Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

1-Personal Information

Name: Afnan Hussein Fatani

Nationality: Saudi Arabian

Marital Status: Married

Employment: King Abdul-Aziz University, Department of European Languages and Literature, Saudi Arabia

Date of Employment: 1992-Present

Academic Rank: Professor of English Linguistics & Stylistics - 6/8/2011

Associate Professor - 6/6/2005

Assistant Professor – 1/7/1992

2-Academic Qualifications:

o Ph.D from The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., 1991.

o M.A. from The American University Cairo, 1980, Comparative Literature

o B.A. from Cairo University, 1978, English Language

3-Major Specialization

English Linguistics (Semantics & Stylistics)

4-Dissertation Title

Passionate Syntax for Passionate Subject Matter: The Interdependence of Style and Quest in the Later Yeats

5-Academic Experience

1991-present. Teaching undergraduate & graduate courses at King-Abdul Aziz University (KAAU)

1-Courses Taught:


o Phonetics 204

o Stylistics 391

o Semantics 416

o Seminar in Linguistics 491

o Linguistics Theory 413

o History of English 303

Graduate Courses

o Language & Computers

o Phonetics

o Linguistic before 1957

o Semantics

o Stylistics

o Phonology

o Methods of Research in Linguistics

o Discourse Analysis

o Language & Culture

o Project in Linguistics


Mailing Address: P.O.Box 3133. Jeddah- Saudi Arabia -21471

Telephone: (9662) 6066702 Office: (02) 6952000. Ext. 3433

Email:; ahfatani@

Website: ahfatani.

6-Supervision of M.A. & Ph.d Dissertations

2009- Supervisor of Ph.d Dissertation at Girls College in Abha entitled: "A Linguistic Study of Narrartive Style in Selected Prohet’s Sayings”. (By Salma Al-Qahtani)

2009- Supervisor of MA thesis in Linguistics at Makkah College of Education entitled: A Linguistic Analysis of Banner Advertisements on the Web: A Stylo-syntactic Approach (By Kawther Al-Dosari)

2009- Supervisor of MA thesis in Linguistics at KAU entitled: " Verbalized Humor in Classical and Modern Standard Arabic: An Application of the Isotopy Disjunction Model" (By Amal Al-Jared)

2008- Supervisor of MA thesis in Linguistics at KAU entitled: " Applied Conversational Analysis: The Analysis of Telephone Complaints in a Saudi Institution (By Doha Al-Hussaini)

2003-Supervisor of M.A. thesis in Linguistics at Abha College for Girls entitled: “An Experimental Study in Cohesion: Expository Essays of Saudi College Student (By Areej Assiri)

1996- Supervisor of M.A. thesis in linguistics entitled: “Form-content Assimilation: A Linguistic Analysis of Dorothy Mansfield’s Prelude." (By Aziz Al-Issa)

7- Examination of MA & Ph.d Dissertations

(2011) Examinor of MA Thesis at Women’s College, KAU, entitled: Euphemisms in the Quran with reference to Asad’s translation. (Dalia Al-Aseel)

2010- Examinor of MA Thesis in Linguistics at Women’s College- King Abdulaziz University entitled: Linguistic Analysis of Argumentative Religious Discourse in Dedaat’s “The Choice” (By Amal Ali Al-Nasher)

2009- Examinor of MA Thesis in Linguistics at Dammam University entitled:Online Communities: A Study of English Email Texts at Saudi Aramco (By Areej Al-Bawardi)

2009- Examinor of Ph.d Dissertation at King Khalid University/Abha entitled: A Functional/Systemic Study of Passives in the Quran (By Mazegha Talie Al-Talie)

2009- Examinor of MA Thesis in Linguistics at KAU entitled: A Study of the Reading Comprehension of Saudi EFL Learners (By Mona Al-Bluwi)

2008 -Examiner of MA Theis in Linguistics at Princess Nourah University in Riyadh entitled: Translation Evalution of Argumentative Texts in the Quran (By Thanaa Al-Ghabashi)

2004- Examiner of MA thesis in Lingusitics entitled at Girl's College of Education, Jeddah entitled: The Structure of Dialogue in the Prophetic Discourse: A Stylistic Analysis (By Salma Al-Qahtani)

2000- Examiner of M.A. thesis in Linguistics at KAU entitled: “Linguistic Cohesion in Modern Arabic Poetry and Prose.” (By Azhar Saab)

8-Administrative Positions & Work Experience

1994-1996: Head of Geography Department, King Abdul-Aziz University

1994-1996: Head of Mass Communication Department, King Abdul-Aziz University

2007-present: Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Arts & Humanities/King Abdul-Aziz Journal

9- Editorial Boards and Membership of Scientific Journals & Associations

o Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities/King Abdul-Aziz Journal - 2008-present

o Editorial Board of King Abdul Aziz University Cataologue, 2006-present

o Member of Linguistic Society of America LSA

o Reviewer - Iconicity in Language (Online Journal)

o Member of Linguistic Iconicity Association (LIA)

o Organizor - Forum of International Women Writers

o Member of Arab Translation Association (WATA)

o Member of Saudi Translation Association

10-Nominations & Invitations

o Nominated by King Abdul-Aziz University for the King Faisal International Prize for Arabic Language & Literature 2006 in the field of “The Arabic Language in Modern Linguistics”.

o Selected as a member of Opinion Leaders participating in the Intellectual Program for the 3rd Opec Summit, Riyadh 2007

o Invited by United Nations Economic and Social Commision for Western Asia to attend the meeting of Experts for the Establishment of a Arabic Language Center at the United Nations Headquaters, Beirut, Lebanon, 2-3 May 2007

o Nominated by Prince Talal Bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud for the position of Dean of Saudi Open University , 2004.

o Invited by the United Nations Development Fund to attend the Millinium Conference: The Empowerment of Women, Riyadh 2006.

10- Workshop Leadership

Workshop Leader: Translation Workshop (The Traveling Text) at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar entitled: Translation Techniques in Quranic Translation: A decision-making & problem-solving approach. Sponsored by Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Publishing. 3-4 April 2011.

11-Published Papers

o 2011. “Complementary iconic diagrams: “A stylo-statistical approach to the phono-semantic structure of two classical Arabic companion prayers: Al-falaq & An-naas”. Illahiyat Studies. Issue 2/1, 2011.

o 2010- "Electronic syllabus design for Language & Computers: Bridging the gap between two disciplines using Moodle as a Learning Management System (LMS)”. Asian ESP Journal Spring 2010, Vol 6, Issue 1. Available at .

o 2010- "Al-Zarkashi on Ellipsis in the Qur’ān: Translation & Critical Synopsis". Journal of Arabic Linguistic Tradition (JALT). January 2010, Volume 8, pp. 1-60.

o 2009- "The State of the Translation Industry in Saudi Arabia". Translation Journal. Volume 13, No 4, October 2009. Available at

o 2007- “Globalization and the Translation Industry in Saudi Arabia: Factors Inhibiting the Use and Integration of Translation Technology into Mainstream Coursework.” UNESCO Forum on Higher Education: 2nd Regional Seminar for Arab States. 24-25 May 2007, Rabat, Morocco

o 2006- “Aya”. In The Quran: An Encyclopedia, Oliver Leaman (ed). Routledge, 2006 Edition.

o 2005- "Popular Misconceptions about the Aims of Translation: A Communicative Approach." Proceedings of the 1st Arab Thought Conference on Translation. Beirut, September 2005.

o 2005- "The Language of the Quran." In The Quran: An Encyclopedia of the Quran, Oliver Leaman (ed). Routledge, 2005.

o 2005- "Translation of the Quran." In The Quran: An Encyclopedia of the Quran, Oliver Leaman (ed). Routledge, 2005.

o 2004- “The Iconic-cognitive Role of Fricatives & Plosives: A Phonosemantic Analysis of a Classical Arabic Prayer. In Iconicity in Language and Literature 4, O. Fischer and M, Nänny (eds). Amsterdam:John Benjamins. 2004.

o 2004- “The New Saudi Global Market and the Integrating of Language Technologies into the Translation Curriculum,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Language in the Age of Globilization: A Future Perspective, King Khalid University, Abha.30. 1. 2005

o 2002- “The Lexical Transfer of Arabic Non-core Lexicon: Sura 113 of the Quran: Al-Falaq (“The Spitting”).” Journal of Quranic Studies 4:2, 61-81, 2002

o 2002- “Diachronic Semantic Error Analysis (DSEA) of Arabic Non-core Lexicon: Chapter 114 of the Quran/An-naas (“The People”)." Language Forum 28, No 1, pp. 51-70, 2002.

o “Linguistic Structure Analysis”: A Technique for Quantifying Grammatical Structures Within Sentences.” Proceedings of XXIII World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Cairo, 1995.

o “The Development of an Arabic Phonetically Balanced Word-list for Speech Audiometry" – Proceedings of XXIII World Congress of the International Assocaition of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Cairo, 1995.

12-Current Research

o The Acoustic Phonetic Properties of Arabic Emphatics: Fricative /ş/ and Plosive /q /. “ A study of the “feature expanded” to account for supraglottic differences between emphatic consonants /ş/ and /q /, and their non-emphatic counterparts /s/ and /k/ in two chapters of the Quran: Sad (/ş/) and Qaf (/q /). Research Plan submitted for Sabbatical Leave at University College London (UCL), (SOAS) & Mcgill University.

13-Funded research

“A survey of the translation industry in Saudi Arabia and ways of upgrading translator skills": Funded research (No. 426/504) by King Abdul-aziz University Institute of Research & Consultation. 2006-2007.

14. Participation in Conferences

o 2011- Workshop leader in Translation Conference (The Travelling Text) at Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar: 3-4, April 2011.

o 2009- Reviewer in Saudi International Conference, June 2009, University of Surrey.

o 2008- Presented paper in First International Language Conference, Islamic University of Malaysia. 3-5 March 2008

o 2007- Presented paper in UNESCO Forum on Higher Education: 2nd Regional Seminar for Arab States. 24-25 Rabat, Morocco, May 2007.

o 2005-Presented paper in First Arab Thought Conference on Translation: Beirut, September 2005.

o 2005- Presented paper in Symposium on Globalization and Language: A Futuristic Vision, King Khalid University, Abha, February 2005.

o 2005- Presented paper in Fifth Conference of Iconicity in Language and Literature, Krakow, Poland, March 2005.

o 2003- Presented paper in Third Conference of Iconicity in Language and Literature, Leuven, Belgium, March 2003.

o 1995- Presented paper in XXIII World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Cairo, 1995.

o 2002- Presented paper in 1st Forum of International Women Writers.

Jeddah, December 2000.

14-Membership of Committees

o Faculty Evaluation of Post-Graduate Curriculum

o Faculty Excellence Awards

o MA in Translation & Interpretation

o Coordinator of Departmental Course Files

o Coordinator of Student Government (English Department)

o Academic Accreditation

o KAU Bulletin in Arabic and English

o Graduate English Curriculum at Girls’s College

o BA Linguistics Curriculum

o Programs of Academic Excellence and Distinction

o Team leader/Translation & Interpretation Diploma

Corodinator/Language Curriculum /Eng.Dept. 1995-97

Linguistic Curriculum/Eng.Dept

Coordinator/Graduate Affairs/Eng. Dept 1998-2000

Graduate Admissions/Eng.Dept.

Undergraduate Admissions/Eng.Dept

Teacher Assistant (TA) Admissions/Eng.D

B.A. Linguistic Curriculum Development

Proposal Evaluation/Eng.Dept

M.A. Linguistic Curriculum Development

University Publication

o Career Day

o University Instructional Development

o Advisory Council for Student Government

o Geographical Field-Trips/Geog.Depart

o Scientific Committee/Centennial Celebrations

o English Language Curriculum/Dar Alhikma

o 17-Faculty Qualification & Terms of Service/ Dar Alhikma

15-Workshops & Training Sessions

o Educational technologies for Online & Blended Learning

o Constructing Online Courses

o Study Guides

o Proposals for Funded Research

o Blackboard Summer School- SOAS University of London 2005

o Summer School in English Phonetics University College London 1-12/8/2005

o SDL Trados: Applications in Translation 6-13/5/2006

o Basic Statistics


o Desktop Publishing

o Microsoft-windows;excel;frontpage

o Computer/Gulfnet

o Computer/Internet

o Technical Writing

o Teaching Skills

o Effective Presentations

o Supervisor-Student Relationship

o E-University & Technical Teaching Aids

o Graduate Program Evaluation

16-Community Service

2001-2003: Visiting Professor- Dar Al-Hekma College- Jeddah

Courses Taught:1- Research & Communication –2- Rhetoric

Committes:1- Debate Team: Coach; 2-Public Speaking Forum: Organizor

o 1992-1998- Consultant Linguist at Jeddah Institute for Speech and Hearing (JISH ). Director of Research & Development Department in charge of Arabization and Standardization of Diagnostic Language Tests for Speech Pathology and Audiology

o Contributor at Radio Jeddah; program entitled Words of Velvet (1996-1998)

o Guest Writer for Arab News; socio-political articles


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