VOIP Directory Listings Overview

All reference to VOIP is conveyed to mean those providers who have contracted with AT&T Advertising Solutions for the TIPToP product offering.

AT&T Advertising Solutions provides the opportunity for a VOIP (or IP-VISP) to have its subscribers' White Pages listings included in the White Pages directories published by the directory publishing affiliate, AT&T Advertising Solutions. Unless otherwise noted, the information contained in this document pertains to both business and residence listings.

Service Description

White Pages listings consist of alphabetized listings of local telephone service subscribers for a geographic area published in a White Pages directory (also known as an alphabetical directory). Each subscriber listing is typically comprised of the subscriber's name, address and telephone number.

VOIP subscriber listing information provided for inclusion in the White Pages directory will also be passed to the directory assistance database in the East, Midwest, Southwest and West Regions.

Enhanced Services

Yellow Page directory listings, directory distribution and other directory services are available to VOIPs via a stand alone Listing and Directory Services Agreement (LDSA) with AT&T Advertising Solutions.

The AT&T Advertising Solutions LDSA agreement provides enhanced Directory services such as:

A complimentary Yellow Page main listing under an appropriate heading for VOIP’s business subscribers.

Initial Delivery and Subsequent Delivery of the White Pages Directory to all Subscribers at a reasonable quantity

Initial Delivery and Subsequent Delivery of the Yellow Pages Directory to all Subscribers.

Access to Publisher’s website that contains enhanced information pertaining to Directories, Listings, and related processes and procedures

Listing Quality reports

Copies of directories for VOIP’s internal use at no charge

Access to the Directory Order center for VOIP’s subscribers

Add-on services like an access the AT&T Advertising Services’ TC Listing Hotline for specialized assistance with directory related questions or issues.

VOIPs interested in additional information about Enhanced Listing and Directory Services offered by AT&T’s Yellow & White Pages directory publishing affiliate, or to confirm their contract status, may contact the publisher at:

AT&T Advertising Solutions TC Listing Hotline

248-483-4388 or TCListing.Link@

Listing Appearance

The VOIP's subscribers will be listed in the White Pages directory in the same manner as the AT&T subscriber. The VOIP's subscribers, subscribers of other VOIPs, and retail subscribers will appear in the same alphabetical sequence of listings. There will be no differences in appearance between the listings of retail subscribers and those of the VOIP.

Types of Listings

There are four different types of White Pages listings that a VOIP may acquire for its customers. These White Pages listing types include:

• Primary listings

• Additional listings

• Foreign listings

• Enhanced listings

Listing Groupings

White Pages listings may appear in the directory as a stand alone listing, referred to as a Straight Line Listing, or as part of a group of listings that appear together in the directory, referred to either as a Caption Set or as a SLU Set.

Listing Information

In establishing White Pages listings for its subscribers, a VOIP will need to provide the necessary subscriber listing information as Listing Updates in the form of manual listing input forms or electronically via AT&T Operating Support System. Listing updates are used to convey the additions, deletions, and changes to the listing information of the VOIP's subscribers that result from the VOIP's transactions with its customers. Transactions that could result in the generation of listing updates include new connects, disconnects and changes in the service that the VOIP provides to its subscribers. Listing updates are necessary for those transactions that cause the VOIP subscribers' listed name, address, telephone number, or the appearance of the listing as published in the directory to change.

Transmitting the listing input updates on a daily basis serves several purposes. First, it allows for the identification of some errors in the subscriber listing information provided by the VOIP to AT&T Advertising Solutions before a directory is published. Errors that are identified in the White Pages listing information provided by the VOIP are returned to the VOIP either electronically or via fax for correction. Secondly, supplying listing input updates on a daily basis serves to minimize the possibility of processing backlogs that might cause the VOIP's customers to be excluded from a given directory. Lastly, supplying listing input updates on a daily basis frees the VOIP from the responsibility of monitoring AT&T Advertising Solutions’ directory production schedules covering approximately 450 directories in the AT&T Advertising Solutions region.

The VOIP must provide the daily listing Input Updates to AT&T Advertising Solutions using the same process employed by those VOIPs that have contracted with AT&T Advertising Solutions to receive various directory services. Information that is necessary for the publishing of the VOIP's subscribers White Pages listing in the directories, such as the customer's name and telephone number is identified as being required in the Listing Input Forms which have been included in the Printable Forms Section. The VOIP may, at its own option, elect to submit to AT&T Advertising Solutions subscriber listing information that is not associated with publishing of White Pages listings, such as classified (Yellow Pages) headings for the listings and information for the delivery of directories. AT&T Advertising Solutions may or may not choose to use this expanded listing information to provide additional directory services such as classified listings and directory delivery to VOIP subscribers. However, by furnishing expanded listing information the VOIPs will not create an obligation for AT&T or AT&T Advertising Solutions to perform any of these additional directory services.

Pre - Ordering Requirements


To ensure that the VOIP is correctly providing the White Pages listing information to AT&T Advertising Solutions, all VOIPs must participate in listing order processing training prior to submitting manual listing orders to AT&T Advertising Solutions. In all cases, AT&T Advertising Solutions’ expectation is to train the VOIP’s trainers. The VOIP is then responsible for providing internal training as staff expansion or turnover occurs. The VOIP should contact an AT&T Advertising Solutions' Manager to schedule training at the following telephone number or address:

AT&T Advertising Solutions TC Listing Hotline

248-483-4388 or TCListing.Link@

Customer Service Status

The VOIP must have completely installed the customer's service before ordering a White Pages listing for the customer. In the event a customer's service is not completely installed and there is a concern over the customer's inclusion in an upcoming directory issue, the VOIP may issue an Advance to Directory Listing (AVL) (Midwest, East and Southeast Regions only). When the customer's service is completely installed, the VOIP would issue an order for the customer's White Pages listing without any reference to the AVL. The procedures for submitting an AVL are included in the Listing Input Instructions for manual forms and in the LSOR for electronic ordering.

Ordering Requirements

Similar listing information is provided by the VOIP in both electronic and paper format.

Directory schedule information, Foreign Directory Name information, and AT&T Capitalization Guidelines can be found on the Publisher’s TC Directory Info Link website.

Paper Ordering

Copies of the paper Listing Input Form and Instructions used to order a customer's White Pages listing can be found on the Publisher’s TC Directory InfoLink website.

East, Midwest, Southwest and West Regions:

Paper based orders for White Pages listings should be faxed or emailed to the AT&T Advertising Solutions Listing Services location in each of the appropriate states, as indicated below. Information regarding where to send Manual Listing Input Forms can be found on TC Driectory Info Link under Reference Materials=>References=>Contact List.

Southeast Region

See the CLEC Handbook on CLEC Online () concerning processing manual listing orders in the Southeast Region.

Electronic Ordering

Listing orders can be sent to AT&T Advertising Solutions using AT&T Advertising Solutions’ Operating Support System (OSS), Web-Lex, EDI or XMl. The data would be sent using standards based on the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) Local Service Ordering Guidelines currently supported by AT&T.

Information regarding order transmittals in this format can be found in AT&T’S Local Service Ordering Requirements or via your Account Manager.

Querying of Listing Information

If AT&T Advertising Solutions determines that there is a problem or discrepancy with a customer’s listing, the AT&T Query Notification form may be completed and faxed to the VOIP. An example of the Query Notification form and instructions on how to respond may be found on the Publisher’s TC Directory InfoLink website.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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