SEO Campaign Definitions

SEO Campaign Definitions Table of Contents

On Page Optimization 2

Keyword URL Mapping 2

Target URLs 2

301 URL redirects 2

Robots.Txt Installation 2

XML sitemap upload 3

Google XML sitemap upload 3

Yahoo XML sitemap upload 3

Bing XML sitemap upload 3

Set Google Geo Location 3

Set Google Crawl Rate 3

Meta Tag Optimization 3

Website Keyword Density Optimization 4

New Page Creation 4

Additional Website Content Instructions 4

Anchor Text Optimization 4

Word Press Blog Installation 4

Analytics 5

Google Analytics Installation 5

Google Webmaster Installation 5

Yahoo Site Explorer Installation 5

Bing Webmaster Installation 6

Off Page Optimization 6

Article Writing 6

Article Submissions 6

Directory Submissions 7

Social Bookmarking 7

Link Dropping 7

Local Classified Listings 7

On Page Optimization

Keyword URL Mapping

If an SEO campaign has 30 keywords they will not all go on the same page. Usually we will target 3 keywords on each page, with unique exceptions to the homepage. The process of determining which page should contain certain keywords is keyword URL mapping. Theme relevancy, keyword density and current page rankings come into play when the URL mapping is performed. If a theme relevant page or non-applicable page does not exist for certain keywords, then a new page with fresh content will have to be created.

Target URLs

The Target URLs are determined during keyword URL mapping. These URLs are simply the pages we are primarily targeting with our on page and off page optimization. More specifically, they are the pages that will be ranking in the search engines.

301 URL redirects

A 301 redirect is a method of telling web browsers and search engines a web page or site has been permanently moved to a new location. Web browsers will follow 301 redirects to the new location automatically, without the need for user action.

A 301 redirect should be used whenever a website is moved to a new domain name (URL) so that search engines will quickly change their indexes and preserve the search engine rankings that the site had at the previous domain.

The most common use of this is redirecting a .com/index homepage to the original .com homepage to avoid duplicate indexing pages.

Robots.Txt Installation

A text file placed in a site's root directory, built with specific syntax, instructing some or all spiders to ignore certain pages or directories. Some spiders respect these instructions, others disregard them. Currently there is being a move towards providing the same result by using Google canonicalization or the equivalent service within the other major search engines. We will use whatever service is best to achieve the desired result.

XML sitemap upload

An XML sitemap is a file that lists all the URLs for a website. This file will be uploaded into the websites root directory. The XML Sitemap file use enables a webmaster to inform search engines about URLs on a website. Uploading a sitemap significantly improves search engine optimization by making sure all of the pages can be crawled by the search engine bots.

Google XML sitemap upload

Specific to Google, a XML sitemap is uploaded directly into Google Webmaster.

Yahoo XML sitemap upload

Specific to Yahoo, a XML sitemap is uploaded directly into Yahoo Site Explorer.

Bing XML sitemap upload

Specific to Bing, a XML sitemap is uploaded directly into Bing Webmaster.

Set Google Geo Location

Google has an option within Google Webmaster to tell them what country you are located in. If your market is only within a certain country, then it is beneficial to set this option to that specific country.

Set Google Crawl Rate

The Google crawl rate for your site determines the time used by the Google-bot to crawl your site on each visit. This will be adjusted if there are problems with how Google is interpreting your website, or if it is not detecting the proper bandwidth of your server.

Meta Tag Optimization

Meta tags are special HTML tags containing instructions for spiders or a user's browser. In SEO, the most widely used Meta tags are the Meta title, Meta description, and Meta keywords tags. The process of Meta tag optimization includes writing the Meta tags with the proper keyword placement and/or optimizing the current Meta tags with the proper keyword placement.

Website Keyword Density Optimization

Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. The search engines prefer to see a certain keyword density on each page targeting that keyword. Keyword density optimizing is the process of implementing keywords into the body text at the proper ratio.

New Page Creation

After the keywords are agreed upon and URL mapping is completed, if there is no page or not a sufficient page to facilitate targeting a certain keyword or set group of keywords, an additional page will be created.

Additional Website Content Instructions

If there is not sufficient content on the website to house the keywords then additional content will be required. In this case we will provide content requirement instructions. The content can be written by us or you may provide the website content for us to install.

Anchor Text Optimization

The anchor text, link label or link title is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. The words contained in the anchor text can determine the ranking that the page will receive by search engines. Anchor text optimization is the process of placing anchor text containing keywords on various pages of the website linking to the corresponding page targeting that keyword.

Word Press Blog Installation

Depending on the competition level of the keywords and the quantity and quality of the content on the website, we may require the website’s blog (or equivalent) to be updated regularly. If you do not have a blog, we can install a WordPress blog directly onto the website.

WordPress is an open source CMS, often used as a blog publishing application powered by PHP and MySQL. It has many features including a plugin architecture and a templating system. Used by over two percent of the 10,000 biggest websites, WordPress is the most popular blog software in use today.


Google Analytics Installation

Google Analytics shows you how people found your site, how they explored it, and how you can enhance their visitor experience. Google Analytics is a web analytics tool offering detailed visitor statistics. The tool can be used to track all the usual site activities: visits, page views, pages per visit, bounce rates, average time on the site, and much more. It is an in depth traffic analytics program.

Google Webmaster Installation

Google Webmaster Tools is a web service by Google for webmasters. It allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites.

It has tools that let the webmasters:

• Submit and check a sitemap

• Check and set the crawl rate, and view statistics about how Google spider accesses a particular site

• Generate and check a robots.txt file

• List internal and external pages that link to the site

• See what keyword searches on Google led to the site being listed in the SERPs, and the click through rates of such listings

• View statistics about how Google indexes the site, and if it found any errors while doing it

• Set a preferred domain (e.g. prefer over or vice versa), which determines how the site URL is displayed in SERPs

Yahoo Site Explorer Installation

Yahoo! Site Explorer is a Yahoo! service which allows viewing of information on websites in Yahoo!'s search index.

Webmasters who add a special authentication code to their websites are also allowed to:

• See extra information on their sites

• Submit Sitemaps

• Submit up to 20 URL removal requests for their domains to Yahoo!.

• Rewrite dynamic URLs from their site by either removing a dynamic parameter or by using a default value for a parameter.

• Submit feeds for Yahoo Search Monkey

• View Errors Yahoo encountered while crawling their web site

Bing Webmaster Installation

Bing Webmaster Center contains the following tools and features to support webmasters to access data and manage their websites on Bing:

• Crawl issues allows webmasters to discover potential issues with their websites such as File Not Found (404) errors, blocked by REP, long dynamic URLs, and unsupported content-types

• Backlink data allows webmasters to access to data about their referring links

• Advanced filtering allow webmasters to quickly scope the results in their website reports to zoom into the data they need

• Data download allow webmasters to access the first 1000 results in a CSV file to analyze the results

• Keyword search tool

• Robots.txt validator

• HTTP verifier

• Sitemaps

• Outbound links

Off Page Optimization

Article Writing

SEO articles are an essential component to every SEO campaign. The distribution of keyword optimized articles with an embedded link pointing back to the target website will help to build a strong linking structure. Our SEO articles are individually strategized and linked back to the keyword corresponding pages of the website. SEO articles contain around 350 words, the proper keyword density, in body anchor text (if the submission site allows), and paragraph structure most effective for SEO purposes. The SEO articles are written about the keyword subjects themselves and do not reflect the company image unless the company name is chosen as a keyword to target.

Article Submissions

Article submission is simply the process of publishing an article within an article publication website such as .

Directory Submissions

Directory Submission is the process of submitting a website’s core information, description, address and contact information inside of an online directory.

Depending on the service, theme and industry of the website, directory submissions may change according to where the submission will most benefit the off page SEO for the website. Submitting to directories helps in link building, branding and overall exposure.

Social Bookmarking

In social bookmarking websites contributors and users create, identify and house bookmarked web pages of their choice. Other users in the community can then view and share the bookmarks creating marketing medium that allows a more viral growth of a product, service or website.

Social bookmarking aides in link building, viral growth, and time sensitive popularity with the off page SEO and happens on a monthly reoccurring basis.

Link Dropping

Link Dropping includes participating in theme relevant forums, blogs and other online conversations with a community of writers. The goal is to place a link within the conversation that points back to the website. The Page Rank, theme relevancy and moderator approval of the link comes into play with this off page SEO effort.

Local Classified Listings

For geo-targeted campaigns we post the website in local classified websites. Many local classifieds have a large amount of highly convert-able, local traffic. This helps with local market coverage and link building, both attributing to the web pages achieving higher rankings in the search engines.



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