Yes |

|Montemezzo, Nicola |Canova Tech |No |

|Montemurro, Michael |Research In Motion Limited |Yes |

|Morioka, Hitoshi |SRC Software |Yes |

|Morioka, Yuichi |Sony Corporation |Yes |

|Motozuka, Hiroyuki |Panasonic Corporation |Yes |

|Mueller, Robert |Ilmenau University of Technology - TU Ilmenau |Yes |

|Myles, Andrew |Cisco Systems, Inc. |Yes |

|Nakano, Hiroki |Kyoto University |No |

|Nandagopalan, SAI SHANKAR |Cypress Semiconductor Corporation |Yes |

|Nguyen, Trang |Kookmin University |No |

|Noh, Yujin |Newracom Inc. |Yes |

|Noshad, Mohammad |VLNComm |No |

|Notor, John |Notor Research; ARM, Inc. |Yes |

|Oehmann, David |Technical University of Dresden |No |

|Oh, Minseok |Kyonggi University |Yes |

|OUEDRAOGO, Abdoulaye |Ministere du developpement de l'economie numerique et des postes |Yes |


|Palm, Stephen |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |

|Paraskevopoulos, Anagnostis |Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute |No |

|Park, Eunsung |LG Electronics |Yes |

|Park, Minyoung |Samsung Semiconductor Inc. |Yes |

|Park, Sung-jin |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |

|Parsons, Glenn |Ericsson AB |No |

|Patil, Abhishek |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Petranovich, James |ViaSat, Inc. |Yes |

|petrick, Albert |Jones-Petrick and Associates, LLC. |Yes |

|Pienciak, Walter |IEEE |No |

|Popper, Ambroise |Quantenna Communications, Inc. |Yes |

|Pulikkoonattu, Rethnakaran |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |

|Qi, Emily |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Riegel, Maximilian |Nokia Networks |Yes |

|Rison, Mark |Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre |Yes |

|Robert, Joerg |University of Erlangen-Nuremberg |No |

|Rosdahl, Jon |Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. |Yes |

|Ryu, Kiseon |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |

|Sadeghi, Bahareh |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Sakamoto, Takenori |Panasonic Corporation |Yes |

|Sakata, Ren |TOSHIBA Corporation |No |

|Sambasivan, Sam |AT&T |Yes |

|Sampath, Hemanth |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Sark, Vladica |IHP GmbH |Yes |

|Sasaki, Shigenobu |Niigata University |No |

|Sato, Naotaka |Sony Corporation |Yes |

|Sawhney, Salil |Facebook |No |

|Schelstraete, Sigurd |Quantenna Communications, Inc. |Yes |

|Schwenk, Martin |FUJITSU |No |

|Segawa, Yoko |Toshiba |Yes |

|Segev, Jonathan |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Seok, Yongho |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |

|Serafimovski, Nikola |pureLiFi |No |

|Sevin, Julien |Canon Research Centre France |Yes |

|Sewankambo, Irene |Uganda Communication Commission (IEEE fellow) |No |

|Shellhammer, Stephen |Qualcomm Incorporated |No |

|Smith, Graham |SR Technologies |Yes |

|Son, Ju-Hyung |WILUS Inc. |Yes |

|Sowter, Paul |Anritsu Company |Yes |

|Srinivasa, Sudhir |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |

|Stacey, Robert |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Stanley, Dorothy |Hewlett Packard Enterprise |Yes |

|Stephens, Adrian |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Suh, JUNG HOON |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Sumi, Takenori |Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |Yes |

|Sun, Bo |ZTE Corporation |Yes |

|Sun, Li-Hsiang |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |

|sun, sheng |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Sundman, Dennis |Ericsson AB |Yes |

|Takai, Mineo |Space-Time Engineering |Yes |

|Tanaka, Yusuke |Sony Corporation |Yes |

|Tao, Wu |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Tian, Bin |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Tiedemann, Stephen |Sony Corporation |Yes |

|Tong, Fei |Samsung Cambridge Solution Center |Yes |

|Trainin, Solomon |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Tujkovic, Djordje |Facebook |No |

|TYAGI, VIPIN |C-DOT/Centre for Development of Telematics |No |

|Urabe, Yoshio |Panasonic Corporation |Yes |

|Vaden, Sterling |Surtec |No |

|Van Nee, Richard |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Van Zelst, Allert |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Vangelista, Lorenzo |Patavina Technologies |Yes |

|Vanthournout, Jerome |CEVA-DSP |Yes |

|Varshney, Prabodh |Nokia |Yes |

|Venkatesan, Ganesh |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Verma, Lochan |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Verso, Billy |DecaWave |No |

|Wang, Chao Chun |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |

|Wang, Haiming |Southeast University, China |Yes |

|Wang, Hao |Fujitsu Research & Development Center |No |

|Wang, Huizhao |Quantenna Communications, Inc. |Yes |

|Wang, James June |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |

|Wang, Lei |Huawei R&D USA |Yes |

|Wang, Xiaofei |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |

|Wang, Xuehuan |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Want, Roy |Google |Yes |

|Ward, Lisa |Rohde & Schwarz |No |

|Webber, Julian |Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) |Yes |

|Wentink, Menzo |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |

|Wilhelmsson, Leif |Ericsson AB |Yes |

|Withey, James |Fluke Corporation |No |

|Wu, Jianbing |itest |Yes |

|Wu, Tianyu |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |

|Xin, Yan |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Xu, Han |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Xu, Mingguang |Apple, Inc. |Yes |

|YAGHOOBI, HASSAN |Intel Corporation |Yes |

|Yamaura, Takahiro |Toshiba |No |

|YANG, RUI |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |

|Yang, Xun |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Yang, Yunsong |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Yano, Kazuto |Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) |Yes |

|Yee, James |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |

|Yee, Peter |NSA/IAD |Yes |

|Yong, Su Khiong |Apple, Inc. |Yes |

|Yu, Chinghwa |Spreadtrum Comm. |Yes |

|Yu, Jian |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Yun, SunWoong |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |

|Zehl, Sven |Technische Universitat Berlin |No |

|Zeleznikar, Alan |ARRIS Group |Yes |

|Zhang, Hongyuan |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |

|Zhang, Xingxin |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |

|Zhu, Chunhui |Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd |Yes |

Annex B : Working Group Officers

Working group

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Adrian Stephens |IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair |+44 1793 404825 (office) |

|(Intel Corporation UK Ltd.) | |adrian.p.stephens@ |

|Jon Rosdahl |1st Vice Chair (Venues and meeting planning) |+1 (801) 492-4023 |

|(Qualcomm) |Treasurer |jrosdahl@ |

|Dorothy V. Stanley |2nd Vice Chair (Rules and reflectors) |+1 (630) 363-1389 |

|(HPE) |IEEE 802 (LMSC) EC delegate |dorothy.stanley@ |

|Stephen McCann |Secretary |+44 1753 667099 |

|(BlackBerry Ltd.) | |stephen.mccann@ |

|Peter Ecclesine |Co-Technical Editor |+1 (408) 527-0815 |

|(Cisco Systems, Inc.) | |petere@ |

|Robert Stacey |Co-Technical Editor |+1 (503) 712 4447 |

|(Intel Corporation) |802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority |robert.stacey@ |

Standing Committees

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Jim Lansford |Wireless Next Generation Chair |+1 (719) 286-8660 |

|(Qualcomm) |(WNG) |jim.lansford@ |

|Joseph Levy |Advanced Access Network Interface (AANI) Chair |+1.631.622.4139 |

|(InterDigital Communications Inc.)| |jslevy@ |

|Mark Hamilton |Architecture Chair |+1 (303) 818-8472 |

|(Ruckus Wireless) |(ARC) |mark.hamilton2152@ |

|Andrew Myles |ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 shadow committee (JTC1) Chair |+61 418 656587 |

|(Cisco Systems, Inc.) | |amyles@ |

|Jon Rosdahl |PAR Review SC Chair |+1 (801) 492-4023 |

|(Qualcomm) | |jrosdahl@ |

Task Groups

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Dorothy V. Stanley |TGmd Chair |+1 (630) 363-1389 |

|(HPE) |(802.11 revision project - P802.11REVmd) |dorothy.stanley@ |

|Jiamin Chen |TGaj Chair |+86-10-8282-9532 |

|(HiSilicon/Huawei Technologies) |(China Millimeter Wave) |jiamin.chen@mail01. |

|Donald Eastlake, 3rd |TGak Chair |+1 (508) 333-2270 |

|(Huawei Technologies) |(General Link) |d3e3e3@ |

|Stephen McCann |TGaq Chair |+44 1753 667099 |

|(Blackberry Ltd.) |(Pre-association Discovery) |stephen.mccann@ |

|Osama Aboul-Magd |TGax Chair |+1 (613) 287-1405 |

|(Huawei) |(High Efficiency WLAN) |osama.aboulmagd@ |

|Edward Au (Huawei) |TGay Chair |+1 (773) 782 6875 |

| |(Next Generation 60GHz) | |

|Jonathan Segev (Intel Corporation)|TGaz Chair |+972-54-2403587 |

| |(Next Generation Positioning) |jonathan.segev@ |

|Minyoung Park (Samsung |TGba Chair | |

|Semiconductor Inc.) |(Wake Up Radio) | |

Study Groups

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi) |Light Communication (LC) Study Group chair | +44 131 516 1816 |

| | |nikola.serafimovski@ |

Topic Interest Groups (TIGs)

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

| | | |

Liaison Officials to non IEEE-802 organizations

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Dorothy V. Stanley |Liaison to IETF |+1 (630) 363-1389 |

|(HPE) |(Internet Engineering Task Force) |dorothy.stanley@ |

|Ian Sherlock |Liaison to WFA |+1 (972) 995-2011 |

|(Texas Instruments Inc.) |(Wi-Fi Alliance) |isherlock@ |

Liaison Officials to IEEE-802 organizations

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Rich Kennedy |Liaison to IEEE 802.18 |+1 (832) 298-1114 |

|(HPE) | |rkennedy1000@ |

|Tim Godfrey |Liaison to IEEE 802.24 |+1 (650) 855-8584 (office) |

|(Electric Power Research | |tim.godfrey@ |

|Institute) | | |

Annex C : Minutes

This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.

|WG |TE |17-1035r1 |

|TGMD |TG |17-0857r0 |

|TGAJ |TG |17-1145r0 |

|TGAK |TG |17-1106r3 |

|TGAQ |TG |17-1142r0 |

|TGAX |TG |17-1105r0 |

|TGAY |TG |17-1162r1 |

|TGAZ |TG |17-1171r0 |

|TGBA |TG |17-1197r0 |

|ARC |SC |17-1156r0 |

|WNG |SC |17-1123r0 |

|JTC1 |SC |17-1198r0 |

|LC |TIG |17-1157r0 |

|PAR Review |SC |17-1092r0 |

|AANI |SC |17-1093r1 |

|Coex |SC |17-1179r0 |




This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the July 2017, Berlin, Germany meeting.

Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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